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Watch_Dogs PC Performance Thread

Ploid 3.0

The problem with high textures is that you'll certainly have stuttering and mini freezes. The game is much more stable with medium textures, maybe it will be adressed in a future patch. The thing is, cards with only 2Gb VRAM seem to really struggle here.

Here's a comparison between Medium and High textures.

Going from medium to high adds polygon detail too? The right machine adds a ring on one of the rods and the circular rim like thing has extra polygon details too.

Dr Dogg

So I had a (relatively) smooth session for about a hour or so earlier. I've settled on using High textures,motion blur off, AA off. Everything else has been left at Ultra. I've left SLI on. Still some hitching here and there but other than that it was a pretty pleasant experience at 4k. Plenty of driving and shooting and it held up. Lower 50s-60+ depending on what was going on.

I also downloaded the X360 Wired Controller driver. I did not have that installed yesterday when my controller was acting weird. Today I had no issues after installing that driver. No W8 driver so I grabbed W7 64-bit and it worked fine.

The really weird thing I've noticed is that on 2 780s in SLI if I have the resolution set to 1920x1080 the vast majority of the time both cards downclock to 575mhz and can't even hold 60fps, that's even with medium textures and high on Level of Detail. Set the resolution higher and they go back to 1097mhz or higher depending on boost.

Settled for 3200x1800 with high textures, no AA and everything else bar motion blur dialed up. Still a bit stuttery but no where near as bad as I was getting and get 50-60fps inside and out. Disabling SLI and going single 780 I've found 1920x1080, temp SMAA, high textures and high Level of Detail with everything else the same that I get no larger jolts but just a little microstutter here and there and ~60fps. Locking things down to 62fps via Afterburner has helped a little too as I'm not a fan of the Vsync in Watch_Dogs.


Going from medium to high adds polygon detail too? The right machine adds a ring on one of the rods and the circular rim like thing has extra polygon details too.

Look at the propane tank. Medium looks horrible IMO. I can run High just fine, it's just stuttery while driving, but it doesn't outright freeze for seconds at a time like Ultra does. They really need to patch this asap, even Ben Kuchera bitched about the PC version of this game on Polygon.


The Detective
I am pretty sure that the "disablepagefilecheck" is just a load of BS, the only other reference to it is a command for DoW2.

BTW: There are a few paragraphs about dragonflies in systemdetection64.dll (starting at offset 00036042) stolen from Wikipedia !

dragonfly is a type of insect belonging to the order Odonata, the suborder Epiprocta or,in the strict sense, the infraorder Anisoptera. It is characterized by large multifaceted eyes,two pairs of strong, transparent wings, and an elongated body. Dragonflies are similar to damselflies,but the adults can be differentiated by the fact that the wings of most dragonflies are held away from,and perpendicular to, the body when at rest.Dragonflies typically eat mosquitoes, and other small insects like flies, bees, and butterflies.They are therefore valued as predators, since they help control populations of harmful insects.Dragonflies are usually found around lakes, ponds, streams and wetlands because their larvae, known as nymphs, are aquatic. Adult dragonflies do not bite or sting humans, though nymphs are capableof delivering a painful (though otherwise harmless) bite.Male Dragonflies are capable of hovering followed by rapid acceleration. Giant dragonflies can glidefor 20 meters at 10 degrees and a speed of 74 cm per second which is similar to some birds.[1] They capture their prey by clasping them in legs studded with spikes. Prey cannot escape by diving away because dragonflies always attack from below.Female dragonflies lay eggs in or near water, often on floating or emergent plants. When laying eggs,some species will submerge themselves completely in order to lay their eggs on a good surface. Most ofa dragonfly's life is spent in the naiad (that is, nymph) form, beneath the water's surface, using internalgills to breathe, and using extendable jaws to catch other invertebrates or even vertebrates such as tadpoles,fish, etc. Some nymphs even hunt on land,[2] an aptitude which could easily have been more common in ancient times when terrestrial predators were clumsier. The larval stage of large dragonflies may last as long as five years.In smaller species, this stage may last between two months and three years. When the larva is ready to metamorphoseinto an adult, it climbs up a reed or other emergent plant at night. Exposure to air causes the larvae to begin breathing. The skin splits at a weak spot behind the head and the adult dragonfly crawls out of its old larval skin,waits for the sun to rise, pumps up its wings, and flies off to feed on midges and flies. The adult stage of larger species of dragonfly can last as long as four months.Formerly, the Anisoptera were given suborder rank beside the ancient dragonflies (Anisozygoptera) which were believedto contain the two living species of the genus Epiophlebia and numerous fossil ones. More recently it turned out thatthe anisozygopterans form a paraphyletic assemblage of morphologically primitive relatives of the Anisoptera. Thus,the Anisoptera (true dragonflies) are reduced to an infraorder in the new suborder Epiprocta (dragonflies in general).The artificial grouping Anisozygoptera is disbanded, its members being largely recognized as extinct offshoots at variousstages of dragonfly evolution. The two living species formerly placed there — the Asian relict dragonflies — form theinfraorder Epiophlebioptera alongside the Anisoptera.Damselflies (suborder Zygoptera) are often confused with dragonflies, but these are distinct; most damselflies hold their wings at rest together above the body or held slightly open above (such as in the family Lestidae),whereas most dragonflies at rest hold their wings horizontally or occasionally slightly down and forward.Also, the back wing of the dragonfly broadens near the base, caudal to the connecting point at the body,while the back wing of the damselfly is essentially similar to the front wing.The eyes on a damselfly are apart;in most dragonflies the eyes touch. Notable exceptions to this rule are the Petaluridae (Petaltails) and the Gomphidae (Clubtails)

