looks like a bigger death guard with bug wings
he's certainly no sexy Magnus
he's certainly no sexy Magnus Play Updates Coming in Chapter Approved
Chapter Approved is coming soon and with it, a host of changes designed to make your games more fun. With tournament season fast approaching, weve decided to release some of the new rules from Chapter Approved early in the interest of making sure that your matched play games are as fun and as balanced as possible. These include further changes to Flyers, a massive universal bonus to Troops units in every army and new rules about who gets the first turn of a game. We spoke to the Design team about whats new:
New Matched Play Rules
We are always eager to listen to the Warhammer 40,000 community and improve the game based on the feedback you provide, and one of the areas we get the most correspondence about is matched play. The joy of Chapter Approved is that, as we see certain themes emerge about rules that might not be working properly, we can take steps to address them. To this effect, Chapter Approved introduces several new matched play rules, all of which are designed to help redress certain imbalances or exploits within the rules that you tell us are leading to games that are not as fun as they could be. Here you can see one such example:
As you may recall, we have already amended the Instant Death rule in Warhammer 40,000 to prevent Flyer-only armies from dominating matched play games. This was met with a positive response, but the feedback we have received since suggests that it did not go far enough. Boots on the Ground helps to redress this aircraft are soaring so high and so fast that they cannot hold objectives; their role is to support the warriors and vehicles on the ground as they do the bloody work of capturing and controlling territory.
New Detachment Rules
Since Warhammer 40,000: Dark Imperium was launched, we have released several codexes, but there are still plenty of Factions Orks, Drukhari, Necrons etc. that dont yet have a codex of their own. Chapter Approved gives these players a sneak peek of what many of these factions can expect when their codex is released (we are hard on work to get that done as quickly as we can), but one of the things we wanted to do was give everyone access to objective secured right away:
As you can see, this is an ability that rewards you for grouping your warriors into faction-specific detachments by giving Troops units the ability to control objective markers even when outnumbered by the enemy. As you can imagine, it gives these units a real edge, and helps to ensure your line troops are not at a disadvantage compared to those factions that are lucky enough to have a codex already.
New Matched Play Missions
A great mission is critical to a great game of Warhammer 40,000, and Chapter Approved includes a dozen brand new matched play missions for you to test your skills. One of the things weve had the most feedback about is about which player gets the first turn in these missions. Barring a sneaky Seize the Initiative roll, the current feeling is that the present method is a bit too reliable, and some players are developing armies and strategies to exploit this. Weve taken this feedback on board and changed how you determine who gets the first turn in every one of the new matched play missions presented in Chapter Approved:
This change ensures that in these new missions, the first turn is never guaranteed; whilst you can construct an elite army to stack the odds a little in your favour, it still all comes down to a roll-off, so youll have to build an army and deploy it accordingly. If you prefer the original method though, worry not! These new missions do not replace the matched play missions in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, they supplement them, allowing you to choose the style of mission rules you enjoy playing the most.
These rules will be in place at Blood & Glory and at the NOVA Open, as well as several other competitive events around the world.
Hopefully someone gets that Mortarion painted up in a bunch of black and other dark colors. I know that Nurgle = Green, but I'm not feeling the greens and other light colors at all on him.
I was starting to be tempted to switch my Death Guard to a Thousand Sons force, but those new models look gorgeous and this upgrade to Plague Marines doesn't look too shabby either.
This video you mean? I agree with the comments about the darker colors, still not 100% sold personally. Typhus is... not bad, but slightly plain?
That new Datasheet is making me feel... things.
Gonna give me a reason to buy the new multipart kit for options.
To be honest, I feel like an idiot buying the starter box now I've seen the multipart Hellblasters and Intercessors & now looking at what these multipart Plague Marines are gonna have in the boxes.
Oh well, more plastic crack I guess!
I love the bloat flies around him. Great touch. He looks much better in the video thanks to rotation they did.
I wonder which chaos faction will be next for a full makeover? Loving what GW has been doing lately.
Would be nice to see Noise Marines.
It's gotta be noise marines. We're probably getting a plastic Typhus (god I hope so) so a big Slaanesh reveal could be Fulgrim, plastic Lucius, and plastic Noise Marines.
I'm more interested in Fulgrim! In keeping with the current line of reimagining the chaos primarchs, I wonder if he'll lose his 4 arms, wings, and serpentine lower body.
I can't imagine they would alter it that much. I would hope not anyway. They have books written very recently that depict him that way. The intro to Dark Imperium talks about his Demon form and that is 8th edition. Its GW though so WHO KNOWS?!
This is reassuring news. Thanks for the info.
I think a tooled up model in the same vein as Mortarion and Magnus based on the old aesthetic has great potential. Gotta give him 4 wings too!
tbh I'd quite like to see them expand out further than just SM and CSM - give us some new Dark Eldar and Tyranids to drool over!
