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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Anyone tried some Stevia products? Does it taste nice or artifcial?
Quite good actually. Close to sugar but just a little off - also no after taste.

Splenda's gotten light years better too. It used to have that nasty bitter after taste like your average Sweet N Low, but it comes off pretty smooth now.


relies on auto-aim
I eat 4 or 5 eggs with some cheese, salt, pepper, tobasco, salsa with a side of bacon/some other meat everyday.

It's a good deal.


If you haven't already, all of you should make an effort to have one cup of green tea everyday. I've been reading many articles and studies on green tea and I'm glad I decided to add it to my daily regimen.

What a powerful drink.

at least 4 a day, it make me feel full and just enough caff to keep me going

OG Kush

If you haven't already, all of you should make an effort to have one cup of green tea everyday. I've been reading many articles and studies on green tea and I'm glad I decided to add it to my daily regimen.

What a powerful drink.

Whats so powerful about it? Got any links?
I've been low carbing since the beginning of the year with steady success, and never feeling hungry.

Yesterday I decided to have a wild cheat day for the Super Bowl and fulfill all my fantasies I've been dreaming about. I probably downed a good 5,000 - 6,000 calories I don't know.

So this morning I wake up, and my stomach is growling and I feel like I'm ravenously starving.

Makes no sense. Fuck you carbs.
all of these pharmaceutical companies need to sell their "cholesterol-lowering" medicine somehow.

guess what, saturated fat doesn't clog your arteries either.

I was always under the impression that saturated fat from natural sources (red meat) was okay but getting it from some sort of "fatty snack" isn't. If you don't count the other ingredients and just are talking about saturated fat exclusively, is there a difference?


I didn't even cheat during the game (chicken and a handful of cashews for me), but I had that sesame chicken Friday and a burger and fries on Saturday, and probably a total of 6 beers between Friday-Sunday.

Was 175 on Friday morning. Today I'm 179 :lol


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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Then what does?

I'm gonna go with nothing. It sure is a cutely simplified image of "sticky fats" just clinging to the walls of your arteries and clogging up the blood flow. That's probably why the myth took off in popular culture so quickly, despite being total bullshit.

Heart disease is the result of a wide variety of factors. One of the biggest seems to be oxidized LDL causing inflammation in the arteries and blood vessels.


Super Bowl + Good/Strong Libations = No Willpower

Going to hit the diet & gym hard this week.

Yeah, this is my throw away week. Between the Super Bowl and my Birthday being this week, I'm just going to accept the fact that my weights going to take a hit. The timing sucks considering I finally overcame a plateau and was dropping some decent weight.


In about 6 months, gone from 225 to 203. Been slow and steady. Aiming for 180 (my family has heavy bones or something, as my 180 looks great.)



Basically lots of bad LDL + inflammation = clogged arteries.

Well, it's even more complicated than that. Some foods associated with saturated fats tend to be bad for your heart. But, as explained in the article, saturated fat itself isn't heart unhealthy. Just look at the traditional diets of Polynesians or Alaskan/Canadian Natives.

Apparently, the only fats we should actively stay away from are trans fats and unstable, highly heated polyunsaturated fats (like the ones found in fried foods). And if you're on a calorie restrictive diet, fats pack more calories per gram, so obvs. you'd limit your intake then.


I was sick last week and didn't get to go shopping, got a lot this week. picked these up from Trader Joe's, Dark Chocolate/Toffee/Pistachio Pieces


been eyeing them for a while while browsing and finally picked them up. I also found all natural pre-cooked frozen sausage patties at waldbaums :]

edit. I just tried some Trader Joes blueberries, oh shit they are good. I usually get them from other places but just happened to try the TJ's. they're a little more tart to them than most BB, I like it! Their blackberries on the other hand, suck ass, no flavor what so ever


Today is my 1 month on keto. I have been constantly checking with ketostix and I have never fallen out of keto during that time. I feel good, energy is up and so are my spirits. That is until today..........as some of you may already know when I first began I listed my stats (or what I thought them to be) I said I was 6'2"(that is still true lol) and I said my weight was somewhere between 360-380lbs (did not have a scale that went higher than 350lbs to verify) well I finally found one today at Costco that goes up to 440lbs, so I bought it, and when I weighed myself, I was 390lbs!!!!!!! And I have been doing keto for 1 month already (so what the fuck did I weigh before I started...wow!!)

2 things went through my head. 1) did I actually loose any weight while eating high fat foods, keeping carbs under 20 and not counting calories? And 2) I have a long fucking journey ahead of myself to get to my 1st goal of having my weight in the 2's and my jeans in the 3's.

