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Valkyria Chronicles |OT| Beautiful art meets genre-redefining gameplay

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Oh yeah I remember my last question I have about this game... so leveling up your units on the training field that simple effects how much HP they have and at certain levels they learn new orders right? I'm not improving their accuracy or walking stanima or anything like that leveling them up am I?
Adam Prime said:
Oh yeah I remember my last question I have about this game... so leveling up your units on the training field that simple effects how much HP they have and at certain levels they learn new orders right? I'm not improving their accuracy or walking stanima or anything like that leveling them up am I?

Well it also gives them the oppurtunity to use more weapons. At level 11 they get to elite status and the extra weapons a few of the classes get are good.


Vinnk said:
What is the criteria for the old man at the cemetary being able to teach you an order. My first 2 visits there I was able to get new orders, but after that he always says he has nothing more to teach me. I just finished chapter 7 and I was wondering what I have to do to get more orders. Also I never got the retreat order, am I screwed? Can I still get it somehow whithout replaying from the beginnig? Thanks in advance.
IIRC there's a random chance for each chapter. Don't worry, you still have a lot of opportunities. (If you are anal about getting everything you should be able to save/reload before starting new chapters)


Adam Prime said:
Oh yeah I remember my last question I have about this game... so leveling up your units on the training field that simple effects how much HP they have and at certain levels they learn new orders right? I'm not improving their accuracy or walking stanima or anything like that leveling them up am I?

AP ("walking stamina") is increased when a unit reaches Elite status (Lv 11). Accuracy is based on weapon, so to increase that, you need to upgrade them in R&D.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Ah thanks for all the information guys, good stuff.

I guess another thing while it's on my mind: Is it better to earn a good ranking on a mission or is it better to kill off all the aces/tanks in a level? I'm sure it obviously depends on what rank and how many guys there are left, but as a general rule of thumb. If you have the option of finishing a mission and getting a B rank, or finishing a mission and getting a C but taking down an extra tank and ace, is it worth it to go after the Ace for XP that you would've otherwised earned with a better rank?

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
jeesh I just spent the whole afternoon on the second mission in Chapter 10. I sucked so bad, after the end of the mission I knew perfectly how I could've rolled through it, but oh well.

I didn't realize the story was such a huge ripoff of WWII, I mean it was kinda implied but the more you play you see all the references to
the Jewish holocaust
. I'm really digging the story and the characters, it's definitely keeping me pushing ahead in this game.


Adam Prime said:
Ah thanks for all the information guys, good stuff.

I guess another thing while it's on my mind: Is it better to earn a good ranking on a mission or is it better to kill off all the aces/tanks in a level? I'm sure it obviously depends on what rank and how many guys there are left, but as a general rule of thumb. If you have the option of finishing a mission and getting a B rank, or finishing a mission and getting a C but taking down an extra tank and ace, is it worth it to go after the Ace for XP that you would've otherwised earned with a better rank?

The Ace/tank XP rewards are static, I believe, so the further along into the game you go, the better it is to go for a better rank instead of kills.
Adam Prime said:
Ah thanks for all the information guys, good stuff.

I guess another thing while it's on my mind: Is it better to earn a good ranking on a mission or is it better to kill off all the aces/tanks in a level? I'm sure it obviously depends on what rank and how many guys there are left, but as a general rule of thumb. If you have the option of finishing a mission and getting a B rank, or finishing a mission and getting a C but taking down an extra tank and ace, is it worth it to go after the Ace for XP that you would've otherwised earned with a better rank?

Aces (anything with a unique name) will give you new weapons and gear unattainable through other means. Personally, I find it more important to play regular missions without concerning rank, and then just doing speed runs in skirmishes for maximum efficient grinding.
BarrelMakingPenguin said:
I just starting playing this. How much grinding would you guys recommend before each story battle?

Just enough to max out your gear, really. This game is more reliant on strategy than stats.

Do A rank speed runs on the skirmishes, and you should have enough after 1 or 2 runs.
radiantdreamer said:
Just enough to max out your gear, really. This game is more reliant on strategy than stats.

Do A rank speed runs on the skirmishes, and you should have enough after 1 or 2 runs.

Cool. What about experience? Are the orders from the old man at the cemetary worth it or should I be focusing on leveling up the different classes?
BarrelMakingPenguin said:
Cool. What about experience? Are the orders from the old man at the cemetary worth it or should I be focusing on leveling up the different classes?

Yes, the orders from the old man are worth it. Make sure you have enough before going there. (usually about 5k). Some of those orders will definitely save your ass.

Don't worry about classing up. Just do it naturally (IE get order from old man, and then blow the rest of it on your troops). You'll have exp coming out of your ears soon enough.


