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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6 Offseason Thread

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The main trailers for season 5 more or less spoil the major beats of the season if you're watching carefully enough, so my guess is that there are too many threads tied to new characters and Jon Snow's resurrection to go balls out right now.
What are the chances she'll start having an existential crisis over killing Stannis, and his final "Do your duty" to her will end up being the clincher in a massive, plot-altering decision?
I gotta assume there will be something to do with her having killed Stannis, particularly at the expense of leaving her post for Sansa.
So if this weekend is just a teaser and not the actual trailer, what's the next show premier they could attach an actual trailer to?
Nothing, unless you count Girls and Togetherness next week. Those shows, along with Vinyl will run through the week prior to the GoT premiere.


She wanted to kill them, not merge families with them. She hated the Boltons and wanted revenge. Maybe you missed an episode.

She was meant to seduce Ramsay as well, Littlefinger was instructing her to do so and to make him eat from the palm of her hand, but again the whole thing made zero sense, I guess it was supposed to mirror the whole Harry the heir thing, except that Harry is a neutral entity, not the bastard's son of the man that killed your family.
Just realized Tommen has no heir now on the show. Wonder how this will be addressed in the show. Based on the writing in the past I wouldn't be stunned if they don't even bring it up lol.
She was meant to seduce Ramsay as well, Littlefinger was instructing her to do so and to make him eat from the palm of her hand, but again the whole thing made zero sense, I guess it was supposed to mirror the whole Harry the heir thing, except that Harry is a neutral entity, not the bastard's son of the man that killed your family.

The amount of contrivance in the Ramsay-Theon-Sansa subplot was just mindboggling. It was clear that they were going to push that story angle no matter how much it crumbled upon closer scrutiny.


She was meant to seduce Ramsay as well, Littlefinger was instructing her to do so and to make him eat from the palm of her hand, but again the whole thing made zero sense, I guess it was supposed to mirror the whole Harry the heir thing, except that Harry is a neutral entity, not the bastard's son of the man that killed your family.

Yeah, that's exactly what they were doing. Maybe if there were capable writers writing the show, they could have came up with a plausible plan that would have been worth attempting that still went badly and ended up with Sansa being a prisoner. Like if Martin had wrote it. Sansa could have been pretending to be someone else. She could have been a spy feeding LF info about the Boltons.


I imagine that whenever they get around to killing Tommen, someone will have to choose a successor.

By that time I'm sure Tommen's real parentage will be known.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Yeah, that's exactly what they were doing. Maybe if there were capable writers writing the show, they could have came up with a plausible plan that would have been worth attempting that still went badly and ended up with Sansa being a prisoner. Like if Martin had wrote it. Sansa could have been pretending to be someone else. She could have been a spy feeding LF info about the Boltons.
How much more capable can you get? They're Emmy winners.
Yeah, that's exactly what they were doing. Maybe if there were capable writers writing the show, they could have came up with a plausible plan that would have been worth attempting that still went badly and ended up with Sansa being a prisoner. Like if Martin had wrote it. Sansa could have been pretending to be someone else. She could have been a spy feeding LF info about the Boltons.

That wasn't the point of it though. The point was that she gets raped by Ramsay, so they took the quickest route possible to make that happen. Gotta give them points for efficiency, I suppose.


The main trailers for season 5 more or less spoil the major beats of the season if you're watching carefully enough, so my guess is that there are too many threads tied to new characters and Jon Snow's resurrection to go balls out right now.

Eh, we're probably not going to see Jon in the trailer, but I sincerely doubt there's a lack of footage to pull something together that gets everyone excited.

I want to see Balon die in his own fireplace. He's been sitting in front of it for like 10 years now.

Who's Balon?


Who's Balon?
Theon's father.

Isn't Dany his heir? Robert and the mad king were cousins iirc.
Yep. Lack of Aegon makes this pretty simplified. Dany is pretty much guaranteed to be Queen.