Man it was a real shot to the heart when I seen my actual weight...and I'm getting discouraged when I see guys loose 30+ lbs on only 2 months of keto (but maybe im on the same pace)

Thanks for listening to my vent....I'm not giving up, I'm actually gonna take this as motivation to start tracking everything I do, keep a journal of food and weekly weight logs....IM GONNA BEAT THIS!!!!!!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Today is my 1 month on keto. I have been constantly checking with ketostix and I have never fallen out of keto during that time. I feel good, energy is up and so are my spirits. That is until today..........as some of you may already know when I first began I listed my stats (or what I thought them to be) I said I was 6'2"(that is still true lol) and I said my weight was somewhere between 360-380lbs (did not have a scale that went higher than 350lbs to verify) well I finally found one today at Costco that goes up to 440lbs, so I bought it, and when I weighed myself, I was 390lbs!!!!!!! And I have been doing keto for 1 month already (so what the fuck did I weigh before I started...wow!!)

2 things went through my head. 1) did I actually loose any weight while eating high fat foods, keeping carbs under 20 and not counting calories? And 2) I have a long fucking journey ahead of myself to get to my 1st goal of having my weight in the 2's and my jeans in the 3's.

Man it was a real shot to the heart when I seen my actual weight...and I'm getting discouraged when I see guys loose 30+ lbs on only 2 months of keto (but maybe im on the same pace)

Thanks for listening to my vent....I'm not giving up, I'm actually gonna take this as motivation to start tracking everything I do, keep a journal of food and weekly weight logs....IM GONNA BEAT THIS!!!!!!

No point in worrying since you don't know your starting weight. You could have very well lost over 20 pounds in the last month. I have no idea what you're eating, but I doubt you actually put on weight if you've truly been in ketosis the whole time.

I just can't believe you started changing your diet knowing your starting weight.


relies on auto-aim
Today is my 1 month on keto. I have been constantly checking with ketostix and I have never fallen out of keto during that time. I feel good, energy is up and so are my spirits. That is until today..........as some of you may already know when I first began I listed my stats (or what I thought them to be) I said I was 6'2"(that is still true lol) and I said my weight was somewhere between 360-380lbs (did not have a scale that went higher than 350lbs to verify) well I finally found one today at Costco that goes up to 440lbs, so I bought it, and when I weighed myself, I was 390lbs!!!!!!! And I have been doing keto for 1 month already (so what the fuck did I weigh before I started...wow!!)

2 things went through my head. 1) did I actually loose any weight while eating high fat foods, keeping carbs under 20 and not counting calories? And 2) I have a long fucking journey ahead of myself to get to my 1st goal of having my weight in the 2's and my jeans in the 3's.

Man it was a real shot to the heart when I seen my actual weight...and I'm getting discouraged when I see guys loose 30+ lbs on only 2 months of keto (but maybe im on the same pace)

Thanks for listening to my vent....I'm not giving up, I'm actually gonna take this as motivation to start tracking everything I do, keep a journal of food and weekly weight logs....IM GONNA BEAT THIS!!!!!!
I'm positive you did. Grats on doing the first month.

What are you doing for liquids? Are you drinking enough water?
Today is my 1 month on keto. I have been constantly checking with ketostix and I have never fallen out of keto during that time. I feel good, energy is up and so are my spirits. That is until today..........as some of you may already know when I first began I listed my stats (or what I thought them to be) I said I was 6'2"(that is still true lol) and I said my weight was somewhere between 360-380lbs (did not have a scale that went higher than 350lbs to verify) well I finally found one today at Costco that goes up to 440lbs, so I bought it, and when I weighed myself, I was 390lbs!!!!!!! And I have been doing keto for 1 month already (so what the fuck did I weigh before I started...wow!!)

2 things went through my head. 1) did I actually loose any weight while eating high fat foods, keeping carbs under 20 and not counting calories? And 2) I have a long fucking journey ahead of myself to get to my 1st goal of having my weight in the 2's and my jeans in the 3's.

Man it was a real shot to the heart when I seen my actual weight...and I'm getting discouraged when I see guys loose 30+ lbs on only 2 months of keto (but maybe im on the same pace)

Thanks for listening to my vent....I'm not giving up, I'm actually gonna take this as motivation to start tracking everything I do, keep a journal of food and weekly weight logs....IM GONNA BEAT THIS!!!!!!

Good going man, keep it up! It's highly likely you lost weight, as long as you're staying in Ketosis, you'll be fine.

I haven't updated in a while, down 59.5 pounds in week 9


Weighed myself yesterday at 158lbs. That's 4lbs down on when I last weighed myself two weeks ago and down 66 in total since I started. Getting near the time when I should stop trying to lose weight and start the whole new challenge of maintaining it.


What are you doing for liquids? Are you drinking enough water?

I'm trying to get at least 3 liters of water daily, and I do drink A diet soda at some meals.... But I want to kick that habit.

I think I have to drink more water... I get headaches cause I think I get dehydrated....do bigger guys need more fluids? (maybe a stupid question I know)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Weighed myself yesterday at 158lbs. That's 4lbs down on when I last weighed myself two weeks ago and down 66 in total since I started. Getting near the time when I should stop trying to lose weight and start the whole new challenge of maintaining it.

How tall are you? Male or female?


relies on auto-aim
I'm trying to get at least 3 liters of water daily, and I do drink A diet soda at some meals.... But I want to kick that habit.

