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VGLeaks: Durango GPU detailed


Nothing is confirmed yet. But if it is more powerful it's up to Sony to be able to actually show the difference to the casual who usually doesn't give a shit or can't tell the difference.

Reading the bolded made me think of something. It really doesn't make sense for MS to bet so much on an improved Kinect IMO. When the mainstream can rarely see the leaps we see in graphics with their own eyes, how are MS going to make them notice the difference in something they can't physically see (Kinect 2.0).

Just sounds like the more we find out about the next xbox, the more it sounds like they are making the wrong bets.


Durango GPU is between Radeon HD 7750 and 7770.
Orbis GPU is between Radeon HD 7770 and 7850.

I think Durango's GPU will be slightly better then the 7770. Even though the RAW flows are almost identical, I think with good use of the ESRAM, developers should be able to achieve better results than what they could have done with a straight up 7770.

While Orbis is by raw numbers more powerful, is the difference between a hypothetical 7770+ and a 7850 enough to make a substantial difference.



If 360's GPU is 100% (240GFLOPs)

Wii U's GPU is ~200% (400-480GFLOPs)

Durango's GPU is 500% (1.2TFLOPs)

and Orbis's GPU is 768% (1.843TFLOPs) (600% for graphics 1.433TFLOPs)

That means, Durango will be ~2.5X Wii U, and Orbis will be ~3X Wii U

We will know a bit more soon, but this seems to be how the generation is shaping up...

And While Wii was fixed function, it had only 12GFLOPs for the GPU, which is a theoretical performance climb of 20x to 360...

Just for fun... Durango is ~150 Gamecubes duct taped together (again fixed function is basically impossible to compare this way) Wii U is 60... and Wii was 1.5 gamecubes... Orbis is about 230 Gamecubes duct taped together... which btw is a large amount of duct tape.


Are you sure? Do Xbox 360 and PS3 perform significantly better than a PC with a triple core processor, a video card with 250+ GFLOPS and unified shader architecture running games at console equivalent settings (720p, low/medium without high resolution textures)?

I would say yes....I have no way of kwowing really. If you are building a PC with specs equivalent to those of the Orbis/Durango chances are the consoles will run a multiplatform game better.

Thankfully, PC hardware is ahead of those consoles and the gap in power will negate their architecture efficiency, that should mean (as usual) better looking multiplats on PC.

Higher resolution/framerate on high-end PCs of 2012 and I can't wait to see how the next batch of AMD/Nvidia GPUs compare to what's inside the Orbis/Durango.
lol are people really saying MS is done because Sony is going to have more powerful hardware? What year do you think this is 2005?
Yeah it's almost weird that Sony would try again to go for the more powerful console, given how history has proven that the general public doesn't give a rat's ass about power.
Well, it does actually. That's why the PS3 manged to catch up the one year advantage of Microsoft. They would have even before that if it wasn't for Kinect.

Power only doesn't matter if you have something else that makes up for it. The PS2 had all the games, Wii had the Wii-mote controls. What will Durango have?


GAF's Bob Woodward
I think Durango's GPU will be slightly better then the 7770. Even though the RAW flows are almost identical, I think with good use of the ESRAM, developers should be able to achieve better results than what they could have done with a straight up 7770.

While Orbis is by raw numbers more powerful, is the difference between a hypothetical 7770+ and a 7850 enough to make a substantial difference.

Last time I did a comparison Orbis's GPU should be slight more than a 7850 on paper. But maybe some people are counting out 4 of the CUs wrt 'compute optimisation'.
Yeah but the PS3 gets a lot of stick in the press because of worse graphics, lower/stuttering framerates, not everyone cares about numbers no, but if both consoles launch close, with similar prices and one looks and plays better/more fluid than the other then its a no brainer.

I know what you mean but again the vast majority of gamers do not even read gaming news sites let alone care if a multi platform game runs at 5fps less on the system they have bought.

