What is this Masters of the Universe looking nonsense?
White Walker from season 1.
What is this Masters of the Universe looking nonsense?
I wonder if Hizdahr comes out to the nWo theme or just puts on the harpy mask right there from the stands.
Makes me curious if the original time jump plans being axed changed George's plan for Rickon.
What is this Masters of the Universe looking nonsense?
What is this Masters of the Universe looking nonsense?
No fucking way! I don't remember a clear shot of the face like that at all from the first scene. Is that just a freeze frame of a super short shot or something?The OG White Walker design!
Is that just a freeze frame of a super short shot or something?
The One True King! #TheNightKingIsNotRight
Nah, I mean he was right to be paranoid but he was crazy. As Red Arremer points out it does seem that there was a very real conspiracy against Aerys, this is even further supported by "The World of Ice and Fire" book but Aerys was indeed pretty mad. I also think that it can pretty much be considered a fact that the Tourney of Harrenhall was a cover by Rhaegar to meet with a majority of the Lord's to plot against his father. Unfortunately, Varys, that sneaky fuck, ruined that plot.
You know you love it!
Doesn't this pretty much confirm Tormund's death? Or is half a year long enough to grow back a beard of that magnitude?
Do we know when that beardless pic is from?
OG Walker is the worst Walker. Though that was a great scene.
Night King looks better in this shot because the lighting of the gif masks the icicle-ness. They need to work on that but overall I like his physical look.
But varys wanted a stable realm. Why would he fuck up a peacefull takeover? Nothing destabilizing would have happened if Rhaegar had convinced the lords to overthrow his father and crown Rhaegar.
But varys wanted a stable realm. Why would he fuck up a peacefull takeover? Nothing destabilizing would have happened if Rhaegar had convinced the lords to overthrow his father and crown Rhaegar.
Is this shot actually in the first episode or the pilot? In the first scene, you can see the white walkers in the background and they look like this picture, but I don't remember getting such a big closeup.
well I think their biggest mistake was calling the episode the dance of dragons, many non readers can guess that will happen
but I agree that this is my most anticipated episode, or rather scene in a long time, since I read it I wanted to see that on screen and it probably can only be disappointing
Is this shot actually in the first episode or the pilot? In the first scene, you can see the white walkers in the background and they look like this picture, but I don't remember getting such a big closeup.
A great one, though it would suck for rival houses.I wonder what kind of king Tywin would have been
Doesn't this pretty much confirm Tormund's death? Or is half a year long enough to grow back a beard of that magnitude?
It is pretty interesting just how many fucked Targs there were. Since these are the Targs that keep getting elaborated on in the books and histories, I assume it's telling us something about Dany too. I hope she goes full nutter. Well, nuttier.
The power struggle between the Lancasters and Yorks in the 14th & 15th century was really interesting. I actually saw a little video about that part of English history (which also likens some of the characters to GoT ones) the other day.
Lancastrians and Yorkists*. The rivalry is still very much alive! But yeah ASOIAF is very much the War of the Roses.
Jeeez, apparently episode 9 was put on Dish On-Demand early and some people have watched it. Big spoiler if true, is a character death:
Stannis does indeed have Shireen burned, watches it happen.Selyse actually freaks out and sounds like she might try to stop it.
Jeeez, apparently episode 9 was put on Dish On-Demand early and some people have watched it. Big spoiler if true, is a character death:
Stannis does indeed have Shireen burned, watches it happen.Selyse actually freaks out and sounds like she might try to stop it.
With that kind of thing we'd have multiple sources.Jeeez, apparently episode 9 was put on Dish On-Demand early and some people have watched it. Big spoiler if true, is a character death:
Stannis does indeed have Shireen burned, watches it happen.Selyse actually freaks out and sounds like she might try to stop it.