Asura's Wrath pretty much looks as close as we'll ever get to God Hand 2, unless Mikami makes another brawler.
I dont know what I just watched but I know I am buying it :lol
Asura's Wrath pretty much looks as close as we'll ever get to God Hand 2, unless Mikami makes another brawler.
Wait until you get to Challenge 6. It's fucking crazy.burgerdog said:Fuck challenge 4 act 5.
the way they talk about Asuras wrath makes it sound like its not a brawler. so i wouldnt expec5t it to be a god hand like game.Asura's Wrath pretty much looks as close as we'll ever get to God Hand 2, unless Mikami makes another brawler.
Challenge 4, Stage 5 or whatever it's called. You fight a viper in a very small area. Challenge 1,2,3,and 5 were so much easier than this.Wait until you get to Challenge 6. It's fucking crazy.
EDIT: Wait, you mean Act 4: Mission 5? What's so bad about that?
Wait until you get to Challenge 6. It's fucking crazy.
EDIT: Wait, you mean Act 4: Mission 5? What's so bad about that?
That's a bit unfair. They may not appear to be the smartest business out there and their internally developed games are not worth mentioning (aside from the occasional Valkyria or Yakuza), but SEGA is a very, very precious publisher. They are the reason Platinum could even release four pretty highly regarded, unique games and they are certainly not hesitant to greenlight sequels that do not look like a no-brainer to most other game companies out there (I'm looking at you Conduit 2).panda21 said:shit i only just realised its SEGA publishing these games.
whatever it is we want, we're fucked.
Yes, and it's fucking TOUGH.Animator said:Wait there is a challenge 6?! Does that unlock when you beat all challenges?
slaughterking said:That's a bit unfair. They may not appear to be the smartest business out there and their internally developed games are not worth mentioning (aside from the occasional Valkyria or Yakuza), but SEGA is a very, very precious publisher. They are the reason Platinum could even release four pretty highly regarded, unique games and they are certainly not hesitant to greenlight sequels that do not look like a no-brainer to most other game companies out there (I'm looking at you Conduit 2).
I would say SEGA's irrationality should, if anything, give us hope for a Vanquish sequel.
Yes, and it's fucking TOUGH.
iconoclast said:I've been getting raped on 5-3 on God Hard for like 3 hours straight. My best run so far had one of them down to 30% health; usually I just die before I can get him down to 75%. This shit makes Ninja Gaiden look like a Nintendo game.
Y2Kev said:
iconoclast said:I've been getting raped on 5-3 on God Hard for like 3 hours straight. My best run so far had one of them down to 30% health; usually I just die before I can get him down to 75%. This shit makes Ninja Gaiden look like a Nintendo game.
Yes it is. Bayonetta is a joke in comparison.ICallItFutile said:Okay, so I'm not crazy; Vanquish is a lot harder than Bayonetta.
Linkzg said:5-3 is the last one, right?
I was having so many problems on hard. Don't want to think about how brutal it would be on god hard, especially with a smaller boost gauge.
iconoclast said:Yeah, it's the last mission. The boost gauge is actually the same size I believe, it's just that when you go into ARS mode it sucks up the meter twice as fast. You can still boost around like usual. I'm only using ARS on them when the blue guy tosses the nades in the air that cause you to overheat, otherwise I save my meter for sliding around from cover to cover.
Thing is, if you get touched by an attack from these fuckers, you're in overheat. Get hit again and you're dead. And of course they're always moving all over the fucking place and your cover is constantly shifting.
You can consider my butt hurt.
That's the thing, I really love Sega's output this generation and I think they get too much hate just because their Sonic games are still crap.panda21 said:well i guess just from my point of view, they are fucking terrible at giving fans what they want. they completely missed the fighter revival by sitting on a newer VF5 port for so long, they completely fucked up the yakuza 3 western release, we're not even getting yakuza kenzan, valkyria got... demoted.
then again, given that releasing another vanquish/bayonetta might seem like a really stupid move after they sold so badly, perhaps you're right and it will probably happen :lol
its just that conflicts with sega's prime directive of fucking with their fans
I think it's gonna have a long tail like Valkyria Chronicles, especially if they support the game with DLC. Bayonetta has sold nearly 2 mil at this point so I wouldn't worry too much about Platinum.hamchan said:That's the thing, I really love Sega's output this generation and I think they get too much hate just because their Sonic games are still crap.