Ploid 3.0

Look at the propane tank. Medium looks horrible IMO. I can run High just fine, it's just stuttery while driving, but it doesn't outright freeze for seconds at a time like Ultra does. They really need to patch this asap, even Ben Kuchera bitched about the PC version of this game on Polygon.

So texture resolution don't only add texture detail but world geometry. Explains why it's so much more demanding I suppose.

I wonder what how the world geometry improves from High to Ultra. Must be crazy. We need wireframe picture differences.


The really weird thing I've noticed is that on 2 780s in SLI if I have the resolution set to 1920x1080 the vast majority of the time both cards downclock to 575mhz and can't even hold 60fps, that's even with medium textures and high on Level of Detail. Set the resolution higher and they go back to 1097mhz or higher depending on boost.

Settled for 3200x1800 with high textures, no AA and everything else bar motion blur dialed up. Still a bit stuttery but no where near as bad as I was getting and get 50-60fps inside and out. Disabling SLI and going single 780 I've found 1920x1080, temp SMAA, high textures and high Level of Detail with everything else the same that I get no larger jolts but just a little microstutter here and there and ~60fps. Locking things down to 62fps via Afterburner has helped a little too as I'm not a fan of the Vsync in Watch_Dogs.

This is precisely in line with my own experience running the game on 2 x 780 Ti. At 1920x1200 GPU usage is 40-70%, but the average frame rate is in the 50s. Running at higher resolutions improves performance.
It seems like the new gen is really pushing the VRAM requirements. I guess the huge unified PS4 memory pool is allowing devs to not worry too much about VRAM, but then they have a tough time with the PC port.
Needing a 3GB card to play well on high (let alone ultra) is just crazy. It pretty much means that you need a high-end card that's less than a year old. Most people just don't have gaming PCs with uber-cards and high-power-PSUs.

If this continues, then I'm just going to play all AAA games on my PS4 for the next couple of years, until 4GB graphics cards become mid-range. It's just not worth upgrading to a £100 PSU and a >£200 graphics card to get comparable graphics.

Dr Dogg

This is precisely in line with my own experience running the game on 2 x 780 Ti. At 1920x1200 GPU usage is 40-70%, but the average frame rate is in the 50s. Running at higher resolutions improves performance.

Ha! Crazy isn't it? See those extra 6 months in the oven were well spent. Can't grumble too much as it's at least playable for me now but it's far from perfect.
It seems like the new gen is really pushing the VRAM requirements. I guess the huge unified PS4 memory pool is allowing devs to not worry too much about VRAM, but then they have a tough time with the PC port.
Needing a 3GB card to play well on high (let alone ultra) is just crazy. It pretty much means that you need a high-end card that's less than a year old. Most people just don't have gaming PCs with uber-cards and high-power-PSUs.

If this continues, then I'm just going to play all AAA games on my PS4 for the next couple of years, until 4GB graphics cards become mid-range. It's just not worth upgrading to a £100 PSU and a >£200 graphics card to get comparable graphics.
But there are people with 3GB or more VRAM who are getting stutters no matter what the settings are. Some have found success by putting the game to medium textures - but this makes it look like the PS3/360 version, despite their systems having decent framerates at Ultra, stutters aside. It points to a flaw in the software rather than excessive requirements. I don't think you can reach a general conclusion about new gen requirements based on Watch Dogs' current PC performance. And I feel bad for those rushing out to replace their GPUs because of the misinformation in threads like this.


