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Watch_Dogs reviews

The Llama

Been debating whether to pick up this game now and play it on my PS4 or to wait for it to go on sale for ~$30 and play it on my PC (after a build a new one in a few months). Guess I'll just wait for a sale, doesn't really seem like anything I have to play right now. Plus I just started Sleeping Dogs last night so I should be ok.


I'm sorry but who was expecting side missions that shallow? I certainly wasn't.

I never played Infamous 2 but did it have better side missions than Second Son? If so then I guess there would be disappointment there. Generally though, from the vibes I'm getting, the amount of disappointment is far greater than the response SS got.
This. Second Son was exactly the game we expected. Whether that's a good or bad thing is a discussion for another day, lol. Watch_Dogs looks nothing like I remember from its initial reveal. Also... Bioshock Infinite was my GoTY 2013. Not sure when GAF decided to hate on it so hard but it saddens me.

Give any game 6+ months after the initial honeymoon phase before the mass hate begins. Happens all the time.


Don't get the hate for this game while second son got so much love.

You had the whole downgrade thing but more importantly Ubisoft destroyed the fantasy that all PS4 games were going to be 1080p, even though we already had one major title ar 900p. The thread with rumors of 1080p 60fps didn't help with that expectation.

Personally I am looking forward to an open world game not being centered around being a thug, The option is there of course but I am not forced to steal, rob and kill. I also have an XBO so Im used to the inferior resolution, so Ill be fine with 900p on the PS4.


Glad I never get hung up on what a game could have been rather than what it is now and enter playing the game on a clean slate. In terms of expectations. Got the game today and I am very happy with my purchase.
I have to admit that the graphics turned me off and I began to question the pre-order. It's hard not to join the angry internet mobs sometimes. But after a good nights sleep and reading some reviews this morning I feel better. Now I look forward to playing some Watch Dogs later today!


More than that, I've decided I'm going to wait til I upgrade my GPU next year.

The game benefits massively from anti-aliasing, making it look legitimately impressive when down/super sampled. Hopefully with a 4-6GB, 20nm GPU, I'll be able to play this at 1440p+. Patches/driver updates will hopefully have improved performance some by then as well.

So I'll be able to buy the game cheap by then and have it look like I was hoping it would have looked from the get-go.

That sounds very graphics-whorish, but I'm not super excited about the game in general. Its a game I think I'd like to play, but its hardly anything I need to play.

I agree with you on the part about anti-aliasing making a huge difference to the visuals in this game. There is a lot of fine detail in this game--fences, poles, grates and structures with lots of lines and small detail. Without anti-aliasing I found the game didn't impress me too much, but after downsampling a little bit from 2048 x 1152 and applying 2x TXAA the game transformed into something truly impressive for me.


It's funny how so many people on this forum are trying to force these reviews into confirming their suspicion that they won't like this game.

I think it's reflective of a general distrust of professional game reviews.

When you buy a highly rated game, you expect it to play like the 9/10 game it reviewed at, and not a 5/10 mediocre POS. When you get torched like that a few times, it doesn't take much to laugh at the pros and seek out unbiased opinions elsewhere. Or even just watch streamed gameplay and form your own opinion prior to purchasing the game.

I've personally stopped preordering all games but those I am 100% I will enjoy (I went from about 20-25 games a year down to 2 or 3), just because I personally feel pro game reviews and previews are too open to manipulation. I'm sick of buying crap because nobody has the balls to give mediocre, big budgeted games the 3/10 or 4/10 they deserve.

