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Watch_Dogs reviews

The problem is each car has different feel and control

Handling, acceleration, speed etc each car got each status rated between 1 star to 5 star, i just escaped from the building, stole the first car front of me and trying to run from the cops, oooh this car got 1/5 star handling, lets just drop and pick another car? or try to chase a guy during one of the missions only to discover that he is actually escaping from me in the highway just because my car "max speed" is not as fast as his car and fail the mission.

I'm not hating on the game but some reviews are rating the game simply way too high as if it was flawless , that eurogamers reviews with watch dogs ads blasted everywhere rated it 9/10 some even rated it 100/100 the hell?

Giantbomb gave it what it deserve, 6/10 (maybe 7/10 if i was generous)

That sounds pretty accurate to real life. You're not going to catch a Corvette in a Prius.....


Man this game is going to have an uphill battle with you guys. Rough crowd lol.

This game has been getting a ton of unjustified and irrational hate for over a year. Some people were just itching to bash the game. I've been playing it the past few days and I find it to be a really great open world game. Probably my favorite next to Red Dead Redemption.


Junior Member
Well, they are two entirely different games for one...

Both are open world games... Not entirely different. Second son got worse reviews but nobody seemed to care 7 average was fine. So even if it would be entirely different most people here where hating the game before it came out (after some crapy trailers) while most people loved second son before it came out. Just saying mayor negative bias for this game

Amazing response here haha
As soon as I saw the live gameplay feeds last week, it looked like it would be decent, but nothing as groundbreaking Ubisoft would have you believe. That's about what I expected from the reviews, and it sounds like that's what we're getting. I'll wait for it on Gamefly or a Steam sale.


Don't get the hate for this game while second son got so much love.

Console exclusives always get more love due to fanboyism. It's hard to rally around a game that can be played on 5 different platforms. Some people will vociferously deny this, but it's the plain truth.


Gold Member
I love the game. The stealth mechanics and the variation you can use to approach a mission is great. I sit here at work and can only think about getting back home and continue playing it. Jim Sterling's review is very much how I feel about it too.
There is no way to 'match the scores to the text' necessarily. I can list 50 things wrong with Skyrim, but I would still give it a 10/10. It depends on how you weigh the flaws and the positives. If he gives it a 9, he's basically saying the positives definitely outweighed the negatives for him.

Some people treat reviews like there should be standard docking system for a flaw, like -0.25 points for every problem listed, but reviews aren't like graded papers.

I get where you're coming from, but this is where that thinking gets bad.

The level of score subtraction is directly proportional to how detrimental each specific negative is to the reviewer's experience. Inversely, the level of score addition is directly proportional to how beneficial each specific positive is.

So while what your saying makes sense on the surface, the truth of the matter is, every game problem, under the surface, does net a point deduction. Such deduction is subjective to each reviewer.

The point is, if you can list 50 things wrong with Skyrim, it's your job as a journalist, to write 50 or more things great with Skyrim so that 10/10 can make sense. You can't simply let us guess why even if you list 50 wrong things with Skyrim you still call it 10/10. Make an effort to convey the positives as well as the negatives, and that's something journalists often don't do.


could never
It's a hell of a lot better than I was expecting after spending a lot of time reading WD threads here. Seriously, it's good.


Console exclusives always get more love due to fanboyism. It's hard to rally around a game that can be played on 5 different platforms. Some people will vociferously deny this, but it's the plain truth.

And more hate, for the same reason. And I'm sorry, but that "truth" have nothing to do with inFamous. They delivered the game people expected to, of course some were disappointed and some were surpried as any other game, but that was a solid and beautiful game. Ubisfot is the only one to blame about the critics against Watch_Dogs, they should not have sold us that E3 2012 trailer like it would be the gameplay (when its nothing near that, even on PC).


This is what I'm waiting for.

More than that, I've decided I'm going to wait til I upgrade my GPU next year.

The game benefits massively from anti-aliasing, making it look legitimately impressive when down/super sampled. Hopefully with a 4-6GB, 20nm GPU, I'll be able to play this at 1440p+. Patches/driver updates will hopefully have improved performance some by then as well.

So I'll be able to buy the game cheap by then and have it look like I was hoping it would have looked from the get-go.

That sounds very graphics-whorish, but I'm not super excited about the game in general. Its a game I think I'd like to play, but its hardly anything I need to play.


The uphill battle this game faces with some folk, while others games don't, baffles me. I'm not sure where the hate has come from.

Saying the game is 7 not 9-10 is not hating
The game has pros and cons.

It's not a bad game and it has a lot to offer, i simply stated that the story/characters/driving being the weak elements of the game, the stealth+combat is fun, same thing with exploring the city and some of the mini games :)


I get where you're coming from, but this is where that thinking gets bad.

The level of score subtraction is directly proportional to how detrimental each specific negative is to the reviewer's experience. Inversely, the level of score addition is directly proportional to how beneficial each specific positive is.

So while what your saying makes sense on the surface, the truth of the matter is, every game problem, under the surface, does net a point deduction. Such deduction is subjective to each reviewer.

