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VGLeaks: Durango GPU detailed


Big thread...So what is it compared to the 360? 2x, 3x?

A whole lot better.

Seriously. There is going to be a big difference, don't worry.

Xbox 720 as a Comcast cable box would garner millions of new and existing gamers. Xbox Live Party chat across games is still the main reason why the multi-player experience is better on the Xbox 360 and Xbox 720. The Halo and Gears franchises are easily among the the top two exclusive franchises so it comes to no surprise these will usher in the next generation Xbox 720. To top it off the Xbox 720 will have built in Blu-Ray and Kinect 2.0 out of the box. Sure the GPU may not be close to the PS4 GPU but in terms of third-party games it will be the same but add to that XBL party chat across games.

Man this almost sounds like a PR quote, just take out the PS4 part!

Someone hire this man! ;-)


I get the impression some people are trying to will the reality they want into existence (on both "sides").

We will get what we get.


Consoles don't sell fast enough to become a legit threat to Apple or Google in the living room space. Apple moves more $500 devices(not including iPhones)in a quarter than MS+Sony combined will move in their first year on the market. Not to mention they would have to offer something truly unique over other set top boxes to be a formidable foe. MS's sudden ecosystem unification lunge is cute but they're not in the same league as Apple and that's besides their issue with the dozens of people that own windows phone.

Wait a minute, are we talking about the living room space? You got it backwards. Apple doesn't sell Apple TV's fast enough and Google doesn't sell Google TV's fast enough to become a legitimate threat to Sony/Microsoft in the living room space. Both Sony and Microsoft outsell whatever Apple and Google offer for the living room. Now, that doesn't mean that they won't become a threat in that space in the future, hence why Microsoft (and I'm sure Sony too) will do a pre-emptive strike and equip their machines with goodies that go beyond gaming.


So Xbox Live didn't cause devs to give more and/or simply better support to the Xbox 360 over the PS3 -- especially during the first half of the gen?

If online services caused that back in 2007/2008, then I don't get how one could think that it wouldn't be important in 2014+... especially since more people are playing games online now.

Also, I don't see how my prediction of Xbox Live having a lot of unique online features next gen is that farfetched. MS has always been innovative when it comes to new online features for consoles each gen.

It caused devs to give better support because the hardware for the PS3 came out a year later and was giving people headaches, Microsoft paid for times exclusives and timed DLC exclusives. Look at that better support erode as developers got to grips with the PS3 and the financial reality of the market set in, something that's only more extreme for next gen.

And with each being probably within 20% of one another when it comes to social features, do you really believe that allowing for OS level 16 person video chat while playing your game would really motivate a developer to make their game exclusive or 'offer better support'. You still haven't actually said waht these better online features would be that would cause developers to jump ship from multiplatform development.

If anything, the more open nature of Sony's platform has a better track record at securing more support than better social features on the 360 (see Steam integration, wouldn't have/can't happen on 360, and Dust/ANY MMO in the last couple years that was planning to have a PC and 360 version: Age of Conan, Those super Hero games, Dust 514, Final Fantasy XIV).


This thread will end when the E3 Halo 5 CG trailer is shown.

........Until you realize it isn't CG.



lol E3 is going to be a bloodbath this year if we have stuff like this to go off of.
Xbox 720 as a Comcast cable box would garner millions of new and existing gamers. Xbox Live Party chat across games is still the main reason why the multi-player experience is better on the Xbox 360 and Xbox 720. The Halo and Gears franchises are easily among the the top two exclusive franchises so it comes to no surprise these will usher in the next generation Xbox 720. To top it off the Xbox 720 will have built in Blu-Ray and Kinect 2.0 out of the box. Sure the GPU may not be close to the PS4 GPU but in terms of third-party games it will be the same but add to that XBL party chat across games.
My god man, I'm invested in the Windows 8 ecosystem but I would never gush like that lol.



You're not making sense.

They were discussing launch strategies. The other guy was making a case about MS trying to emulate Sony PS2 strategy. Glorified G disagreed. This was the main point of their argument.

You said that the PS2 had launch hyperbole while the Xbox "delivered". Huh? So fucking what? That's not pertinent at all to what they were discussing.

I say this because Dreamcast games had great IQ and texture quality at launch.

PS2 was more powerful with terrible IQ and textures for most of it's games.

The Xbox and GC seemed more like a true evolution over Dreamcast.
These are just rumors until the real specs are released, but regardless if console one is more powerful than console two. This will only effect first party games, because third party games are going to look the same on both consoles. The real question should be which is going to be the easiest to develop for, because that was the biggest issue this generation in getting third party games that looked good and worked properly.
I still believe most people will find a reason to get a 720.

