I can't do that. I wouldn't be able to stand that old high pitch noise of it being on.
Ugh, am I the only one who has forgotten to turn off their PVM? Left it on all night (no systems on). Hopefully not a big deal.
My CRT is right next to my bed and I can definitely see it very faintly glowing in a dark room, even when turned off.
I just popped by to say that I also love the PVM starting BOINK- sound and I did not know it was due to degaussing.
I can't tell if you're being facetious, but if you're not, I really don't agree lol.
I kind of like hearing the degauss when I switch mine on though. The big Boinc sound telling you that it means business, shit is going to get real. Same with the static when I turn the screen off, which sounds like pixie dust going away, taking its RGB magic with it.
Just picked up an old but quite neat Philips 21CE1250
There's no reason it shouldn't work with the monitor off. You may be better off with a splitter though, to minimise cable length. And does it pass the audio too?
Remember that Scart-BNC cables are directional, Sync isn't on the same pin for input and output. You might have to do some soldering to correct that, as I believe most (all?) adapters are made to go into a PVM, not out of.
[edit] And your xrgb may be unhappy about the lack of fast switch pin. It's something to consider too.
Just picked up an old but quite neat Philips 21CE1250
21" with a nice tube, from around 1988.
Does RGB scart.
Quick question about PVMs
The Sony I'm getting on Saturday has BNC inputs and outputs. Does the monitor have to be turned on for them to function as a passthrough?
Just trying to work out how to get my xrgb and a pvm hooked up to the same source without cable swapping.
But really unhooking a scart cable and plugging it into a different adapter isn't that much hard work I guess.
I have two PVMs one vertical and one horizontal , I run everything to the vertical one that has outputs then from there to the horizontal one, the vertical doesnt have to be on when I want to run just the horizontal one.
My girlfriend hasn't seen the front of the JVC I have yet (screen is facing the wall). I'm just gonna put the JVC into storage and if she says anything about the Sony PVM, ill just say "oh it's the one that used to be in the other room that I've always had"
Flawless plan
NES isn't that bad on composite.
My girlfriend hasn't seen the front of the JVC I have yet (screen is facing the wall). I'm just gonna put the JVC into storage and if she says anything about the Sony PVM, ill just say "oh it's the one that used to be in the other room that I've always had"
Flawless plan
Sonic looks so great in RGB
Don't suppose I can offload my 9" PVM off on you too? lol
Gonna sit in my garage otherwise. Gratis, of course.
QM9042 off the top of my head. RGB and component yeah
Depends on the game. I think Mario looks pretty great on composite.
Do you have any Dragon Warrior game? The composite dot crawl gave me a horrible shimmer on the trees in those games, enough that it led me to RGB mod my AV Fami.
My girlfriend hasn't seen the front of the JVC I have yet (screen is facing the wall). I'm just gonna put the JVC into storage and if she says anything about the Sony PVM, ill just say "oh it's the one that used to be in the other room that I've always had"
Flawless plan
I wouldn't hide stuff like that. It sets a tone that undermines you doing what you want with your money and space.
Nah, I'm joking really.
Had been seriously considering selling my beloved BVM to fund another gaming project but I just can't bring myself to do it. I know I'll never get another one with the prices and rarity these days. Good news is came into some dosh so the other project is a go anyway. Close call!
I wouldn't sell a BVM unless I absolutely had to, as they've become scarcer and scarcer every year.
I sold a 20" PVM and 20" BVM, but I didn't mind since I had already obtained a higher end model with low hours + having several other comparable pro CRTs as backups. I do agree on not selling off the one good BVM you have. I don't see them for what they used to go for online. Different situation out in the wild.
One day I'm hoping to come across an old Commodore 64 monitor. That's my holy grail of CRTs. Unfortunately as time marches on they're likely deteriorating more and more.
That set is superior, as it's larger and stereo.That is lovely! I will be picking up a Sony KV-C27 tomorrow, manufactured in 1988 in West Germany. It should also do RGB scart.
One day I'm hoping to come across an old Commodore 64 monitor. That's my holy grail of CRTs. Unfortunately as time marches on they're likely deteriorating more and more.
The TM-A130SU and TM-A13SU we have are considered the direct spiritual successors to the Commodore 1702 monitor, made by the same manufacturer (JVC) with very similar tube and specs. Would be cool to have the original for aesthetics, but PQ-wise it may just be a worn-out version of what you already have at home.
That's a stunning looking chassis. Gorgeous set.One day I'm hoping to come across an old Commodore 64 monitor. That's my holy grail of CRTs. Unfortunately as time marches on they're likely deteriorating more and more.
It's okay, I guess. It sure is no Sharp X1.
their hardware design was so on point at the time. have you seen the X1 Twin (PC Engine + X1 Computer combo)?
It's okay, I guess. It sure is no Sharp X1.
That's porn.It's okay, I guess. It sure is no Sharp X1.
their hardware design was so on point at the time. have you seen the X1 Twin (PC Engine + X1 Computer combo)?
Not to mention all the X68000. Fucking art
Ugh, am I the only one who has forgotten to turn off their PVM? Left it on all night (no systems on). Hopefully not a big deal.