His actual quote was "Ned and Howland the only two MEN to leave the Tower of Joy".
With GRRM you have to parse his answers.
People will be fine with Jon's storyline ending with the stabbity stab stab since they'll show his eyes go white. It's a cliffhanger, but it's a "how does he get out of this?" one, not a "is he dead?" one.
TrolololFrom Reddit:
I wanted Stoneheart in season 3 and 4. Not now. That time has passed. I want Sansa to kill Freys now.
I don't get the whole Lady Stone Heart love. I think the whole thing would have come across as stupid if done on screen. Cat back from the dead traveling the countryside? Yeah, sounds stupid and would be even dumber on screen. Be glad that D&D cut that bomb out of the show.
I don't get the whole Lady Stone Heart love. I think the whole thing would have come across as stupid if done on screen. Cat back from the dead traveling the countryside? Yeah, sounds stupid and would be even dumber on screen. Be glad that D&D cut that bomb out of the show.
So seriously - some "villain" has to bite it this season, right?
Frey's or Bolton's are overdue I think.
Which of course means we'll get ADWD ending: Stannis' army near defeat, then the pink letter, leading to Jon's stabbing, cut to credits, 10 month wait.
You joke but Im sure someone actually believes this shit.What better way to continue Sansa's "empowerment" arc that to have her get pregnant only to choose on her own to drink moon tea and kill the unborn fetus so that Ramsay's evil bastard blood would not continue. Truly a masterful and powerful moment in her story that shows the benefits of being pro-choice and an example of a strong independent woman making her own life decisions.
I hope we get Varys's adventures in camping and ganking in the S6 premiere. Really isn't time enough to set up Kevan this season.
I've thought of the white raven scene working in a season 6 premiere, would give them some time to show Kevan undoing some of Cersei's fuckups. At the same time, the book pretty much yada yada'd that, so I wouldn't be surprised to see the show do the same.I hope we get Varys's adventures in camping and ganking in the S6 premiere. Really isn't time enough to set up Kevan this season.
I dunno. It seems awkward to being in LSH now. If Jon truly dies and it ends on that cliffhanger. It would give people hope for Jon to be resurrected in S6. I hope they do the resurrection this season. It would be stupid to do it next season imo.
Want to talk about wasteful? Wasting Gwendoline Christie's time with the show having reduced Brienne to staring at a tower for a light to go on. Riveting material right there.The show has reduced the Brienne and Podrick trip, which is extremely wasteful in the books.
Want to talk about wasteful? Wasting Gwendoline Christie's time with the show having reduced Brienne to staring at a tower for a light to go on. Riveting material right there.
Want to talk about wasteful? Wasting Gwendoline Christie's time with the show having reduced Brienne to staring at a tower for a light to go on. Riveting material right there.
Much better.
Want to talk about wasteful? Wasting Gwendoline Christie's time with the show having reduced Brienne to staring at a tower for a light to go on. Riveting material right there.
Going in that direction to begin with, why shouldn't they double down? They made it as horrifying as possible. She absolutely shouldn't bounce back from it or act like it was no big deal. That would be the awful sexist rape empowerment trope. Thankfully that didn't happen.
I tried to find a picture of a young Jonathan Pryce to use but it's impossible, Jonathan Pryce never looked young.
I tried to find a picture of a young Jonathan Pryce to use but it's impossible, Jonathan Pryce never looked young.
Want to talk about wasteful? Wasting Gwendoline Christie's time with the show having reduced Brienne to staring at a tower for a light to go on. Riveting material right there.
LSH is not happening. Her best time would of been last years finale. It would of been a perfect setup for Brienne/Pod path,
I tried to find a picture of a young Jonathan Pryce to use but it's impossible, Jonathan Pryce never looked young.
If she was going to be busy with Star Wars, then they should have let the sneaky sneaky role go to Ciaran Hinds instead of wasting his time too.It's possible her reduced role was necessary due to Star Wars filming.
It's absolutely clear that Brienne never gets anywhere near Stannis this season.
But if rumors are true, and the ending encites a big enough reaction
the last 2 books contain so much nonsense and meandering that D&D are literally having to make shit up to keep things interesting.
It has also brought Danny and Tyrion together without us having to deal with so much of the bloated shit GRRM put us through (long ass boat trip, slavery).
Tyrion's entire arc this season has been like 6 scenes and that's it, and something happens in every single one of them. He hasn't even been in every episode, has he? He was in a crate, he got out and talked to Varys. He walks through Volantis, goes to a brothel and gets captured by Jorah. Jorah steals a boat and knocks Tyrion out after he is annoying. They see Drogon and get stoned. They get captured by slavers. They get sold. They are at the bush league fighting pit and meet Dany. And here we are.Tyrion's arc has been a long, boring, meandering mess this season though - one complete with a long ass boat trip and slavery shenanigans. 7 episodes comprises a good chunk of Tyrion's overall show arc and they've done nothing interesting with it.
when did we last see the BWB on the show?
LSH or no LSH, I want the Brotherhood Without Banners back. I miss those guys.
when did we last see the BWB on the show?
Yeah, I think that's correct.As far as I can tell, Season 3 Episode 7: "The Bear and the Maiden Fair."
LSH or no LSH, I want the Brotherhood Without Banners back. I miss those guys.
Tyrion's entire arc this season has been like 6 scenes and that's it, and something happens in every single one of them.
He hasn't even been in every episode, has he?
It's literally not a long, boring, meandering mess because it's factually not long or meandering. Every single one of his few scenes has pushed that story forward.
Didn't you hear? Jorah rode with his flaming sword. He's Thoros of Myr now.
Agreed. Even if it's just Thoros and Beric back with a bunch of other guys. I hope next season they really show the effect of the wars on the small people. The casting spots they've announced (though nameless) seem to indicate we might be getting some Riverlands stuff (maybe through Brienne travelling there, assuming she survives?).
He's been in way more scenes than that.
His arc has been (and worse, felt) long. 7 episodes on the road doing fuck all is boring. Maybe it isn't the dictionary definition of meandering, but considering that all of the characters in Westeros have a teleporter to arrive anywhere they wish instantly, it makes it even harder to swallow that Tyrion is the only one who has to actually spend time travelling anywhere.