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VANQUISH |OT| Bullet Ballet performed by the London Awesome orchestra


Finished it last night! Great final scene and final fight!

Ho boy though, that is just a bad story with flat dialogue. The main character voice actor was terrible! We were making fun of him at the end.

Gravel Voice: "Hey, you wanna get something to eat once we touch down on earth?"
Girl: "They... Don't allow smoking in restaurants."
Gravel: Forget it then! Just pretend I didn't ask!"

Also I need to get this off my chest:

So all of a sudden that space colony is blown up. Okay, impactful but kind of sudden. This results in President Hilary Clinton from taking her own life. And they show it. Show everything. A hole in her head and the U.S. flag covered in blood. Speaking as a Canadian who is not always keen on America I found it to be VERY disrespectful. It is something of a 'fuck you' to the States and it was done in a very clumsy and brutish manner. A juvinille end scene to what was a juvinille story.
Dyno said:
So all of a sudden that space colony is blown up. Okay, impactful but kind of sudden. This results in President Hilary Clinton from taking her own life. And they show it. Show everything. A hole in her head and the U.S. flag covered in blood. Speaking as a Canadian who is not always keen on America I found it to be VERY disrespectful. It is something of a 'fuck you' to the States and it was done in a very clumsy and brutish manner. A juvinille end scene to what was a juvinille story.

I found this extremely tasteless as well.

What offended me even more was that Platinum obviously went with that style of ending to drum up controversy about the game. It's totally apparent, given that there was no build-up that necessitated that turn of the story, and the specific way they show how it happens. That's what's really pathetic about it, that they thought something like this would get their game attention. Guess that's where the marketing budget went.

Speaking as someone who has Vanquish as their GOTY, the plot alone is enough to drop it down to a 9. A must-play, must-mute 9.


il capo silenzioso
I doubt they wanted to stir up anything, it's just your usual US vs Russia story but with a twist on it. It happened in movies before and no one complained.

Maybe it meant that she disgraced the flag rather than something negative.


Yurt said:
I doubt they wanted to stir up anything, it's just your usual US vs Russia story but with a twist on it. It happened in movies before and no one complained.

Maybe it meant that she disgraced the flag rather than something negative.

I just think that in any form of entertainment you should treat high offices with a modicum of respect. For example: If the camera stayed focused on the flag, you heard the shot, and perhaps a single drop of blood hit the white stripe of the flag, then you don't see the POTUS actually commit suicide.

Also I thought Robert Burns should have been called Radiation Burns. The name suits that crazy character much better.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
While I admit I did find the ending scene in question rather shocking, I wasn't offended by it. Hell, I thought it took guts on Platinum's part to actually go that far.

But then again I'm one of those "nothing is sacred" types. So, eh.
just noticed this is only 21 island dollars from amazon.co.uk. for both 360 and ps3.

is there a difference between them? ps3 version weaker or something?


Dick Laurent said:
just noticed this is only 21 island dollars from amazon.co.uk. for both 360 and ps3.

is there a difference between them? ps3 version weaker or something?

The PS3 version was the lead platform. PS3 frame rate is a bit steadier, with the 360 version having some screen tearing, but no other major differences.

Adding myself to the people not offended by that ending scene in Vanquish, even if it's not how I would've chosen to conclude things (I just don't see the point in getting indignant about it).
New dev blog -- Working as a Game Programmer

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Yurt said:
I doubt they wanted to stir up anything, it's just your usual US vs Russia story but with a twist on it. It happened in movies before and no one complained.

Maybe it meant that she disgraced the flag rather than something negative.
Her ulterior motives disgrace the country. The blood on the flag is symbolic of that fact, I think.

Personally, I found it quite shocking, but nothing is sacred.


Do you folks recommend starting on normal or hard? I would prefer to start on hard but not if I'm just going to be stonewalled.
Hard is pretty managable, but I'd still say playing on normal is better to get comfortable with the game mechanics and offers more room for experimentation.
Fugu said:
Do you folks recommend starting on normal or hard? I would prefer to start on hard but not if I'm just going to be stonewalled.

In my experience thus far, the game is very balanced on Hard and if you are getting destroyed it is probably your fault. Once you figure out the various gameplay mechanics this game is an awesome experience. Having a slightly overwhelmed feeling has only increased my enjoyment.


Yeah, starting on hard is working out fine so far. I've only been killed by what appears to be a falling car. I need a bigger TV, man.


So it took me two hours and fifteen minutes and 46 deaths to beat the first act on hard without having a clue what I'm doing. The flow of the game isn't really resonating with me so I may bump it back to normal for a bit (I was getting raped by the boss because I didn't have any gauge of how much I should be exploiting the slow motion mechanic).
I'm on my second Hard playthrough - how are you supposed to deal with the BIAs? The only thing I've found, outside of just resorting to rockets, is to use the pistol or HMG's melee attack when they're in their quadrupedal mode and shoot their core, but that doesn't always work.


erotic butter maelstrom
So I beat this last night. Only died like 38 times.