Yeah, that's exactly what they were doing. Maybe if there were capable writers writing the show, they could have came up with a plausible plan that would have been worth attempting that still went badly and ended up with Sansa being a prisoner. Like if Martin had wrote it. Sansa could have been pretending to be someone else. She could have been a spy feeding LF info about the Boltons.
That would require an ounce of foresight. The character of Alayne lasted an episode lol.


Hey guys, haven't been hear in a while. So anyone else feeling like they shouldn't even watch next season since TWOW still ain't coming out any time soon? I don't even know if I want to watch the trailer coming out Sunday.


Hey guys, haven't been hear in a while. So anyone else feeling like they shouldn't even watch next season since TWOW still ain't coming out any time soon? I don't even know if I want to watch the trailer coming out Sunday.
My friends, a lot of people on social media, and so many online are going to be talking about key points so I might as well watch it myself instead of risk getting spoiled. If another event becomes as significant as the Red Wedding it'll be everywhere.

I also wouldn't put it past them to show a glimpse of Jon opening his eyes during a trailer. Would be a terrible move but one I can see them doing.


Hey guys, haven't been hear in a while? So anyone else feeling like they shouldn't even watch next season since TWOW still ain't coming out any time soon? I don't even know if I want to watch the trailer coming out Sunday.

I don't think too highly of the show anymore after last season, but I'm really looking forward to season 6 due to the fact I haven't kept up to date with casting news, set reports etc. I'm completely blind for the first time since season 1.

I feel indifferent towards most of the plotlines, but am especially looking forward to what happens with Dany and Jon. So, to answer your question, I'm definitely watching it!


I would bang a hot farmer!
Hey guys, haven't been hear in a while. So anyone else feeling like they shouldn't even watch next season since TWOW still ain't coming out any time soon? I don't even know if I want to watch the trailer coming out Sunday.
No. I'm not afraid of the show spoiling the book.


Hey guys, haven't been hear in a while. So anyone else feeling like they shouldn't even watch next season since TWOW still ain't coming out any time soon? I don't even know if I want to watch the trailer coming out Sunday.

We'll considering there are already stuff that's happened that haven't happened in the book (Shirin, Myrcella, Stannis), and considering we don't know if any of it will happen in the books, I'm going to watch. And if it does spoil the books, meh, I'm really beyond caring at this point. GRRM's own fault.

Besides, I read the books after seeing season 1, so book 1 was already "spoiled" for me when reading it, still enjoyed it. Can't see why that wouldn't be true for TWoW (unless TWoW goes down the path of AFfC and aDwD, which dragged on too much imo).


Hey guys, haven't been hear in a while. So anyone else feeling like they shouldn't even watch next season since TWOW still ain't coming out any time soon? I don't even know if I want to watch the trailer coming out Sunday.
No, I'll watch. There's no way to not be spoiled should something big happen. Should Arya die for example expect this to be all over the internet, I'd rather be there when it happens than being spoiled by some headline.

Margaery would still be Queen.
At best she'd be the dowager queen but that title is meaningless without her giving birth to an heir.


My friends, a lot of people on social media, and so many online are going to be talking about key points so I might as well watch it myself instead of risk getting spoiled. If another event becomes as significant as the Red Wedding it'll be everywhere.

I also wouldn't put it past them to show a glimpse of Jon opening his eyes during a trailer. Would be a terrible move but one I can see them doing.

I guess you're right, besides what else am I going to do.

I don't think too highly of the show anymore after last season, but I'm really looking forward to season 6 due to the fact I haven't kept up to date with casting news, set reports etc. I'm completely blind for the first time since season 1.

I feel indifferent towards most of the plotlines, but am especially looking forward to what happens with Dany and Jon. So, to answer your question, I'm definitely watching it!

Same here.


