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[US] new boxarts -- (56k no)


Gold Member
thorns said:

wtf is this?

A bad use of Radial Blur filter. There isn't a good use for it, actually.
For an example on the dangers of multiple translators not working like a well-oiled machine, look no further than Final Fantasy Tactics and its 2-3 names for many characters and items. I did not realize that Princess Ruvelia was Queen Luveria until the second time I played through, and the story actually started to make sense. It also features many other entertaining examples, like Lich, who is summoned as "Rich."

I am fluent in Spanish and have spent some time doing live translation, and it is quite difficult to carry meaning across when you just translate the words in those two languages. The difference between English and Japanese is far greater than English and Spanish (although Japanese seems a feeble hair closer to Spanish than English).
Many commonplace sayings do not translate and general idiom is very different.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I speak pretty broken Japanese at best, and when a friend and I translate different words we get 4 or 5 different meanings back in English... and same to Japanese... Japanese and English do not have the same roots therefore take much more time to spit out a correct translation... knowing what something means in another langauge is one thing... translating right completely on the money everytime is another....
A few of those I wanted months ago but now my tastes have changed. I've been too satisfied with Four Swords Adventures and now all other games mean nothing to me.
bobbyconover said:
I see Hot Shots Fore - one of the most hideous box arts in recent memory - has both "the fat guy" and "the nerd" featured on the cover. So much for the early reports that the Japanese character roster would be left untouched, I guess. Here's hoping they just added in the horrible US characters in addition to the Japanese ones, rather than swapping them out.

Well at least I have my Mario Golf!!!!

And regarding PS3: it's not that bad. I played it when it came out and thought it was decent. Not great mind you, but not total shit either.
I thought FFI, FFII SNES, FFIII SNES, and FFVII all had excellent cover art. This FFXI:COP cover is sweet though. Looks like an Amano painting except that he draws faces much differently than that.
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