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VGLeaks: Durango GPU detailed


I'd be in the dick

The architectures are essentially the same and both are probably easy to develop for. If anything games will be downported from Orbis, which would benefit both consoles. It's easier to pair things back and get good results than trying to add features. Microsoft is aiming for a smaller cost on the console so that they can afford to bundle Kinect 2, which is likely much more complex than the first.


Wii proved "graphics don't matter." MS is gambling they can abandon the tech performance lead to Sony, as long as they stay close enough to be relevant to third parties, and focus on other non-gaming features they believe will catch the interest of people beyond the "hardcore" crowd. They think this strategy will lead to more profits than had they just tried to one up Sony in the flops warz.

If this is true they'd better make sure the price is nice and low.

Maybe their subscription model might work a treat.


They better hope they can price this thing in the 299$ range or else their screwed from the core gaming community and I'll only have a single console under my TV for the next 5-6 years and it'll be PS4.......dumb dumb dumb move by Microsoft if they can't price this thing incredible cheap.

and If PS4 has no BC then their really screwed it's iOS and maybe PC gaming for me

I think we will see a $300 SKU based on what MS priced their consoles in the past.

Overall, if they are going from more of a PS2 approach (a really good improvement from the predecessor but less powerful than the main competition), then I would be fine with that if it means having a library as great/diversified as the PS2. If they could combine that with great & fast online features and services then I think that they will be in very good shape.

I saw some people say that being like the PS2 was a negative (or at least seemingly implying that) and I guess they care more about power.

Overall, I don't think it's a negative at all. The PS2 is my second favorite console of all time (SNES is #1). If MS is trying to go for a modern version of that, then I'll be greatly interested in it.


The architectures are essentially the same and both are probably easy to develop for. If anything games will be downported from Orbis, which would benefit both consoles. It's easier to pair things back and get good results than trying to add features.

they'll target durango, and they won't add features.

I'm sure they'll bully indies and smaller publishers but I don't see this flying with EA and the like.

i don't mean literally forcing, lol


alphanoid..? you are aware that you just posted that on a gaming forum.. for gamers.? I think I know neogaf as much to say, that most neogaffers want a gaming console.. not an overgrown mobilephonetablethybridthingy..

If that's the case then everyone here should love the Wii U since it seems like it's going to be the closest thing to "just a gaming console" in comparison to the PS4 and next Xbox. I mean, Sony also wants their console(s) to be a "media-hybrid-thingy". Sony was really the first ones to make/market game consoles to be more than game players. Kind of silly to think that they don't want the same goal that MS currently wants.

But, many here are unimpressed with the Wii U. I guess many should just stick with PC gaming then.
What I have learned from Neogaf today.

PS4 is far more powerful than next Xbox.
PS4 will be cheaper.
PS4 is easier to develop games on.
Xbox will be a DVR/Media Center that plays Kinect games on the side.
Xbox needs 8 gigs of RAM because of ADs.
MS will leave the industry.

Did I miss anything?

What, you didn't make the meeting where we all decided to agree on those points? Management isn't going to be happy!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Lol, please. People don't like the Wii u because its an overpriced and underpowered land whale with no games. It has nothing at all to do with what you just typed, and you know it.


I have a strange feeling that whatever Microsoft shows at E3 and the following DF comparisons will render this thread into comedy gold.
I have a strange feeling that whatever Microsoft shows at E3 and the following DF comparisons will render this thread into comedy gold.

It boggles my mind that people are so worked up on which console will be more powerful. I've just learned to accept whatever company that I'll buy from due to their library of games that I enjoy.


I think we will see a $300 SKU based on what MS priced their consoles in the past.

Overall, if they are going from more of a PS2 approach (a really good improvement from the predecessor but less powerful than the main competition), then I would be fine with that if it means having a library as great/diversified as the PS2. If they could combine that with great & fast online features and services then I think that they will be in very good shape.

I saw some people say that being like the PS2 was a negative (or at least seemingly implying that) and I guess they care more about power.