Quality games will always be the most important thing for a consoles launch, as Nintendo are finding out the hard way right now.
reminds me of the vita.
When it was anounced it was clear for everybody that this had to be the leading platform for handheld gaming and that it would crush the 3DS.
Sony acts the same way, MS tries to play smart-ass.


Entire console, yes. GPU has 1,4GFLOPs, which is comparable to 7770.

Nope it's 1.8 Tflop just devided into 1.4 Tflop for GPU use and 400 Gflop for GPU and CPU use (still we don't know more in detail about that). If you want to divide it and say 1.4Tflop= 7770 is still wrong because thise 1.4Tflop will work on pure GFX without any physic and other stuff. So 1.4Tflop =/= 1.4Tflop
Have people been living under a rock? MS has never been about graphics, they are pushing the next xbox to be an entertainment hub with surface and kinect etc

The Xbox was the most powerful console during that gen, and the 360 has been on par with the PS3 for the most part. What are you talking about?

If 360's GPU is 100% (240GFLOPs)

Wii U's GPU is ~200% (400-480GFLOPs)

Durango's GPU is 500% (1.2TFLOPs)

and Orbis's GPU is 768% (1.843TFLOPs) (600% for graphics 1.433TFLOPs)

That means, Durango will be ~2.5X Wii U, and Orbis will be ~3X Wii U

That's not how it works. At all.


Have people been living under a rock? MS has never been about graphics, they are pushing the next xbox to be an entertainment hub with surface and kinect etc

Well aegies completely refutes that. He even told us Microsoft were saying to third parties that Durango would match the performance of a GTX680.

Unfortunately I don't understand the technicalities of GPU architectures, so even if these latest details are spot on I can't say it'll match a GTX680 in a closed box.
Before I actually begin working, I believe Microsoft will evolve the Xbox in ways other than graphics. What we're seeing come up in the Durango is still a generational leap. A pretty big one, even if it's not as powerful as the Orbis. You'll see a much improved performance per FLOP as well as 6-8x the FLOPs. I'm not worried.

Building on the Kinect, assing cool features like Windows 8 RT and Illumiroom, and making a better ecosystem and integrating it better with your PC, Microsoft is building a winner.

The latter.
I thought so. It reads like the GCN expose on The Register. Nothing really exciting in todays update.
I know it's still significantly more powerful than the 360's GPU, so we'll see some really special stuff from Durango.

It's just disappointing compared to Orbis.

I would argue that it is disappointing across the board. It is by no means what you would expect from a brand new console. Even Orbis's GPU is nothing special in PC terms, imagine how disappointing Durango's seems right now.


Well, it does actually. That's why the PS3 manged to catch up the one year advantage of Microsoft. They would have even before that if it wasn't for Kinect.

Power only doesn't matter if you have something else that makes up for it. The PS2 had all the games, Wii had the Wii-mote controls. What will Durango have?

Media capabilities; price.


What negativity?

Microsoft isn't sweating a few hardcore gaming forums opinions about two unannounced and unreleased consoles. The only thing Microsoft is working on is probably shutting down these leaks. They are definitely not in "panic"mode, and are going to change their business plan on whim.

Never said they were in panic mode. However, of course there's no doubt that they are going to be adjusting for these leaks. Even though these specs are only of interest to us, they've already hit the mainstream media. If the general consumer gets a whiff that PS4 is more powerful and is the same price, they'll buy it.

As a direct result of these leaks from Sony, Microsoft will be adjusting their plans, probably marketing primarily, in order to sway attention away from the specs.
So it's looking like

PS3 = 240 fps
Next XBOX = 200 fps
Wii U = Zero fps. It will only have mario platformers.

All according to Pachter.

(Translator's note: Pachter mean bullshit)
Well, it does actually. That's why the PS3 manged to catch up the one year advantage of Microsoft. They would have even before that if it wasn't for Kinect.

Power only doesn't matter if you have something else that makes up for it. The PS2 had all the games, Wii had the Wii-mote controls. What will Durango have?

Kintects. Millions of them. Spying on you while you watch TV and gathering information on your eye movements to see which adverts you respond to so they can pump them onto the new Dashboard while you play games.