I can't get 60fps in the streets and my gpu is only running at 70%.. cpu limited maybe?

yes, I wonder the same thing, no matter how much I turn down everything, I can't get above 40fps in the streets. I gave up messing around until they release a patch that hopefully fixes all that mess.


The Detective
Going from medium to high adds polygon detail too? The right machine adds a ring on one of the rods and the circular rim like thing has extra polygon details too.

I fired up the game to disprove you, turns out you are right, medium texture settings cut polygon detail!
I am pretty sure that the "disablepagefilecheck" is just a load of BS, the only other reference to it is a command for DoW2.

BTW: There are a few paragraphs about dragonflies in systemdetection64.dll (starting at offset 00036042) stolen from Wikipedia !

Try it out first. It helped me.



Ploid 3.0

I fired up the game to disprove you, turns out you are right, medium texture settings cut polygon detail!

The thing is the game supposed to add a option for world geometry in the Detail option right? Why tie texture with polygons or maybe that's a glitch? What does the the Level of Detail option do? Just the dressing, the debris like blowing trash and leaves demo'ed in that PC wind physics video? Maybe density too?


I should take some screenshots of VRAM usage on watch dogs, but I'm struggling to get the rivatuner overlay working on it. The game sometimes hits 3000MB, but is most often around 2900 @ 1080p, Ultra, Temporal SMAA, 1 Frame buffer.

My stutters are not consistent, they don't typically dip below about 45fps and aren't that frequent driving. On foot, I get great framerates. Great consistency, good frametimes, etc.

I'm on 780 SLI (and mentioned earlier) - NVIDIA adaptive vsync.


The Detective
The thing is the game supposed to add a option for world geometry in the Detail option right? Why tie texture with polygons or maybe that's a glitch? What does the the Level of Detail option do? Just the dressing, the debris like blowing trash and leaves demo'ed in that PC wind physics video? Maybe density too?

The Level of Detail option also seems to affect those objects.

Dr Dogg

The Level of Detail option also seems to affect those objects.

Have a look at the mesh whilst your changing options, make a change and confirm it. You can see detail further away being scaled back when you change LoD from Ultra to High but closer objects stay the same. High to the next setting changes removes far objects and scales back near and low... well really pulls things back.


The Detective
Have a look at the mesh whilst your changing options, make a change and confirm it. You can see detail further away being scaled back when you change LoD from Ultra to High but closer objects stay the same. High to the next setting changes removes far objects and scales back near and low... well really pulls things back.

I am right next to one of the cargo container carrying rail carriages (like the ones in that nvidia comparison) and its mesh changes at point blank range with the LOD setting (this is with high textures BTW).

Edit: Other things like the metal strip that holds the rails to the sleepers and my car also change.
It seems like Ultra LODs is the same detail as High LODs, just pushed out further and Medium LODs is the same detail as low LODs, also just pushed out further.

Dr Dogg

I am right next to one of the cargo container carrying rail carriages (like the ones in that nvidia comparison) and its mesh changes at point blank range with the LOD setting (this is with high textures BTW).

Edit: Other things like the metal strip that holds the rails to the sleepers also change.

Having a play around last night high textures and high LoD was the only way I could get things stable on a single 780. And with these settings, a resolution of 1920x1080 with Temp SMAA it was using 2-2.3 VRAM and still has microstutters.

I do hate the way the toggles in Ubisoft games combine so much under one setting. I get that Joe Blogs might get a bit overwhelmed but I'd like a more precise level of refinement than a catch all setting that you really don't have a clue what it's doing by the description until you start experimenting. Didn't look in the config xml file but there are some separate variables in there that might be able to be altered.


Having a play around last night high textures and high LoD was the only way I could get things stable on a single 780. And with these settings, a resolution of 1920x1080 with Temp SMAA it was using 2-2.3 VRAM and still has microstutters.

I do hate the way the toggles in Ubisoft games combine so much under one setting. I get that Joe Blogs might get a bit overwhelmed but I'd like a more precise level of refinement than a catch all setting that you really don't have a clue what it's doing by the description until you start experimenting. Didn't look in the config xml file but there are some separate variables in there that might be able to be altered.