But many won't have the money...and so they will bitch about it on forums.

Same thing about Orbis really. =)

If Microsoft actually delivers with this whole living room mentality, overhauls Kinect and reveals those 4 IPs to be promising, then of course people will want to still buy it.


These are just rumors until the real specs are released, but regardless if console one is more powerful than console two. This will only effect first party games, because third party games are going to look the same on both consoles. The real question should be which is going to be the easiest to develop for, because that was the biggest issue this generation in getting third party games that looked good and worked properly.

Seeing as how 343 did an amazing job with Halo 4's graphics, many gamers are eagerly anticipating what they will do with Halo 5 on Xbox 720 hardware.
I would assume that we won't see another 30% or whatever it was failure rate of 360(How many yrs?) this time around.

That's a safe bet, and another advantage of being a "cable box" that core gamers can't see right now through the rage goggles. Cable/Sat providers don't like failure rates/downtime/service calls. If this whole thing about positioning the box for this purpose is true, this thing will be rock-solid.

Personally, the more I think about this strategy, the more I like it for Microsoft's goals.

yea and console sales tend to grow exponentially. if they get this off right and early, it could be devastating.

I wouldn't call it "devastating." But I would say if they can pull it off, it makes Apple or Google entering the fight for the living room a helluva lot more difficult.

With this, Microsoft is basically building hard fortifications to protect the territory they worked hard to claim in the living room. It took two generations of XBox and billions of dollars to get them established--they can't let Google or Apple waltz in and take it now.

Critics, on the other hand, would say hard fortifications don't work against a mobile (pun totally intended and apropos) enemy...so we'll see who is right.

But then it requires MS to basically turn themselves into a set-top box company in order to sell services in which case they're competing against the likes of the netflixes of the world and the main cable service providers, which still does not address their OS market dilemma aka "nobody is running for sheriff in their town but somebody else already started a new town and basically everybody is leaving and joining the new town".

But it tries to, and that's better than doing too little and seeing it all fade away. They tried that with mobile, and they fucked themselves.

The goal of Xbox has always been to ensure that Microsoft's products, software, and services have a place in the home/living room. That's what XBox has always been about--games were just the optimal entry point to get them a spot next to the TV. That's what this "move to the middle" of the living room is all about.

That's not to say they don't care about games, or quality games. They know they will flounder if they don't deliver the goods to the gaming fans. As long as there's big money to be made and big traction to be gained, MS will be all over it. So I don't worry about that as much as some here do.

While they'd be foolish to say so publicly, I sincerely think they are hoping for some sort of reverse "Halo Effect" where people will buy mobile devices to integrate with their home Xbox and Windows computers. I'm pretty skeptical about that idea, honestly, but who knows how they'll put it all together with all the services they can offer? MS can see how iTunes/iTunes App Store works for Apple to hook people into the iOS/OS X ecosystem. I think that's what they want here.


Was going to get an Orbis/PS4 just because I love too many of the Sony first party exclusives, but I'm not sure I'll get the Nextbox at launch. I'll probably do like I did this gen and get MS' console after a couple of years. This will probably be especially true is Sony's console is 499 USD or more.


What I don't get is that since the next Xbox and PS4 are launching this year, shouldn't they be pretty much the SAME in power? Why is one even a little bit more powerful than the other?

The PS3 launched a full year after the 360 and its technical advantage was small. Now the two are launching around the same time and it sounds like Sony's technical advantage will again be small. What gives?


Why would any gamer care about that?

The point of this thread it seems it so discuss the relative ability of the next XBOX to deliver games of the highest visual quality in terms of GPU power.

Not to attack you directly, but sales has nothing to do with this right?

My point was that if Kinect 2 make the Xbox 3 like a iPad for your Living Room then the Power of the GPU isn't going to hold it back.

& when you say "Gamer" who are you talking about? because almost everyone is playing games now, & if the games are fun & control as they should with Kinect 2 who is going to stop playing the game to say "This GPU is only 1.2TFLOPS" ?

the GPU is good enough for the biggest market & that's everyday people the one's who are playing games on Smart Phones & Tablets give them a way to play their favorite games like Subway Surfers & Temple Run in the Living Room on the big screen with controls that are simple as the touch controls on a Tablet or Smart Phone with no lag & perfect tracking people will not care if the graphics isn't the best in the world they will just enjoy the games & buy them. (See Wii & games like Just Dance )


What I don't get is that since the next Xbox and PS4 are launching this year, shouldn't they be pretty much the SAME in power? Why is one even a little bit more powerful than the other?

The PS3 launched a full year after the 360 and its technical advantage was small. Now the two are launching around the same time and it sounds like Sony's technical advantage will again be small. What gives?

Nobody wants to price themselves out of the market.


