Is the Communist stuff racist though? Or just uneducated?
I mean look if i had some great frigging story on how a policy would affect me or has affected me i would tell it. Truth is not much Obama, has or hasn't done really hasn't affected me at all. He's not a bad President and just because I'm not a fan of obama doesn't mean i'm waving the flag for romney
Specifically what i don't like about Obama is all the social stuff. He's pretty much for abortion if I'm getting the facts right. He doesn't even want them to be "rare" like Bill Clinton. That's a big one. The defecit is another big one, spending all this money on health care when were in a recession is unwise i think. Just this general tone of wanting to get people to like us. He had this whole apologetic thing, just sucking up for all of Bush's "mistakes" going on right after he was elected, wanting the world to love America again. That kind of struck me wrong way.
But he's handled situations pretty deftly and "presidentially" if i can make up a word. He's got tact and calmness. With the Libya and Osama stuff i thought he was dead on.
Hahahaha gotta love that video Mamba posted a page back
Abortion is an act made by someone with an unwanted pregnancy!
There is no "rare" or "common", just want or not want.
There are ways you can decrease the amount of unwanted pregnancies.
One way is to invest more into education of safe sex practices, free and easy access to birth control, and a general change in society talking about sex.
Another way would be government investment into the costs of raising a child, we all pay for the costs of raising a child so a poor person wouldn't feel the costs of raising a child were unobtainable.
Those two would make abortions rarer, do you wish either of those?