Overall, I don't think it's a negative at all. The PS2 is my second favorite console of all time (SNES is #1). If MS is trying to go for a modern version of that, then I'll be greatly interested in it.

The PS2 was advanced for its time. Did some special things even the Xbox and GC had trouble recreating, especially in fill rate for particle effects. It held up extremely well considering it came out a year earlier than the competition. Don't really get the PS2 comparison.

Ultimately though I agree with the bigger point more hardware power doesn't guarantee success. In the case of Sony, they aren't building another PS3. So if it is more powerful (we'll see!) it won't be hard for 3rd parties to tap that extra power for games. Regardless of system warz that extra power will be used.


Lol, please. People don't like the Wii u because its an overpriced and underpowered land whale with no games. It has nothing at all to do with what you just typed, and you know it.

Was that in reply to me?

If so, yes I know that people feel that way. I basically feel the same way as you described in the post.

However, I just find it funny how people act like MS is the only one that wants their console to be an all-in-one media box when Sony wants it just as much... if not more now that MS is getting so many media partners.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I have a strange feeling that whatever Microsoft shows at E3 and the following DF comparisons will render this thread into comedy gold.
Does DF ever do exclusive vs. exclusive comparisons? I doubt there is going to be much of a gap in cross platform titles. Microsoft is in the best position with third parties coming out of this hardware cycle.

I'm interested to see what the pricing strategies are. Wii selling so much seemed to have had zero impact on price drops for 360 and PS3 because it didn't really take away any of the software support.
I have a strange feeling that whatever Microsoft shows at E3 and the following DF comparisons will render this thread into comedy gold.

Perhaps. But if things switch next gen and PS is getting the better version of multi-console titles, that console will be my main. The vast majority of games I buy/play/rent are from third parties, so 360 was an easy decision this gen. If that changes, then I change. Obviously going to own both for the retail and downloadable exclusives.

Was that in reply to me?

If so, yes I know that people feel that way. I basically feel the same way as you described in the post.

However, I just find it funny how people act like MS is the only one that wants their console to be an all-in-one media box when Sony wants it just as much... if not more now than MS is getting so many media partners.

Of course Sony wants that. They'd be dumb not to. But it looks like they're not willing to sacrifice power to do it. That's a good thing if they can deliver the console at a good price.


Lol, please. People don't like the Wii u because its an overpriced and underpowered land whale with no games. It has nothing at all to do with what you just typed, and you know it.

Well that quote just made me think of the Saturn. Did EA support that system very well?


No I didn't. I was just in Fry's on Friday, plenty of 720p models. Sure more 1080p models but to say 720p is rare is quite an exaggeration.

Technically, the poster said 1280*720p, and those are extremely rare/nonexistent.

Most 720p tvs are 786.

VERY VERY few 720p TV in retail stores here in the states only small screens or weird off brand manufactures.

Wat. Pretty much everything under 40" comes in 720p flavors.

I expect more from a console in 2013. Hell I expect more from ANY consumer electronic in 2013. My smartphone can do more than these consoles, and faster most of the time. Its a media hub, its a remote control, is a social device, its a gaming device, its many more things as well. To me, a console in 2013 that focuses mostly on the gaming experience is a failure waiting to happen. It sounds great on paper, or in nerdy fantasies but the reality is.. consumers expect more these days. The proof is out there today, look at what people are buying. Look at what kids are begging their parents for and what Grandparents are finally deciding to buy into. Its smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices that do a hell of a lot more than gaming. These use unified account systems, social integration right into the OS's, media functionality, all of which are now daily common things to use. A gaming device coming out in 2013 that is expected to last for several years has to be able to offer similar capabilities or its dead on arrival. You can look directly at WiiU complaints about infrastructure and OS complaints for what I'm talking about. People just expect more these days, slow OS's, lousy content offerings, terrible unified account systems etc..

Consumers actually notice these things now, and 7 years ago they weren't remotely on their radar. The market has changed.