360 over ps3 last time, this time, the other way around

No both consoles seem to be developer friendly, though PS4 seems to be more developer friendly than Durango.

Also for the people saying Microsoft are concentrating on services. What more can you add. Obviously PS3 was disappointing in this deprtment, but I can bet they will offer better services on PS4. Vita has showed that it can multitask, take screenshots of a game, cross game chat, and has a Livearea hub for every game. I expect PS4 to take all this stuff further, there are already rumours of Sony wanting to push social networking on PS4 adn things like video sharing sound great. Of course Durango will likely be better, but I don't thing it matter as long as PS4 is good enough and not as bad as PS3.


Last time I did a comparison Orbis's GPU should be slight more than a 7850 on paper. But maybe some people are counting out 4 of the CUs wrt 'compute optimisation'.

It's those extra 4 CU's that I don't know how they fit into the place. Because if it's a 1.2 TF GPU vs a 1.4 TF GPU, the visuals will be identical (in terms of IQ).

It will be really interesting how Sony will utilize those 4 CUs, I could see Orbis with better physics and animations for stuff like hair, cloth, and breakable environments.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
They're banking on the ps2/wii formula I guess. Seems like they really did lose their edge this gen. Assuming these numbers are true at least.


On topic
How noticeable is this difference gonna be rated in Final Fantasy series graphics


Checking some of the numbers more closely - the registers, caches, local memories etc. - it all matches up with regular GCN.

The VG Leaks article also describes why aegies was saying tessellated models might be more of an issue on Durango - because of compressed depth data, I guess - but every GPU now compresses depth and color buffers, right? So Durango would not be unusual in that respect.

I get the impression some of the people who had access to this information before it was public read it as if all the low level details and caveats - positive and negative - were somehow distinct to Durango's GPU.

Do you think it's possible Microsoft went out of it's way to highlight it as something special? I'd like to know from which developers Aegis was getting his information.
I would argue that it is disappointing across the board. It is by no means what you would expect from a brand new console. Even Orbis's GPU is nothing special in PC terms, imagine how disappointing Durango's seems right now.

The only people who should be disapppointed in Orbis's GPU are those people that actually bought into the hype that PS4 was going to be some kind of 1000 dollar supercomputer for a price that normal people could buy it at.

Also back up a second, the PS2 always gets called out for being horribly weak, but has anyone ever looked at the fact that it came out over a year before the competition?
Durango GPU is between Radeon HD 7750 and 7770.
Orbis GPU is between Radeon HD 7770 and 7850.
not quite right, see below

Can someone place this thing in the spectrum of say, the nvidia gtx series, power-wise for those of us who don't see the world in 1's and 0's?
AMD is more comparable (same architecture)
Durango: 12CU@800MHz (1.23 TFLOPS), 16 ROP (12.8 GP/s)
HD 7770: 10CU@1000MHz (1.28 TFLOPS), 16 ROP (16 GP/s)
HD 7850: 16CU@860MHz (1.76 TFLOPS), 32 ROP (27.5 GP/s)
Orbis: 18CU@800MHz (1.84 TFLOPS), 32 ROP (25.6 GP/s)

So: Durango < HD 7770 << HD 7850 < Orbis


Does this come off to you all as real insider knowledge, or someone just listing off modern GPU knowledge and applying it to the known SRAM use cases.

From my perspective this sound very very insider driven information.. The level of detail is pretty impressive ...

And from my perspective this is a pretty impressive GPU setup and feature list ... I really don't understand why people here are calling this bad when in my eyes its definitely not..

I can tweak an engine that would definitely deliver some avatar like quality graphics with this (assuming it also has a CPU counterpart as well thought out too, which im betting it does)...
Media capabilities; price.
Media capabilities are overestimated when it comes to game consoles IMO. That stuff is important for mobile phones. And price? Say you have the new CoD on Durango here and the gimped 1080p version on Obrias there. Even for the casuals it's pretty clear which version will be bought.
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