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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 7 - Sundays on HBO


Barristan's death. NEVER FORGET. NEVER FORGIVE. :(

Maybe I am biased because he is my favorite character, but I still think Stannis' demise was the worst- which is funny because he was genuinely great in S5 other than the last 3 episodes. Remember how Ramsay "Punished" Bolton managed to take out the supplies of the greatest military commander in Westeros with Ser Twenty of House Goodmen stealthily in the middle of the night which prompted Stannis to burn his own daughter for favorable weather?

Just typing that out draws negative memories. Ugh.

As for this episode, uh LOL for most of it. I don't even know what to say. The Winterfell plot is worse than Dorne because with Dorne, we are dealing with characters we don't particularly care about, this Winterfell plot is ruining three main characters, and it is painful to watch.

I will say dragons saving the day was cool, even though their reasoning for being able to be there is laughable.

The . Worst . Episode . In . The . Series .

Hey man Dance of Dragons was still the worst, this episode was just dumb, that episode was offensively bad with how it exploited a child dying in a horrific fashion for shock value. I have no doubt GRRM planned for a more organic and logically consistent plot towards Shireen's death.


I want the show to end with Littlefinger sitting on the throne and saying "Man this really was a game of thrones."

Because why not. It's clearly not going for "greatness" in an artistic sense at this point.

He's most likely to die next episode by my estimation. But what do I know any more?


I would bang a hot farmer!
Can't believe how mad people are about Arya and Sansa fighting.

Arya was throwing out plenty of truthbombs that Sansa just wanted to ignore. And Sansa claiming she won back Winterfell isn't exactly true either, if Jon hadn't rallied the Wildlings there would have been no battle for the knights of the vale to ride to. Arya can see through all her lies. Sansa wants to be queen, Sansa resents Jon, Sansa knew what she was doing when she wrote the letter to Robb, Sansa is only looking out for herself.
If Sansa wants to be queen then she'll just have to marry Jon along with Dany.
The . Worst . Episode . In . The . Series .



I know if I had magical faces I would just throw them away instead of keeping them neatly stored and safe in my room.

Maybe Arya should have got the stonemasons to carve her some niches like they have in the House of Black and White.


Damn, this shit was something. I wanna complain too but lmfao I'm still dying from Dany saying "he's too little" then quickly looking at Tyrion pitifully 😂. That whole scene, smh

I'm gonna hold onto Tormund and the Hound's convos to keep me sane. Those were so good.


Damn, this shit was something. I wanna complain too but lmfao I'm still dying from Dany saying "he's too little" then quickly looking at Tyrion pitifully 😂. That whole scene, smh

I'm gonna hold onto Tormund and the Hound's convos to keep me sane. Those were so good.

Yeah. Those were good. I agree.
Man, I have so many thoughts, but I'm too tired to spell them all out.

The episode with the loot train, it was like...there was a lot of stupid stuff, but I was willing to enjoy the episode because I finally saw some cool shit I've been waiting to see. This episode was the opposite. So much stupid shit that I couldn't enjoy things that I should enjoy. It's like every complaint I've had about the show, dialed up to eleven. Arya is dumb. Bear fight is dumb. Frozen lake is dumb. Jon/Dany is dumb. Benjen is dumb. None of that worked. I'm not sure that I liked that at all.


fellow book readers

everything is going to be okay

we can completely let go of this

the dragon has three heads

and barristan is still alive


I read a theory that the Night King and Bran are one in the same. Like Bran warged into the Night King at some point for whatever reason. The Night King having Bran's warg powers is probably the only thing that can explain his actions that episode.

Nothing makes sense anymore so I think it's totally plausible


Oh hi, I'm Jon Snow, I climb out of freezing lakes despite being being drowned by zombies off camera. And you thought Jaime wasn't gonna make it out of that puddle? Add it to the list.

Tyrion bringing democracy to Westeros

Bag of faces under the bed

I'll trade you a zombie for a dragon

He called her Dany in his new batman voice

Night King playing Duck Hunt instead of skewering Dany, probably because she was in winter camo

I've already forgotten the rest now that Insecure is on.


I honestly don't get the "they ruined Arya" comments.

What did Arya do that was so great in the books ever since she left Westeros? Jack shit.

Her whole story is driven by bitterness and hate. No surprise when she comes back home she focusses in on her original target Sansa. It would be more out of character if she was pliant.
Yeah today's episode had no structure lol. Why the night king didnt go for drogon when he was just a sitting target. Instead he went for the other dragon. He could have taken them all out by going for drogon.


I honestly don't get the "they ruined Arya" comments.

What did Arya do that was so great in the books ever since she left Westeros? Jack shit.