I'm personally quite happy with the GPU considering coding is done to the metal. We'll be treated to some seriously amazing looking games. Remember anything could change at any point in time.

I am hoping MS ends with a GPU that is closer to (~25% difference) the Orbis specs so 3rd party games won't suffer as much. I think most of these figues about recent are being perceived far too naively. We need to look at real world efficiencies and actual game performance's and demos.


It caused devs to give better support because the hardware for the PS3 came out a year later and was giving people headaches, Microsoft paid for times exclusives and timed DLC exclusives. Look at that better support erode as developers got to grips with the PS3 and the financial reality of the market set in, something that's only more extreme for next gen.

There were features though that were better in Xbox 360 versions of games in comparison to PS3 versions simply to due to the (standard) features that Xbox Live had in comparison. A good portion of it had nothing to due with MS giving money to devs for exclusive DLC. It wasn't just about DLC.

And with each being probably within 20% of one another when it comes to social features, do you really believe that allowing for OS level 16 person video chat while playing your game would really motivate a developer to make their game exclusive or 'offer better support'. You still haven't actually said waht these better online features would be that would cause developers to jump ship from multiplatform development.

Heh, yes since "16 person video chat" is the only thing that the next Xbox will have that's new in terms of online features. :|

And no I haven't said what they will be because I can't come up with anything myself... just like I couldn't have come up with the idea of the Xbox 360 Dashboard back in 2004.

I don't see how it's wrong for me to feel that MS will introduce many unique/console exclusive online features next gen based on what they did before with their previous consoles -- especially now considering that online console gaming is bigger than it ever was before.

If anything, the more open nature of Sony's platform has a better track record at securing more support than better social features on the 360 (see Steam integration, wouldn't have/can't happen on 360, and Dust/ANY MMO in the last couple years that was planning to have a PC and 360 version: Age of Conan, Those super Hero games, Dust 514, Final Fantasy XIV).

I can honestly see it being similar to iOS vs. Android in terms of support if Sony does go for the more open ended route. One may be more "opened" than the other but the one that's more closed may possibly get more support due to better laid out & unified features, as well as more financial support for what the developers create.


What I don't get is that since the next Xbox and PS4 are launching this year, shouldn't they be pretty much the SAME in power? Why is one even a little bit more powerful than the other?

The PS3 launched a full year after the 360 and its technical advantage was small. Now the two are launching around the same time and it sounds like Sony's technical advantage will again be small. What gives?

Both Sony and MS will have worked out their goals, and set manufacturing budgets accordingly.

More GPU power will result a console that is more expensive to manufacturer. Bare in mind it's pretty much a given that the next Xbox will come with Kinect 2.0 included. Plus the extra RAM requirements for MS's OS and app plans.

MS might be planning a lower price point. They might want better margins. The extra components (Kinect) might really increase the BOM of the entire unit. What is certain is the capability of the Orbis would have been available to MS if they had wanted it.


How close till launch did MS double the ram of the 360? I remember the whole Gears of War pitch that sold MS on upping the 360 specs.


I expect more from a console in 2013. Hell I expect more from ANY consumer electronic in 2013. My smartphone can do more than these consoles, and faster most of the time. Its a media hub, its a remote control, is a social device, its a gaming device, its many more things as well. To me, a console in 2013 that focuses mostly on the gaming experience is a failure waiting to happen. It sounds great on paper, or in nerdy fantasies but the reality is.. consumers expect more these days. The proof is out there today, look at what people are buying. Look at what kids are begging their parents for and what Grandparents are finally deciding to buy into. Its smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices that do a hell of a lot more than gaming. These use unified account systems, social integration right into the OS's, media functionality, all of which are now daily common things to use. A gaming device coming out in 2013 that is expected to last for several years has to be able to offer similar capabilities or its dead on arrival. You can look directly at WiiU complaints about infrastructure and OS complaints for what I'm talking about. People just expect more these days, slow OS's, lousy content offerings, terrible unified account systems etc..

Consumers actually notice these things now, and 7 years ago they weren't remotely on their radar. The market has changed.

My next gen console better be able to at least match what my smartphone can do, or do it better. Apps should launch in seconds or milliseconds. Social integration should be tight, infrastructure and OS platform should be efficient, optimized and future proof.
Just what kind of "Apps" do you want on your console? Do you really care about having Facebook, Twitter, or a Web browser? I mean you already have those on your phone or tablet. We have Samsung Dual Core Smart TV's with a ton of apps, yet they are not taking off. The PS3 already has capability, however rudimentary, to post your trophies on Facebook and Twitter. So tell me, what kind of "Apps" will you use other than the current set of Netflix, Hulu, etc, which are available on current HD consoles?

