But why do hardhome at all? Talk about it and spend the money on some cgi horses for stannis or on zombie Catelyn hanging Briene. Let Jayme conquer some castles in the riverlands. With Charles Dance gone the whole show somehow feels as empty as the plot now. No greatness anymore. Still baffled by the lack off passion this season.
Hardhome is a very very strange thing. I was extremely confused as to why they chose to go there.
But I can see it now. It's a sort of mysterious and polarizing place. There are rumors of white walkers attacking wildlings there, no NW wants to go there, and yet we have to have a major reason why they hate Snow now. So they send Jon himself there, effectively abandoning his post and this is how they get Snow stabbed and likely when he returns with nothing to show from this except a few tales of wildlings. And WE get a massive battle with wildlings vs. NW vs. Others.
I don't see Stannis losing to the Boltons. Not after reading how everything is setup in the books. He's a battle commander damnit ;(
I'm not sure how any of that will play out. We all assume it will be one beating the other, but who knows if that will be the outcome. It may be stalemate. It may end the season with Stannis surrounding the Boltons.
Yeah, even the writing is really good in isolation. Each individual scene is great. Just when you try to strong them together in a larger story, you realize it's going nowhere and is just wallowing in misery. It feels like the show has lost that string of hope that always kept the books afloat, through all the horror of Storm and all the dullness of the later books. I really wish they had better shown the Northern politics and let Sansa play the game with the Northern lords.
That's exactly it. Exactly.
This goes back to what I was talking about a few days ago where George would have his "moments". His moment in a scene where you go AH! or ARGH!. Cersei getting hers from the Sparrows, Tyrion showing up to save an undressed Sansa, the Red Wedding, Bronn agreeing to fight for Tyrion, Littlefinger turning on Ned - from the big moments to the little ones, he's much more talented at bringing us those than DD. DD is great with dialogue and setting a scene, but they never ever come up with good "moments". Just a slow, atmospheric scene with no AH!. Now that we're going beyond George's books, we're going to get less of these AH/ARGH! moments in favor of more DD's hands on and it's going to start lacking those great cliffhangers and true shock moments.
And among those, like GRRM mentioned on the Purple Wedding episode, is that he allows moments of "joy" in all the destruction. We see Joffrey die, Tyrion smacks Joffrey or makes a great come back to him or his mother, Cersei gets her. Something to finally give us a smile.
So far this season has lacked those scenes except the few that GRRM wrote. I don't predict a happy ending with DD in charge dictating what happens now.