What she did was not turn into a psychopath. She also didn't threaten Sansa. She didn't scare her shitless. She also didn't get played by Littlefinger like a complete moron. She also didn't forget she had the ability to change her face while snooping on somebody else.

It's more about what she hasn't done.


Yeah today's episode had no structure lol. Why the night king didnt go for drogon when he was just a sitting target. Instead he went for the other dragon. He could have taken them all out by going for drogon.

Actual reason: Drogon already has a rider and the third dragon was more like a third wheel now that the romance is officially on. How's it gonna look when Jon and Dany are riding dragons holding hands and there's a third one looking like an asshole?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
- Arya and Sansa are reduced to bumbling idiots being tricked by cartoon mustache twisting littlefinger

do you even realize how much of the show littlefinger has his fingerprint on?

he had jon arryn killed
he tried to kill bran - had it blamed on the lannisters and caused the war between the starks and lannisters
he got ned on joffrey's scent which pretty much had him killed.
he's the one who united margaery tyrell to joffrey
he's also the one who did a lot of the groundwork to poison joffrey
then he's the one who caused the fuckery between the lannisters and tyrells, which caused that war
he killed lysa and took control of the vale
he married sansa to bolton which absolutely crushed stannis
he was then going to use the vale to crush the boltons
now he's trying to gain control of the north

cartoon character? outside of the night king, he's the biggest fuckin threat in the show... and he's been incredibly successful in taking down the majority of westeros
I honestly don't get the "they ruined Arya" comments.

What did Arya do that was so great in the books ever since she left Westeros? Jack shit.

Book readers have deluded themselves into thinking the books are better. They are convinced GRRM is some genius with a brilliant master plan to end the series on a grand glorious ending.

Ignoring that ADWD was shit. Ignoring that if he had such a perfect plot in mind it would not be six, soon to be seven years since the last book. Ignoring that just a quick glance through GRRM's livejournal makes it painfully obvious that the man is doing everything he can to avoid sitting down and writing the damn last two books.
The book is probably going to end just like this with more character development. Also if this is the type of writing expected from this Series without source material I fear for those spin offs lol.


Neo Member
But seriously, why didn't they burn all the zombies and the night king?? If fire didn't work, eat them, step on them--end it! Why was effing everyone just standing around??? This series has finally jumped the shark. I used to like the idea of a blu ray collection of all the episodes, but it looks like the last two seasons will be too embarrassing to even hold on to. An amazingly disappointing end to one of the best shows ever made.


do you even realize how much of the show littlefinger has his fingerprint on?

he had jon arryn killed
he tried to kill bran
he got ned on joffrey's scent which pretty much had him killed.
he's the one who united margaery tyrell to joffrey
he's also the one who did a lot of the groundwork to poison joffrey
then he's the one who caused the fuckery between the lannisters and tyrells
he killed lysa and took control of the vale
he married sansa to bolton which absolutely crushed stannis
he was then going to use the vale to crush the boltons
now he's trying to gain control of the north

cartoon character? outside of the night king, he's the biggest fuckin threat in the show... and he's been incredibly successful in taking down the majority of westeros


I get it

I was a (probably louder than I should've been) advocate of the condensing of the Sansa/Jeyne Poole plot

But we're far, far beyond the point of attributing Littlefinger's machinations to the good writing.

Everything Littlefinger's done in Winterfell has relied almost exclusively on them specifically undercutting everything they've written about the characters involved.

It's actually hard to imagine them writing a more hamfisted Winterfell plot


I believe GRRM is on purposely not finishing the books (especially TWOW) until after the show finishes. I think GRRM doesn't trust D&D with anymore information because of the changes and shit writing they have done.

Remember D&D only wanted 7 seasons for the show that means a whole lot of cutting of story content and context. HBO and GRRM was hoping for more like 10 seasons.


Book readers have deluded themselves into thinking the books are better. They are convinced GRRM is some genius with a brilliant master plan to end the series on a grand glorious ending.

Ignoring that ADWD was shit. Ignoring that if he had such a perfect plot in mind it would not be six, soon to be seven years since the last book. Ignoring that just a quick glance through GRRM's livejournal makes it painfully obvious that the man is doing everything he can to avoid sitting down and writing the damn last two books.

I'm the first in line for the Ice and Fire being a captivating and fun while you're reading and no more than that convention, but I don't remember cringing and facepalming like I was during this episode. There's a baseline of competence to his books.


I believe GRRM is on purposely not finishing the books (especially TWOW) until after the show finishes. I think GRRM doesn't trust D&D with anymore information because of the changes and shit writing they have done.

Remember D&D only wanted 7 seasons for the show that means a whole lot of cutting of story content and context. HBO and GRRM was hoping for more like 10 seasons.

