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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 4 - Sundays on HBO

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Unconfirmed Member
Guys, I was thinking about Bran on the show, and I'm seeing a big problem with his age. How will Hodor be able to carry him around in a basket, when the kid keeps growing? He's grown a lot so far, imagine what will happen next season?

Wasn't Hodor pushing him in wheelbarrow last season?


*** This thread is filled with spoilers. It is known. Get out while you still can ***

Guys, I was thinking about Bran on the show, and I'm seeing a big problem with his age. How will Hodor be able to carry him around in a basket, when the kid keeps growing? He's grown a lot so far, imagine what will happen next season? And HBO wants 3 more seasons!

hodor hasn't been carrying him around on his back you mango

plus once he becomes a tree its problem solved
I wouldn't be surprised if it was though. Littlefinger is a mustache twirling villain on the show and I doubt he could resist revealing to (at the very least) Sansa that it was him and Olenna who killed Joffrey.
People keep saying this, but if I recall correctly he tells Sansa pretty directly in the book that he and Olenna did it.
I would guess that we might just see Joffrey's death and Tyrion getting accused in this episode, and then Sansa's flight from King's Landing and meeting up with Littlefinger would be early in Episode 3.

Yeah the escape sequence will probably open the episode.


Think they are going to make it apparent who did the deed tonight or leave it a brief mystery to reveal next episode?

Sunday evenings always crawl. Hyped.


Think they are going to make it apparent who did the deed tonight or leave it a brief mystery to reveal next episode?
I think they will show Olenna fiddle with Sansa's necklace and then zoom in on one missing. Probably no more than that, up to perceptive viewers to decipher.


Kills Photobucket
Think they are going to make it apparent who did the deed tonight or leave it a brief mystery to reveal next episode?

Sunday evenings always crawl. Hyped.

I think they will show Olenna fiddle with Sansa's necklace and then zoom in on one missing. Probably no more than that, up to perceptive viewers to decipher.

Even in the books it's not that much of a mystery. It would be shocking to learn that the Martell's were not involved. The only real surprise to be had is how much Littlefinger had to do with it. Unless they plan to handle the entire who-dun-it through exposition, I am sure we'll see Olena play with Sansa's hair.


Hunky Nostradamus
"Spoiler" based on casting information

Dontos is apparently in episode 3, so Littlefinger might not get a chance to tell this episode. It'll probably be pretty obvious Olenna was involved, what with how they set up the necklace interaction, but still, it's not nice to confirm stuff they could only suspect.

I would guess that we might just see Joffrey's death and Tyrion getting accused in this episode, and then Sansa's flight from King's Landing and meeting up with Littlefinger would be early in Episode 3.

Ahh, okay. For some reason I had it my head that it was going to happen halfway through the episode, with the murder of Dontos and the reveal happening at the end of the episode.

People keep saying this, but if I recall correctly he tells Sansa pretty directly in the book that he and Olenna did it.

I think he actually tells Sansa everything in the books, which makes sense because she's sort of his protegee.

On the show I expect him to pop into the room just moments after Joffrey's death, grab Sansa by the arm, scream "It was me and Olenna!!" followed by a mustache twirl (I think this could go two ways, really. It could either be a mustache twirl or he could stroke his chin - either would be in character) while everyone looks on in horror. He then smiles and quickly dashes out of the room dragging Sansa behind him while cackling maniacally.
Wonder if they Joff's "I know how to handle Valyrian Steel" line when he gets Widows Wail, and Tyrion realises that it was Joff who sent that man to kill Bran in season 1.


Nah, it was cool.

Edit: Tyrion asked around and realized the only person who could've done it was Joffrey, and he got his confirmation with the line he said.

Never liked that it was Joffrey that ordered Bran to be assassinated. Seemed out of place even for Joffrey.

Anyways this episode should be great.


Never liked that it was Joffrey that ordered Bran to be assassinated. Seemed out of place even for Joffrey.

I don't mind that it was Joff, but I was never a big fan of how it was such a "throw-away" revelation. Huge mystery that is a major catalyst for the war and it comes down to "Oh, it was Joff," via Tyrion POV. I always thought it would've been cooler if Joff had admitted to it himself during one of his "I AM THE KING!" moments. Great early "development" for a psychopath in the making, either way.
Never liked that it was Joffrey that ordered Bran to be assassinated. Seemed out of place even for Joffrey.

Anyways this episode should be great.

More or less it was a loose plot thread that needed to be answered at some point and in a way it needed to be Joffrey as he wanted to appease Robert as he mentioned something about putting the Bran out of his misery.

Will Joff's last words/actions remain the same?

