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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6 Offseason Thread

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EW: Game of Thrones showrunners: Season 6 won't spoil the books



That Bran Whitewalker clip is right before Bran wakes up, having dreamed the last season after smoking some strong tree weed.


I doubt this season will spoil almost anything no-one doesn't already know. North is too different, Stannis probably wins the battle of ice in the books and Sansa likely never goes back there. The South is without Aegon and Arianne.

So Jon lives on, R+L=J, Dany gets the Dothraki and everyone in Meereen starts west, who thought otherwise?

Maybe Tyrion gets on Viserion.
I doubt this season will spoil almost anything no-one doesn't already know. North is too different, Stannis probably wins the battle of ice in the books and Sansa likely never goes back there. The South is without Aegon and Arianne.

So Jon lives on, R+L=J, Dany gets the Dothraki and everyone in Meereen starts west, who thought otherwise?

Maybe Tyrion gets on Viserion.

How you could know whether the show will reveal something new before the season airs?

Don't forget the half-dozen named characters who will needlessly die!
They need to kill more of them tbh. Though it might not be as entertaining now that they can do it without book readers crying about it because they won't know if it's something only in the show.


How you could know whether the show will reveal something new before the season airs?

I can't know it won't, no more than you can know it will.

I think Tommen and Marge are being morphed into Aegon and Arianne, so that alone makes the southern show story difficult to recognise in the books for most people. North is just different. It's probably going to take a season or most of it for Dany to get the dothraki sorted and behind her, so there's nothing much in that. Maybe we'll get a battle in Meereen after Tyrion has rooted around there for most the season, that might overtake the books slightly, but personally I'm pretty sure everyone in the books of note in Meereen is surviving and heading back west, regardless of what happens in the show.


I can't know it won't, no more than you can know it will.

Well... simple logic would argue that since the show will be going forward into a time period not yet delved into in the books, the chances of us being spoiled on future book events/plots are higher than the chances of us not being spoiled.

Either way, I don't really care anymore. I'll read the next book if it ever comes out, but I'm not excited for it anymore. The same goes for the show. I hope I'll be pleasantly surprised.
Revealing plot points won't ruin the books. I enjoy plenty of things that I've been spoilered on. The main obstacle to my enjoyment of the books is that they actually need to be released. But yeah, I'm not bouncing in excitement for either the show or the novels at this point. I hope they are good, but I'm not sure I expect them to be.


In a way I can see that to be true. Jon being resurrected and leading an army of wildlings and some rebel factions is no surprise, nor Dany returning with a Khalasar to Mereen. I guess it depends on the smaller arcs, still somewhat beholden to their source material like Arya and King's Landing


Surely GRRM has a list of characters whose stories are flexible and interchangeable in terms of the overall ending of the series.

To say no more of that content that keeps getting my posts deleted, it sounds like season 6 is a fucking bloodbath for everyone.


In a way I can see that to be true. Jon being resurrected and leading an army of wildlings and some rebel factions is no surprise, nor Dany returning with a Khalasar to Mereen. I guess it depends on the smaller arcs, still somewhat beholden to their source material like Arya and King's Landing

Really though, unless the season goes beyond Arya stepping foot back in Westeros with a head full of vengeance then it hasn't spoiled anything we don't already know is going to happen.


That's every season. Major twists, shocking deaths, and plentiful breasts.

Last season we lost (named, from the books)

-Janos Slynt
-Ser Meryn Trant
-Hizdahr zo Loraq

And Jon Snow doesn't count because everyone knows he's coming back.

I think this season we're going to lose (possible speculation spoilers, read at your own risk)

-Theon Greyjoy (caught by the Boltons)
-Sansa Stark (I think Littlefinger will kill her)
-Balon Greyjoy (bridge)
-Yara Greyjoy (killed by her uncle)
-Roose Bolton (Ramsay)
-Rickon Stark (Ramsay)
-Ramsay Bolton (Jon or direwolf)
-Daario Naharis (Jorah)
-Missandei (killed by harpies)
-Grey Worm (killed by harpies)
-Jorah Mormont (greyscale)
-Meera Reed (horseback rider in the trailer)
-Walder Frey (old age or revenge)
-Kevan Lannister (Varys)
-The High Sparrow (Mountain)
-Lancel Lannister (literally just seconds from his execution in the trailer)
-Bryden Tully (I mean, how else can his reappearance turn out?)
-Edmure Tully (same as Bryden Tully)
-Tormund Giantsbane (slaughtered along with the other wildlings)
-Either Margaery or Tommen will die this season.

Now I may be wrong about 3 or 4 of these, but I'm not wrong about the rest. That's a crazy high body count.


Not going to click but that's a lot of names.

This should be an uplifting season after the shitfest of misery that was Season 5. After a season of not having any of the positive moments from the books (i.e. Manderly, Freys getting their comeuppance, Theon talking to the heart tree, etc..) and adding so many depressing things. I'm not saying it will, but it should.
I think this season we're going to lose (possible speculation spoilers, read at your own risk)

-Sansa Stark (I think Littlefinger will kill her)

Now I may be wrong about 3 or 4 of these, but I'm not wrong about the rest. That's a crazy high body count.

