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Watch_Dogs PC Performance Thread

So, in the case of swapping in assets, you'll see huge spikes in frame times upwards of 150ms or more. Then you know that your slowdowns to 20-40 FPS are the result of that, as opposed to something else going on. If the frame times are consistent around a given number, then things are working as intended for your system, and you just have shitty performance.

With HardOCP's data, for example, you can't tell that at all. From the previous page:


Looking at that chart, you think, "not too much going on, a bit of a slowdown there towards the end." That could be physics, it could be your PC running some background task, it could be all sorts of stuff. But then you look at the frametime data for the exact same sequence:


Obviously those huge spikes in frame time is when the card basically takes a shit and can barely render frames. It's taking nearly a quarter of a second to produce one frame at times. This is an obvious indication that there is either A) something going terribly wrong with the game engine and is out of your control, or B) your card is swapping in new assets.

Now that you have limited the variables, you can then turn down textures to see if that helps rather than playing around with a ton of settings.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the run down.

I take it any mid-high end PC gamer can notice FPS differences, but few might encounter and notice frame-time differences. So the usefulness of this data comes down to the difference in those who notice it and want to remedy it and those who don't notice it or don't mind a bad frame-time within a high frame-rate, it seems.


did Ubi put out patches to increase performance for ACIV ? wondering what kind of long term support the game will get cause right now its not really optimised well for any build.

They did release a few patches for AC4 and performance/bugs did improve. I'm sure Watchdogs will get the same, if not more patches. Its a big property to Ubi, even if people don't think it is with the issues.


Neo Member
I need help or advice please

I'm using riva tuner to limit the fps to 60, but I get screen tearing in game. Turning vsync on in game remedies this but there's an area early in the game where in your in the stadium and theres a crowd f people being searched, the fps are dropping from 60 to 30! Turning vsync off in game gets my fps back to 60 without drops.

Is there any way of having good frame rates without the screen tear in this section?

Gtx titan
I7 4770k
32gb ram
1080p display
Refresh rate 60
Ultra textures


i5 3570K (4.4GHz o/c)
GTX 780 (1100/7000 o/c)
SSD installation
1920 x 1080

I've tried just about every possible combo suggested here for and I've finally settled on running with the following:

Textures: High
Preset: High, with HBAO+ and LOD set to High/Ultra
Vysnc: 1 frame
AA: Temporal SMAA

I have got the -disablepagefilecheck launch option on Steam but I have no idea if this even 'activates it', let alone if it actually does anything.

Thus far driving around the city during night/day/rain I maintain a locked 60fps with very little stutter (in fact I'd go so far as to say I've pretty much eradicated it as the only time I see any real judder is when the game is doing something like saving after a mission).

I'm just not willing to sacrifice dropping down to 30fps for any game to be honest - it was my original reason for getting back into PC gaming.

Finally I can enjoy the game...


2 GB is not enough to have textures on high, even though the game says so.

Try setting them to medium. It made my game stutter a lot less.

It's fine enough here. And turning SLI doesn't make my game stutter, is this something due to the 700 line series, I notice everyone that reports that has one of them cards.


Still haven't been able to get into an online care, decryption today. Hacking and tailing works but takes like 8-10 minutes before finding someone.


I swapped my 780 for a 290X.

Completely eliminated any stuttering with SMAA / everything Ultra and HBAO+ High. I'm gaming at 3440x1440. Looks like I'll be selling the 780...

To get running on the 780, I had to disable Depth of Field, set HBAO+ to Low and no AA. There was still some stuttering from time to time as well.

Seamless transition driver wise?

I don't like the feel of having to turn shit down especially because of VRAM. Not about dat life.


Seamless transition driver wise?

I don't like the feel of having to turn shit down especially because of VRAM. Not about dat life.
I'd *really really* suggest a reformat, but otherwise if you do a proper cleanout, you should be fine. I did that on my 7970 system when I swapped in the 780 Ti, and back to the 7970 when I was short on time. No issues either way.

Keep in mind, if you're thinking about crossfire, AMD still has some wonky shit going on with 4K.
I swapped my 780 for a 290X.

Completely eliminated any stuttering with SMAA / everything Ultra and HBAO+ High. I'm gaming at 3440x1440. Looks like I'll be selling the 780...

To get running on the 780, I had to disable Depth of Field, set HBAO+ to Low and no AA. There was still some stuttering from time to time as well.

Is performance similar?

Seamless transition driver wise?

I don't like the feel of having to turn shit down especially because of VRAM. Not about dat life.

