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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Doing a bit of a dietary switch-up to accommodate some budget goals the wife and I set up. Going to try and reduce the amount I spend on food without sacrificing nutrition on the way.

New setup is going to be:

4 Egg Omelette with Chicken Sausage + Some Cheese

Smaller salad with 2 chicken breasts, broccoli, bacon bits, some cheese and spinach leaves

Normal protein + vegetables


My switch to a bigger breakfast and a smaller lunch should save me about $2-3 a day. Also going to try and cut out my froofy cappuccinos that I've been indulging on lately. $3 each for those and they aren't helping me any...but they are a guilty pleasure of mine. I can hack together a decent tasting coffee drink using a lot of creamer and the espresso shot setting on the Flavia at work. Not nearly as good, but free.

Bought a bulk amount of cashew pieces at Whole Foods that I portioned into snack bags to bring with me to work, just need to avoid devouring them when I'm home.

Saving a couple bucks a day from my new breakfast/lunch and cutting out the cappuccinos should net me anywhere from $50-$100 a month. We'll see!
Still having issues for what to eat for breakfast at work. For the past month or so I've been taking muscle milk for my breakfast. About 180 calories and 20g of protein. I am wondering if that is enough though.

Dinners are finally on task, usually chicken or beef with roasted veggies, or eggs and veggies. Lunch has been Progresso canned soup every day. Lot of sodium, but I am not sure what else (easy) to take that is lower in carbs.

Do you workout after work? No breakfast is better than a shitty one.
Monday check in! Also taking a some cheat day today for dinner with some Indian food.


Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Listened to the latest Bulletproof Exec podcast, which had an interesting interview with John Kiefer of dangerouslyhardcore.com. Pretty interesting, and I wonder if his "Carb backloading" deal would work. Basically, when you do weight training days, you eat super low carb in the morning, and then do your workout. After that, you go nuts with the worst kind of carbs. Eat ice cream. He recommends cherry turnovers. It's all good. Stop eating around 9pm.

He sounds like a nerd, and he's a physicist. So I wasn't expecting him to look like he did, when I finally went to the site.

Any opinions?

Aka Leangains, although Martin only advocates having your carb refeeds consist of junk food simply for the occassional psychological relief.

Stuffing yourself with carbs PWO greatly enhances the anabolic effect of insulin and gets pushed into glycogen stores for repair/replenishment instead of being used as fuel/stored as fat.

You can do what he says, but use potatoes, squash, or any other primal carb source. I use sweet potatoes, personally.


Ahh the day has come.. i arrive at the temporary end of this thread.

I first saw it after Christmas holidays last year. New Year´s eve was close and so was the time for good resolutions ^^.

01.01.12 i started my personal change.. 2009/10 my high-score weight was 132 kg / 291 lbs. After a year of downsizing my meals and snacks (not really) i got down to 121 kg /267 lbs. That was my starting-scale stand this January. ah for your information - i am 6 feet 1 /1,86 m tall

Thank you guys for all the motivation trough your pics /stories and tips/ recipes..
My weight this morning was 88kg /194 lbs. Just through changing my diet to low carb (but not that serious.. more like 80-100 gr of carbs), cutting all the crap and daily rides with the bike but mostly my daily 6 km /3,8 miles walk, if the weather allowed it.

Yesterday i went to my university's gym to register.First time in my life in such a fitnesscenter hehe. The toning begins ^^
Still got a lot of loose bellyfat that i want to melt away. Everytime i need a bit more motivation i read a few pages of this thread. 3 months later - first post ^^


Greets from Germany. Hang in there...


Gold Member
Hackbert that's amazing. Pretty crazy that you managed to shed 30kg in 3 months with 80-100g carbs a day. That's like what, 2kg/4lbs a week? Any idea on what your calorie intake might have been, because the biking or carbs certainly don't explain that big a loss? How was your alcohol?
I look too skinny? I wish i felt that way hahaha.

I have maybe 3 or 4 pounds in my midsection to get rid of, and I am actually weight training and bulking up. Im rather excited to be building again (i gots to find me a new man)

Haha. Aight, glad to see that you are bulking. There is definitely a difference in fat loss between the two pics but if you keep losing the fat without gaining the muscle, you are gonna be nothing but bones. Bones I say!