I agree. I also find it hilarious that they simplify these settings, probably as you say for the average user, but they still include settings like Vsync 1frame 2 frame and Max Buffered Frames that stump a lot of advanced users as well. It was the same in FarCry 3.

The Max Buffered Frames setting is a bit dangerous as well, because the natural reaction to these kind of settings on high end machines is to crank it all the way up, and I don't think that's necessarily a wise choice with this specific setting.


The Detective
Yep, I seem to be retreading other people's footsteps.

I agree. I also find it hilarious that they simplify these settings, probably as you say for the average user, but they still include settings like Vsync 1frame 2 frame and Max Buffered Frames that stump a lot of advanced users as well. It was the same in FarCry 3.

The Max Buffered Frames setting is a bit dangerous as well, because the natural reaction to these kind of settings on high end machines is to crank it all the way up, and I don't think that's necessarily a wise choice with this specific setting.

Yeah, I would far prefer to play with detail settings (would not mind if I could push the car pop up back a ways) and not something like how many frames it is buffering.


Ok i've managed to get the game to run at 40-60fps without any stuttering with these specs and settings:

i5 2500k 4.5ghz
770 2GB

All graphics options Ultra
Textures High
Borderless window mode (free triple buffering)
VSync Off


Seriously borderless windowed is a life saver in this game. Eliminates stuttering, tearing and drops to 30. No idea how it does all that but it is wonderful.


Seriously borderless windowed is a life saver in this game. Eliminates stuttering, tearing and drops to 30. No idea how it does all that but it is wonderful.

See, I don't understand this. If I use borderless windowed I end up with an absolutely unplayable stuttery mess.

Is there any information on what this setting is actually doing because for me it is 100% not an option.

On another note I did notice that dropping to medium textures (which looks bloody awful) completely eliminates any stutter.

This entire release really is a tad messy.
Okay I have an issue I know for a fact this doesn't happen to the majority of you maybe it is a minor issue, however it is damn annoying,I would like to know if there is a fix.

Problem:I enabled v-sync through Nvidia Control Panel and locked the frame-rate to 31 through EVGA precision,runs smooth on everything Ultra,HBAO+HIGH,TXAAX4,1080P,Ultra Textures.(without lock 40-50 fluctuation,mainly 40's)

However randomly the screen goes ultra bright like the Sun transported to Earth,it goes away after 30 or so seconds running around or restarting game.

However it is annoying especially during a story mission where it can get me killed or ruin my immersion.

Similar Issues to this guy: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.ph...kering-Screen-To-Insanely-Bright-Lighting-etc

I only have the Bright screen issue and flickering issue(however this one is very random and happens rarely)


8GB DDR3@1600MHZ
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-BIT

In the link I provided some guy says its a SLI issue...however I really don't want to disable it as I need all the performance I can get.

Only other option is to re-install,however Uplay took forever to download the first time, I'm dreading it, I would like to exhaust all my options first before doing that.

Any help would be appreciated guys, I love this game now as I was put off at first but This+Person of Interest is a match made in heaven.
Seriously borderless windowed is a life saver in this game. Eliminates stuttering, tearing and drops to 30. No idea how it does all that but it is wonderful.
Really ? I'm capping the framerate with DxTory right now, so this would eliminate the need of an external software.

Also I've been trying to hack into the game shaders file, apparently they're both featured in plain readible text format and binary compiled formats. But the game uses only the compiled ones apparently... and I can't trace the compiled ones back to the source ones, nor reverse engineer them... I just wanted to apply DOF permanently but I'm not sure it's that easy :(


3570K @ 4.2
GTX 780 TI Clasified
8 Gigs of RAM

I have a choice of playing this on my 1440P or my 1080P monitor, but of which have a refresh rate of 96hz+

What do you guys think? 1440 or 1080 for this game? With AC4, 1080P was the only option due to the hitching.

Insano Jaco

Neo Member
Nice. Does that include fire hydrants with water sources that don't pass through objects and pedestrians?
naaa, this one will be exclusive to WiiU, coming soon


The Cryptarch's Bane
Finally tried dropping textures to High, everything else maxed. As expected, this cut the stuttering while driving down considerably (didn't totally eliminate it, but now minutes will go by without seeing a single freeze). Framerate totally acceptable even in heavy action. Looks like these will be the settings I'll play through the game at... shame, because Ultra looked gorgeous and it performed well enough besides the stuttering... but so be it.