Excellent game.
I don't think I can go back to other 3rd person shooters now, this one has spoiled me a bit. It was quick but there was no filler bullshit so I'm ready to give it another go on hard.



Fugu said:
So it took me two hours and fifteen minutes and 46 deaths to beat the first act on hard without having a clue what I'm doing. The flow of the game isn't really resonating with me so I may bump it back to normal for a bit (I was getting raped by the boss because I didn't have any gauge of how much I should be exploiting the slow motion mechanic).

normal is challenging enough. i would suggest bumping it down for your first play through.


jaekwon15 said:
normal is challenging enough. i would suggest bumping it down for your first play through.
I'm going to give Act 1 another once-over on hard and if I still can't do it I'm going to bump the difficulty down. My primary problem right now is that I still don't really have a grasp of the controls.
When I recommended Hard, I didn't really think what it would be like for someone who was totally new to the game. I had played the demo a lot before hand, and after playing through I felt like Hard was an appropriate choice, but it might be rough at first. Did you start with the tutorial?

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Sir Ilpalazzo said:
I'm on my second Hard playthrough - how are you supposed to deal with the BIAs? The only thing I've found, outside of just resorting to rockets, is to use the pistol or HMG's melee attack when they're in their quadrupedal mode and shoot their core, but that doesn't always work.

Boost->Boost Melee->ARS->Shotgun/Rocket Launcher to the face works pretty well for me.


Sir Ilpalazzo said:
When I recommended Hard, I didn't really think what it would be like for someone who was totally new to the game. I had played the demo a lot before hand, and after playing through I felt like Hard was an appropriate choice, but it might be rough at first. Did you start with the tutorial?
No, but I know the controls now. It's just a matter of solidifying my execution. To be honest, the only thing that gave me an abnormal amount of trouble was the giant robot that came out of the ground (the one where you have to blast him in the face for awhile and then blast his limbs so that you can blast his torso). I died on this a good thirty times, until I got the Heavy Machine Gun damage upgrade and I was able to deal more than an eighth of his health each time I opened up his core. When you're learning the controls, it's enormously difficult to be consistent.

I'm not really getting the sense of speed from this game yet mostly because every time I go balls to the wall I get my shit fucked.

EDIT: I lit an unprecedented amount of accidental cigarettes.
Finished my third play through just now. This one on Hard. I hope the DLC weapons hit Xbox Live sometime. I think that would motivate me to play through on Easy trying not to die, and then take on the Challenges.
Can someone tell me how to get higher scores? Like should I be using cover, or does staying in cover hurt your score? The game never really explains it. Also do headshots up your score, and other things like that, etc? Thanks.


Unconfirmed Member
scoring system is pretty simple

destroying a robot/turret/enemy vehicle etc. gives you a set amount of points. bonus points are awarded for destroying certain parts of their body or headshots promoting accuracy. Time bonuses are awarded at the end promoting speedy play.

Basically accuracy is rewarded, but the most important thing is speed. So the object is to rack up as many points as you can while completing the stage under the time limit for the 5000 bonus.


Finished the game earlier this morning. Soooo good, will be on my top (5?) list for this year fo' sho'. Finished the game on Normal and found it a decent challenge (died like 20 times or so). How much harder is Hard?

Also, the "finish the game without dying" trophy, is it enough to replay acts/missions and getting 0 deaths (à la Resident Evil 5), or must I replay the game from start to finish?


as some one who pretty much loved the hell out of bayonetta and knows game really well would you guys say start on hard or go normal


MattyH said:
as some one who pretty much loved the hell out of bayonetta and knows game really well would you guys say start on hard or go normal

The games aren't really comparable at all. Do you have any experience with games such as Uncharted 2 and Gears of War? if so, might as well start with Hard.


adversesolutions said:
Yeah you'll be fine man. Last boss is a bitch tho.

Does the last boss differ in any way between Normal and Hard (aside from damage output/health)? I found
to be pretty damn easy on Normal.
BeeDog said:
Does the last boss differ in any way between Normal and Hard (aside from damage output/health)? I found
to be pretty damn easy on Normal.

Didn't play Normal so I can't say. I'm sure it's harder in some way though. I died about 30 times on it.


Just got the game today, thanks to the Play.com offer the other day, not played much so far, but I wanted to say, I was very impressed by the cutscene direction at the start. Nothing in the demo or the trailers really impressed me in that regard, but the final game is very well done. The 3D cover is very cool too.


Unconfirmed Member
ToyMachine228 said:
Finished my third play through just now. This one on Hard. I hope the DLC weapons hit Xbox Live sometime. I think that would motivate me to play through on Easy trying not to die, and then take on the Challenges.