I think I have to drink more water... I get headaches cause I think I get dehydrated....do bigger guys need more fluids? (maybe a stupid question I know)
3L seems a bit much, but maybe that's just me. Don't want to dilute yourself (can't think of science term right now).
Just drink whenever you are thirsty and try to get in 6 cups at least (1.5L)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Whats so powerful about it? Got any links?

A huge study composed of ALL benefits of green tea: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2855614/

Oh and this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green-tea#Research_and_health_effects

Green tea can bypass any imperfection you have and still benefit you greatly (example: green tea can offset the damage that smoking does to you):

In May 2006, researchers at Yale University School of Medicine weighed in on the issue with a review article that looked at more than 100 studies on the health benefits of green tea. They pointed to what they called an "Asian paradox," which refers to lower rates of heart disease and cancer in Asia despite high rates of cigarette smoking.

In regards to fat loss: http://www.ergo-log.com/metastudygreentea.html

Green tea can lower your total cholesterol, increase HDL, and prevent your LDL from being oxidized, even if your diet consists mainly of sucrose (sugar):

Catechins also reduced plasma triglyceride levels in an oral glucose-tolerance test in normal rats [86]. Green tea extract intake reduced these values in both Zucker rats and rats fed a sucrose-rich diet [87,88]. Several human- and animal-based studies suggested that green tea and its flavonoids have antidiabetic effects [86,89,90]. Green tea flavonoids were also shown to have insulin-like activities [91] as well as insulin-enhancing activity

Green tea and Omega 3: they only do everything.


Will drop pants for Sony.
I swear trying to eat right is hard work. I broke down and bought 12 donuts at the supermarket on Sunday and today looking at them i forced myself to toss them in the dumpster. I could not risk putting them in my garbage or i might try to save them. I'm back at the gym but i feel like i am not pushing myself enough.


That girl in the bunny hat
Green tea can lower your total cholesterol, increase HDL, and prevent your LDL from being oxidized, even if your diet consists mainly of sucrose (sugar):

Green tea and Omega 3: they only do everything.

I'm gonna have to try green tea, aren't I? Never cared for tea (or coffee), personally...


I don't have a scale to weigh myself, but looking in the mirror I can tell I'm the biggest I've ever been. Last time I weighed myself I was 320. That was almost a year ago. I think I may be 350 right now.

Anyone who doesn't believe food is an addiction can be a real asshole.
I swear trying to eat right is hard work. I broke down and bought 12 donuts at the supermarket on Sunday and today looking at them i forced myself to toss them in the dumpster. I could not risk putting them in my garbage or i might try to save them. I'm back at the gym but i feel like i am not pushing myself enough.

That's impressive will power. If I had bought them, I don't think I'd have been able to resist, especially if they were Entemanns donuts. Those sugary, frosty rings of poison, why you gotta be so damn tasty? There were times at the supermarket when I thought I'd succumbed completely, holding the package donuts or chocolate chip cookies in my hands ready to purchase, only to end up walking around the supermarket for 10 minutes because a part of me kept saying "DONT DO IT, DONT GO UP TO THAT REGISTER." Sometimes, not always, I was able to place the offending item back onto the store shelf and run out of the building before my will caved in all around.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
I swear trying to eat right is hard work. I broke down and bought 12 donuts at the supermarket on Sunday and today looking at them i forced myself to toss them in the dumpster. I could not risk putting them in my garbage or i might try to save them. I'm back at the gym but i feel like i am not pushing myself enough.

Hey, you're a stronger person than I usually am! I'm not going to admit what things (and in what amounts. oh God, the amounts) seem to end up being shoved into my face every single time I've allowed myself a cheat day... which inevitably turns into two, then three, and then it's been a whole week and a hundred bucks of cheating that'll take another two months to work off.

Ah well, we've just got to keep trying and working on it.
Hey, you're a stronger person than I usually am! I'm not going to admit what things (and in what amounts. oh God, the amounts) seem to end up being shoved into my face every single time I've allowed myself a cheat day... which inevitably turns into two, then three, and then it's been a whole week and a hundred bucks of cheating that'll take another two months to work off.

Ah well, we've just got to keep trying and working on it.

That's why I'm afraid to give myself a cheat day. Because in the past, I was never able to restrict it to just that day. A cheat day was like opening the gates of Hell. I usually didn't have the strength to close it again. :(

I've gone 6 weeks without a single cheat day. Allowing myself some white rice and potatoes on an otherwise moderate carb diet makes life more bearable.
1600 calories is a cheat day for you? Are you insane?

I had
2 eggs for breakfast(80 calories each and i don't normally eat breakfast)
corned beef + mixed veggies(around 600 calories)
unhealthy cookie snackx2(320 calories and 48 carbs)
unhealthy crackers(490 calories)

im guessing around 1600 with some inconsistencies here and there, but yeah i usually eat 1000 cals and i been trying to get into ketosis, i also cut out any non water drinks and grains. i already know this is a little unhealthy, but this is a crash diet of sorts(i wont start eating like shit when i reach my goal though)
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