Joffrey: I want to see, kof, see you ride that, kof kof, pig, Uncle. I want... (dissolves in a fit of coughing)
Margaery: Your Grace?
Joffrey: It's, kof, the pie, noth- kof, pie. I, kof, I can't, kof kof kof kof...
(Points finger at Tyrion after clawing his throat).


One thing that still bugs me is Cerci's murder attempt on her husband. Instead of fleeing with the children once Stark Sr. learned about the incest (and she confirmed it!) She counted on strong alcohol and Lancel to do the trick. Talk about a leap of faith with everything riding on it. Chances of that actually working was almost nill, yet here we are.


One thing that still bugs me is Cerci's murder attempt on her husband. Instead of fleeing with the children once Stark Sr. learned about the incest (and she confirmed it!) She counted on strong alcohol and Lancel to do the trick. Talk about a leap of faith with everything riding on it. Chances of that actually working was almost mill, yet here we are.

Robert's hunting trips could take weeks. If that attempt hadn't worked then Lancel could have done something else.

Herr K

It's funny to see how now Cersei isn't so bad after all. She didn't kill Ned, John Arryn or attempted to murder Bran. She just killed Robert, who was a cunt anyway.


Even for Robert being Robert it seems like a really weird thing to say about the son of your best friend. Even if he was really drunk when he said it.

I think Robert was a far shittier person than we generally get the impression he is, due to Ned wanting to see him in a positive light. After having to delay leaving Winterfell for a week or two because of Bran I can see him saying some dumb shit about putting him out of his misery.
One thing that still bugs me is Cerci's murder attempt on her husband. Instead of fleeing with the children once Stark Sr. learned about the incest (and she confirmed it!) She counted on strong alcohol and Lancel to do the trick. Talk about a leap of faith with everything riding on it. Chances of that actually working was almost nill, yet here we are.

The thing is she could have killed him almost at any time after Joff was born, it makes no sense why she even tried to kill anyways but she is the queen of madness.

FYI Cerci did try to kill Robert earlier on when he wanted to fight in the melee, Vary's confirms it Ned later on.


I think Robert was a far shittier person than we generally get the impression he is, due to Ned wanting to see him in a positive light. After having to delay leaving Winterfell for a week or two because of Bran I can see him saying some dumb shit about putting him out of his misery.

Yeh, I guess so. Robert is hardly the most subtle or considerate person. Also with his love of fighting I can see him taking the attitude of "I'd rather be dead than unable to walk/fight!"

He's kind of a tragic/pathetic character in some ways. So many characters in the series are trying to get the throne but the character who has it at the start doesn't really seem all that interested in having it. It was just a result of him getting revenge for Lyanna, someone he barely knew and quite possibly didn't feel the same way about him. He just projected this ideal onto her.
I think Robert was a far shittier person than we generally get the impression he is, due to Ned wanting to see him in a positive light. After having to delay leaving Winterfell for a week or two because of Bran I can see him saying some dumb shit about putting him out of his misery.

Pretty much he only wanted to "crack skulls and fuck whores", he even abandons most of his bastards (except Edric Storm). The only 2 people he ever loved about were Lyanna (which was an arranged marriage and is dubious if Lyanna even loved him) and his natural child with Cersi which was stillborn (even had the trademark Baratheon black hair, which never registered when Joff was born for some reason).




Soon then.
Game of Thrones should have an after show like the walking dead does oh well gaf will have to suffice.

Those things are pretty worthless anyway. Whenever they have crew members on they can't even really speculate about what's coming next without dropping a "Well we will have to see! Hue hue hue" every six seconds.


Yeh I never got how Tyrion made the jump from Joffrey saying he was familiar with Valyrian Steel to deciding he tried to have Bran killed

Yeah that moment felt like Martin realized that he had never tied up that plot line, and so he just had Tyrion do some infallible mental gymnastics to answer the question for everyone. Sometimes I feel like his attempts to make Tyrion super smart veer into Sherlock Holmes-style madness. The Joffrey killed Bran bit is the worst of it, but the way he just figures out who Connington is in Dance is pretty bad, too.


How the fuck was Robert supposed to feel "proud" of him for getting Bran killed

it's not like Joffrey was going to confess to him
Not wanting a spoiler I just have a quick question, who is the kid (actor from Misfits) who tortures Theon and why does he do it?

Roose Bolton's bastard son, Ramsey Snow. Roose was a stark banner man until the end of last season, Theon and his Ironborn brethren are occupying areas in the north. The hope in the show is that they can treat with the iron isles to leave the north in exchange for Theon. Theon's father says he won't do it at the end of last season, so his sister assembles a force to go save Theon.

That's the jist anyway.


So he goes out of his way and gets Theon not for any specific reason? I can't remember if they explained this I was just thinking about it.

He just enjoys torture and the suffering of others. He captures Theon because his father, Roose, told him to on Robb's orders, but he destroys him completely because he likes it.
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