Time Magazine and the New Yorker just shredded the new Godzilla movie. However, do you think Warner is going to stop inviting them to review events, or threaten future ad dollars? Of course not. The main issue, I feel, is that gaming sites are simply too dependent on the support of game publishers to run their operations, and as a result, will never honestly review games from certain publishers.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
This. Second Son was exactly the game we expected. Whether that's a good or bad thing is a discussion for another day, lol. Watch_Dogs looks nothing like I remember from its initial reveal. Also... Bioshock Infinite was my GoTY 2013. Not sure when GAF decided to hate on it so hard but it saddens me.
See that is the thing, when I saw the E3 2012 trailer I was impressed with the game but refused to accept that it was a Nextgen title
To me it looked like something the PS3 could do, and to be honest the E3 trailer was compressed so you couldn't tell if those textures was good or not and most people filled in the gaps with their imagination
But now I have the game I am more impressed with it now then I was beforehand and minus a few different textures type in some places I think it looks the and delivers the experience it promised, both Gameplay and Graphically.


Being a person who wasn't a fan of AC, seeing all of these posts debunking all the people going "it's AC with cell phones" makes me feel a lot better about my upcoming purchase.


Junior Member
I also have an XBO so Im used to the inferior resolution, so Ill be fine with 900p on the PS4.

Nice :)

I never play pc games and after x360 and ps3 games for 7 years I think the first batch of games look very very good miles ahead of last gen


Glad I never get hung up on what a game could have been rather than what it is now and enter playing the game on a clean slate. In terms of expectations. Got the game today and I am very happy with my purchase.

This is the mindset I've been trying to develop, because its win win :)

But I think there needs to be a discussion on who's fault it is for the high expectations - Ubi's or us? I feel Ubi are to blame for my disappointment and something that needs to be addressed, rather than just trying to 'get over it'.


Infamous delivered on its goal and actually boosted its graphics when it came out (Also the beloved photo mode patch). Whilst people got annoyed at Watch Dogs for actually downgrading its graphics (on consoles). So I can see the hate and love for the titles.


This is Assassin's Creed all over again. High reviews but when future Watch_Dogs games come out no one will remember the first one and actually be baffled to why they scored it high.
Fuck the reviews, my ps4 copy is on a ups for delivery between 12-4pm. Got myself a case of coke, baja blast, bag of chips and pizza bites. I can't freaking wait, marathon time. Going to go walk the dog for a hour to kill her energy and then cut the grass before it comes. WOOOO
The game is very good, guys. Sorry to break it to you.

Heaps of open world activities, great shooting gameplay, hacking is a worthwhile gimmick which really shines in multiplayer, and rock solid performance on PS4.

About 10 hours in and I'm having a lot of fun.


Junior Member
This is the mindset I've been trying to develop, because its win win :)

But I think there needs to be a discussion on who's fault it is for the high expectations - Ubi's or us? I feel Ubi are to blame for my disappointment and something that needs to be addressed, rather than just trying to 'get over it'.

Disappointments are part of life. Deal with it :). Also don't let your self hype up for a game, hype will disappoint most of the time.
I am overwhelmingly disappointed with this game.

Driving controls are awful compared to GTAV. The controls are clunky in general. Overworld is boring and bland. Looks nothing like the reveal. Ubisoft false promises. Just completely awful.

Dr. Kaos

I admit I am surprised the game scored 82 on metacritic. I was expecting 5-7 points less, which is significant.

I really don't like the graphics (regardless of the E3 trailer) and the fact that the open world is nowhere as good as (last-gen) GTA so I won't buy this new, but I might give it a shot when it's sub-$30 now!

The user reviews are much harsher, however.


You had the whole downgrade thing but more importantly Ubisoft destroyed the fantasy that all PS4 games were going to be 1080p, even though we already had one major title ar 900p. The thread with rumors of 1080p 60fps didn't help with that expectation.

Yes, the lukewarm reception and the caution of gamers is chocked up to mostly fanboy PS4 BS, and not to Ubi's bait and switch bulldemo / bullshot bullshit.


I think in the end most people were expecting a pretty mediocre open world experience and were counting on the graphics to make up for it. Hacking and the setting might have allowed a good new take on open world, but I'd wager most people knew in the back of their mind ubi hasn't revolutionized any of their open world games yet. But those bulldemos... People were expecting something to knock their eyes out, like they were shown and told so many E3s ago.
I am overwhelmingly disappointed with this game.

