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Watch_Dogs reviews


The big reviews are going to be interesting. Like most here I do agree that I expect it to come in with 7s and 8s from what I've seen... but Ubi has surprised before. Really do hope it does come in strong though the PS4/One do need a big game at the moment to do them over the summer.


Jesus only SIX reviews an already a 16 page thread? Did even Titanfall get this much vitriol and frothing at the mouth for its review thread?


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I preordered based on the 2012 footage. There is no way gameplay graphics should look worse as development goes on.

It happens. Performance issues with the previous look and the open world environment, bottleneck issues stemming from physics play/gameplay colliding and having to develop for 5 platforms doesn't help.


In this case shoddy AI, an uncharismatic protagonist (admittedly this is more subjective than other criticisms) and being rewarded more generously for a sloppy play style are all things that fly directly in the face of some of the scores and "must have" praise we're seeing.

This is why I ignore scores and instead dive right into the text. They don't do anything but convolute an otherwise sound critique.
Subjective or not I would LOVE to see someone make a case for Aiden Pearce (aka Mr. Monotone) as being charismatic.


It is strange. But I've noticed that when I finish a game and then do a bullet point summary of pros/cons myself, even though I really liked the game, the cons are way more than the pros.

That's interesting that you say that. I believe that when we love things, or merely enjoy them, we overlook the positive traits. We simply accept them. I think a bigger list of dislikes generally shows how well you liked something because these issues bother you being that you enjoy the subject. This notion is why I ask people for feedback by asking for POSITIVE information first as it causes the writers to think before they post. Helps the observational perspective as well as let's you relive the experience to express all the traits.
With that said, this type of information is for the "average human." Writers, particularly review authors, would be aware of this if they were actually decent (let alone excellent) in their profession. My issue is that we now take average observations of games as all the convincing we need to realize whether or not we like them. I still think we need to hold our critics to higher standards than the games themselves at times, only because so many have failed to properly express the one thing they have chosen in their profession, an observation as to whether the game is worth buying, renting, or skipping.

Is it weird that I think I had observed biased and more reliable reviews when physical print was common? They weren't all perfect, but I generally felt they weren't hyperbolic most of the time.

To get back on track: I generally look for older reviews that agreed with my playing of a game to determine if modern reviews fit the bill. Let's you look for bias or other traits of the author. I'm not so sure any of these reviews in OP fit that bill (needs more research), though few do now days. Odd.
Go back and watch the 2012 trailer and let me know if it looks the same when you play tomorrow

I think the 2012 reveal gameplay needs to be dropped. The next gen consoles didn't have final hardware specs yet, they were developing toward an estimated benchmark. The game has not been represented that way on console ever since, it's not misrepresentation.


While Watch Dogs is not a terrible game, after promising so much the level of disappointment will be very high amongst gamers. It’s very much an average game that promised the world and delivered a barren little lifeless moon instead. You’d be better off returning to the much more impressive and immersive GTA V as Watch Dogs is not the first next-gen defining game we were told it would be.



lol if bullshots count, than almost every company is guilty.

Watch Dogs and Aliens' situations are in no way similar.

Supersampling is one thing. What ubi do is another thing entirely... they produce fake, heavily doctored images and pass them off as screenshots. and they've been doing just that right up until release.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Does the PC release look like the 2012 demo? If so how is it false advertising? Even if it doesn't, things change in 2 years and Ubisoft has shown plenty of footage between now and then so we should know what to expect.

Aliens on the other hand had that bullshit demo 7 months before the game released, and the media only saw what it really looked like 2-3 weeks before release. They are, in no way, on the same level and it's a massive exaggeration to even suggest they are.


I think the 2012 reveal gameplay needs to be dropped. The next gen consoles didn't have final hardware specs yet, they were developing toward an estimated benchmark. The game has not been represented that way on console ever since, it's not misrepresentation.
And yet the presentation across generations is pretty much the same. This is like AC4 on PS4, it's just a prettied-up version of the PS3 version. Higher resolution, better textures, a few cool effects thrown in and bam.. "next-gen version" done. It's an up-port. The only difference is that they never tried to advertise AC4 as being something it wasn't... we knew it was an up-port from day one. This one wasn't advertised that way (the ol' "next gen experience" line), and yet that's exactly what it is.