I don't know if both drivers play nice nowadays, but I used to have both drivers installed at the same time and switched back and forth between Nvidia and AMD cards seamlessly with only a shutdown. Yeah, I'm lazy as fuck.


After several hours of tweaking and benchmarking, I've settled for the following, which affords me a fairly smooth experience with frame rates between 55-60fps at all times while on foot. What I find interesting is that no matter how "complex" a scene might be, performance doesn't seem to change. Walking around a barren downtown street in the middle of an overcast day seems to have the same performance impact as a heated shoot-out against dozens of cops during a wet, stormy night, while pedestrians run around for their lives amidst all the fire and explosions. That being said, driving still causes abrupt frame rate drops every few seconds, and I reckon only Ubi will be able to fix that.

- Specs: 3770K @ 4.5Ghz, 16GB RAM, GTX Titan @ 1136Mhz, 337.88 WHQL drivers, Windows 8.1 64-bit.

- Added "-disablepagefilecheck" to "Set Launch Options..." under Watch_Dogs properties on Steam.
- Force-enabled Anisotropic Filtering x16 through Nvidia Control Panel.
- System currently has no page file on any disk.

- Resolution: 1920 x 1080
- Refresh Rate: 60
- Aspect Ratio: Auto
- Window Mode: Fullscreen
- Vsync: 1 frame
- GPU Max Buffered Frames: 2 (“Triple Buffering”)
- Textures: Ultra
- Anti-Aliasing: Temporal SMAA
- Widescreen Letterbox: Off

- Overal Quality: Custom
- Level of Detail: Ultra
- Shadows: Ultra
- Reflections: Ultra
- Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+ High
- Motion Blur: On
- Depth of Field: On
- Water: Ultra
- Shader: High


The stutter is so fucking annoying, even lowering the resolution doesn't solve it and cant even get a steady 30 fps...

Gonna try lowering the textures to medium

But the Ubisoft servers/uplay... pure trash.


What's this?

Oooh. There's no in-game AF is there.

Someone over at Guru3D recommended it. It seems to make driving a tad smoother for me, though I admit I may have fallen victim to the placebo effect in this case. ;-)

That's right, no in-game AF as far as I can tell. Forcing it seems to make a pretty positive difference.


Seamless transition driver wise?

I don't like the feel of having to turn shit down especially because of VRAM. Not about dat life.

Didn't even have to uninstall my Nvidia stuff, just loaded up the latest Catalyst betas and was good to go.

Is performance similar?

Yes, with vsync off I am getting around 45-50 FPS. At this res you'd need dual GPU to get 60, I'm fine with a bit under that . I'll be going back to SLI or CF once GPUs with HDMI 2.0 get here.


I am still getting decent performance. The only time I get the dips into the 40s from the typically 60fps is when I'm driving fast and even then it's not constant. It's annoying, no doubt about it - but it's not frequent enough for it to hinder play-ability that much.

If I could complete GTAV with the framerate that was at, this is heaven compared to that. I average well above 60 without vsync and most of the time I'm at 60 except when driving at certain speeds.

1920x1080, Ultra settings, 1 frame buffer, temporal SMAA - 4770K@4.5Ghz, 780 SLI.

With all the problems people are having, it feels like I'm one of the ones with the problems - I feel like i'm doing something wrong for it not to be running badly. Of course, I expect far better performance than what I'm getting - but if most of the time its hitting my baseline (1080p60), I'm okay.


I'm beyond disappointed with how incredibly bad this game runs (read: Stutters) on my 780 SLI rig.
I wouldn't even call it playable, the thing that amazes me is that it doesn't even look all that spectacular :/

Hopefully Ubi release a patch to fix the issues, but i'm not holding my breath. Once again, PC Gamers are treated like Beta testers...


So I guess the question now will be sell a 780 and get a 6GB card or buy a second one and try for SLI.

I probably don't have the cash to do either in the near future anyway but that sucks that it's already coming to that. I'm just gonna set the textures to 'high" and pretend. Honestly though sitting back 10 feet away from my 50" plasmas, which is how I game most of these days, it probably won't even be noticable.


At 1080p, 3GB VRAM isn't a problem for this game, on Ultra.

If you're gaming above that, I could see it going over - but I have yet to hit the limit, even with MSAA (although not 8x) or TXAA.


Still massive frame drops going from Ultra to high. I really can't get into it.\

780ti OC
3570K Stock
Latest Nvidia drivers
8gb of ram

Setting the textures to high did eliminate the stuttering however.