My next gen console better be able to at least match what my smartphone can do, or do it better. Apps should launch in seconds or milliseconds. Social integration should be tight, infrastructure and OS platform should be efficient, optimized and future proof. Cloud services need to be dialed in, and be readily available on a multitude of devices/platforms. All of those need to be there, and need to be AAA top tier software. No nonsense, no launch bugs, no working out the kinks or upgrades in a year. Out of the box, both Sony and Microsoft need to have a product that is up to date in the modern technology market. A console that plays online, has access to movies/tv/music isn't enough. That was 2005. The goddamn OS's need to be written from the ground up to serve these features on a golden platter and wow the consumer. The architecture, infrastructure, operating systems and longevity of all of them better be treated as in high regard as a AAA game. Hire the best, pay for the best and expect the best.

No more excuses, no more hiding behind a thin veil pretending that game consoles are the exception to the rule.

Outside of the standard gaming, social, marketplace stuff I personally would like to see real media center functionality built in. I'm currently running a few devices to serve up my media center needs. I want to cut off Cable tv for good, give me something that serves up online streaming content in one aggregated interface. No more launching Netflix, launching HBO Go, launching Hulu Plus. All that shit should integrate into 1 interface. Give me DVR capabilities, give me software and OS functions that can match what phones have been doing for years.

Give me 1 box to rule them all.

I'm giving both Sony and Microsoft a solid chance, whoever brings the best 'device' gets my money. So far it seems that Microsoft is designing the kind of device that I want in the year 2013, but thats just based on rumors. For all I know Sony got their shit ready to roll too and maybe even better than MS. What I dont want is a console that is focused entirely too much on gaming content. Yea, I just said that. Thats a limited device that belongs in the 1990s .. and its not the 1990s any longer. Give me a console designed for 2013 and beyond.

Give me 1 box to rule them all.

You... mean... like a HTPC?


I'd be in the dick
Does DF ever do exclusive vs. exclusive comparisons? I doubt there is going to be much of a gap in cross platform titles. Microsoft is in the best position with third parties coming out of this hardware cycle.

For exclusives they usually dedicate articles just going in depth into the features of that game in particular.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Was that in reply to me?

If so, yes I know that people feel that way. I basically feel the same way as you described in the post.

However, I just find it funny how people act like MS is the only one that wants their console to be an all-in-one media box when Sony wants it just as much... if not more now that MS is getting so many media partners.
Yes. It was. But I dislike using my bloated phonecommunicatorinternet device so much I usually do as little as possible when it comes to navigating. Given that, you get kudos for making me reply!

I don't think I fault anyone for wanting to "control the living room," even though its am ancient paradigm that has been already surpassed by bloated mobilephoneinternetshiteaters but your preponderance above made me cringe! And I also wanted to call the Wii u a land whale.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
However, I just find it funny how people act like MS is the only one that wants their console to be an all-in-one media box when Sony wants it just as much... if not more now that MS is getting so many media partners.
Do you seriously think that Nintendo wants just a pure-as-snow gaming machine, what with their tablet that doubles up as a TV remote, and an assortment of apps like Netflix, web browsers etc?
Lol, please. People don't like the Wii u because its an overpriced and underpowered land whale with no games. It has nothing at all to do with what you just typed, and you know it.

How is the land whale going to swim when it's on land, will it flop around like a seal?


The PS2 was advanced for its time. Did some special things even the Xbox and GC had trouble recreating, especially in fill rate for particle effects. It held up extremely well considering it came out a year earlier than the competition. Don't really get the PS2 comparison.


What is there not to get?

The PS2 was a really good improvement over the PS1 but was weaker than its main competitors, the Xbox and GC.

The next Xbox will be a really good improvement over the Xbox 360 but it seems like it may be weaker than its main competitor, the PS4.

If MS is trying to go for a "modern PS2 plan", having an attractive system to various demographics with a good price point -- therefore causing the system to have a ton of support, then I don't view that as a bad thing at all.

The reason why the PS2 held up well (as you said) was simply because of the great support it had.


I'm still predicting that Microsoft will take the profitable power route and sell each console without taking a hit.