The point is, if you can list 50 things wrong with Skyrim, it's your job as a journalist, to write 50 or more things great with Skyrim so that 10/10 can make sense. You can't simply let us guess why even if you list 50 wrong things with Skyrim you still call it 10/10. Make an effort to convey the positives as well as the negatives, and that's something journalists often don't do.
What you're really getting at here is that a review score means different things to different people -- some see it as a grade based on achievements; others see it as the summation of how a game feels -- and that review scores are consequently both meaningless and useless to everyone.


It's funny how so many people on this forum are trying to force these reviews into confirming their suspicion that they won't like this game. I don't get it. After the downgrade (which apparently wasn't even a thing according to DF's analysis), negativity here has been borderline irrational.

People went from expecting bad reviews, to saying scores didn't reflect the cons listed on the reviews, to outright dismissing the reviews that were generally positive. Cognitive dissonance is strong today.

I was waiting to see whether reviews were positive. They seem to be, across the board, so I put in my order and should be receiving it tomorrow (dat Prime).

Well said and, sadly, so true.


It's a hell of a lot better than I was expecting after spending a lot of time reading WD threads here. Seriously, it's good.

The Ubisoft Effect of open world games doesn't set in until 20 hours in when you've done the same mission 500 times and are working towards another useless upgrade.


Infamous delivered on peoples expectations, Watch_Dogs did not deliver on people's expectations.

This. Second Son was exactly the game we expected. Whether that's a good or bad thing is a discussion for another day, lol. Watch_Dogs looks nothing like I remember from its initial reveal. Also... Bioshock Infinite was my GoTY 2013. Not sure when GAF decided to hate on it so hard but it saddens me.


I am enjoying this a ton so far. I am not that far in, however I was lost in reading about NPC's and stealing ATM information to care about the main missons. Also great to hear Vampire Weekend in an open world game. Anyone have a full track listing?


It's funny how so many people on this forum are trying to force these reviews into confirming their suspicion that they won't like this game. I don't get it. After the downgrade (which apparently wasn't even a thing according to DF's analysis), negativity here has been borderline irrational.

People went from expecting bad reviews, to saying scores didn't reflect the cons listed on the reviews, to outright dismissing the reviews that were generally positive. Cognitive dissonance is strong today.

I was waiting to see whether reviews were positive. They seem to be, across the board, so I put in my order and should be receiving it tomorrow (dat Prime).

Yup. You can tell people were hoping this game would get thrashed in reviews and now that it hasn't they are digging through the cons and still bringing up the old E3 demo.

Get over it brahs.


I get where you're coming from, but this is where that thinking gets bad.

The level of score subtraction is directly proportional to how detrimental each specific negative is to the reviewer's experience. Inversely, the level of score addition is directly proportional to how beneficial each specific positive is.

So while what your saying makes sense on the surface, the truth of the matter is, every game problem, under the surface, does net a point deduction. Such deduction is subjective to each reviewer.

The point is, if you can list 50 things wrong with Skyrim, it's your job as a journalist, to write 50 or more things great with Skyrim so that 10/10 can make sense. You can't simply let us guess why even if you list 50 wrong things with Skyrim you still call it 10/10. Make an effort to convey the positives as well as the negatives, and that's something journalists often don't do.
Ignores the aspect of 'weighting'. One positive aspect may outweigh 10 negative aspects. Or vice versa.

I do agree that if you're going to score a game high and still have a laundry list of negatives, you should try and explain how it is those positives outweigh the negatives, though. Say what was so great about it that enabled you to overlook its flaws.
I'm just hearing bad and good, no comparison. driving is the most important thing for me in a game like this.

People will have differing opinions on this but I see GTA IV as the pinnacle for the genre, here's why;

The cars feel like they have mass
The cars have feeling of weight transfer
The cars corner like road cars would, loads of under steer, when cornering at excessive speed.
Sportier cars are better handlers

So how does WD measure up? And is the online racing through city courses.

Watch Dogs is certainly more 'arcadey' than GTA IV. But having played the game for a couple of days now, here's what I think:

Cars don't quite 'feel' like they have mass
Cars do have a slight feeling of weight transfer. Also, some cars feel heavier than others, but in my opinion its got less to do with mass than it is about their acceleration being slower to give that illusion. Turning certainly varies by car class.
Nope. Pretty much any car can corner, Michael Bay-style at excessive speeds, with little preparation.
In WD this is not necessarily the case. I think that's a good thing.

I think the driving is alright. It's not terrible, it's very serviceable. Then again, driving for me is not a dealbreaker.
More than that, I've decided I'm going to wait til I upgrade my GPU next year.

The game benefits massively from anti-aliasing, making it look legitimately impressive when down/super sampled. Hopefully with a 4-6GB, 20nm GPU, I'll be able to play this at 1440p+. Patches/driver updates will hopefully have improved performance some by then as well.

So I'll be able to buy the game cheap by then and have it look like I was hoping it would have looked from the get-go.

That sounds very graphics-whorish, but I'm not super excited about the game in general. Its a game I think I'd like to play, but its hardly anything I need to play.

For once Sean, I agree with you this game needs some serious AA solutions and the PS4 version just isn't cutting it for me. (especially after playing infamous I expect quality AA.)


could never
The Ubisoft Effect of open world games doesn't set in until 20 hours in when you've done the same mission 500 times and are working towards another useless upgrade.

However I'm guilty of loving every AC game so my taste is questionable I guess... aha. But I'm enjoying WD so far.
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