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Utah Governor Herbert: I will NOT vote for Donald Trump - reversing endorsement

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This seems like they are covering their political career. So they are still spineless at the end of the day.

Even if that is the case, on a scale with their colleagues (just look at that fucking Ted Cruz photo) at least they were able to draw a line. (even if that line should have been drawn much, much earlier by every "normal" Republican)


The Clinton attack machine is going for the jugular.

They literally saved everything for October, and they're not done yet.

Kasich is especially looking good for refusing to ever endorse Trump. Jeb Bush looks fairly good as well.

Ted Cruz looks like a complete buffoon.

Thing is, Trump was clowning around with Jeb!'s cousin on the tape. This is Jeb!'s revenge, Hillary is just the beneficiary.
Ted Cruz is the most miserable sack of shit on the planet right now.



remember me
Thing is, Trump was clowning around with Jeb!'s cousin on the tape. This is Jeb!'s revenge, Hillary is just the beneficiary.

I can't believe an actual Bush was witness to this and didn't let his first cousin know about it. Jesus. Going to be an awkward Thanksgiving.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.

I just fucking realized all this shit that happened to this man is right before the debate.


Trump is imploding and it's not even Sunday yet. He is going to be annihilated, by himself. Clinton hasn't even had to say a thing this week, but ol' Trump's foot has been firmly in his mouth all week.

He literally cannot do anything right, even a simple pivot from apology to attack he bungled worse than a character from Rainbow. Truly the worst candidate for any major elected representative in living memory.


Does anyone remember how he looks at his daughter? I wouldn't be surprised if a tape turns out before November. What a piece of shit he is.
Which prominent Republicans never supported Trump? Romney?
I dunno about prominent, but I think a number of congressional Republicans just never said anything about the race. Kind of went the "silent" route. Which isn't great, but they can wipe themselves clean now.
Gary Johnson is about to get a ton of new supporters, isn't he?
I don't think so, at least not necessarily. This could just turn a lot of people off the election period.
I like how these GOP members think Trump gives even a single fuck about what they think he should do. He's not interested in saving the GOP brand because he was never part of it. All he's interested in is winning and even that can't get him to give a sincere apology in a videotaped confession.

I can't wait for more tapes.


Who the fuck do they think is going to defeat Hillary Clinton with one month left?

It's not really about that.

Trump crossed the line of being too toxic for them to support. Especially in mormon utah.

You can be racist as hell, hate on religion, on and on, and it doesnt play so well in utah but its still over looked.

Dude says pussy though... thats where shit hits the fan. They have no real choice at this point but to step out or be known for supporting pussy man.

All it takes is for that first domino to fall. That first person. Then its even worse if they still stick on "Well this guy said he can't support pussy man, why do you still support?"


It's not really about that.

Trump crossed the line of being too toxic for them to support. Especially in mormon utah.

You can be racist as hell, hate on religion, on and on, and it doesnt play so well in utah but its still over looked.

Dude says pussy though... thats where shit hits the fan. They have no real choice at this point but to step out or be known for supporting pussy man.

All it takes is for that first domino to fall. That first person. Then its even worse if they still stick on "Well this guy said he can't support pussy man, why do you still support?"
Utah has been trending blue since Trump got the nomination. You can give them a bit more credit


I just don't understand what is happening here. After all this lunatic has said THIS is too much? Calling Mexicans racists and deporting all Muslims is fair game but this is too much? Openly admitting wanting to go to war and use nuclear bombs is a-ok but this is too much?


Utah has been trending blue since Trump got the nomination. You can give them a bit more credit

Not really. Utahns seem to love Mike Pence, who is every bit the piece of shit Trump is, he is just smart. Like everything in Utah, it has nothing to do with substance and everything to do with appearance.

At best, what you can give Utah credit for is a large population of starry eyed youths who get sent out into the world on missions and a decent portion of them realize that Utah is full of shit and the world has WAY more to offer than mormons let on.


Neo Member
I just don't understand what is happening here. After all this lunatic has said THIS is too much? Calling Mexicans racists and deporting all Muslims is fair game but this is too much? Openly admitting wanting to go to war and use nuclear bombs is a-ok but this is too much?

He bragged about sexually assaulting women, that's more then just being insulting or stupid.

I agree that those comments should have ended him a long time ago, but this a step too far for many people who would tolerate the rest of that shit.
He bragged about sexually assaulting women, that's more then just being insulting or stupid.

I agree that those comments should have ended him a long time ago, but this a step too far for many people who would tolerate the rest of that shit.


Fuck that shit. He ran on an openly racist platform. Bigotry for breakfast, Idiocy for Lunch, and Facisim for dinner. And in 2016, America had a sizable portion of citizens rallying behind that.

Think about that shit. People punching protesters at a Presidential rally. His dumb ass on stage encouraging the behavior.

People need to fucking look, Whats done is done, This is our HISTORY. This is part of the story our country is creating and we're finally cracking from the bullshit that has been left unchecked. Not to mention, its for the entire world to see. Regardless if he loses or not, the jig is up. Gone is that bullshit vision of holding hands great melting pot depictions of the USA. 9/11 fucking broke us, The crooks and the suits used the opportunity to control with fear. And they used the lifeblood dearest to the country.