Yeah but George was hoping for 3 seasons out of Feast and Dance which LOL.


It's not the snow, it's that it gets cold, even 40 F is enough to kill crops.

The North feeds itself, and winter in the south seems warmer than summer in the North. It hasn't snowed in King's Landing in 20 years?

And some crops grow in the cold. Not grains, but root vegetables.


Her whole story is driven by bitterness and hate. No surprise when she comes back home she focusses in on her original target Sansa. It would be more out of character if she was pliant.

When was Sansa ever her target in the or even in the show?


I called everything that was going to happen in this episode and that's just sad. I'm hoping that the finale will still have Clegane Bowl.
I'm the first in line for the Ice and Fire being a captivating and fun while you're reading and no more than that convention, but I don't remember cringing and facepalming like I was during this episode. There's a baseline of competence to his books.

Thank you! Make no mistake, I also believe this episode (and most of season 5) was shit. I'm just really sick of the books being treated as a Sacred Cow by the purists.

Most (not all!) of the shows biggest problems stem from problems the books had as well.


So the show has shown that wights can get through the wall just fine.

What does this mean for a dragon wight, exactly. Is he just gonna show up at the meeting with Cersei and cause all kinds of shit? lol
I'd say 80-90% of the general public worldwide will love this. It's TV folks I don't need 7 days worth of episodes for travel time.

Best episode ever due to the Hound knocking the jaw off that skeleton head!



I get it

I was a (probably louder than I should've been) advocate of the condensing of the Sansa/Jeyne Poole plot

But we're far, far beyond the point of attributing Littlefinger's machinations to the good writing.

Everything Littlefinger's done in Winterfell has relied almost exclusively on them specifically undercutting everything they've written about the characters involved.

It's actually hard to imagine them writing a more hamfisted Winterfell plot

Yeah, Littlefinger wore out his welcome back in episode 1 of the season. He's done and offers nothing now to the plot since we're so far far far past all the political machinations and subterfuges of the show. The writers only care about the next spectacle they can put on the screen as they rush towards the end. LF represents a certain time in the show and that time passed a while ago.

Even if this is 1 giant keikaku by Sansa/Arya that (hopefully) comes to a conclusion next week, the WF plot will still be a giant nothingburger and waste of everyone's time and waste of the actors' talents as it's not well written or well acted, sorry to say. I doubt anyone is going to look fondly back at the time we wasted there when that time could have been used better for the A and B plots (war against NK and war against Cersei)


Hardhome was a port, at least in the show, andthere a lot of big boats when everything went to hell there, so the chains could easily be the ones from those

The big boats were Jon's. And they spent from s5e9 to go from Hardhome to here, and they doubled back for the chains?
I believe GRRM is on purposely not finishing the books (especially TWOW) until after the show finishes. I think GRRM doesn't trust D&D with anymore information because of the changes and shit writing they have done.
The scripts for season 8 have already been written so there'd be no point in holding back the books. He simply hasn't finished them.


Seems like people didn't understand the significance of Arya giving Sansa the dagger.

I believe GRRM is on purposely not finishing the books (especially TWOW) until after the show finishes. I think GRRM doesn't trust D&D with anymore information because of the changes and shit writing they have done.

the show is fanfic AND people write fanfics about whats REALLY going on in GRRMs head


The book is probably going to end just like this with more character development. Also if this is the type of writing expected from this Series without source material I fear for those spin offs lol.

Theres a lot more at play in the books. I'm not sure Arya will end up at Winterfell right away, same with Bran. Its all just a bunch of nothing over there at the moment. I could be wrong of course, but it just seems like they all got placed there because their actual storylines got cut to pieces with the precision of a chainsaw.

I'd say 80-90% of the general public worldwide will love this. It's TV folks I don't need 7 days worth of episodes for travel time.
Not showing the travel is one thing, but the travel time needs to still make sense.

This episode saw Gendry run miles back to the wall, then a raven flown to Dany on the other side of the continent, then Danny flying all the way north.

...in less than 24 hours.

Its a stretch.
The scripts for season 8 have already been written so there'd be no point in holding back the books. He simply hasn't finished them.

He's simply rewriting them based off the shows. Not sure why book readers expect a drastic masterpiece.

Sure some characters will be in different places or at different events but overall it's going to be similar.


My biggest problem with the episode was the long, extended scene of pulling a dragon out of the water. I mean, I'm sure everyone saw it coming even before it got killed, but that was just pointless. All you need to do is cut to the Night King lowering his hand and a blue dragon eye popping open to end the episode.

The rest of that scene was a waste of time, and even worse killed the impact of it.

Still enjoyed the episode a lot though. All of the beyond the wall conversations were great.
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