Anyways, sucks that Vanquish bombed but it's not surprising. It's like Clover and now Platinum Games are cursed with making insanely high quality titles that all bomb in sales. From my perspective it looks like Vanquish bombed from the bad marketing and bad release date.
Linkzg said:I used ARS with the rocket launcher to speed it up so they wouldn't evade it.
Yeah, I think he works for Future Press, so you may be in luck.iconoclast said:Maybe I should message the one guy who's listed on the leaderboards and ask him for some protips.
iconoclast said:Yeah, it's the last mission. The boost gauge is actually the same size I believe, it's just that when you go into ARS mode it sucks up the meter twice as fast. You can still boost around like usual. I'm only using ARS on them when the blue guy tosses the nades in the air that cause you to overheat, otherwise I save my meter for sliding around from cover to cover.
Thing is, if you get touched by an attack from these fuckers, you're in overheat. Get hit again and you're dead. And of course they're always moving all over the fucking place and your cover is constantly shifting.
You can consider my butt hurt.
Oh yeah that got me to, bastard move.Animator said:note to self: don't stand in front of a dying argus robot.
ZealousD said:Vanquish is clearly trying to cater to the Western market. I expected it wouldn't do as well as Bayonetta in Japan.
The question is, will it do better than Bayonetta did in the West? At first I thought that would be a sure thing, but I'm not so sure anymore. =/
SapientWolf said:I think it's gonna have a long tail like Valkyria Chronicles, especially if they support the game with DLC. Bayonetta has sold nearly 2 mil at this point so I wouldn't worry too much about Platinum.
Rush2thestart said:What? Where did you hear Bayonetta sold 2 million? It shipped 1.1 million last I heard.
adversesolutions said:What's the most damage you managed to do to one bogey?
Yeah, it was 1.5 around the end of summer and I'm thinking that all the Bayo bundles (360 Elite Bayo bundle in Japan, Vanquish and Bayo in the UK) put it north of that.Fimbulvetr said:According to Gamasutra that number was updated 1.35(and this reported was during the summer) million. And I've heard mentions of 1.5 million since then(that was around the end of summer).
DrBo42 said:Bought it on a whim, clocked about 2 hours so far. Is the pace at the beginning bad or am I just not liking this?
DrBo42 said:Bought it on a whim, clocked about 2 hours so far. Is the pace at the beginning bad or am I just not liking this?
Act 2 is significantly better than Act 1.DrBo42 said:Bought it on a whim, clocked about 2 hours so far. Is the pace at the beginning bad or am I just not liking this?
Linkzg said:honestly, Sega can be redeemed of everything if Mikami makes Comix Zone 2 aka God Hand 2.
hamchan said:From my perspective it looks like Vanquish bombed from the bad marketing and bad release date.
ICallItFutile said:Okay, so I'm not crazy; Vanquish is a lot harder than Bayonetta.
DrBo42 said:The boss battles are fun, definitely. The waves and waves of robots inbetween I'm not feeling. All I end up doing is boosting into cover, then flipping over said cover in slow motion to get some quick headshots, then repeating. I definitely feel like I'm not "getting it" because I'm playing it the wrong way. I just feel like there isn't much other than evade/slow-mo. *Shrugs*
no television ads = not well marketedZealousD said:No it was pretty well marketed. The first trailer had pretty high visibility, and it had a pretty big push inside GameStop stores.
DrBo42 said:The boss battles are fun, definitely. The waves and waves of robots inbetween I'm not feeling. All I end up doing is boosting into cover, then flipping over said cover in slow motion to get some quick headshots, then repeating. I definitely feel like I'm not "getting it" because I'm playing it the wrong way. I just feel like there isn't much other than evade/slow-mo. *Shrugs*
Lostconfused said:Oh yeah that got me to, bastard move.
Edit: Also was kind of weird seeing this boss in the game
george_us said:Kind of weird Sega marketed the balls off Bayonetta but something like Vanquish gets jack shit. You'd think it'd be the other way around.
sega probably doesn't have any marketing money right now.george_us said:Kind of weird Sega marketed the balls off Bayonetta but something like Vanquish gets jack shit. You'd think it'd be the other way around.