America was built on racism. And things have gotten better, you'd be an idiot to argue that. But Racism is a part of Americas DNA, and despite the progress, we have so much farther to go.

This man went on TV and called an entire race of people criminals, He lied just about any time he opened his mouth. And at least 40% of the country took that shit up the ass. Lapped it up because they actually truly believe it. America has to live with this.
What the hell is this and why do people vote based off who is the best human being and not who has the best policies with the most likelihood to execute them?

I'm not saying Trump has those either but democracy feels like a joke when something like the recent Trump leak can have such an effect. Not him having despicable policies and promising Heaven to his followers. Not him calling for the intimidation of opponents. But him being a sexist scumbag, as if it suddenly changed everything about his presidential capabilities.


Nah. Everything Trump does is great in the eyes of the trumpets. Rape, racism, facism...It's all good!

Noone cares about the Trumpshirts. This could affect those who decided to bend the knee to the Republican party because they always vote Republican no matter what and was forced to vote for Trump after he won the primaries.



I just fucking realized all this shit that happened to this man is right before the debate.

Yeah gotta love the timing of this. His head must be spinning like crazy.

After a couple of minutes of trying to keep his cool, he's going to behave like a rabid animal during tomorrow's debate.


Meanwhile poor Cruz literally just endorsed the guy (likely) because of pressure from his base.

How does he go from saying "I can't support someone who said that about my wife" to phonebanking for Trump and now this? Can't wait to hear the spin.

It's over for Cruz, pretty much every reply on his Twitter is just savaging him completely. He has alienated almost everyone there is to alienate. Trump's fans never liked him, his own base never liked Trump, and outsiders have even less reason to respect him now than ever.


So when you think about it, most people expected a pivot when he got the nom, but it never happened.

What if, his campaign team knew the other team would be able to dig up so much dirt, the better option would just be to go full retard, as a way to preemptively discredit himself when the dirt would come out?

I'm positive the average trumpet is now just slapping his thigh going aw yeah classic Trump.


What the hell is this and why do people vote based off who is the best human being and not who has the best policies with the most likelihood to execute them?

I'm not saying Trump has those either but democracy feels like a joke when something like the recent Trump leak can have such an effect. Not him having despicable policies and promising Heaven to his followers. Not him calling for the intimidation of opponents. But him being a sexist scumbag, as if it suddenly changed everything about his presidential capabilities.
He never had any presidential capabilities.


I like how these GOP members think Trump gives even a single fuck about what they think he should do. He's not interested in saving the GOP brand because he was never part of it. All he's interested in is winning and even that can't get him to give a sincere apology in a videotaped confession.

I can't wait for more tapes.

It really is incredible - the whole "good of the party" line. If they wanted something good for the party they never would have chosen Trump. These guys COMPLETELY made their own bed on this one, now they have to lie in it for the next four years at the least.


I had hoped Evan McMullin would at least pull some votes from Trump in Utah, enough to guarantee a loss. Maybe this will help even more.


What the hell is this and why do people vote based off who is the best human being and not who has the best policies with the most likelihood to execute them?

I'm not saying Trump has those either but democracy feels like a joke when something like the recent Trump leak can have such an effect. Not him having despicable policies and promising Heaven to his followers. Not him calling for the intimidation of opponents. But him being a sexist scumbag, as if it suddenly changed everything about his presidential capabilities.

It does change things; people are looking for more than just a policy maker when they are choosing a president. They want someone to represent them on the world stage, a role model to look up to.

This hits closer to home than any of the other despicable suit he's done, because half of the people on earth and in America are women. It doesn't matter what your ethnicity is, what your social status is, you will have grown around women or you will be one yourself. Even if you are a racist/xenophobic fuck.

And on top of that it's not just something in writing, or a he-said she-said that can be written off as slander from the corrupt media, or something said during a heated debate that can be disregarded as being taken out of context. We literally have a recording of him saying these things. It's too big to ignore, even Trump had to issue an "apology".

When you combine those two factors it makes sense that it'd get this big.


I just don't understand what is happening here. After all this lunatic has said THIS is too much? Calling Mexicans racists and deporting all Muslims is fair game but this is too much? Openly admitting wanting to go to war and use nuclear bombs is a-ok but this is too much?

I guess it took a while for people to realize, hey, this could have been my daughter, sister, cousin, family friend, girl from high school, etc.


- Utah governor rescinds endorsement.
- Ryan, McConnell, Preibus, and McCain have released damning statements, but stopped short of rescinding endorsements.
- Pence has been hiding.

Does that cover all of the republicans' reactions?
I doubt it would happen but if Trump dropped out now, what would the GOP do? Surely it's too late at this point for anyone to register to get on the ballot?


Hilarious that something sexual is the only thing that could repulse Republicans from Trump, bunch of assholes.


He's pissed off so many people now.
He's even pissed off his running mate.
Trump's running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, was "beside himself" and his wife was furious, according to a person familiar with their thinking. That person spoke on the condition of anonymity, because they were not authorized to share the private discussion.
I'm waiting to see what Pence does now.
And I doubt this will be the last october surprise.
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