Listened to the latest Bulletproof Exec podcast, which had an interesting interview with John Kiefer of dangerouslyhardcore.com. Pretty interesting, and I wonder if his "Carb backloading" deal would work. Basically, when you do weight training days, you eat super low carb in the morning, and then do your workout. After that, you go nuts with the worst kind of carbs. Eat ice cream. He recommends cherry turnovers. It's all good. Stop eating around 9pm.

He sounds like a nerd, and he's a physicist. So I wasn't expecting him to look like he did, when I finally went to the site.

Any opinions?

Interesting stuff. I read his posts about IF and talking about how he looked deflated the next day. I have felt the same way, but I feel that has to do more about what you ate the previous day as opposed to IF.


Hackbert that's amazing. Pretty crazy that you managed to shed 30kg in 3 months with 80-100g carbs a day. That's like what, 2kg/4lbs a week? Any idea on what your calorie intake might have been, because the biking or carbs certainly don't explain that big a loss? How was your alcohol?

first - thanks,
second - left pic is my highest weight and does not represent how i looked this new year.. dont have a picture ... I used an android app to list my daily meals. But this month i often forgot it. i tried to stay between 1500 and 1800 calories the day, but i did and will not calculate them. I really love to cook so it wasn´t difficult to make a lot of different meals with veggies and fish/white meat. I never ate so many eggs and meat as in this last three months hehe. And i was never hungy, that helped the most. And lots and lots of water +tea + coffee at work.
Sounded a bit irritating maybe in my post, but the last two month i cycled 8,6 miles (14)km a day fast to work ( changed tshirt underwear there).. and in the evening went for a walk.

No alcohol mostly. Maybe a beer or two vodka shots in a glass with water and limette on the weekend. Or did i unterstand your alcohol question wrong?
Breaking a sweat nearly every day got the job done it seems. but yeah it feels strange.
hopefully i can gain a bit muscle to maintain this weight.

I hope my german english is understandable enough hehe


Gold Member
first - thanks,
second - left pic is my highest weight and does not represent how i looked this new year.. dont have a picture ... I used an android app to list my daily meals. But this month i often forgot it. i tried to stay between 1500 and 1800 calories the day, but i did and will not calculate them. I really love to cook so it wasn´t difficult to make a lot of different meals with veggies and fish/white meat. I never ate so many eggs and meat as in this last three months hehe. And i was never hungy, that helped the most. And lots and lots of water +tea + coffee at work.
Sounded a bit irritating maybe in my post, but the last two month i cycled 8,6 miles (14)km a day fast to work ( changed tshirt underwear there).. and in the evening went for a walk.

No alcohol mostly. Maybe a beer or two vodka shots in a glass with water and limette on the weekend. Or did i unterstand your alcohol question wrong?
Breaking a sweat nearly every day got the job done it seems. but yeah it feels strange.
hopefully i can gain a bit muscle to maintain this weight.

I hope my german english is understandable enough hehe

That's perfectly clear!

I'm with your program mostly but damn it's hard to cut alcohol in London (no idea how you dodge yer weissbier in Germany!), that's the real killer for me, and it's all social too.

And 14km of biking up to swear does explain a lot. Well done. I am currently doing 1xcircuit/core, 2xpump, 1x spinning, 1xboxing/core a week so 5 exercises a week and 2000cal/120g carb. It's working but nowhere near as fast as yours.

About building muscle, if you have the money for a PT one-two times a week I can wholeheartedly recommend that. Even though my weight is not dropping fast, my muscles are developing like mad, you know those He-Man legs? Never had any muscle but now they are shaping up. If not, just learn ALL about bodyweight exercises and free weights. Squats, lunges, burpees. They are really heavy and intimidating first, but unlike the gym machines, they really grow you - I will never do a machine again.


That's perfectly clear!

I'm with your program mostly but damn it's hard to cut alcohol in London (no idea how you dodge yer weissbier in Germany!), that's the real killer for me, and it's all social too.

And 14km of biking up to swear does explain a lot. Well done. I am currently doing 1xcircuit/core, 2xpump, 1x spinning, 1xboxing/core a week so 5 exercises a week and 2000cal/120g carb. It's working but nowhere near as fast as yours.