Driving controls are awful compared to GTAV. The controls are clunky in general. Overworld is boring and bland. Looks nothing like the reveal. Ubisoft false promises. Just completely awful.

The on-foot controls? Compared to Gta V? They are buttery as hell, I don't understand how you could think they were bad.


This is the mindset I've been trying to develop, because its win win :)

But I think there needs to be a discussion on who's fault it is for the high expectations - Ubi's or us? I feel Ubi are to blame for my disappointment and something that needs to be addressed, rather than just trying to 'get over it'.

Ubisoft didn't go around telling people that "this game is so amazing, just watch!" to my recollection. It was the general gaming press, followed closely by gamers themselves. Then the downgrades hit. Then the public and especially gaming press seemed to WANT this game to fail. Now I am reading and watching reviews that are like, "this is better than GTA V in some ways, not as good in others...8/10"

I really feel like the press has become less reliable as far as purchasing or even PLAYING decisions go. So many games are given around the 8 range, dug into for perceived "problems" that other games get away with...then those become the end all be all. No matter how fun the game is to many people, it's the scores that set the stage for what history remembers the game as. And yet 5-10 years later, after more people finally give the game an objective eye, that story gets rewritten and we get a REAL sense of a game's value, often too late.
The game is very good, guys. Sorry to break it to you.

Heaps of open world activities, great shooting gameplay, hacking is a worthwhile gimmick which really shines in multiplayer, and rock solid performance on PS4.

About 10 hours in and I'm having a lot of fun.

That made me chuckle. I am looking forwards to playing the game but my download speed is doing its best to negate the excitement.
What you're really getting at here is that a review score means different things to different people -- some see it as a grade based on achievements; others see it as the summation of how a game feels -- and that review scores are consequently both meaningless and useless to everyone.

Well that it means different things to different people is a given. But what I really was getting at was that you should list all the achievements and all the failures if you are going to review a game, not leave it up to the reader to guess. And if an achievement outweighs a failure, say it! Some readers can be properly persuaded into purchasing a game they otherwise never would have because there wasn't a feature that could compensate.

Review scores should match the text that precedes it, and only when they don't it becomes meaningless to everyone.
It's funny how so many people on this forum are trying to force these reviews into confirming their suspicion that they won't like this game. I don't get it. After the downgrade (which apparently wasn't even a thing according to DF's analysis), negativity here has been borderline irrational.

People went from expecting bad reviews, to saying scores didn't reflect the cons listed on the reviews, to outright dismissing the reviews that were generally positive. Cognitive dissonance is strong today.

I was waiting to see whether reviews were positive. They seem to be, across the board, so I put in my order and should be receiving it tomorrow (dat Prime).

Yep. I have pretty much zero interest in Watch_Dogs, but this is pretty much what's happened here. After the "downgrade" and the delays, plus videos of kinda meh gameplay, the tone shifted, and now any positive review is a money hat and every negative aspect in otherwise positive reviews is proof positive that the game sucks.
The game is getting torn apart from user reviews on meta, dang.

Pretty much what I expected so far, somewhere in the 8's. Although I did think it was going to be the mid 8's.


This is the mindset I've been trying to develop, because its win win :)

But I think there needs to be a discussion on who's fault it is for the high expectations - Ubi's or us? I feel Ubi are to blame for my disappointment and something that needs to be addressed, rather than just trying to 'get over it'.

You are definitely right. We get so into the flashy trailers and the promises that the game will deliver as advertised. Ubi definitely should shoulder the blame of advertising and not delivering. However, we knew way in advance of the downgrade and what to expect. I honestly expected a train wreck which isn't the case at all. It's a playable, fun, game that I will put in quite a bit of playtime to justify the purchase. We can be mad at developers all we want for changing things but should that stop us from at least trying what they put out? Not at all.


The game is getting torn apart from user reviews on meta, dang.

People read user reviews on Metacritic?

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