My advice would be to check the Cemetery at every chapter, and make sure you have enough EXP to learn the orders - if not, do a skirmish or two. Level the characters and upgrade the weapons at your leisure, though until your units reach Elite status, it's probably better to prioritize unit upgrades over weapon upgrades.


FlightOfHeaven said:
I'm rather impressed with the game.

I'm at Chapter 17. It's quite fun.

My very few gripes are that you can't actually view the battlefield before the fight. I don't need to see the opponent, with the fog of war and all, but I would like to see the terrain. The map before the battle isn't descriptive enough. There's also the issue of a lack of "restart battle" button. I screwed up majorly at the beginning of 17, and ended up playing 5 excruciating levels. Ugh.

Question: Am I the only one that has found Snipers to be utterly useless, for the most part? I'd much rather fill that slot with a Scout or Engineer.

I also suspect I am vastly underleveled for my mission. Oh well!
I find Snipers incredibly useful for maps with a fair amount of "openness" to the field. Scouts are great, but really just for zerging and scouting.


BarrelMakingPenguin said:
I just starting playing this. How much grinding would you guys recommend before each story battle?
I'd say no grinding. I've finished the game with mostly A-ranks on the second half without any grinding (I've played the skirmishes *after* finishing the game). But I prefer this kind of game with a bit of difficulty.

Though you may want to do some grinding if you have troubles upgrading weapons because of many C/D, I guess.

The orders are so efficient that I avoid to use them on my frist play. If you want an easier game, that probably should be you primary objective to get them. By the way, it's more than once per chapter, I think, try before and after fights, he may be there.
I finished the game yesterday. My engineers were at level 20, and everyone else hovered around 14-15.

It was more than enough. A few impressions:

- Snipers really came into their own, especially Marina. She was rather useful for some missions, especially the final one. I'm planning on killing off Cesary. I don't like him.

-I made a mistake, leveling the "Effect" weaponry on my Shocktroopers. Fortunately, I got tons of Royal weaponry for them, but it still bites a little to have spent so much on that. Conversely, upping the accuracy on Scouts, Engineers and Snipers was brilliant. I jammed so many advancing units through strategic placing of Engineers and Scouts, all made possible because of the increased accuracy.

-The Shamrock's use is really very limited. Not a strong unit.

-I would read the guides after I finished a battle, and I'm impressed how flexible the game is. Different guides suggested very different strategies from each other and from the ones I used, and after the battle concluded, I'd reflect and think on an even better strategy to use. It's very flexible in how you achieve your goals and on the placement of units. There is no "one way" of winning, nor a certain unit(s) or mix.

-Playing Game+ is a riot for the early stages. I blew through chapters 1 through 9 today. Knowing that the game rewards speed and not caution makes for an interesting new way to play after the first run. That said...

-One of the things I didn't like was that it rewarded precisely this. It was speed over tactics. I wouldn't mind if some missions rewarded speed more, and some rewarded tactics more. But honestly, you could lose 90% of your troops permanently in one battle, charge straight into the fray, and neglect to kill one unit but if you finish in one turn and achieve the objective, A rank!

For a game that seems to emphasize tactics... Well, it's not that it doesn't emphasize them, but just not in the way I thought it would. My first run through, I focused on eliminating every possible solder. Not surprisingly, I ended up with a lot of C's and D's. Once I figured out that speed was the key, tactics was still the name of the game, but my mindset changed considerably.

-This is rather random, but! A strong holdover from my Fire Emblem mania is the absolute refusal to let any of my units die. I actually "reset" a couple of times due to this. Finding out that certain units are only acquired once you let certain soldiers die made me balk. Even worse, these characters are likable!

-The smoke rounds you get later on in the game become the main reason I use the Edelweisse at all. Those things are amazing, no wonder you are limited to one use per round, even with an Engineer.

-The orders from the gentleman are also amazing. One I acquired in Game+ and wish I had made the effort to acquire the first time around was "Mortar Support." Holy shit, that thing is effective.

And finally:

I'm considering starting a new file. One of my gripes is not knowing what the missions entail. Now that I know what the missions are, I feel I can be much more efficient. The only issue is, it's hardly fair or challenging to use Game+ units.

I'm also very impressed with the translation work and voice acting. I only spotted one grammatical error, and it was a very forgivable one. The plot was decent, and the characters were very interesting and varied, and I include the "sub-troops" (whoever isn't a leader). The only "character" I didn't care for (aside from that blasted Sniper) was the pig. I grew to loathe him for some reason.

Oh, and chops to the game writers for having the courage to off some characters I didn't think they would, and to the game play strategists, for not giving me a broken character they possibly could have. I was worried that the game would devolve past the midway point into a "normal units are entirely useless, new Valkyria units will replace them". It didn't turn out that way at all. The Valkyria were limited to perhaps 2-3 encounters on the field, and even then, they didn't really pose that much of a threat if you knew how to circumnavigate/deal with them. Most thankfully, I didn't get a Valkyria of my own to control. I'm very, very glad that it stuck to "realistic" warfare.