The key difference is that they will use the business model proven by Apple to work, which is to release incremental hardware updates.
Instead of seeing a slim console, you'll actually see a more powerful unit that makes you existing games run better and after several years developers can choose to phase out support for the older slower hardware should they so choose.

This way you can cater for the casual gamers, who'se games presumably don't need to be as shiny, whilst continuing to give the real hardcore games constantly improving graphics , whist also forcing your competitors into a bit of an awkward spot when you effectively have an endless generation that has several inherent years of backwards compatible games and a huge userbase sitting behind you.

This model would also support the notion that they are going to try and sell subsidised units via phone shops and cable suppliers, who will always have a customer at the end who can upgrade to the newest console for free/cheap.

I actually think that as a console gamer it would actually be pretty cool to go out and get the newest console, boot up your favourite game and discover it's now playable at 60fps when it wasn't before.

Of course, if this was Microsoft's intention, we wouldn't hear anything of for a couple of years.

I don't think that could ever work for a home console. Development cycles take years. Devs would quickly be pissed not knowing final specs of the next iteration and whether they would have to down tools to up-spec their existing games.

The mobile sector is flooded with models, each trying to 1up the other. That's the nature of the business. Home console gaming has 3 major players. They don't need to refresh hardware every year to try and beat a competitor. I can see a subscription model, definitely, but year-on-year hardware revisions.....? Consumers would be absolutely lost with choice.



What is there not to get?

The PS2 was a really good improvement over the PS1 but was weaker than its main competitors, the Xbox and GC.

The next Xbox will be a really good improvement over the Xbox 360 but it seems like it may be weaker than its main competitor, the PS4.

If MS is trying to go for a "modern PS2 plan", having an attractive system to various demographics with a good price point -- therefore causing the system to have a ton of support, then I don't view that as a bad thing at all.

The reason why the PS2 held up well (as you said) was simply because of the great support it had.

Because if the specs are as it is, it's not another PS2. Sony pushed for the limit at the time with the PS2.


Do you seriously think that Nintendo wants just a pure-as-snow gaming machine, what with their tablet that doubles up as a TV remote, and an assortment of apps like Netflix, web browsers etc?

I never said that Nintendo doesn't want it.

Of course they want it. It's just that (in my opinion) they more than likely aren't going to match what MS and Sony will offer when it comes to media.

Heck, the Wii U at this current moment doesn't offer everything that the PS3 and Xbox 360 offers when it comes to media.
So, let's have some graphics card algebra. AMD Radeon 7X00 HD: what is the value of X which makes this card closest to the Xbox 3's GPU? I have a feeling it's about 4.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch

What is there not to get?

The PS2 was a really good improvement over the PS1 but was weaker than its main competitors, the Xbox and GC.

The next Xbox will be a really good improvement over the Xbox 360 but it seems like it may be weaker than its main competitor, the PS4.

If MS is trying to go for a "modern PS2 plan", having an attractive system to various demographics with a good price point -- therefore causing the system to have a ton of support, then I don't view that as a bad thing at all.

The reason why the PS2 held up well (as you said) was simply because of the great support it had.
Xbox debuted 20 months after PS2 (March 2000 vs. November 2001). Not really a similar situation. It would have been ridiculous for it to not be more powerful than a system that probably had its design finalized two years earlier. This is before the Wii era, of course.


I expect more from a console in 2013. Hell I expect more from ANY consumer electronic in 2013. My smartphone can do more than these consoles, and faster most of the time. Its a media hub, its a remote control, is a social device, its a gaming device, its many more things as well. To me, a console in 2013 that focuses mostly on the gaming experience is a failure waiting to happen. It sounds great on paper, or in nerdy fantasies but the reality is.. consumers expect more these days. The proof is out there today, look at what people are buying. Look at what kids are begging their parents for and what Grandparents are finally deciding to buy into. Its smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices that do a hell of a lot more than gaming. These use unified account systems, social integration right into the OS's, media functionality, all of which are now daily common things to use. A gaming device coming out in 2013 that is expected to last for several years has to be able to offer similar capabilities or its dead on arrival. You can look directly at WiiU complaints about infrastructure and OS complaints for what I'm talking about. People just expect more these days, slow OS's, lousy content offerings, terrible unified account systems etc..