Or just total fanservice to me and let's follow up all the cool nurgley shit with some super dark Blood Angels stuff
Nothing about the paint scheme draws you to the face. It's lost in all the other detail. He simply looks like a bigger nurgle marine, which is unfitting for a primarch! He should stand out more. I would have liked a new take on his old grim reaper look. I always imagined him as lithe and deadly. This guy looks thick and slow, which I guess goes along better with the game rules of being tougher to kill.
He's always been described as wearing thick armour and tanking damage. When the Khan duelled him, all the hits he got just carved plates of armour off. Corvus and Kurze are lithe if you want that sort of primarch.
All that still falls under this new, revised incarnation.
This was my original introduction to the model, from the old epic days.
lady atia said we only see part of typhus in the video, off to the side and blurry. the termi nurgle with sytche featured front and center is NOT typhus
So kind of an unofficial Nurgle terminator reveal? Niiiice!
I wanted more of the original model in him, yes. A larger, more prominent single eye being first and foremost.
I could be wrong but doesn't Magnus have a single eye option? (I know that doesn't dispute what you said)
So kind of an unofficial Nurgle terminator reveal? Niiiice!
The scythes were reserved for the elites so probably not the rank-and-file termies.
I am driving myself crazy painting back and forth. The edges of this armor where the trim meets the base/flat part....should it be color of trim or base that it goes down to? I can't get it a single color without bleeding or nipping the other, and the perfectionist in me is being driven mad.
They just released the paperback of red tithe. That so far is one of my favorite reads. Also brothers of the snake is good too. Currently reading dark imperium and like 60% of the way through but I probably wouldn't recommend reading thatOh great, so there is a general thread for the best sci-fi-fantasy universe on GAF!
Was wondering why I had never looked it up before.
Also, would like some suggestions on novels for Warhammer 40K, have most of the Ciaphas Cain series and Gaunt's Ghost series (gonna get the rest of the books and complete those), the Eisenhorn Omnibus (still not read but plan to) but looking for other suggested books that people would recommend as good?
Preferably Imperial focused but dirty xenos' can be fun to read about too.
No Chaos allowed however, fuck those traitors.
Are the new books out? Was thinking about grabbing the Chaos book so I can ally some Word Bearers with my Weeping Legion Vectorum.
LAS VEGAS, NV AUGUST 11, 2017 US game publisher Ulisses North America announced today it has been granted the publishing rights to the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay product line from UK miniatures company Games Workshop. Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay is the RPG product line associated with Games Workshops highly successful Warhammer 40,000 tabletop miniatures game.
Acquiring the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay game is a tremendous step forward for Ulisses North America, says UNA Studio Director Timothy Brown, one that boldly complements our existing The Dark Eye, Torg Eternity, and Fading Suns roleplaying games. It underscores our commitment to quality RPG game worlds and products going forward. Warhammer 40,000 is a personal favorite of mine, one Ive followed from its beginnings, and for me, to carry it forward as its universe further evolves, is fan-boyishly exciting.
Ross Watson, who will be taking the role of Product Line Developer for Ulisses North America, says, Im incredibly excited to be helming Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay for Ulisses North America. This is a fantastic opportunity to re-visit a setting I know and care about a great deal. Im honored to be leading the charge with this game, and it is thrilling to design an RPG to bring people into the grim darkness of the far future.
Being entrusted by Games Workshop to develop the new Warhammer 40,000 RPG is a tremendous honor for us, says UNA CEO Markus Plötz. I have been dreaming of this opportunity since the day I picked up the original Rogue Trader rule book. Combining the knowledge and ability of Ross Watson as the lead designer, Ulisses experience in publishing high quality RPGs, and the phenomenal Warhammer 40,000 universe can only result in a premium game. We want to make this the game the fans have always been looking for.
Q: What are the first Wrath & Glory products?
A: The game line begins with one core rulebook that contains everything you need to get started in the grim darkness of the far future.
The new roleplaying game was announced.
I feel dumb. What kind of game will it be? Like a board game or more like D&D?
Previous editions of Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay will be available on DriveThruRPG soon.
That is definitely cool, especially if they aren't PDF-only and DriveThru does print-on-demand. My RPG experience is EXTREMELY limited, but I really wanted to play Only War (even more after reading the both the Ciaphas Cain and GG series; who DOESN'T wanna be a commisar?) and Deathwatch (RPing a Space Wolf). When FFG lost the license, prices on some of the books that were older or books that were newer but had less copies printed went way up.Like D&D presumably.
Interesting tid-bit from their FAQ I just noticed:
So I guess the Fantasy Flight games will be available through there? That's pretty damn cool.