Use of roids among young men ruining their bodies are on the rise many places;
Of course video games being part of pop culture has a part of that. But nobody gives a shit because there exist no meaningful actual support groups for men. The MRAs you know went off the grid and blamed women, instead of solving their own which is terrible.
A lot of men are not doing too hot right now, falling behind in education. Instead of learning from feminism trying to make powerful networks, NGOs and organizations that try to promote better body images it has been swept under the rug.
I do a lot of martial arts (MMA, jiu-jitsu, thai) and I can tell you for a fact that many people are popping roids. I am in complete shock in how prevalent it is many places. In Brazil it is practically normal. You see all these characters you love on TV, in movies (and games too) and you think everyone can just get that big, and when you cannot, or dont understand it takes a long time (many years) guys skimpy out and go for the drugs.
They can seriously mess with your heart and alter your mood

Sometimes men are their own worst enemies because masculinity is that you don't bitch like a fucking little girl. you keep it locked down and don't whine. take it like a man you pussy. But its that exact attitude that takes guys over the edge, and probably causes poor mental health where they cause mayham on themselves and sometimes on others. bent up sexual frustration, and if combined with roids increase testes can cause anger issues. Its a terrible cocktail.
My opinion is not that there is anything with swole guy characters (nor sexy female characters). The problem is just when in school, at home and through life guys are not properly equipped to understand the difference between fantasy and realistic expectations. But I think roids and big muscles is a small part of it. cosmetic surgery, nose jobs and similar are also on the rise for men. Society as a whole expects more of us which leaves many feeling inadequate. This goes beyond gaming. I hope men will be better to organize in the future in a productive way, because this last batch of MRAs completely failed men (and women) in the most perverse and ignorant way.