Cloud services need to be dialed in, and be readily available on a multitude of devices/platforms. All of those need to be there, and need to be AAA top tier software. No nonsense, no launch bugs, no working out the kinks or upgrades in a year. Out of the box, both Sony and Microsoft need to have a product that is up to date in the modern technology market. A console that plays online, has access to movies/tv/music isn't enough. That was 2005.
So what else do you want from a console? The ability to post on Facebook? Why would someone do that with a clunky controller as opposed to their smartphone?

Outside of the standard gaming, social, marketplace stuff I personally would like to see real media center functionality built in. I'm currently running a few devices to serve up my media center needs. I want to cut off Cable tv for good, give me something that serves up online streaming content in one aggregated interface. No more launching Netflix, launching HBO Go, launching Hulu Plus. All that shit should integrate into 1 interface. Give me DVR capabilities, give me software and OS functions that can match what phones have been doing for years.
The 360 already has unified search, and all that shit is already integrated into one interface, called your OS. Launching a different app for different content is OK on your tablet but not OK on your TV?


What I don't get is that since the next Xbox and PS4 are launching this year, shouldn't they be pretty much the SAME in power? Why is one even a little bit more powerful than the other?

The PS3 launched a full year after the 360 and its technical advantage was small. Now the two are launching around the same time and it sounds like Sony's technical advantage will again be small. What gives?

It's more than likely all about balancing things to have an attractive price.

MS probably knows that either way they'll have a ton of great "next-gen looking" 3rd party support, so they might feel like they don't need the most powerful hardware -- which will possibly cause their system to be cheaper than the PS4 and possibly more attractive to consumers due to it (combined with unique online features/services and games that can only be played on the next Xbox).


I love the fact people assume just because they can go all out in power, that they should, and in the same ways

I guess that's why they don't run a corporation


Now that console specs are out, we will just wait for the next-gen online services and games that will be out for both consoles.
No, they should release one disk with both a PC(Windows 8) versions and an Xbox version......automatic huge install(sales) base from day 1......I mean hell with all this talk of Windows 8 being on Xbox720 anyways and the specs being less than mind blowing.......

This would make everyone happy

that would work for me. The biggest thing that keeps me from building a gaming htpc is beign able to play with my brothers.


Didn't the first VGleaks leak hinted at Durango having an always present HDD? If the Durango specs hold true (nice jump over 360 while being budget conscious), then they might not only be able to include Kinect 2.0, but ensure that each console ships some form of a HDD as well (you can't be a DVR if you don't have storage to save to). This might also help with what ever software trickery they might have conjured up to help with the games themselves. At this point, we're not sure if Sony will do the same with Orbis (HDD wise).


How close till launch did MS double the ram of the 360? I remember the whole Gears of War pitch that sold MS on upping the 360 specs.

It'd have to be a year earlier at least. We're probably at the latter stages of the bug hunting stage - making sure all the 1000+ parts that make a console work well together and well work. Probably past that even and near launch ramping up stage.


Didn't the first VGleaks leak hinted at Durango having an always present HDD? If the Durango specs hold true (nice jump over 360 while being budget conscious), then they might not only be able to include Kinect 2.0, but ensure that each console ships some form of a HDD as well (you can't be a DVR if you don't have storage to save to). This might also help with what ever software trickery they might have conjured up to help with the games themselves. At this point, we're not sure if Sony will do the same with Orbis (HDD wise).

Mandatory hard-drives on the Xbox 720 would be great because I like installing all my games on my HD on the Xbox 360 for faster load times, no disc spinning meaning less noise.


Is there a possibility MS is gonna go with the Surface approach and sell their console at a high price?

Surface is different, as 3rd parties like ASUS, Lenovo will be producing their own Windows 8 Pro slates (e.g. 3rd party Surfaces). These will more likely aimed lower down the market. So Surface will be the premier model to show off how it should be done.

At this point, we're not sure if Sony will do the same with Orbis (HDD wise).

The last leak showed that Sony are looking for a single launch SKU with a 500GB HDD.


Nice to know it's not about brand loyalty anymore

It's about who has the most powerful console for bragging rights

well we gotta believe the flops man. lol

i hope you guys are not serious about making these kinds of decisions when the important factors like GAMES and FEATURES of the console isn't even revealed.
I still believe most people will find a reason to get a 720.

But many won't have the money...and so they will bitch about it on forums.

Same thing about Orbis really. =)

tbh i'll get it. i was LTTP with the 360. i think i picked up gears, crackdown, LO, BD, halo 3 i think. what killed it for me was live. i kinda wish they wouldn't have raised the price up. so 360x2 won't be a day 1 until there's something i really want that is a true exclusive.
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