Rabbit hole doesn't sound epic enough
Black hole? I dipped a toe in and I've been sucked in. Picking up a PVM on Monday lol.
Rabbit hole doesn't sound epic enough
welcome to the rumble in the rgb jungle. Ticket: £toomuch
Hah. I don't neeeeed it. I have my consoles hooked up to my HDTV using my framemeister...but I waaaaanted it.
Anyone got an easy to follow tutorial guide for rgb modding an SNES Mini? >_> Soldering noob here but I'm hoping I can manage it if it's not too wild.
Getting a cheap consumer CRT TV is the way to go, but being in the US without Scart makes everything more difficult. While in Europe you can snatch any old tube and are pretty much guaranteed to have at least a good picture, the US needs the additional hassle of making sure the TV has Component inputs and isn't an EDTV/480p CRT.
Like most things, MLiG has a video on it.I have a question for this thread. I BELIEVE my new 1080p HDTV handles 240p properly via its component in, but would like to confirm scientifically. I've tested games like Castlevanias: SoTN on my PS2slim via component and it looks absolutely amazing (especially after boosting the sharpness settings to max), with beautiful chunky pixels. I have a soft modded Wii hooked up via component and installed the 240p test suite. My issue is, I'm not sure what the desired results for the different tests are. I personally don't notice anything off, or anything that looks like it's being treated as interlaced, but I'm not sure what to look for.
Does anyone have any links or resources pointing to the desired results for these tests?
Like most things, MLiG has a video on it.
Also check the wiki.
Gameboy Interface got an update for different control schemes, making the Raphnet SNES to GC adapter actually usable! Thank fucK.
Gameboy Interface got an update for different control schemes, making the Raphnet SNES to GC adapter actually usable! Thank fucK.
Raph's adapters have like 1ms of lag. Ridiculously fast.What's the input delay like?
It has all the tests and what the results should be.
Also turn your sharpness down, turning sharpness to max introduces artifacting.
^Kalnos, no discernible increase in lag on the adapter. It works incredibly well.
I have a Raphnet adapter. I can't recall anything being bad. What was wrong with the button layout before? It using BA instead of YB?
Yeah, I hate using it with BA on the SNES controller. Now I can use YB, and have Super Mario World on GBA control like it does on the actual SNES!
It has all the tests and what the results should be.
http://junkerhq.net/xrgb/images/a/a2/Shadow.gif [ /img]
Also turn your sharpness down, turning sharpness to max introduces artifacting.[/QUOTE]
[quote="CharlesDangus, post: 216422490"]For some reason the sharpness settings on my tv turned all the way down make the image look really soft, like the pixels are bleeding into eachother or like there's a bilinear filter applied.
Edit: I'm not home atm but I'll do some tests when I get there.[/QUOTE]
Sharpness settings don't have a real standard. Sometimes 50% is optimal, sometimes 0 is optimal. I've never heard of the max setting being optimal, though.
But B A on the SNES is on the same position as on the Game Boy?
I have a question about using my framemeister with my AV receiver. Right now I have every console, HD and retro both, going through the framemeister through its various inputs and then splitting the output to go to my Denon receiver and my capture card. My question is, is the denon introducing any extra image processing before it gets passed to my tv? I suspect it isn't since I'm feeding it a 1080p signal, but I can't find like a direct passthrough setting or something similar anywhere to make sure.
But B A on the SNES is on the same position as on the Game Boy?
Most likely, yes it is. If, for example, it the receiver adds any UI to the display (for example, it shows when you're changing inputs or muting volume) then it is likely adding input lag to overlay such UI images.
Yeah, I hate using it with BA on the SNES controller. Now I can use YB, and have Super Mario World on GBA control like it does on the actual SNES!
Most likely, yes it is. If, for example, it the receiver adds any UI to the display (for example, it shows when you're changing the receiver's inputs or muting volume) then it is likely adding input lag to overlay such UI images.
If not, another good way to test is to set the Framemesiter to 720p when connected to the receiver and see whether the HDTV recognizes it as a 720p image or a 1080p image. (Many HDTV's will show the resolution when switching TV inputs). If the TV shows 1080p, then you know for sure that the receiver post-processing the signal and likely adding lag. If the HDTV shows 720p, chances are, it's probably not, but it's still not 100% certain.
Another great way to test in your particular setup is to use your splitter to split one of your console's HDMI outputs. Put one into the receiver and the other into a direct input on the HDTV. Then use picture in picture (PIP) mode on your HDTV (if it has one) to test whether the receiver's image is a few frames behind.
awesome setup.Snip.
So, I received my AV Famicom with NESRGB board from Baphomet yesterday in the mail. Oh my goodness, this thing is amazing! The quality is superb, and Bapho did a phenomenal job with the modding: the installation is super clean. He went above and beyond helping me, as there were difficulties (The NES RGB board I had originally ordered was faulty!).
A total class act, and I can't recommend his services enough. Thanks so much! And now, some pics...
Finally, there it is hanging with its older siblings in my setup.
How is PS2 with this hdmi covnerter?:
I set up an email reminder on Craigslist for the word "PVM". One day I got a hit. FREE Sony PVM-2530. Amazing.I'm looking for a PVM, but based in the West Midlands [UK] and having great difficulty finding monitor sets outside of London, I swear those guys must be hoarding them all! XD
I would greatly appreciate any tips you guys might have for finding a set a little more local.
I'm looking for a PVM, but based in the West Midlands [UK] and having great difficulty finding monitor sets outside of London, I swear those guys must be hoarding them all! XD
I would greatly appreciate any tips you guys might have for finding a set a little more local.
I'm looking for a PVM, but based in the West Midlands [UK] and having great difficulty finding monitor sets outside of London, I swear those guys must be hoarding them all! XD
I would greatly appreciate any tips you guys might have for finding a set a little more local.
I set up an email reminder on Craigslist for the word "PVM". One day I got a hit. FREE Sony PVM-2530. Amazing.
I don't suppose you're the gent that just inquired about my 20M4E?
Hah, indeed I am, no doubt I've spoken to many on here in the past month without realising. : D
I set up an email reminder on Craigslist for the word "PVM". One day I got a hit. FREE Sony PVM-2530. Amazing.
Anyone knows what this?
I'm trying to troubleshoot. I hope it's not my TV.
The scaler used in that Genesis smears the image in motion like a scart to hdmi converter...that's insane!!!
Finally ordered an XRGB-Mini.
Is this the correct adapter to for component input?
Just want to make sure I order the right one.
It's the vertical hold on a CRT display, it's just a small knob usually on the back of the TV to adjust it, look for either "V-Hold" or "Vertical Hold" on the back of the TV or under the front control flap to adjust it manually. Totally normal and takes just a couple seconds.