Consumers actually notice these things now, and 7 years ago they weren't remotely on their radar. The market has changed.

My next gen console better be able to at least match what my smartphone can do, or do it better. Apps should launch in seconds or milliseconds. Social integration should be tight, infrastructure and OS platform should be efficient, optimized and future proof. Cloud services need to be dialed in, and be readily available on a multitude of devices/platforms. All of those need to be there, and need to be AAA top tier software. No nonsense, no launch bugs, no working out the kinks or upgrades in a year. Out of the box, both Sony and Microsoft need to have a product that is up to date in the modern technology market. A console that plays online, has access to movies/tv/music isn't enough. That was 2005. The goddamn OS's need to be written from the ground up to serve these features on a golden platter and wow the consumer. The architecture, infrastructure, operating systems and longevity of all of them better be treated as in high regard as a AAA game. Hire the best, pay for the best and expect the best.

No more excuses, no more hiding behind a thin veil pretending that game consoles are the exception to the rule.

Outside of the standard gaming, social, marketplace stuff I personally would like to see real media center functionality built in. I'm currently running a few devices to serve up my media center needs. I want to cut off Cable tv for good, give me something that serves up online streaming content in one aggregated interface. No more launching Netflix, launching HBO Go, launching Hulu Plus. All that shit should integrate into 1 interface. Give me DVR capabilities, give me software and OS functions that can match what phones have been doing for years.

Give me 1 box to rule them all.

I'm giving both Sony and Microsoft a solid chance, whoever brings the best 'device' gets my money. So far it seems that Microsoft is designing the kind of device that I want in the year 2013, but thats just based on rumors. For all I know Sony got their shit ready to roll too and maybe even better than MS. What I dont want is a console that is focused entirely too much on gaming content. Yea, I just said that. Thats a limited device that belongs in the 1990s .. and its not the 1990s any longer. Give me a console designed for 2013 and beyond.

Give me 1 box to rule them all.

Eh - fuck redundancy. There are so many devices that do "everything" - we dont need another. I want a gaming device, personally. I'm quite tired of everything doing everything. We have enough of that - I want something unique - an actual games console that is what it is above all else.


Because if the specs are as it is, it's not another PS2. Sony pushed for the limit at the time with the PS2.

You are focusing on the power of the console itself.

I'm stating how the console could be in comparison to its competition; saying that I can see it being similar to how the PS2 was in comparison to its main competition -- A good improvement over last gen though not the powerful console out of the bunch; possibly more support overall though due to a cheaper/more attractive price point from it not being the most powerful console.

What is there not to get?

The PS2 was a really good improvement over the PS1 but was weaker than its main competitors, the Xbox and GC.

The next Xbox will be a really good improvement over the Xbox 360 but it seems like it may be weaker than its main competitor, the PS4.

If MS is trying to go for a "modern PS2 plan", having an attractive system to various demographics with a good price point -- therefore causing the system to have a ton of support, then I don't view that as a bad thing at all.

The reason why the PS2 held up well (as you said) was simply because of the great support it had.

This is some revisionist history. The ps2 was a huge leap that was marketed on power. It simply was less powerful than it's main competitors because of time. it launched 18 months before. It's not comparable to the situation today with both consoles being designed and released at the same time. There is no "modern ps2 plan."


more money than God
You are focusing on the power of the console itself.

I'm stating how the console could be in comparison to its competition; saying that I can see it being similar to how the PS2 was in comparison to its main competition. A good improvement over last gen though not the powerful console out of the bunch; possibly more support overall due to a cheaper/more attractive price point from it not being the most powerful console.
So, essentially, what the 360 was to the PS3? In the same ballpark, but not as strong, and cheaper.


Junior Member

What is there not to get?

The PS2 was a really good improvement over the PS1 but was weaker than its main competitors, the Xbox and GC.

The next Xbox will be a really good improvement over the Xbox 360 but it seems like it may be weaker than its main competitor, the PS4.