About building muscle, if you have the money for a PT one-two times a week I can wholeheartedly recommend that. Even though my weight is not dropping fast, my muscles are developing like mad, you know those He-Man legs? Never had any muscle but now they are shaping up. If not, just learn ALL about bodyweight exercises and free weights. Squats, lunges, burpees. They are really heavy and intimidating first, but unlike the gym machines, they really grow you - I will never do a machine again.

thats one downside of this diet.. i´ had semester vacations and was working fulltime. But most the time money is limited as a student.. and healthy things are expensive . And yeah i like Weissbier a lot. But i´m from the northern region of Germany.. totally other drinking culture mostly in terms of beer.. here Becks and Haake Bech and Flensburger are king. Pils for the win hehe. Don´t know if you can get it over there on the small rainy island called UK.. but try to drink a "Maibock". beer which is like the name says a saisonal brew for spring /may festivities

my favorites are Einbecker or Haake Beck.


edit : thanks to the toughts about beer i forgot to say : wow, sounds like a nice training. maybe you are building a lot of muscle, so the gain on the scale is smaller. Don´t know.
Godspeed with your progress ! The same for all the other threaduser/-reader.


That's perfectly clear!

I'm with your program mostly but damn it's hard to cut alcohol in London (no idea how you dodge yer weissbier in Germany!), that's the real killer for me, and it's all social too.

And 14km of biking up to swear does explain a lot. Well done. I am currently doing 1xcircuit/core, 2xpump, 1x spinning, 1xboxing/core a week so 5 exercises a week and 2000cal/120g carb. It's working but nowhere near as fast as yours.

About building muscle, if you have the money for a PT one-two times a week I can wholeheartedly recommend that. Even though my weight is not dropping fast, my muscles are developing like mad, you know those He-Man legs? Never had any muscle but now they are shaping up. If not, just learn ALL about bodyweight exercises and free weights. Squats, lunges, burpees. They are really heavy and intimidating first, but unlike the gym machines, they really grow you - I will never do a machine again.
That should be the goal of everyone here. Cut fat and build muscle. Scales don't really matter so much unless you're really obese.


So I finally picked up some coconut oil today. So what am I supposed to do with this stuff? What kinda stuff do you guys use it for? Any quick tips would be great... I think I must of read here that some people will eat a spoon full while they are IF. I guess for startes I'm going to try it out when I make my scrambled eggs in the morning and take it from there.

OG Kush

So I finally picked up some coconut oil today. So what am I supposed to do with this stuff? What kinda stuff do you guys use it for? Any quick tips would be great... I think I must of read here that some people will eat a spoon full while they are IF. I guess for startes I'm going to try it out when I make my scrambled eggs in the morning and take it from there.

I read in tim ferri's 4 hour body week that also taking a spoonful before bed is really good for sleep. If you want the actual quote of the text let me know and I'll find it for you. heck Ill just do it later on today and post again,.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Posted this in the P90X thread

All right, here is a complete before and after comparison for myself:

Day 1

Day 92

Restarted P90X today. Had chest and back. Looking forward to seeing what I can do on Phase 1 compared to what I was capable of doing before (virtually nothing).


I have no before/after, but I've lost about 65lbs (285 to 220) since October and love seeing myself in the mirror now (I'm 6'2" so I'm happy with the weight I am at now). Got the 3mi run down to 20min which I'm satisfied with, too.

Great work everyone.


Great work yourself, that's a huge loss.. Doesn't it feel great losing this weight? I started doing keto in January and I was aprox 400lbs I'm currently sitting at 365 and I'm feeling good. Hoping to get down to 350 soon enough, then 299 is my big goal.


Ahh the day has come.. i arrive at the temporary end of this thread.

I first saw it after Christmas holidays last year. New Year´s eve was close and so was the time for good resolutions ^^.

01.01.12 i started my personal change.. 2009/10 my high-score weight was 132 kg / 291 lbs. After a year of downsizing my meals and snacks (not really) i got down to 121 kg /267 lbs. That was my starting-scale stand this January. ah for your information - i am 6 feet 1 /1,86 m tall

Thank you guys for all the motivation trough your pics /stories and tips/ recipes..
My weight this morning was 88kg /194 lbs. Just through changing my diet to low carb (but not that serious.. more like 80-100 gr of carbs), cutting all the crap and daily rides with the bike but mostly my daily 6 km /3,8 miles walk, if the weather allowed it.

Yesterday i went to my university's gym to register.First time in my life in such a fitnesscenter hehe. The toning begins ^^
Still got a lot of loose bellyfat that i want to melt away. Everytime i need a bit more motivation i read a few pages of this thread. 3 months later - first post ^^


Greets from Germany. Hang in there...

A young James Spader.