Online performance seems to be getting better! Had a couple matches in a row last night, which has never happened before. Sadly my revenge attempt, after being invaded and failing to kill the hacker I found immediately, didn't connect.

edit: Can someone describe the difference between "On" and "Adaptive" NVidia vsync? I was actually still noticing some tearing :( Might play with borderless windowed now myself since I have some performance buffer.


Is 2 frame vsycnc supposed to half my refresh rate, capping my framerate to 30? Because it seems to be capping it at 20 instead, and I get really bad performance. I've stuck with 1 frame, and since it's double buffered anyway, my fps never changes from 30 unless I'm looking at the sky.
I have the same problem. 1 frame vsync locks the game to 30fps. 2 frame vsync to 20fps. Changing the GPU max buffered frames doesn't seem to change anything in this regard.
With digital foundry praising the 2 frame vsync for proper frame-pacing I would like to use this.
Does anyone know what I can do to fix the '20fps cap'?
edit: Can someone describe the difference between "On" and "Adaptive" NVidia vsync? I was actually still noticing some tearing :( Might play with borderless windowed now myself since I have some performance buffer.
There will be no tearing with 'on', but it will always display at a framerate that syncs to your refresh rate. So if your system is trying to spit out 59fps, it will display as 30fps on a 60Hz monitor. Adaptive is designed to tear when the game drops below your monitor's refresh rate, so 59fps will display as 59fps with tearing. 60fps looks the same on both settings (no tearing).


Finally tried dropping textures to High, everything else maxed. As expected, this cut the stuttering while driving down considerably (didn't totally eliminate it, but now minutes will go by without seeing a single freeze). Framerate totally acceptable even in heavy action. Looks like these will be the settings I'll play through the game at... shame, because Ultra looked gorgeous and it performed well enough besides the stuttering... but so be it.

Online performance seems to be getting better! Had a couple matches in a row last night, which has never happened before. Sadly my revenge attempt, after being invaded and failing to kill the hacker I found immediately, didn't connect.

edit: Can someone describe the difference between "On" and "Adaptive" NVidia vsync? I was actually still noticing some tearing :( Might play with borderless windowed now myself since I have some performance buffer.

Adaptive is only really good for when you cna run at a solid 60 FPS 99% of the time, but there are a few times when the frame rate dips and the game in question doesn't support tripple buffered Vsync.

In those situations the game will drop not from 60 to 55, but from 60 to 30. Which feels like a bad stutter.

Nvidia adaptive sync will intead turn off vsync, allowing a smoother frame rate transition. But obviously, if vsync is off, you'll get tearing.

I used it on Arkham City, since that game wasn't trippled buffered, and 99% of the time was running fine at 60 FPS, but occasionally it would dip. For those occasions I prefered the slight tearing to a 30 FPS dip in framerate. YMMV.

It looks like Watchdogs, at least in bordeless mode, runs in tripple buffered vsync, so there is no need for adaptive vsync.


Digital Foundry just posted the Face Off -


"On PC, the story isn't quite so rosy. Despite the release of drivers from AMD and Nvidia apparently optimised for the game, we cannot find any way of playing this game at maximum settings without some off-putting performance issues. We've tried GTX 780s in SLI, Radeon R9 290X, GTX 780 Ti and even the 6GB GTX Titan, all of them backed up by a six-core Intel i7 3930K - a level of CPU power that significantly exceeds the recommended spec. In all cases, there are frame-rate and consistency issues that need to be resolved, and a particular rethink is required in the way that AMD graphics hardware handles this game."


Digital Foundry just posted the Face Off -


"On PC, the story isn't quite so rosy. Despite the release of drivers from AMD and Nvidia apparently optimised for the game, we cannot find any way of playing this game at maximum settings without some off-putting performance issues. We've tried GTX 780s in SLI, Radeon R9 290X, GTX 780 Ti and even the 6GB GTX Titan, all of them backed up by a six-core Intel i7 3930K - a level of CPU power that significantly exceeds the recommended spec. In all cases, there are frame-rate and consistency issues that need to be resolved, and a particular rethink is required in the way that AMD graphics hardware handles this game."

That's pretty disheartening.


poor performance with a i7 3930K, one core on that out does more then every single core on the PS4/Xbox One.

Ubi have work to do, this game is massively unoptimized.


poor performance with a i7 3930K, one core on that out does more then every single core on the PS4/Xbox One.

