I hate loving episodes as a book reader, makes me feel like a pariah. I really enjoyed it.
I love the Linda from Wsteros.org post show review. It's amazing how she rips apart any episode I enjoyed.
When Aegon began his conquest on Dorne one of his sister/wife's dragons got hit by it. Her dragon died but the rider's whereabouts are unknown, presumed dead. Until he received a letter but Aegon didn't reveal the content of the letter, he ended up burning it and it kinda temporarily stopped his attempts on bringing Dorne to the fold.
A bunch of interviews from this morning:- Onion A|V Club review
- Sepinwall's review
- Rolling Stone review
- Washington Post review
- Vanity Fair review
- The Ringer review
- The Ringers Talk the Thrones aftershow (video)
- Promo for next weeks episode (please spoiler tag any discussion)
If you want a good Game of Thrones recap show just watch the Real Negus and Dem Thrones. That's all you need.
(Second episode not up yet)
Now, see- that little bit of exposition would have fit nicely into Qyburn's unveiling of the ballista last night. "Dorne never fell during Aegon's conquest. They used a device like this to kill one of Aegon's dragons, after which he called off the seige.... etc."
As it is, I just can't fathom how the rest of Westeros sat there and got shit on by dragon fire without ever attempting to, you know, fire some large, flying, pointy projectiles at them.
So end of high garden armies next week? Then casterly rock captured by unsullied and finally battle of kingslanding for season finale?
Speaking of lazy: the secret, forbidden, super high-level, Citadel-only cure for advanced Greyscale is cutting it off with a scalpel and putting some ointment on it? Srsly? Nobody outside of one maester ever thought to try such a thing?
I'm shocked that humanity has survived at all on Planetos if its inhabitants are truly this stupid.
So...the entire Martell line has been wiped off the map? Who's taking over Dorne now?
I think high garden will be wiped out by Sam's father. And the dothraki with drogon will defeat them. With drogon killed. Maybe the end of Jaime Lannister too.I wonder if we'll see the Dothraki vs the High Garden armies since I figure that would be in the fields.
Westeros wasn't really one united kingdom at that age. Each House is on its own. Probably why Aegon picked them off quite easily. Dorne might have had the environmental advantage.
Speaking of lazy: the secret, forbidden, super high-level, Citadel-only cure for advanced Greyscale is cutting it off with a scalpel and putting some ointment on it? Srsly? Nobody outside of one maester ever thought to try such a thing?
I'm shocked that humanity has survived at all on Planetos if its inhabitants are truly this stupid.
D&D say
Maybe it depends on what the ointment is made of?Speaking of lazy: the secret, forbidden, super high-level, Citadel-only cure for advanced Greyscale is cutting it off with a scalpel and putting some ointment on it? Srsly? Nobody outside of one maester ever thought to try such a thing?
I'm shocked that humanity has survived at all on Planetos if its inhabitants are truly this stupid.
Yeah. I'm pretty sure Doran was signed up for 4 episodes in season 6, but they clearly just wanted to get their plot line over with. We're also just supposed to believe everyone's cool with them killing off Doran and Trystane.
I don't even think we will ever hear of Dorne again. The two remaining characters will get Cersei treatment next episode. And that will be the end of that.So...the entire Martell line has been wiped off the map? Who's taking over Dorne now?
The Maester talking with Sam mentions how risky it is to whoever is performing the treatment, the one guy who tried it ended up conducting greyscale himself. It's not like greyscale is a common disease anyway, better to just exile the patient instead of risk spreading it further.
Look dude, it's too dangerous okay?
It's so obvious they haven't thought it through nor do they care.Yeah. I'm pretty sure Doran was signed up for 4 episodes in season 6, but they clearly just wanted to get their plot line over with. We're also just supposed to believe everyone's cool with them killing off Doran and Trystane.
Maybe it depends on what the ointment is made of?
Speaking of lazy: the secret, forbidden, super high-level, Citadel-only cure for advanced Greyscale is cutting it off with a scalpel and putting some ointment on it? Srsly? Nobody outside of one maester ever thought to try such a thing?
I'm shocked that humanity has survived at all on Planetos if its inhabitants are truly this stupid.
Do we know that it has even worked though?
if i start reading the first book now or after season 7, will i be able to finish the series before season 8?
Depends on how fast/often you read. If you can get through a ~1,000 page book every month-and-a-half or so, then yes. If you're like me, you'll tear through the first three books pretty fast, but the next couple will be more of a chore.
I wonder if we'll see the Dothraki vs the High Garden armies since I figure that would be in the fields.
if i start reading the first book now or after season 7, will i be able to finish the series before season 8?
Why would High Garden (or anyone) fight the Dothraki in the field?
I wonder if we'll see the Dothraki vs the High Garden armies since I figure that would be in the fields.
No because the series doesn't end.
Not necessarily, they implied that House Tarly was going to try and usurp the Tyrells.Why would they be fighting? They're on the same side..
Not necessarily, they implied that House Tarly was going to try and usurp the Tyrells.
Look dude, it's too dangerous okay?
Why would High Garden (or anyone) fight the Dothraki in the field?
Agreed. What was the purpose of the scene again? That the Unsullied can pleasure a woman despite having no balls?The Missandei Grey Worm scene was quite unnecessary and overly long.
It's already a silly plot thread as is.
If they usurp them before the war, why wouldn't they?Then that would be Horn Hill vs the Dothraki. The Tyrell army is the Tyrell army. Tarly doesn't get Highgarden/wardenship until after the war.
So does this mean Jon Con is going to go to the citadel to get cured in the books?
If they usurp them before the war, why wouldn't they?
Planetos is officially the world? It's not just another Earth somewhere?Speaking of lazy: the secret, forbidden, super high-level, Citadel-only cure for advanced Greyscale is cutting it off with a scalpel and putting some ointment on it? Srsly? Nobody outside of one maester ever thought to try such a thing?
I'm shocked that humanity has survived at all on Planetos if its inhabitants are truly this stupid.
Agreed. What was the purpose of the scene again? That the Unsullied can pleasure a woman despite having no balls?