Y2Kev said:Just think about the world where Dark Void gets released but no vanquish.
do you want to go on living? i do not.
What the hell is a Dark Void?
Y2Kev said:Just think about the world where Dark Void gets released but no vanquish.
do you want to go on living? i do not.
Hag said:The sad part on Twitter is that everybody thanks KAMIYA for ''making'' Vanquish. You see him replies ''thanks'' a lot for those people. He just give up saying that Mikami make the game. :lol
Shit is so dumb.
Fimbulvetr said:Bunch of idiots.
This is getting insane. :lol
Fimbulvetr said:Bunch of idiots.
This is getting insane. :lol
Empty said:at first i thought it was the new manifestation of the capcom konami meme, but no, it turns out that lots of people just don't know their genius game developers that well.
Mikami's name is on the box, even!Empty said:at first i thought it was the new manifestation of the capcom konami meme, but no, it turns out that lots of people just don't know their genius game developers that well.
adversesolutions said:Just curious, but shouldn't we be thanking Inaba just as much (more) than Mikami for Vanquish?
Y2Kev said:Just think about the world where Dark Void gets released but no vanquish.
do you want to go on living? i do not.
Empty said:at first i thought it was the new manifestation of the capcom konami meme, but no, it turns out that lots of people just don't know their genius game developers that well.
Fimbulvetr said:What the hell is a Dark Void?
"Vanquish first day Japanese sales are in
The first day sales for Vanquish are in and seem rather low. They arent a total failure, but I sort of assumed it would beat a Naruto game.
Vanquish PS3: 47,000 units
Vanquish 360: 9,000 units
Hopefully they sell more copies this whole week. For reference, the Naruto game on PS3 sold 72,000 copies and 13,000 on Xbox 360. I guess its too much to outsell a big anime IP like Naruto.
Bayonettas first day sales in Japan where much more positive, selling 93,000 on the PS3 and the Xbox 360 version selling 45,000 units. A Bayonetta size hit this game is not, at least in Japan."
panda21 said:
its so good
why is GAF not super hyped for this?![]()
epmode said:I have a dumb question, forum:
I've seen videos where players boost at an enemy and flip kick them, yet they don't immediately overheat. Am I missing something?
How about delete if FAKE?Koralsky said:
I am, but New Vegas came out. Probably won't play this until Christmas or so.panda21 said:
its so good
why is GAF not super hyped for this?![]()
Chris1964 said:How about delete if FAKE?
You mentioned the massive budgets that go into the Black Ops etc. Although you might not have those budgets readily available, doesn't that help you avoid homogenisation? Bayonetta and Vanquish are not your usual action titles...
That's a very good point. I think a lot of that is driven through how creative the developer is going to be and to an extent the publisher wont get involved in that.
If you've got someone like Platinum Games, who have that that different, quality approach it is an advantage. But of course that is quite difficult to find, especially when you're in a genre that is so well populated.
I think where we sit from a commercial point of view is that the Black Ops, the Gears, the Halos... In terms of the numbers they do they are so phenomenal, but there is a very good market below that.
Obviously there's failure underneath, too - so the good news is whilst Vanquish isn't shown at a Sony or Microsoft E3 show, if we can get enough interest with it, get it to a certain level of sales, then we sequelise it.
Then we start having the confidence to put more money in it and be a bit more experimental and sort of be a bigger production. I think where we're positioned right now with Vanquish is correct, and if we're getting some underground praise for it, that will position us quite nicely.
AvP came from nowhere - a number of other publishers have said they didn't expect that to do as well as it has - so I think if we can do a similar thing with Vanquish, we've got a chance. We won't overly trumpet it until it's out there with the consumer.
If we can release that and sell 1 or 1.5 million units across the US and Europe, that is fantastic. We don't expect to sell five million units - it would be nice, but we manage our expectations on it.
But to your point, yes, you can try and do things slightly differently - but we're in the hands of the developer to give us that inspiration.
TheGoldenGunman said:Oh and quick question. What are the exact rules for upgrading weapons? The Green Cubes upgrade weapons, but if you die in a mission where you upgraded your weapon, you lose the upgrade correct?
Also, sometimes if your weapon has full ammo and you pick up another of that weapon type when you have it equipped, it will upgrade. But sometimes it doesn't! What's the deal here? Does it have something to do with dropping the weapon not allowing an upgrade... I don't fully understand.
Because no one knows about it. (SEGA MARKETING IS CRAP.)panda21 said:
its so good
why is GAF not super hyped for this?![]()
ZealousD said:Picking up a weapon when you have full ammo only does a partial upgrade. You need 3 or 4 partial upgrades for a full upgrade, I can't remember exactly which. An upgrade cube will give you a full upgrade. Think of it like the pieces of hearts vs full hearts in Zelda. On the badges that show up, a star denotes a full upgrade, while the little lines at the bottom show your partial upgrades.
On Hard, dying will knock off one full upgrade from your weapons, but it'll only knock off upgrades once per mission. So if you die over and over again on a certain part, you don't lose all your upgrades. I believe that Normal and Casual don't knock off a full upgrade like Hard does, I think it's just a partial upgrade it knocks off.
The disappointment would kill me.vic2020 said:There is still hope for a sequel on PSP!
I would steal Naka's Ferrari and drive over every PSP on the planet.vic2020 said:There is still hope for a sequel on PSP!
vic2020 said:There is still hope for a sequel on PSP!
With Platinum Games at their side and Inafune having a midlife crisis they're turning into the superior Capcom.panda21 said:shit i only just realised its SEGA publishing these games.
whatever it is we want, we're fucked.
[Nintex] said:With Platinum Games at their side and Inafune having a midlife crisis they're turning into the superior Capcom.
Asura's Wrath pretty much looks as close as we'll ever get to God Hand 2, unless Mikami makes another brawler.Linkzg said:Capcom: "Actually, we have Silicon Knights working on that."
Yeah, I know. Being by CyberConnect2, I'm mildly optimistic.Sir Ilpalazzo said:I don't think we can say anything like that until we see gameplay.