I'm sure she'd fake a pregnancy until she could actually get pregnant.
Unless she gets pregnant very quickly after Tommen's death that won't work, it's not hard to figure out what's going on should she give birth a year after Tommen's death.

When it comes to the succession the Lannisters would also insist she'd stay close and be under their watch 24/7, there's no way she'd take a single step without Lannister guards close by and Cersei hawking over her.


Hey guys, haven't been hear in a while. So anyone else feeling like they shouldn't even watch next season since TWOW still ain't coming out any time soon? I don't even know if I want to watch the trailer coming out Sunday.

I would hold off on watching it if TWOW was coming out soon. But for all we know, it could still be years away. That's too long to avoid spoilers that will be everywhere.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I would hold off on watching it if TWOW was coming out soon. But for all we know, it could still be years away. That's too long to avoid spoilers that will be everywhere.
I wouldn't even hold off if they announced TWoW was releasing a week after S6 ended.


I would hold off on watching it if TWOW was coming out soon. But for all we know, it could still be years away. That's too long to avoid spoilers that will be everywhere.

This is how I feel. If by some miracle he manages to announce a date before the season starts, I'll hold off and watch only after I've read, but I'm not going to refuse to watch and commit myself to dodging spoilers for a year or more if there's no date for Winds announced.

Plus everything we know about this season has me pretty unconcerned about spoilers.
Jon's plot, other than the details of his resurrection and the R+L=J reveal, seems to be made of of discarded bits of the Dance northern plot, Tyrion's plot seems to be similarly made up of discarded bits of Barristan, Jaime and the Ironborn are both backtracking to Feast material to such a degree I doubt they're getting too far ahead, Arya is backtracking to do some Blind Beth and spending at least three episodes on the theater troupe from her Winds preview, so other than learning how she eventually gets back to Westeros I don't think there are too many spoilers there, the Sand Snakes are being sidelined this season, so the King's Landing plot is only going to advance elements that don't involve them, and then the Vale, Aegon, and Stannis are cut entirely. I could honestly see only like 25% of this season's content being genuine spoilers.
The show is the only ending this series is likely to get, there's no point in trying to avoid unavoidable spoilers for something that's not coming.
She wanted to kill them, not merge families with them. She hated the Boltons and wanted revenge. Maybe you missed an episode.

She and Littlefinger never once discussed killing Ramsey.

Marrying Ramsey makes sense because a child of the Stark line (the ex wardens of the North), and the Bolton line( the current wardens of the North) would have a very strong claim on the North.

Strong enough, that after producing one or two sons with Ramsey, it would have been very easy for her and Ramsey to take the North from Roose Bolton by force.

And once Ramsey is in charge, again, it would have been very easy for either her or one of her sons to take control of the North away from Ramsey.

That was the whole point of the history lesson Littlefinger gave her about the Arryns and the Vale at the beginning of the season. That might isn't the only form of strength, but if you know what your strengths are and you wield them strategically, you can consolidate power even from positions where the odds are stacked against you.

Sansa's strength is her name and heritage, not assassinations.


Just finished my re-read of ACoK, decided to skip through various bookmarks I made from ASoS to ADWD. I noticed this old horn Jon Snow found at The Fist of the First Men keeps turning up. I'm wondering if Bloodraven and/or Bran left it and the dragonglass there via some agent as warnings to Jon (and perhaps Sam).


My guess is that all those pictures are from the first or second episode.

Here's my prediction (spoiler tags in case anyone cares)

-Dany is taken away by the Khalisar as a valuable hostage. They beat and mistreat her. Probably not any rape this time since they said they were toning down the sexual violence.

-Sansa and Theon escape the boundaries of Winterfell and make their way to the water. Theon wants to go back to the Iron Islands, but Sansa can't go with him for some reason. She wants to stay and find her brothers would make the most sense.

Balon Greyjoy dies, and Yara is stuck in the midst of finding a new king of the iron islands. This is where we probably meet Euron. Probably Yara dies too.