I would recommend this game, surely.

Too bad no one I know owns a PS3, but I do recommend it.

Edit: I'd like to emphasize I rather liked the English voices.
The orders pop up at random. You can either save before you progress to a new chapter and try until you get it (save and quit -> load, repeat) or do what I did; shrug your shoulders and hope for next time.

Be warned, they cost anywhere from 5000 to 50000 Exp. so keep a healthy amount before going to the cemetery. And yes, they are worth it. All of them. I wish I had gotten them in my first go through. :/
gokieks said:
Sigh... the release date for the artbook has been pushed back again. Went from March to June to now "Summer". =/

Damnit! I SO want that artbook!

FlightofHeaven, thanks for the impressions! They should be added to the first post!

I have to disagree with you on the Shamrock though. It's an excellent utility vehicle. It can travel further than the Edelweiss, and is more maneuverable. It does have weaker stats, but has a higher likelihood of one-shotting tank radiators and sustaining no damage, while lancers can potentially still die assaulting a tank.

I have to admit that later in the game though, both tanks become kinda useless, as the objectives don't really require their contributions that much.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
FlightOfHeaven said:
-I made a mistake, leveling the "Effect" weaponry on my Shocktroopers. Fortunately, I got tons of Royal weaponry for them, but it still bites a little to have spent so much on that. Conversely, upping the accuracy on Scouts, Engineers and Snipers was brilliant. I jammed so many advancing units through strategic placing of Engineers and Scouts, all made possible because of the increased accuracy.

I apologize if this sounds a bit condescending, but you're aware that the various upgrade branches aren't mutually exclusive, right? You can upgrade all the paths and freely switch between the different types of weapons.
ixix said:
I apologize if this sounds a bit condescending, but you're aware that the various upgrade branches aren't mutually exclusive, right? You can upgrade all the paths and freely switch between the different types of weapons.

I'm quite aware. I just didn't have enough money in my first run through to meaningfully pursue the different branches.

I later went and just bought all the "Extended Clip" upgrades, and those are pretty decent. Right now I'm just saving up 1,000,000 to attract Knute.

Oh, and I'm at chapter 11 once again, so I decided to take a "break" and try the first skirmish on Hard.


They aren't kidding. Going from Normal to Hard is like playing a different game in terms of difficulty. I started out in the middle of the map surrounded by 7-8 shocktroopers, 4 tanks, 2 heavy gatling guns, 3 snipers, and 3 bases. I had no cover aside from my tanks.

It took me 9 damn turns. I really wish it had an option to just retry a battle from the beginning, as I had forgotten to save before the battle.

I finally got all the orders from the Gentleman, so now I can start spamming my experience on my units without fear.

Oh, and I killed off those three units.

I didn't mind Cezary dying at all, but Karl and Oscar... : ( Especially reading the bios of the characters you gain when they die. Oscar's younger brother is especially wtf in terms of "Like": Oscar is there! How is that of any use at all, when that unit has to be dead? And Lynn is trained by Karl... but Karl's dead?

Whatever. : |


I plan on starting another file, so I can give this game a proper runthrough; right now, what I'm doing doesn't really feel fair....


FlightOfHeaven said:
I didn't mind Cezary dying at all, but Karl and Oscar... : ( Especially reading the bios of the characters you gain when they die. Oscar's younger brother is especially wtf in terms of "Like": Oscar is there! How is that of any use at all, when that unit has to be dead? And Lynn is trained by Karl... but Karl's dead?

Those characters don't actually need to be dead, just reduced to no health - if you save them by having another unit reach him/her and calling in the medic, or finishing the battle before an enemy unit reaches the body or too many turns pass, the associated characters will still show up.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
I think I left off on Chapter 11, I just got the Mortar Support command. Holy smokes is it useful!

Yeah I just really like the characters and the story and the voice acting. Definitely it's what's keeping me going in this game.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I feel bad that I just kind of dropped this game. I had everyone maxed out and I was on
that stupid level where the huge ship chases you and you have to divert it
and I just stopped. I really, really hate stuff like that--almost as much as I hate it when makes make you "protect" somebody.


Not all of the characters are likable.

Also, to unlock whathisface's brother and Lynn, you only need to make them fall on the battlefield, but not *die*. You can recover them w/ a medic, but you only need one person to die-die for the one emblem D:
gokieks said:
Those characters don't actually need to be dead, just reduced to no health - if you save them by having another unit reach him/her and calling in the medic, or finishing the battle before an enemy unit reaches the body or too many turns pass, the associated characters will still show up.

This clarification earlier would have saved many, many lives.
FlightOfHeaven said:
I later went and just bought all the "Extended Clip" upgrades, and those are pretty decent.