Really? Any particular reasoning on this because if anything I'd think the opposite would happen, though not in season 6.

I think him being responsible for what happened to her in season 5 was their way of having something to beat the audience over the head with when it comes time for him to meet his maker. I'd say the majority of book readers agree that Sansa is going to be responsible for Littlerfinger's downfall and that was the show's way of doing it without having to spend much effort on her.

Continued below, but I'm talking about casting rumours & leaks (big ones too) so avoid if you don't want to know:

We know a couple of things are happening this season in the North. 1. Littlefinger & The Vale are responsible for saving Jon's Wilding/Northern Army from certain defeat and 2. A handful of Northern Lords from the big houses have been cast. I'm also fairly certain Rickon isn't making it into season 7 and there have been rumours suggesting I'm right, but nothing confined as far as I know.

My guess is that Sansa isn't going to tell Littlefinger what happened with Ramsay, which will lure him into thinking his plans paid off. She'll take on the position of Wardeness with him at her side and then Winter will arrive in full force, essentially locking them, soldiers from The Vale & the Northern Lords inside Winterfell.

From there the ADWD Winterfell plot play out in season 7, with Littlefinger & The Vale taking on the role of the Boltons/Freys (as the hostile, unwanted element among the loyal Northerners). Sansa will be the Wyman Manderly of the story, leading Littlefinger on until she can wangle him into a position that suits her best.


Really? Any particular reasoning on this because if anything I'd think the opposite would happen, though not in season 6.

I think him being responsible for what happened to her in season 5 was their way of having something to beat the audience over the head with when it comes time for him to meet his maker. I'd say the majority of book readers agree that Sansa is going to be responsible for Littlerfinger's downfall and that was the show's way of doing it without having to spend much effort on her.

Continued below, but I'm talking about casting rumours & leaks (big ones too) so avoid if you don't want to know:

We know a couple of things are happening this season in the North. 1. Littlefinger & The Vale are responsible for saving Jon's Wilding/Northern Army from certain defeat and 2. A handful of Northern Lords from the big houses have been cast. I'm also fairly certain Rickon isn't making it into season 7 and there have been rumours suggesting I'm right, but nothing confined as far as I know.

My guess is that Sansa isn't going to tell Littlefinger what happened with Ramsay, which will lure him into thinking his plans paid off. She'll take on the position of Wardeness with him at her side and then Winter will arrive in full force, essentially locking them, soldiers from The Vale & the Northern Lords inside Winterfell.

From there the ADWD Winterfell plot play out in season 7, with Littlefinger & The Vale taking on the role of the Boltons/Freys (as the hostile, unwanted element among the loyal Northerners). Sansa will be the Wyman Manderly of the story, leading Littlefinger on until she can wangle him into a position that suits her best.

Everything is beginning to prove my theory right then, especially after that shot of what Sansa is wearing in the trailer.
Remember Loras' Dorne-shaped birthmark?

The best part about this blunder is that it makes no sense to use that as evidence for Loras being gay. It's incredibly flimsy, if you take even 5 seconds to think about the fact that highborn lords have their servants or squires dress them, some even help them bathe. And Olyvar posed as Loras' squire. It's obvious he would see the birth mark on his leg - a place that isn't even particularly hard to get a look at.
is it me or does the photoshop look really off in some of those pics? It seems to me that Dany, Sansa, and Margery all have a very weird plastic look compared to the other three.

Still awesome covers though.

They've given Sansa a couple of other plastic things, too.
I'm sure the show will deviate a lot which avoids spoilers, hell it already has. Jaime is not being led to Lady Stoneheart in the show, for instance.

But there are multiple things than can or will be spoiled. Jon's resurrection and parentage being the biggest example. Dany is pretty much in a similar spot now too, although the book seems to suggest she's about to start burning Dothraki before returning to Vaes Dothrak. In the show she didn't have Drogon when the Dothraki arrived.

And of course if a major character like Tyrion or Arya died on the show it would suggest they die in the book. Killing side characters isn't a big deal obviously since it's flexible and may not happen in the books, but major characters are different.
I wonder if that one means that Arya is going to go to the North? Since the other two are both in the North, but Arya is far from it. Have there ever been EW photoshoots in costume for groups that aren't in a particular area together?
Yes, they have. They don't indicate or tease future events on the show. (It's very unlikely that the people doing the photoshoot know anymore more than us.)
Is that fugly ass 'empowering' Darth Sansa getup different to the one she was wearing last year or is the same?

EDIT: Man, Littlefinger ain't going for subtle in that image above, is he?
Yes, they've done it previous seasons as well. It's a photoshoot for a puff piece in an entertainment magazine.

Yes, they have. They don't indicate or tease future events on the show. (It's very unlikely that the people doing the photoshoot know anymore more than us.)

Cool, thanks. :)

I didn't think it was the case, but they might've just caught Sophie, Gwendoline and Maisie at the set or something. I dunno how these things come together.


Neo Member
There is a a new promo on tv with some new footage like:
The Night King grabbing Bran's hand
Wun Wun at the Castle Black gate
Jaime and the Sparrow talking
Dany, Arya, Sansa, Brianne similar footage from the trailer etc.

I guess HBO is going to post it online soon.

I can't wait anymore!!
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