Yep. I'm sure a 5-slot retrode device could be popular with the retro community but the masses just see a console that plays old games in HD, they don't bother to notice the trail of slime left by the company that created it.
I don't want to derail this or violate forum rules, but I was very disappointed that the gaming media outlets weren't able to shine more light on the Libretro v. Hyperkin story because right when that story broke a
certain gaming [non]controversy was dominating the news coverage. I couldn't believe that the media was forced to focus on vitriolic parts of the gaming community that claimed to be victimized while a real story about open source developers being exploited got so little coverage. Tsk. Tsk.
Thank you! If you have your eyes on clone consoles it doesn't get much better than the SR3. Let us know what you think about it! Especially with those controllers, prepare to be impressed.
And check out their blue colored model. That thing is so sexy, I swear they chose Mega Man's colors! I might even just buy one of those too since they're so cheap.