Actually, if you do the math, Extended Clip upgrades actually do more total damage than the damage upgrades. You're doing slightly less damage per shot, but firing more often.
DarienA said:
Is remote play possible with Valkyria?

It looked like it was at one point. Not anymore though.

There was a screenshot that was either a remote play feature that was removed, or it was a Valkyria on PSP that never came out.


Nork unification denier
Apologies if this was answered earlier in the thread, but it's not coming up in any of my searches or in any faq I've checked. If a squad member dies and I'm left with, e.g., 7 of 8 positions filled, can I deploy any of my reserves into that empty slot, even those I didn't select for the active squad when I was getting ready for battle? Or am I stuck with filling it with the temporarily dead squad member once he or she has resurrected in 1 turn (or however many it takes)?

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
luxarific said:
Apologies if this was answered earlier in the thread, but it's not coming up in any of my searches or in any faq I've checked. If a squad member dies and I'm left with, e.g., 7 of 8 positions filled, can I deploy any of my reserves into that empty slot, even those I didn't select for the active squad when I was getting ready for battle? Or am I stuck with filling it with the temporarily dead squad member once he or she has resurrected in 1 turn (or however many it takes)?

Not sure I totally understand your question, but yes you can fill in all empty slots even if you started under the max amount. If someone falls during combat, they're still an "incapacitated" combatant and you can't fill their slot until they 1) die on a certain amount of turns OR 2) you bring a medic and carry their body all the battlefield. Then once you have the open slot you can fill it in with a reserve.


Nork unification denier
Adam Prime said:
Not sure I totally understand your question, but yes you can fill in all empty slots even if you started under the max amount. If someone falls during combat, they're still an "incapacitated" combatant and you can't fill their slot until they 1) die on a certain amount of turns OR 2) you bring a medic and carry their body all the battlefield. Then once you have the open slot you can fill it in with a reserve.

OK thanks. I think I'm doing something wrong then, because I have 3 of 9 slots open and the game is not letting deploy any reserve characters (to clarify, I'm trying to deploy a new replacement engineer, Nadine, to replace my original (now dead and evacuated from the battlefield via medic) engineer Dallas.
I did not pick Nadine originally when first laying out the 9 people on my squad for this battle. Will the game let me replace Dallas with Nadine, or will it require me to stick with Dallas when I try to deploy a replacement engineer from the base because Dallas was in my original deployment line-up?
luxarific said:
OK thanks. I think I'm doing something wrong then, because I have 3 of 9 slots open and the game is not letting deploy any reserve characters (to clarify, I'm trying to deploy a new replacement engineer, Nadine, to replace my original (now dead and evacuated from the battlefield via medic) engineer Dallas.
I did not pick Nadine originally when first laying out the 9 people on my squad for this battle. Will the game let me replace Dallas with Nadine, or will it require me to stick with Dallas when I try to deploy a replacement engineer from the base because Dallas was in my original deployment line-up?

When a character falls on the battlefield, that person is no longer taking up a slot. Another member can be requested immediately.

When the character is evacuated, they can be deployed again after 1 turn has passed.

There is no restriction on the number per class, or any character.

If you did not deploy a full squad, anytime it is your turn, you can request for reinforcements until you max out of slots.

Each request takes up one command point! If you don't have any command points, you cannot request for reinforcements! This may be why you are unable to request?

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Yeah, I'm willing to bet that you're requesting reinforcements at the end of your turn when you are out of CP. It takes one CP per reinforcement request... as RadiantDreamer already said.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Damn, over at Anime Expo there were over 44,000 attendees but there were no Selvaria, Gregor, Maximillian, or Jaeger cosplay.

I can post the pictures of the few Valkyria cosplay I did find during AX if you want.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Okay, here are Valkyria Chronicles Cosplay from Anime Expo 2009. Here is hoping that AX 2010 is better for VC cosplay.




That's all folks, there was better cosplay of Persona 4, Ace Attorney, Tales of Vesperia, and all the others.


Just saw the episode of Vyse getting blown to smithereens :lol

I demand more fan service and wish to see Aika get her comeuppance as well.
Hcoregamer00 said:
Okay, here are Valkyria Chronicles Cosplay from Anime Expo 2009. Here is hoping that AX 2010 is better for VC cosplay.

That's all folks, there was better cosplay of Persona 4, Ace Attorney, Tales of Vesperia, and all the others.


My untouched visions of beauty for VC have been SHATTERED!!!

I want it back, and you STOLE it from me, Hcoregamer!!

Now it's gone!! FOREVER!!!

Please... no more American Cosplay...

I found a couple more on google, that are also terrible... so instead, here's a really cute unrelated cosplay pic:



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I'm really enjoying this game right now just did the rescue mission, cute.... anyway... these photos have scarred my soul.
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