Ubi have work to do, this game is massively unoptimized.

Yep and it's all down to some weird bug in texture handling. I can set everything to Ultra with TXAA x2 or MSAA X8 and get a good 45fps (33% better than PS4/XBO) with textures on Medium. But if I try high or Ultra it stutters like crazy even with the lowest settings and 800x600 resolution!

i5 @ 4.2Ghz
GTX 770 4GB
16GB Ram
i7 intel 4770k
Nvidia GTX 780

Running 1080p @ 60 frames.

I used Nvidia experience to automatically optimized the game for me, and their settings seem to be the best. The game runs flawlessly. I been trying to see if I can notice the stuttering, so far I don't see it.


i7 intel 4770k
Nvidia GTX 780

Running 1080p @ 60 frames.

I used Nvidia experience to automatically optimized the game for me, and their settings seem to be the best. The game runs flawlessly. I been trying to see if I can notice the stuttering, so far I don't see it.

Then you are in the minority. I think some people are just less perceptible. Because people with 6GB Titans still suffer from it!

According to Digital Foundry -

"what's very clear is that those pursuing 60fps gameplay are facing a challenge. Texture management seems to be the major culprit - streaming ultra-level assets into and out of RAM simply doesn't happen fast enough, resulting in noticeable stutter. It's not a RAM issue based on our testing - we replaced a 3GB GTX 780 Ti with a 6GB GTX Titan, producing the exact same result. Only by lowering texture quality from ultra to high did we improve matters, and even then the stutter wasn't completely eliminated. We also factored out graphical quality presets too by dropping down to medium settings - and yet still we saw dips in overall performance. Additionally, we were running the game from SSD on a SATA3 connection."

Only way to currently completely eliminate the issue is to drop textures to medium!
ok, in my games settings, this is what everything is set to:

Graphics quality
Level of Detail: Ultra
Shadows: Ultra
Reflections: Ultra
Ambient Occulusion: HBAO+ High
Motion Blur: On
Depth of Field :On
Water: Ultra
Shader: High

Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Refresh rate: 60
Aspect Ratio: Auto
Window Mode: Fullscreen
VSync: Off
GPU Max Buffed Frames: 1
Textures: Ultra
Anti-Aliasing: Temporal SMAA
Widescreen Letterbox: Off

I didn't change ANYTHING. this is what the game was already set to when I opened up the settings for the first time. This is my first gaming PC, so I have no idea what half that shit in the settings even mean, so I aint touching them, thus why I LOVE this Nvidia GeForce Experience.

Like I said so far, this shit is running SUPER smooth, no drops in frame rates, no shuttering, edges look really smooth with no jadges, texture quality is high, it just looks good and runs good. Still don't look like the 2012 E3 showing though.


ok, in my games settings, this is what everything is set to:

Graphics quality
Level of Detail: Ultra
Shadows: Ultra
Reflections: Ultra
Ambient Occulusion: HBAO+ High
Motion Blur: On
Depth of Field :On
Water: Ultra
Shader: High

Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Refresh rate: 60
Aspect Ratio: Auto
Window Mode: Fullscreen
VSync: Off
GPU Max Buffed Frames: 1
Textures: Ultra
Anti-Aliasing: Temporal SMAA
Widescreen Letterbox: Off

I didn't change ANYTHING. this is what the game was already set to when I opened up the settings for the first time. This is my first gaming PC, so I have no idea what half that shit in the settings even mean, so I aint touching them, thus why I LOVE this Nvidia GeForce Experience.

Like I said so far, this shit is running SUPER smooth, no drops in frame rates, no shuttering, edges look really smooth with no jadges, texture quality is high, it just looks good and runs good. Still don't look like the 2012 E3 showing though.

I'm happy for you, I really am. But if you truly are not having any stutters when driving fast you are in the minority. Digital Foundry tested a plethora of absolute top end hardware and everything they tested suffered from the issue.

If this is your first gaming PC, maybe you are just not accustomed enough to a smooth 60fps to notice frame rate stutter. It's something that exclusively console gamers that have been playing tons of games that can't handle a solid 30fps will likely barely notice.
It's also possible that with v-sync off, the framerate is fairly variable but staying well above 60 so that overall it still looks reasonably smooth and is masking the stuttering. After all, a 4770 + 780 should be barely breaking a sweat at 1080p with undemanding AA.
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