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WaPo - ED budget proposes elimination of Public Service Loan Forgiveness


Presented without opinion due to employment.

Can only note that I know a number of fellow do-gooder law school classmates who opted for the do-good route over whiteshoe firms on the strength of the LRAP + PSLF combination significantly reducing a $200K debt burden to enable them to work in the public sector.


Funding for college work-study programs would be cut in half, public-service loan forgiveness would end and hundreds of millions of dollars that public schools could use for mental health, advanced coursework and other services would vanish under a Trump administration plan to cut $10.6 billion from federal education initiatives, according to budget documents obtained by The Washington Post.


The loan forgiveness program, enacted in 2007, was designed to encourage college graduates to pursue careers as social workers, teachers, public defenders or doctors in rural areas. There are at least 552,931 people on track to receive the benefit, with the first wave of forgiveness set for October. It’s unclear how the proposed elimination would affect those borrowers.

CNN Money article with a slightly expanded discussion on PSLF:
The program could cost the government more than originally expected, according to the Government Accountability Office. The Obama Administration had proposed capping the amount borrowers could have forgiven at $57,500, but that proposal was never was approved and forgiveness remains unlimited.

The median borrower in the program has more than $60,000 in student debt and almost 30% of them have more than $100,000 in debt, according to a Brookings report.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I knew this would get fucked with. I've been a non-profit employee for over ten years and paying my loans monthly, so I would qualify for the first wave in October. Goddamnit.
I just read this and of course GAF is on top of it. This awful proposal is all about slashing funding, not about what's good for US education.


My girlfriend is a teacher at a title 1 school and was set to have the rest of her loan forgiven in the next two years. I assume she's SOL now?


My girlfriend is a teacher at a title 1 school and was set to have the rest of her loan forgiven in the next two years. I assume she's SOL now?

I'm in that exact situation. Hoping it never passes. If it does, I really hope we get grandfathered in.
And the uneducated Trump voters and sympathizers wont care because this will make liberals suffer as well.

Whether those affected care enough to become politically active remains to be seen.


Gotta keep the the American people's intelligence in check, can't have people going against the system. The student loan bubble needs to burst soon.


aka andydumi
I knew this would get fucked with. I've been a non-profit employee for over ten years and paying my loans monthly, so I would qualify for the first wave in October. Goddamnit.
Unlikely this would pass Congress this soon. More than likely they close it to new entrants first then set a sunset a couple years out.

This will make government jobs that much less attractive. I know we here at the state all saw it as a "bonus" to cover lower salary all along.


Goddamn it's like they want to punish all the people who got into working for the government under Obama that Trump can't personally remove.


Sucks if it happens, since PSLF was one of the reasons why I went into governmental accounting instead of going the Big 4 route. Not totally unexpected though, since I had a feeling Republicans would fuck with it at some point.


Ugh, goddammit, really? That's actually a really big reason I worked so hard to get into the position I'm in now :|

I mean I've legit only qualified for about a year now but that's extreme bullshit to those about to finally get those benefits.

Hopefully this won't get passed.

This will make government jobs that much less attractive. I know we here at the state all saw it as a "bonus" to cover lower salary all along.

Yep, I work a government job and I'm extremely lucky I get paid a reasonable wage for my position. There's ton of state agencies in this state that want a degree and experience for like $26k a year... how are they going to spin that effectively without the loan program making it look viable?
Honestly that kind of wage isn't really viable even with the program but you get my point
Fuck DeVos, fuck Trump, and fuck every single Congressperson who votes for this education budget as is.

There's really nothing more I can say. Fucking over my generation and those after us once again.


DeVos' appointment is one of the few things I would see a pretty universal disapproval of, including people who stay out of most political discussions. I can't image this would go over real well with the general public.


aka andydumi
This is literally one of the main reasons I went into the public sector.

This is just Fucking evil

States will freak out as they will lose employees left and right without raising salaries immediately. I don't think this will pass without a long tail for those in the middle of the stream.
Next Democratic president can toss trumps shit right in the trash where it belongs along with all gop fuckers. First mitch McConnell and his baby booming shit eating grin.
Remember when people were calling Hillary an evil Neoliberal and rejecting her because her college plan ONLY provided free tuition to families who made up to $125,000?

We made some great choices last year.
I knew this would get fucked with. I've been a non-profit employee for over ten years and paying my loans monthly, so I would qualify for the first wave in October. Goddamnit.

tbh i dont any way this is done and implemented in the next 5 months. You should be good.

(and congrats on paying the loans off if it is indeed the case)
Welp this would fuck me over pretty hard if it passes. Literally planned my career path around this program.

Here's hoping that if they do end the program, they let those that are already on PSLF complete it at the very least.


Well fuck, my SO was planning on going to law school, and was really banking on the PSLF program to be able to pay for it.

Not sure what we're going to do now...
Baby boomers can eat shit and die. This is literally intergenerational warfare at this point with the intent of baby boomers indenturing their own children and grandchildren so that they can be spoiled brats in perpetuity.


We #MAGA yet?

A lot of these Trumpers support free college. They will love this though. Go figure that one out.


Drunky McMurder
The loan forgiveness program, enacted in 2007, was designed to encourage college graduates to pursue careers as social workers, teachers, public defenders or doctors in rural areas.

Well fuck em. It's not like any of those "rural" people voted to get the Republicans in power in the first place. Plus that was probably something Obama did.
Voting/Not Voting has consequences. I hope some people can afford to pay their overcharged student loans with their clear conscience.
This would F me over in so many ways. I graduated in 2009, my first job was internship but not full time, but I stuck around 4 years so I could end up getting fulltime and start this program. Now, I've been paying for 3 years on IRB, if they got rid of this, all the extra interest that I had been racking up would make me in a worst position.
I'm on this boat, and this freaks me the fuck out because I planned out my career working in the nonprofit sector. But isn't this program part of legislation signed by W 10 years ago? Wouldn't cutting it require some sort of repeal or amendment first?


Should've pulled yourselves up by your bootstraps



Next Democratic president can toss trumps shit right in the trash where it belongs along with all gop fuckers. First mitch McConnell and his baby booming shit eating grin.

A lot of the damage will have been done by then. Progress is cyclical in this country. The Democrats always have to cleanup and start over when a fucking republican starts with their shit programs, defundings and closure of our progressive movements.
This better not affect us already in the jobs/already working towards out ten years. This is ridiculous.
Umm. I'm almost done with year 1. People will be grandfathered right?
People who have been in the program for longer than you are being told to take a hike.

I mean, what the fuck is this shit!?:
A FedLoan approval letter ”does not reflect a final agency action on the borrower's qualifications" for the forgiveness program, the department wrote.

There's no use even paying taxes here anymore. My tax money goes to very few things I care about. Things that will better people's lives. It's really frustrating.

Full disclosure: I'm over $100k in student loan debt and it is an issue near and dear to me.


I doubt they'd be able to affect people currently on track in the PSLF program even if they tried.

Still terrible all around though.
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