At 1080p, 3GB VRAM isn't a problem for this game, on Ultra.

If you're gaming above that, I could see it going over - but I have yet to hit the limit, even with MSAA (although not 8x) or TXAA.

Tell that to me and my stuttering whenever I get in a car in the game.


Yeah, I'm running Ultra everything a 3 Titan SLI setup (3440x1440) and it still runs like shit.

What exactly does GPU MBF do? I have mine set to the default 3. Would setting it to 5 make a difference?

You should not really go over 3 on that setting. This setting contributes to how much VRAM you will use. Stay within 1-3. It is suppose to help smooth the experience. Some people don't like it as it can create higher latency/input lag.


Junior Member

Sighs..This makes me depressed.

I hope The Division doesn't turn out the same way..

Dat proof, Dat pudding

On a side note: Yeah i did buy the game today and i must say it's a fun game to play imho....it just is not that pretty imho and im on a rather high end PC. For the visuals....it should be butter smooth. The PS4 version seems to run nice on my bro's settings and its not far off or maybe on par with "high" PC settings.

I dont know what to think of this game as a whole because i only played 1 hour so far but i do love the sneaking around and the various stuff that is sprinkled all over the game that gives me a bit of joy to play. I just wish this game would have looked much better...but then again...this is a cross-gen game. Can't wait until old gen systems are dead so we can just go full throttle with new generation engines. THe new batman game upcoming is what im talking about, baby!


Playing at 1440p with SMAA on
i7 2600K@4.5Ghz
GTX 780 Ti Superclocked
Everything Ultra except textures on high. What i dont get is why even though my VRAM usage is about 2.9gigs with high or ultra textures, i get stuttering on ultra but not so much on high?!?!?!


Junior Member
Ultra textures maxes out my 3GB 7970 and causes stuttering, so it seems to be a case-by-case issue.

What kind of CPU do you have? Are you OC? I have the same card but mine is OC'd to 1200mhz core/1650mhz memory and the only stuttering i get is just driving times at weird area's but its not that frequent.. My Vram gets close to maxing out but i am playing at 1080p and lowest AA.

Everything is on Ultra except shadows to High and lowest AA...my frames are around 50-60 most of the time..but remember my GPU overclock...its a huge jump in power for my 7970.

I do have 3770k@4.8ghz right now....and it is surely using all 8 threads unlike most past games.



-btw if you missed it, sweetfx (exit fraps).


The only way I get no stutter is on medium textures. I can max out everything else, even MSAA 8x, with no stuttering. Anything higher than medium textures and the stuttering comes right back. I've tried high textures with everything else low or off and no AA. The game still stutters and I just can't get into the game. It makes driving difficult and just takes me out of the game completely.

This is on GTX 780 Ti SC, i5-4670k, 8GB ram at 1920x1080.

I give up with trying to make it work from my end. Hopefully Ubi, NVIDIA or the community release something. The worst thing for me is not being able to send the message to Ubi because I already bought the game and apparently it's their best first day release so they don't really have any incentive to fix the issue.
What kind of CPU do you have? Are you OC? I have the same card but mine is OC'd to 1200mhz core/1650mhz memory and the only stuttering i get is just driving times at weird area's. My Vram gets close to maxing out but i am playing at 1080p and lowest AA.

I do have 3770k@4.8ghz right now....and it is surely using all 8 threads unlike most past games.

Phenom II x4 965 OCed to 4Ghz. My 7970 is also overclocked to 1125Mhz, memory clock to 1575Mhz. Stuttering goes away entirely when I drop the texture quality.
I'm running Titans in SLI, 980x @4.5 Ghz and 12GB ram. Running it at 4K, looks gorgeous but quite a bit of stuttering while driving. Everything set to max but no AA.


That is what I am seeing in Afterburner, yes. I can turn everything down, including AA, and Ultra textures will fully saturate my VRAM.

I wish I could get Afterburner to work so I could see how much VRAM mine is using. I'm having the same issue with Wolfenstein where the OSD won't show up.


Yeah I have no explanation. I mean, people with SLI 780Tis are getting worse performance than me, so who the hell knows. Ubisoft.

Yeah - that is what makes it even stranger. People with pretty much identical or better machines than mine are having more problems. It makes me worried that I've just happened into some specific configuration that works better than what many people are getting at the moment and it could all come undone and I wouldn't know how to get it back.

Because when I first launched the game and drove around, I *did* have really awful stuttering, I did experience it. I don't know what I changed or what changed on my system to massively improve my experience.
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