What country are you in? DLC is already avaliable in the US.


I'm an hour in (I don't think it counts cutscenes and things), the whole 'train' sequence was really incredible.

If there was ever a game I'd want to play in 3D, this would be it.

Also, not a single torn frame, such a joy that some developers have decided to out right clear that shit up, it is the single worst graphical flaw in gaming.


Okay. This game's my charity case this year.

Reasons why I didn't want to buy it:

1. I've wanted Platinum Games to focus on the Okami aspect of their heritage rather than the Godhand bit. I don't want to encourage them.

2. I like Mikami just fine, but I'm no superfan. Like Kamiya and Suda, he appropriates too many lowbrow things from Japanese and American culture to make me love rather than like him.

3. Uh, it's a 3rd person action/shooter. Some may say that I am not a fan of them in nearly all cases.

So, even though I'm sure it's great objectively, it's subjectively not for me. I willing to overlook irony-that's-not-really-irony this time, though, because I want more games like this in the marketplace. If other gamers won't step up, then I will. I'm now in the Mikami subsidy game. Wish me luck!


erotic butter maelstrom
What worked for me is to skip every single cutscene. I had absolutely no need for a narrative in this game, so I mashed the select button as soon as they took away control. I don't feel like it took detracted from the experience at all, the game was a blast.
Finished my first playthrough (Hard). Absolutely fantastic experience and I look forward to a few more runs (God Hard then perhaps easy). My only gripe is the second last boss. I felt that it was pretty damn cheap and the level layout did not lend itself at all to the games mechanics given the opposition.

Hopefully we will see some type of sequel to this game, even if it is only a spiritual successor. I would gladly pay monies for more fast paced TPS games. In a sequel I would hope to see a more robust melee system (God Hand) and a deeper upgrade system
Bought it yesterday.

Two words... FUCKING WOW!

This has to be one of the most amazing game experiences I've had since Uncharted 2.

Great graphics and really fun. I feel like I'm back at the old arcade I used to go 15 years ago.


Fucking Play.Com has taken 2 weeks now for my order and it still hasn't arrived. I bought the lenticular sleeve + Free Bayonetta purchase. Really pissed it's taking them so long; and I can't contact them because 'officially I have to wait for December 6th' because that's when the waiting term ends. BAH.


Just refinished the game on Casual to get the "no deaths" trophy. Only have the "finish Act X on hard" trophies, the Challenge trophy and the Pangloss trophy left now. :D


Finished act four, the game is really incredible, and although it's got a lot of criticism for it, I like that it's short. By far the best TPS I've played.

I don't really think of this year as exceptional, but with Bayonetta (the best character action game so far), Reach (the best console shooter), and Vanquish (the best third person shooter), there have been some awesome highlights.

EDIT: Finished it, who directed the cutscenes? They are the best I've seen from a game in terms of blocking, framing, cutting etc, they have a real sense of live action about them with handy cam focus pulls and things.

I didn't care for (what I took as) the suggestion of a sequel at the end. If Mikami can't be around to do it. It's got me really excited for Shadows of the Damned too.

Very cool game.

Rolf NB

Any good tips for the final battle on hard?

I'm going in with a rocket launcher, assault rifle and machine gun. I can get
one of the bogeys down to ~25% health with six rockets (three stock, three more after picking up the extra RL from the floor) relatively quickly, but I just can't avoid taking massive damage myself. I roll around all the time, do the slow-down roll to fire, let off before it overheats, then let it recharge. But something always hits me, my guy goes into the automatic slowdown mode, which culminates in overheating, and then certain death.

They move so damn fast.
I can't keep track of where the damage is coming from. Should I use cover? How should I use cover?

Should I bring different weapons?


Unconfirmed Member
didn't care for (what I took as) the suggestion of a sequel at the end. If Mikami can't be around to do it. It's got me really excited for Shadows of the Damned too.

Mikami's only one guy

I'm sure the majority of the team that worked on it will still be at platinum when it's time to do a sequel.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Late to the party, finished it yesterday. Fun game but I can completely understand the reviewers that didn't give it a 9+ score. The battles were interrupted way too frequently in the first section of the game and really even though it got better I think it still got interrupted too much towards the end.

The normal difficulty didn't really ease you into it and the first fight with the russian robot guy was just frustrating on normal, and I usually never have a problem with games on normal or hard (especially in the early parts of the game).

Plenty of things to love though and would like to see an improved sequel. The mechanics were awesome, I loved the pace and most of the weapons. Grenade toss could have used an indicator IMO but really great overall. Beautiful game, architecture was fantastic. It was a bit short but there was so much content that you went through so fast so I don't mind.

Bottom line for me, the stop and go was the most annoying thing about the game.
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