Funeral for Myrcella, Cersei is changed greatly and wishes to appear more righteous than Margaery. They'll probably have Cersei plant a story where the queen has been unfaithful. Tommen is still a worthless king. Cersei is now Jaime's RPG quest giver so I'm sure she'll send him off again.

Arya is blind and begging on the street. This is where her story will diverge from the faceless men. She will start pursuing her own agenda.

Ramsay and Roose start to distrust one another. They are happy enough to be rid of Stannis but hear stirs of having pissed off other northern families (wherever they are), The Lannisters, and The Vale. Roose probably threatens Ramsay and gets killed for his trouble.

Bran Stark is now able to see everything everywhere at any time, which means he's basically a flashback/flashforward machine for the show.

-No idea about Tyrion, my guess is that he's more or less like "What did I get myself into?" in the first episode.


Theon's father.

It was a joke.

On a speculative note, I never felt like it was clear either in the book or in the show if I'm supposed to be worried about Dany at the end of the ADWD / S5. Like, do we know for sure or have a good reason to say she's really in trouble or not with the Dothraki?


Hunky Nostradamus
Hey guys, haven't been hear in a while. So anyone else feeling like they shouldn't even watch next season since TWOW still ain't coming out any time soon? I don't even know if I want to watch the trailer coming out Sunday.

I haven't decided yet. I might take it 1 episode at a time to see how it goes.

Plus everything we know about this season has me pretty unconcerned about spoilers.
Jon's plot, other than the details of his resurrection and the R+L=J reveal, seems to be made of of discarded bits of the Dance northern plot, Tyrion's plot seems to be similarly made up of discarded bits of Barristan, Jaime and the Ironborn are both backtracking to Feast material to such a degree I doubt they're getting too far ahead, Arya is backtracking to do some Blind Beth and spending at least three episodes on the theater troupe from her Winds preview, so other than learning how she eventually gets back to Westeros I don't think there are too many spoilers there, the Sand Snakes are being sidelined this season, so the King's Landing plot is only going to advance elements that don't involve them, and then the Vale, Aegon, and Stannis are cut entirely. I could honestly see only like 25% of this season's content being genuine spoilers.

Hopefully that is the case.
I don't know that we're supposed to think she's in danger of being killed.

But they're definitely not going to just let her leave and walk back to Mereen.

As Dhrogo's widow they should be planning to take her Vaes Dothrak to be with the other widows, and be expecting her to live out the rest of her life there.


She and Littlefinger never once discussed killing Ramsey.

Marrying Ramsey makes sense because a child of the Stark line (the ex wardens of the North), and the Bolton line( the current wardens of the North) would have a very strong claim on the North.

Strong enough, that after producing one or two sons with Ramsey, it would have been very easy for her and Ramsey to take the North from Roose Bolton by force.

And once Ramsey is in charge, again, it would have been very easy for either her or one of her sons to take control of the North away from Ramsey.

That was the whole point of the history lesson Littlefinger gave her about the Arryns and the Vale at the beginning of the season. That might isn't the only form of strength, but if you know what your strengths are and you wield them strategically, you can consolidate power even from positions where the odds are stacked against you.

Sansa's strength is her name and heritage, not assassinations.
Marrying Ramsey does not make sense for Sansa.
She could marry any powerful lord and use his means and her name to take back the North. I think Harry the Heir is a distant relative to Ned too like Cat mentions in the books that some Starks married the Waynwoods. Hell she could marry Sweet Robin.

It doesn't even logically make sense for the Bolton's. Yes she's technically the supposed heir of the North, but is also wanted for regicide by the power that installed the Bolton's as Wardens of the North.

Also a legitimate heir for Roose reduces Ramsey's claim to the North as well.


I'm pretty sure it was Littlefingers plan to give Sansa the north by making her Ramseys Widow and then marry her himself, but it was never discussed openly in the show


I just stumbled into the other OT and I'm kind of envious of their hype and enthusiasm for season six.

