Christians believe the same thing about Jesus. Saying Jesus was just a prophet is like saying the Koran is just a book. The Koran denies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and is God incarnate. A Muslim would disagree that Jesus Christ is the same person as God the Father.
Therefore, Islam and Christianity are incompatible. You cannot be a Muslim and truly say the Bible is 100% accurate and the revealed word of God, because it conflicts with the Koran. You cannot be a Christian and say that the Koran is the word of god because it conflicts with the core belief that Jesus Christ is God.
The Koran does not conflict with the Gospel, but it does conflict with the modern day Bible, because people wrote it and re-wrote it to fit their political needs. The Gospel and Torah are seen as true books of God in the eyes of Muslims, whereas the current day Bible is seen as something watered down, changed, and corrupt compilation...which it is, no one can deny that.
The current day Bible was largely written by people hundreds of years after Jesus's time. Many of it's teachings are influenced by other cultures. The idea of Jesus being the son of God wasn't found in any of the teachings of the earlier prophets either.
The idea of him being a "Son of God" and the Trinity probably came about as a result of trying to make Christianity more compatible with Roman beliefs. Scratch the word "probably".
Secondly, I'm not surprised that this has been happening in Gitmo. The "War on Terrorism" has been mishandled by the President on day one. My criticization of the Bush Administration got me banned before...but I'm glad that people can finally see what I saw so long ago. He's going after the wrong people, breaking all the rules, creating more enemies, creating false enemies, and this nes comes as to no surprise.
Gitmo has always been the focus point of controversy and it has always been obvious that the whole concept of holding people and not giving them any rights means that anything can happen to them.
Does anyone want to talk about the REAL issue -- namely, the Bush Administration breaking the law?
I'm past the point of pointing my finger at the Bush Administration, I'm getting tired of it. The fact of the matter is, there are people whose job is to point fingers at them, namely the opposition parties.
What have the Democrats done? Torture has been an issue (or rather in the US, a non-issue) during the time of the election and not much was said. Now is a perfect time to point fingers and tell America that this war on terrorism has been a failure (in general) since it will do nothing less than create more hate for the US.
Oh and as far as people say "it's just a book"...that is your belief entirely, and you can believe that, it's your right.
But your a fucking idiot if you don't see what the problem is. This "War on Terrorism" can be EASILY turned into a "War against Islam" by groups like Al Qaeda. "Easily" being an extreme understatement.
They didn't just mishandle the Koran, they purposely violated and disrespected it.
Thus, one Muslim (of the Billion +) living in any part of the World can easily see that disrespect against Muslims and Islam. They will understandably take this as a PERSONAL OFFENSE.
How often in the history of mankind has a nation PERSONALLY OFFENDED over a Billion people?
Ignorant people won't see much of an issue. I hope the media makes it into a bigger issue, since it will educate the masses on how big of an issue this is in the rest of the World. Because if the rest of the World is mad, and most Americans are oblivious to this, the rest of the World may think that Americans simply don't care about it and didn't think anything wrong happened. I'm sure most Americans who know what has happened see this as a stupid, idiotic move and that some heads in government have to roll. But as we all know, the ratio of World-consious Americans to those who aren't isn't flattering. Otherwise the hate against the US will only build exponentially.
The reasoning behind the September 11th attacks had to with the US's foriegn policy in the Middle East. In reality, that foreign policy only affects a couple hundred million Muslims at most. Though the eyes of the Muslim World is often toward the conflict in Palestine/Israel, most aren't directly affected by it. But now you have a situation where every single Muslim in the entire World sees the US as a country that disrespects Muslims and Islam. I'll say it again, all this has done has created more hatred and distrust towards the US.
The Bush Administration can fix the situation. Fire the right people, kiss the feet of Muslim dignitaries, and it's all good. He can try to implement real change within the military so that this could be avoided...and he can focus on reshaping the war on terrorism to be more practical and legal.
But that's not gonna happen.