If MS is trying to go for a "modern PS2 plan", having an attractive system to various demographics with a good price point -- therefore causing the system to have a ton of support, then I don't view that as a bad thing at all.

The reason why the PS2 held up well (as you said) was simply because of the great support it had.

Sure the ps2 was hugely successful even tho it was less powerful but it also had a year head start. Two competitors releasing at the same time, same price and one being more powerful isn't as clear cut. If hardcore gamers flock to the ps4 because of specs it could easily garner the lion share of 3rd party support.


This is some revisionist history. The ps2 was a huge leap that was marketed on power. It simply was less powerful than it's main competitors because of time. it launched 18 months before. It's not comparable to the situation today with both consoles being designed and released at the same time. There is no "modern ps2 plan."

Relative to PS2 pre launch hyperbole, The Xbox actually delivered on what was promised.


You are focusing on the power of the console itself.

I'm stating how the console could be in comparison to its competition; saying that I can see it being similar to how the PS2 was in comparison to its main competition -- A good improvement over last gen though not the powerful console out of the bunch; possibly more support overall though due to a cheaper/more attractive price point from it not being the most powerful console.


1) Sony pushed for the most powerful console at the time
2) Out a year plus before the competition
3) Install base ended up being so massive (140 million plus vs 25 million for each competitor) it made sense for exclusives

If you think Durango is going to sell 100 million plus to the Wii U and Orbis only selling around 25 million each, then you might have a point. But times have changed and the days of exclusive software is drying up. If anything, software will get even more homogeneous to be able to run on non console platforms like tablets.

I don't see a modern PS2 right now. Not even the Orbis.


This is some revisionist history. The ps2 was a huge leap that was marketed on power. It simply was less powerful than it's main competitors because of time. it launched 18 months before. It's not comparable to the situation today with both consoles being designed and released at the same time. There is no "modern ps2 plan."

It was more powerful than it's main competitor. It killed the Dreamcast dead, leaving the PS2 open to complete market dominance. The GC and Xbox arrived too late to change this, despite the technical benefits of more modern hardware.

The Xbox was only publicly announced by MS a few months before the PS2 was available to buy. The Xbox would have been unknown while the PS2 was being designed.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I'm going to get both. But based on this, I'm probably getting PS4 first.


a child left behind
I'm still failing to see how the ps4 is super duper more powerful than the x720 which most people are saying ( mainly Sony fan boys). When developers are saying its very similar the only advantage I see is ps4 has a little more power in its gpu.


I still stand by my statement about Durango being the lead platform for multiplats. At least in the early going. I'm basing this on current North American market share with the Xbox brand name and nothing else. Should PS4 be the lead platform if it's significantly more powerful and easier to develop for? Well, yeah.. but it really doesn't work that way in the game business. At least early on..


So, essentially, what the 360 was to the PS3? In the same ballpark, but not as strong, and cheaper.

I think this is a much more accurate comparison. The only difference is that MS may not have as big of an advantage with the 360 OS and SDK for features. Maybe MS is again counting on providing features that no one can match.


Xbox debuted 20 months after PS2 (March 2000 vs. November 2001). Not really a similar situation. It would have been ridiculous for it to not be more powerful than a system that probably had its design finalized two years earlier. This is before the Wii era, of course.

Yeah but dates had nothing to do with the comparison I made. I was simply using examples of the positives and negatives of the systems in that gen to how things look like they will be in this upcoming gen; saying how things may match in similar ways.

The PS4 releasing around the same time as the next Xbox can definitely change some things a bit but if the next Xbox has...

* Games that are big improvements from what was on the Xbox 360
* Multiplatform games that don't look any different from how they look on the PS4
* Impressive exclusive games & online services
* (And) a cheaper price than the PS4 due to it being less powerful

...then I (again) think it will be in a spot similar to the PS2 -- less powerful than the main competition, more attractive to consumers (due to price) which can lead to better sales which will more than likely cause better support.



What is there not to get?