The game was always going to be cross-gen, and they knew damn well back in 2012 that the PS360 could never hope to run the game they showed us. But they showed it anyway. They had no intention of ever making what we saw, not until they drop last-gen and get with the fucking times. WD2 or WD3 or whenever they go next-gen exclusive is when we'll finally get that game. Maybe.


Supersampling is one thing. What ubi do is another thing entirely... they produce fake, heavily doctored images and pass them off as screenshots. and they've been doing just that right up until release.

You're right. It's false advertising. Ubisoft should be flogged.



This is taken from a stream of the Xbox One version and the first person car view is actually that blurry on the inside.
You guys saw the youtube video with the glitches?


Ummm, wtf?

Look, I understand that glitches and bugs are a thing, but these are some pretty huge ass glitches. I haven't seen an open world game where falling out of the ingame map was that easy and frequent since the first True Crime.

Luckily we live in a time when patching is an option across all platforms. Otherwise... YIKES.


Does the PC release look like the 2012 demo? If so how is it false advertising? Even if it doesn't, things change in 2 years and Ubisoft has shown plenty of footage between now and then so we should know what to expect.

Aliens on the other hand had that bullshit demo 7 months before the game released, and the media only saw what it really looked like 2-3 weeks before release. They are, in no way, on the same level and it's a massive exaggeration to even suggest they are.
Well said.

But no, WD doesn't look the 2012 footage. Very clear they had to make compromises. But that happens and calling it 'false advertising' and 'lying' is really stretching. Plenty of genuine false advertising and lying that goes on in the marketing world that people give a pass every day. But no, a developer that still tries very hard to do as well as they can, including delaying the game, don't get any sympathy, even if, like you say, they release screens and footage that do show off what the game looks like in its current guise, will still get called liars. Its patently unfair and unreasonable.
Go back and watch the 2012 trailer and let me know if it looks the same when you play tomorrow

It won't be the same because the 2012 trailer is a HIGH END PC. People thinking that was going to be run like that on a multiplatform game this early in into the life-cycle are completely naive.

The graphics are fine on both ps4 and PC. Ubi is pushing the envelope with more complicated NPC's but everyone is concerned over graphics..



This is taken from a stream of the Xbox One version and the first person car view is actually that blurry on the inside.

The inside of the car in cockpit view has depth of field applied to it. It looks really nice. That's a horrible picture of it.


He's not wrong, though, the interiors are blurred out for some reason. Probably some silly attempt at depth of field or to hide the fact that the dashboard indicators don't do anything.


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished the main story after having it delivered Friday played none stop. 10/10 easily. Few minor things, but nothing to make me take a point off.


Ah nice. A screengrab of a stream AND it was uploaded through imgur, degrading the picture even more.

Don't expect anything rational much in this thread dude.
I've revisited from a few hours ago and the same people are 'still' moaning about the most trivial details and they haven't even played the game yet.

GAF, some of you are getting tiresome. Keyboard developers are a headache to listen to.
Excited to play this game tomorrow.


The rest of the game looks fine on the stream.
It'll be degraded by the stream no matter what. And then imgur degrades the screenshot more.

And if its applying any motion blur or DoF effect, it could make this look like worse than it is, as well.

I would rather see direct captures along with a comparison of how it 'normally' looks to compare it properly.


Here are some pictures of WD (2k Res. rendered at 4k, on PC)





The game really benefits from better anti-aliasing.

Its just too bad that the game isn't playable at this fidelity without a ridiculously high end PC.

It's nearly that blurry on PC as well, feels like it's done on purpose to appear "out of focus".
So Depth of Field basically. Could just be badly done, or an unfortunately timed screenshot.


It'll be degraded by the stream no matter what. And then imgur degrades the screenshot more.

And if its applying any motion blur or DoF effect, it could make this look like worse than it is, as well.

I would rather see direct captures along with a comparison of how it 'normally' looks to compare it properly.

What's the point of a depth of field option on the interior of a car? Streams and imgur don't degrade quality to the point where things look that blurry anyways. I even asked the streamer and he said that the interior is that blurry.


What's the point of a depth of field option on the interior of a car? Streams and imgur don't degrade quality to the point where things look that blurry anyways. I even asked the streamer and he said that the interior is that blurry.

It's to create focus on the road ahead. It's just excessive in WD. I want something more subtle applied to driveclub. It was present in the original reveal but has since been removed.
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