Here is an update on my progress. I have a few more days left of P90X.

I just posted this in the P90X thread but thought I would post it here as well, because I'm kind of proud of myself for getting this far. Quoted is my last post:

Day 74

I think when I'm done, I'm going to start bulking.

God damn! I think I need to do P90X...

I just don't know if I would stick with it.


hey dudes, i could really use some expertise and insight...

i've been exercising and moderating my calorie intake the past 4 weeks. i am averaging about 1lb of weight loss every week.

i weigh myself at work because we have a nice, accurate digital scale so i am fully clothed.

here are my recent weights:

Fri - 197.4lbs
Mon - 194.4 !!!
Tue - 195.8 :(
Wed - 197.4 wtf?!

i know i shouldnt be weighing myself daily (if at all) but i honestly cant help it!

i exercise 6x a week (insanity workout and/or hiit cardio) and exert a lot of energy at work. i eat max 2,200 calories a day (im 6'2" for reference) and im pretty confident that i use more calories than i take it.

should i be worried about the drop in weight and then the sudden spike? im working hard and its just got me discouraged!


Gold Member
Nah just keep working. Your weight will fluctuate a lot, based on whether you have just taken a massive dump, have water retention due to dehydration, hqve eaten etc. etc. It's very random. My PT didn't weigh me until some 3 weeks in.

Assuming you are not skinny as a stick (fair assumption in this thread!) you should see fine results with 2000cal and 4-5 x 45-60 min solid sport a week. Just be very disciplined in including *every* nibble in that total, those handfuls of nuts and cups of latte do add up.

The key point is to remember that you are doing the RIGHT thing and however slow it goes, it's still much better than your old regime and over time you will see the benefit.

Also, looking at your exercise it builds muscle so your weight will be affected by that (not in a day of course), which is good news, eventually it burns fat faster. happened to me too. But lean body mass is what you really want to follow anyway not weight as such.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I wish I could stick with my workout.

That's why I keep going back to Primal Blueprint Fitness (scroll to the bottom for the fitness...that page details how I eat/exercise in general overall, however):


Exercising according to the three Primal Blueprint laws will optimize gene expression and promote Primal Fitness.

Law #1: Move Frequently at a Slow Pace strengthens the cardiovascular and immune systems, promotes efficient fat metabolism and gives you a strong base to handle more intense workouts.
Law: #2: Lift Heavy Things stimulates lean muscle development, improves organ reserve, accelerates fat loss, and increases energy.
Law #3: Sprint Once in a While stimulates the production of HGH and testosterone, which help improve overall fitness and delay the aging process – without the burnout risk of excessive prolonged workouts.

The Conventional Wisdom approach to fitness is clearly not working! Stress is excessive, weight loss goals are compromised, and many are misguided to pursue narrow fitness goals that are unhealthy.

Avoid Chronic Cardio (frequent medium-to-high intensity sustained workouts)
Avoid Chronic Strength Training (frequent and/or prolonged sub-maximal lifting sessions ending in exhaustion)
Avoid Regimented Schedules (instead, allow for spontaneous, intuitive variation in type, difficulty and frequency of workouts)

... the "Life Heavy Things" part the biggest potential to mess up...but the system prescribed is actually super easy to do spontaneously in the house. When my wife is watching bad TV shows I go into my "Lift Heavy Things" routine and bang it out in like 15 minutes.

- Pullups (2 sets of max reps)
- Pushups (2 sets of max reps)
- Planks/Pulse-Up (2 sets of a lot of reps)
- Squats (2 sets of max reps)
- Overhead Presses (2 sets of max reps)

The whole thing doesn't take that long to do at all, doesn't require equipment beyond a pull-up bar...and can be done whenever the mood strikes you. I make a point to do that routine 2-3 times a week and always leave a day gap between doing them so my muscles can recover.

It's not a "get jacked" routine. It's a "stay lean and fit" routine.

For sprinting I'll typically do an Insanity routine (or half of one) since they are balls to the wall crazy in terms of cardio. If not that, I do a Tabata Sprint of literal running combined with stair climbing/descending for a total of 4 minutes.

The move around thing is a bit general, but if I go biking or walk around the mall or play tennis or go golfing...it all counts. I find I bank those hours with ease week to week because I've changed my lifestyle to include active activities as my default instead of as an exception.