The PS2 was a really good improvement over the PS1 but was weaker than its main competitors, the Xbox and GC.

The next Xbox will be a really good improvement over the Xbox 360 but it seems like it may be weaker than its main competitor, the PS4.

If MS is trying to go for a "modern PS2 plan", having an attractive system to various demographics with a good price point -- therefore causing the system to have a ton of support, then I don't view that as a bad thing at all.

The reason why the PS2 held up well (as you said) was simply because of the great support it had.

PS2 was a monster at the time, although launched in March 2000 because there were not enough games for it, the hardware was final and completely done in 1999 and in certain things like polygon pushing, fillrate, memory bandwidth it was up to 10 times more powerful than the most powerful PCs of the time. Something we can only dream about with the new consoles that are about to be announced (which are both made of low power PC components stuffed together in a single giant chip).
That is the reason why it held up well compared to hardware coming out almost 2 years later.
Relative to PS2 pre launch hyperbole, The Xbox actually delivered on what was promised.

Your post didn't really have any relevance to the point I was making. But even if it did, what you said was entirely subjective. To me God of War 2 & GT4 was some of the most impressive looking games that gen.

Yeah but dates had nothing to do with the comparison I made. I was simply using examples of the positives and negatives of the systems in that gen to how things look like they will be in this upcoming gen; saying how things may match in similar ways.

The PS4 releasing around the same time as the next Xbox can definitely change some things a bit but if the next Xbox has...

* Games that are big improvements from what was on the Xbox 360
* Multiplatform games that don't look any different from how they look on the PS4
* Impressive exclusive games
* (And) a cheaper price than the PS4 due to it being less powerful

...then I (again) think it will be in a spot similar to the PS2 -- less powerful than the main competition, more attractive to consumers (due to price) which can lead to better sales which will more than likely cause better support.

You're really cherry picking what made the ps2 a success while ignoring other factors. MS could be a similar spot that Sony was i back then if:

--360 dominated every major territory and was clearly the leader in sales.
--if Sony had no userbase and launched 18 months later.
--If the 360 was the only console that had serious third party support.

None of this exist. the situations are not comparable at all.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Why are folks complaining? Am I wrong or aren't those specs still a big step up from the Xbox 360? If you expected it to blow PC gaming out the water, or believed the "Avatar Graphics" nonsense, then it was your own fault. And seeing what it accomplished late in it's life it seems like it was a good idea to release a system that won't break the bank but still output good stuff. As it's always been, you want to push the envelope graphics wise, build a PC and download some of those high end mods for games.

I have 2 GPUs from 2011 in my 2011 rig. Each one has double the TF output of these specs. While you could say the architecture is more efficient, I don't believe it because it's using DDR3.

People expect next gen consoles close to a high end GPU from last year, not half that of one 2.5 years ago.


Of course Sony wants that. They'd be dumb not to. But it looks like they're not willing to sacrifice power to do it. That's a good thing if they can deliver the console at a good price.

With Durango it's much more obvious because of the 8GB of RAM and hardware helpers etc... But with Orbis it's not as obvious. How do we know that they're not reserving some of that power (e.g. extra compute units) for their own non gaming or added gaming experiences? Maybe they figured that if they reserve too much of their 4GB GDDR5 RAM for other stuff then it will gimp the system no matter how fast the bandwidth. Hence Edge's report that they might increase the RAM further.


This is some revisionist history. The ps2 was a huge leap that was marketed on power.

Of course. I never said it wasn't.

Did you not see the point in my post when I said that the PS2 was a good improvement over the PS1?

It simply was less powerful than it's main competitors because of time. it launched 18 months before. It's not comparable to the situation today with both consoles being designed and released at the same time. There is no "modern ps2 plan."

I understand what you said in terms of dates, but again... I never brought dates into this.

If the next Xbox is cheaper than the PS4 (due to it being less powerful) and gets more sales due to the fact, then the next Xbox will more than likely get more support.

Am I being clear with what I'm saying? Asking since I'm surprised that some of you aren't seeing where I'm coming from. Trying to explain where I'm coming from the best way I can.
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