In regards to those who want to nitpick what it is, I will say this: it's very hard to have a discussion about whether something is rape or abuse. It's such a strong, powerful thing and many of us have never experienced it and those who have live with a terrible burden I can't even begin to imagine.
We live in a sick world or better yet, I do, because I know quite a few people including very close family and friends who were both abused, raped, and both. Most if not all but one of the women I dated were either or. My mom, my sister, my best friends, my own wife. None of them except my wife watch the show, so in my experience I can't tell anyone either way. So whether it's politically correct or not, I don't think I'll ever be able to define it. I don't think anyone can, because if you experienced it I don't think you care about differences - it's all horrible in the end. So what if there's a difference between rape or abuse, this woman's emotions were destroyed at that moment, what little innocence she had left stolen from her. The last parts of Sansa of Season 1 that existed only as a whisper in Sophie Turner's eyes were murdered on Sunday night.
I think now we should just talk about what this means moving forward and stop trying to define it, especially in this thread.
Just giving my opinion on the show vs the books. No need to get defensive... I certainly didn't and don't judge anybody who is enjoying the show. I thought that I was allowed to share my personal thoughts on the show, but if this isn't the place for that then I'm sorry for interfering and I won't bother you again.
Not being defensive, just some light hearted ribbing. I'm easy. Go for it - even fans of the show who haven't stopped watching bitch about it. You can be like our Kuwabara Man in the Who threads.