I already assume the election is over and Obama has won. Which leaves us with a president with a very "republican" foreign policy anyway. The point being there is no peaceful resolution in the Middle East is sight despite that being the goal put forward by both politicians. So is it really a stretch to call them both liars?
http://www.salon.com/2011/07/13/arabs/ "US more unpopular in the Arab world than under Bush"
Did Palestine (or Palestinians) get mentioned once in the debate? Hamas (as a terrorist organization) got mentioned several times and Israel somewhere around 20 times. Drones were entirely praised, which is surreal given they are flying death machines linked to a history of civilian deaths, but also shows that bipartisan agreement is more or less equal of worth to a blessing right out of the Lord's mouth.
What of the "smaller" details? The case of Bradly Manning for example. How about Obama actively fighting (after first feigning disinterest) to gain to the power to imprison anyone, anywhere, for any reason?
Now it is hard for me get passionate about these things, but
GAF seems to be acting like the debate was worth winning in the first place. Are we going to bounce between moral outrage of Romney's perspective and then praise Obama as a master politician for believing in many of the same things yet having more zingers?