I'm excited because I love A Song of Ice and Fire. But I'm re-watching Game of Thrones now (just finished season 2) and, well, I have to remember that these are separate stories. Although the show didn't bother with any nuance in the first season (the big plot elements are there but few of the wider themes and motivations), I didn't realize that it was in S2 that they deviated wildly from the plot.

I expect S6 to have a smattering of great scenes (inevitable when there are so many talented actors) strung together by eye-rolling moments that make little sense in the greater narrative, book or show.

It's why I don't care about the show spoiling the book. There's so much more than raw plot in A Song of Ice and Fire and the show has no idea how to translate the most fascinating elements.


I'm pretty sure it was Littlefingers plan to give Sansa the north by making her Ramseys Widow and then marry her himself, but it was never discussed openly in the show

But the north is already Sansa's in that regard, if she revealed herself, she would be the only known living heir of the Starks. There's no reason for her to be Ramsey's widow to get the north.
I'm excited because I love A Song of Ice and Fire. But I'm re-watching Game of Thrones now (just finished season 2) and, well, I have to remember that these are separate stories. Although the show didn't bother with any nuance in the first season (the big plot elements are there but few of the wider themes and motivations), I didn't realize that it was in S2 that they deviated wildly from the plot.

I expect S6 to have a smattering of great scenes (inevitable when there are so many talented actors) strung together by eye-rolling moments that make little sense in the greater narrative, book or show.

It's why I don't care about the show spoiling the book. There's so much more than raw plot in A Song of Ice and Fire and the show has no idea how to translate the most fascinating elements.

I'm not hung up on the show spoiling the books either but that's largely because I started with the show first and didn't start reading the books until I binged the first two seasons and season three started but as you said there's going to be plenty there beyond the hitting of the main plot points. And yeah, the differences/omissions between ACoK and season two are relatively huge but it made reading it much more interesting.


Now that Myrcella
is dead what happens with Trystane, he go with Jaime in the boat, right?
Is any spoiler about Dorne this season?


'Yes', I commit to once again, here's what a normal, healthy normal person looks like (The west has a warped view of healthy body proportions). And remember, Emilia Clarke's frame is somewhat working against her, making her look bigger than she really is.


Actually, nevermind.

The healthy normal person is so photoshopped it looks like a nuke went off the room. ic ic.

Now that Myrcella
is dead what happens with Trystane, he go with Jaime in the boat, right?
Is any spoiler about Dorne this season?

It will be filled with
bad pussy


But the north is already Sansa's in that regard, if she revealed herself, she would be the only known living heir of the Starks. There's no reason for her to be Ramsey's widow to get the north.

the north is not sansa's
the stark claim was lost with the death of robb, the boltons have legitimacy through conquest
just like dany can't just walk to the iron throne, she needs to retake it because the targaryens have lost their claim to the baratheons
Hey guys, haven't been hear in a while. So anyone else feeling like they shouldn't even watch next season since TWOW still ain't coming out any time soon? I don't even know if I want to watch the trailer coming out Sunday.

This show is a cultural phenomenon. The only way to avoid hearing about what happens during season six would be to move to a deserted island with no internet and shun all human contact.


And yeah, the differences/omissions between ACoK and season two are relatively huge but it made reading it much more interesting.

Watching S2, I just wanted to slap Robb for being such an idiot. In A Clash of Kings, I could understand Robb's mistake, a young boy too blinded by honor for his own good. It's strange how the show tainted his character considering how much they wanted us to care when he was killed at the Red Wedding.

Robb and Ned are the two stupidest characters in the story.

the north is not sansa's
the stark claim was lost with the death of robb, the boltons have legitimacy through conquest

I disagree. Northerners don't like the Boltons at all. They are loyal to the Starks no matter what. You can't rule if your people don't allow it. What's the quote? "Power resides where men believe it resides."
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