I think HBO would up the budget... maybe not considerably, but a certain increase nonetheless, considering it'll be the final season. It's an event. They have to do it justice.
I guess, I need to go back and watch it again. I had forgotten about it, honestly. I wasn't very into the episode so the impact of the shot was probably a little lessened for me.How about the incredible 360-degree tracking shot in the battle on the Wall last year?
We did. It's been known since a preview chapter like 8 or 9 years ago. It was a fan theory long before that too.
It's not like that at all...HBO: You know whats cool...... zombies!
The only thing awesome about the final fight scene, was the Ice King staring at Jon. Everything else was too Hollywood.
when watching this, it just made me think about how small the set for Castle Black wasHow about the incredible 360-degree tracking shot in the battle on the Wall last year?
HBO: You know whats cool...... zombies!
The only thing awesome about the final fight scene, was the Ice King staring at Jon. Everything else was too Hollywood.
I think it's pretty clear the whole point of this is foreshadowing dragon glass/steel the important part is the dragon thing.
Obsidian is called frozen fire, made by volcanos and dragon's breath, same with Valaryian Steel.
The Dragons are the real weapon against the white walkers.
Are there paternity tests in westeros?
Say the rumors are true. How would Jon ever prove who his mother was?
HBO: You know whats cool...... zombies!
The only thing awesome about the final fight scene, was the Ice King staring at Jon. Everything else was too Hollywood.
Are there paternity tests in westeros?
Say the rumors are true. How would Jon ever prove who his mother was?
GRRM is HBOHBO: You know whats cool...... zombies!
The only thing awesome about the final fight scene, was the Ice King staring at Jon. Everything else was too Hollywood.
HBO: You know whats cool...... zombies!
The only thing awesome about the final fight scene, was the Ice King staring at Jon. Everything else was too Hollywood.
Exactly how far is Hardhome supposed to be from the wall?
Exactly how far is Hardhome supposed to be from the wall?
HBO: You know whats cool...... zombies!
The only thing awesome about the final fight scene, was the Ice King staring at Jon. Everything else was too Hollywood.
Good episode, but reminded me that there's no way the budget for this show will be able to do justice to what we're all expecting to be the final battle (dragons + WW = budget fail).
Did anyone else notice that they accidentally showed a split second shot of the white walker that Jon killed after he was killed? Right when Jon starts to row away you can see him.
Unless it was a different white walker, but they looked exactly the same.
This season has been pretty weak, but holy shit this episode was awesome. Dany and Tyrion was done well and Jon taking out a White Walker with Longclaw was badass. How does the same show make that fight and the fight between Jaime and the Sand Snakes?
That Valyrian steel.
It's very simple. Different production teams on different parts of the world.
Think of it like a developer that makes a certain popular game series, then farms it out to their second-tier studio so they can make something original.
Which is crazy after what just happened. I bet Ollie does it on his own.I'm guessing the last shot of the season will be Jon Snow getting Julius Ceasared.
Doesn't it not make sense to take the ships full of wildlings to Castle Black? Wouldn't they have to go through the gate at Eastwatch?
This is all kind of new territory because iirc the Hardhome mission completely fails in the novels, but it seems kind of pointless to meander along the wall when they could just keep on sailing.
ADWD said:At hardhome with six ships. Wild seas. Blackbird lost with all hands, two Lyseni ships driven aground on Skane, Talon taking water. Very bad here. Wildlings eating their own dead. Dead things in the woods. Braavosi captains will only take women, children on their ships. Witch women call us slavers. Attempt to take Storm Crow defeated, six crew dead, many wildlings. Eight ravens left. Dead things in the water. Send help by land, seas wracked by storms. From Talon, by hand of Maester Harmune.
So, rewatching the Sansa/Theon scene. I think Theon forgot to lock Sansa's door...
It's very simple. Different production teams on different parts of the world.
Think of it like a developer that makes a certain popular game series, then farms it out to their second-tier studio so they can make something original.
They did! It's in books. Dragon steel and dragon glass.So Valyrian steel and dragon glass.
The earliest night's watch people should have written letters to each other about all this shit instead of just burying it underground.
So Valyrian steel and dragon glass.
The earliest night's watch people should have written letters to each other about all this shit instead of just burying it underground.
It's very simple. Different production teams on different parts of the world.
Think of it like a developer that makes a certain popular game series, then farms it out to their second-tier studio so they can make something original.
who thought Jon and Tormund would be better bros than Jamie and Bronn?
Ya think???I'm actually starting to like the way the show is handling things. The political stuff was just too bloated in feast and adwd
it rhymes with weak.
Yeah, the stuff with Jaime really exemplifies what's great about this season. I don't want to see people talking! Just punch each other, tell some good jokes, and give us some naked ladies while you're at it.I'm actually starting to like the way the show is handling things. The political stuff was just too bloated in feast and adwd
I think the real problem with that fight is
1) The actresses had a hard time with the weapons. Particularly the whip which is very different to use and looks very lame when not used correctly.
2) They had very short window to shoot in that special location. So they probably couldn't do enough takes and just went with the best one they got.
In retrospect they'd have been better so just shooter some exterior scenes there and shot the fight on a set.