I'm currently having some issues with my PVM and I'm wondering of somebody here might have an idea of what's wrong with it. Every so often, it'll show what looks like a red smear over the picture. It's random when it happens too. I'll power it on and it could be fine for a couple of hours or it might happen within twenty minutes. If I leave the monitor off for a couple of days or weeks, it'll then take several hours after powering on before it starts, but it always comes back. While powered on, it also intermittently goes away and comes back. It could be fine for a bit, then it turns red for several minutes, then it's normal, a half hour later it's back, and the cycle continues. It happens on every input and source I feed it. Here are some pictures of it:
I'm wondering if it might be something as simple as a dying capacitor (hopefully it isn't the tube), but I don't know for sure. The real trick, however, will be finding a place locally that can fix it and at a decent price. Either way, I was hoping to at least get an idea of what could be wrong with it so I can figure out a gameplan.
Edit: The pics won't show up embedded on my end. I'll just add the links.