Sega has been profitable for years. I know they didn't spend that money on Sonic game development. Time to open the warchest.practice02 said:sega probably doesn't have any marketing money right now.
contrary to the way it would seem based on the quality of the games they are throwing a lot of money at sonic game development.SapientWolf said:Sega has been profitable for years. I know they didn't spend that money on Sonic game development. Time to open the warchest.
Hi. Im JP, one of the writers on Vanquish. Normally, I fill a role as translator; however, on Vanquish, I also wrote some scenes in the script, added in most of the naming/jargon, and tried to bring that PG flavor to the script.
Approaching the story to Vanquish was an interesting endeavor. It isnt often that you sit in a room with the directors of Resident Evil and Code Veronica and get asked your opinion about the story. One of these points was the opposing force in the game. Our initial candidate was China, but ultimately we went with the Russians. Ive noticed some people on the net claim that Russia is clichéd as an enemy force, but it really is the only logical conclusion. Vanquish is based on an extension of our current world into the future, so the original plan of a Chinese enemy makes very little sense. China owns most of the United States debt, and the US buys most of Chinas manufactured goods. When there is money to be made, people tend to find ways not to fight. Russia, on the other hand, makes perfect sense. Over half of all Russian exports to the US are petroleum products, so in a resource crunch, the economic ties that bind Russia to the US would be severed, allowing them to attack. After all, all wars are essentially about resource control.
Another reason I really pushed for Russia as an enemy is because I really enjoy the pseudo-Cold War nostalgia that nation-on-nation conflicts, especially with Russia, brings about. Its got that great G.I. Joe sense of good guys taking on bad guys, which plays directly into the style of dialogue we were going for in Vanquish. In essence, Vanquish is tinged with parody, but not the point of being overt. I read a review that said, Its hard to tell whether it is taking the piss or not, which in itself may well be the intention. Many of the dialogue lines in Vanquish are way over-the-top, but then again, you are talking about a group of super-powered space marines attacking a colony the size of a small city in space. I think it would be incredibly strange if they played things overly straight faced, so why not have fun with things? Why not make the characters aware of not only the ridiculousness of the situation, but also the varied cultural influences that lead to the creation of a game like Vanquish. My intent, at least with the English script, was not fan service, but rather making sure the game never forgets what it is a game. There are plenty of companies working towards the serious. We never forget we are making games. I love that. As that same review said, We werent sure if we were laughing at it, or with it, but we were definitely laughing. Perfect.
That being said, Vanquish is a bit serious. When I first went through the completed script outline, I realized that what Hiroki Kato, our lead script writer, had come up with was ultimately a morality tale on the frailty of ones best intentions. All of the characters in Vanquish are rough around the edges, with motivations that conflict with the idealized world they are striving to create. If you read into it a bit, it draws many parallels with the attacks French philosopher Voltaire launched against fellow philosopher Gottfried Leibniz and his concept of optimism. While I dont think Kato-san explicitly set out with Voltaire in mind, it was nice to be able to strengthen these parallels in some of the naming and situations in the game. I hope you all have fun trying to find these references.
Finally, a bit on the English voice acting in the game: I was incredibly privileged to work with top notch people across the board on the English script. It is always fun to be the dumbest one in the room, because you have so many people to look up to. From my editor on the script, Alexander O. Smith, to our voice director, Kris Zimmerman (of Bayonetta and Metal Gear Solid fame), to our incredibly talented cast, it was an awesome experience working with everyone. It isnt often you can bring Gideon Emery (Sam), Steve Blum (Burns), Marc Worden (Zaitsev), Kari Wahlgren (Elena), Lee Meriweather (Winters), and Benito Martinez (Candide) together on one project, but we were able to pull it off, and got some amazing performances as a result. We also realize that many of you want to play in your native languages, so weve included Japanese, French, Italian, German, and Spanish voices as well. I know there are plenty of fans with a preset bias towards the Japanese language track for whatever reason, but I really urge you to set aside your biases and try out the game in your native language. English was the lead language on Vanquish, but all of the languages were equally important to us, so dont dismiss things as a dub, because you will just end up missing out on some great performances by some really talented actors. Mikami-san has already spoken about how much he loves Gideons voice as Sam, and I am a huge fan of Japanese voice actors performance for Zaitsev. For a little bit of fun, here are my favorite outtakes from the studio: