How do I do that? It says quest item in my inventory and when I look at the tower it says something like "it is working normally."
Of courseplease tell me
is rosh there?
where exactly is damonta?
I was told it was east of the temple, but there are just mountains and no new locations pop up when I travel around there, where is it?
Just finished it. Despite a few annoying bugs (and the fact that the ending didn't completely reflect my actions) I loved the game, and I'm happy I helped kickstart it. I'll probably play it again in a year when all the bugs have been ironed out.
Thoughts on starting the second half:
Much more interesting right from the start than the beginning of the game! I feel like it was a really strong intro, with events leading up to leaving for LA and then the whole first area, fortifying your makeshift HQ. We've been getting little peeks into what's going on in LA all along with radio snippets, and the latest batch of transmissions that lays out the major players in the area and their motivations is kind of exciting. I also like getting a whole batch of missions at once, different directions I might pursue, including a directive to just help anyone who might need help. It's starting from square one again, which I love, exploring a whole new area not knowing what the threats are.
The major players all sound more interesting than the ones back home too. Instead of...raiders...and tribals...and meaner raiders...this time around there are a couple robot overlords, a crazy religious cult and a crazy Ned Flanders cult?! What!
Alsothe Night Terror is awesome and adorable and I hope it stays with me for the rest of the game.
Can you give an indication of how long Cali is to AZ? I've nearly finished AZ, just wondering how much is left.
From memory, I think you have to examine the broken tower then you get a radio call from Vargas saying it's time for Plan B.
I'd heard that a while ago and it's still crazy to me. That's a ton of content.
Surprising to me how little discussion there is about events in LA, maybe just because not a lot of people are there yet? Maybe there aren't as many major decisions to make with lasting repercussions?
Aw hell yes!!
I hate Damonta.
I've spent so much god damn time trying to get Ray through that bloody fight with the stupid synth, only to have the damn thing blow up Binh when you win. Re-did the fight a couple of times suiciding rangers to Binh trying to get her out while being chewed up by robots only to find those damn computers after so many tries. Rescue Binh and keep Ray alive. Success!
Step outside: two fucking slice and dicers.That would be hard enough without the god awful Ray who keeps deciding to run his face right into them. Ugh!
Did you get the handheld that was an Atari Lynx reference yet? It was something that started with a "B" I think, Ocelot.
I'd heard that a while ago and it's still crazy to me. That's a ton of content.
Surprising to me how little discussion there is about events in LA, maybe just because not a lot of people are there yet? Maybe there aren't as many major decisions to make with lasting repercussions?
I just got to LA last night, and I'mhours in.47
I noticed there wasn't an option to take one of the characters I found on the helo to LA. I might try mixing my party around and doing it again, seeing if I can get them on board.
I'd heard that a while ago and it's still crazy to me. That's a ton of content.
Surprising to me how little discussion there is about events in LA, maybe just because not a lot of people are there yet? Maybe there aren't as many major decisions to make with lasting repercussions?
Aw hell yes!!
The mine quest - how do you trigger it? I just got to LA without doing it, I would like to do it before I leave Arizona...I only read about it here but never got any radio call about it or anything.
I got it from vargas while exploring the map via radio message
Ok, I will try to explore more of the map in Arizona, hopefully I can still get it.
I have a bug where my first party character can't move at all when in any combat. Anyone else have this or know what to do? He is not overburdened or wounded or anything like that. All my other characters are fine.
did you uncover the actual location? it might be a pure conincidence but I got the quest shortly after discovering it.
Not that I know of, so I will have to find it.
I have a bug where my first party character can't move at all when in any combat. Anyone else have this or know what to do? He is not overburdened or wounded or anything like that. All my other characters are fine.
well if you want to know,its pretty close to the ranger base, a bit southwest of it in one of those canyons.
This really pisses me off, the whole having a job thing puts serious dent into my gaming time. I mostly only play on weekends and that ain't enough with a game like this.Having so much damn fun playing this game.
But it also makes me sad I'm not 14 anymore and I can't play it for like 5 days straight.
So how far along am I when I have reached Hollywood?
Pretty close to the end. After I finished messing around there, I had a clear shot towards the endgame, but I also completely missed a few locations by doing so. You may've already done those though.
Man, weapon balance is completely out the window in this game. It's all about Assault and Sniper Rifles. Energy weapons come into their own two-thirds of the way through, except in one case...
That fucking GAMMA RAY BLASTER, oh my god.
But if you missed that, you're kind of up a creek in a way for a while with that weapon type.
Having so much damn fun playing this game.
But it also makes me sad I'm not 14 anymore and I can't play it for like 5 days straight.
Guess they went realism instead of balance. I don't have a huge problem with that really. Pistols, shotguns and smgs do fuck all compared to assault rifles irl.
Haha what? Pistols shotguns and smgs do plenty compared to assault rifles, in close combat situations, which a lot of the game is in, you would in fact much prefer to have anyone of the three and not an assault rifle
Vulture's Cry and Hopi have a convo in Spanish. Any idea what it was about?
"how bout them robots?"
"something about white people"
"later bitch?"
Worth it
He only moves when one specific character in your party moves, as though he's leashed to them alone. Find which person that is and drag them extremely far back from where any combat will be. Ray will still rush in like an idiot, but by the time he finally arrives, the battle should be almost over. You might also be able to take just that person and Ray and dump them inside any area that requires a manual enter/exit where they can't enter and exit on their own too.
I recall him saying something to the effect of "At least we can get the one at Highland running" or something but I go back to Highland and the radio tower seems fine and tells me so when I click on it.