Great program to stick with...but again, not for the "I want to get jacked" crowd.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
hey dudes, i could really use some expertise and insight...

i've been exercising and moderating my calorie intake the past 4 weeks. i am averaging about 1lb of weight loss every week.

i weigh myself at work because we have a nice, accurate digital scale so i am fully clothed.

here are my recent weights:

Fri - 197.4lbs
Mon - 194.4 !!!
Tue - 195.8 :(
Wed - 197.4 wtf?!

i know i shouldnt be weighing myself daily (if at all) but i honestly cant help it!

i exercise 6x a week (insanity workout and/or hiit cardio) and exert a lot of energy at work. i eat max 2,200 calories a day (im 6'2" for reference) and im pretty confident that i use more calories than i take it.

should i be worried about the drop in weight and then the sudden spike? im working hard and its just got me discouraged!

Working out 6x a week and having only 2200 calories? No one needs to work out more than 3x a week and slow down on the cardio. I know you're programmed to think more is more, but it's not. Focus your cardio on walking with occassional bursts of all out sprints and up your calories on days you're working out and keep a MODEST deficit on the days you're not.

With the amount you're working and how little calories you take in, the hormones responsible for weight loss, mass gains, hunger control, and so on, will all just say 'fuck this' and shut down which will prevent you from losing weight no matter how low you go on the deficit.

I wish I could stick with my workout.

The only person preventing you from sticking to your workout is you.
Well I've now gotten to 200. Was 240 at the start of the year. Now just working on trimming my lower stomach and toning my man boobs. I'm 6'3" btw. I'm hoping to hit around 190-195 in April.


Gold Member
Well I've now gotten to 200. Was 240 at the start of the year. Now just working on trimming my lower stomach and toning my man boobs. I'm 6'3" btw. I'm hoping to hit around 190-195 in April.

Great job! Surprised you'd have man boobs though, 240lbs @ 6'3" shouldn't make manboobs unless you are hugely genetically disadvantaged somehow, I think.

Anyway, what have you been doing to shed the 40 lbs, that's really good?


That's why I keep going back to Primal Blueprint Fitness (scroll to the bottom for the fitness...that page details how I eat/exercise in general overall, however):


... the "Life Heavy Things" part the biggest potential to mess up...but the system prescribed is actually super easy to do spontaneously in the house. When my wife is watching bad TV shows I go into my "Lift Heavy Things" routine and bang it out in like 15 minutes.

- Pullups (2 sets of max reps)
- Pushups (2 sets of max reps)
- Planks/Pulse-Up (2 sets of a lot of reps)
- Squats (2 sets of max reps)
- Overhead Presses (2 sets of max reps)

The whole thing doesn't take that long to do at all, doesn't require equipment beyond a pull-up bar...and can be done whenever the mood strikes you. I make a point to do that routine 2-3 times a week and always leave a day gap between doing them so my muscles can recover.

It's not a "get jacked" routine. It's a "stay lean and fit" routine.

For sprinting I'll typically do an Insanity routine (or half of one) since they are balls to the wall crazy in terms of cardio. If not that, I do a Tabata Sprint of literal running combined with stair climbing/descending for a total of 4 minutes.

The move around thing is a bit general, but if I go biking or walk around the mall or play tennis or go golfing...it all counts. I find I bank those hours with ease week to week because I've changed my lifestyle to include active activities as my default instead of as an exception.

Great program to stick with...but again, not for the "I want to get jacked" crowd.


Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
GAF, I need your help.

Please tell me if what I'm doing is right.


3 x a week Krav Maga classes

Two out of the three 1 hour sessions are regular classes with the third a specific striking class.

Typically a normal class starts up with stretches then a variety of push ups, sit ups and squats repeated a number of times as well as moving around the room/running hard on the spot. The bulk of the class is usually self defence drills or striking drlls (punches, kicks, elbows, knees against a partner with a kick shield) or a mix or both. We normally finish up with a pretty intense drill. By the end of the class (hell, within the first five minutes) I'm drenched in sweat and have used up every ounce of strength that I have.

On the days I'm not training I usually do three sets of push-ups/sit-ups at night with Saturday being my rest day where I do nothing at all.


I've chanched by diet pretty dramatically. On days that I have Krav I usually have bacon 'n' eggs in the morning (two eggs and five small pieces of bacon with the fat removed). For lunch I typically have something simple with a decent amount of protein, sometimes it's a couople of sandwhich crackers with lettuce and tuna/thin-sliced roast beef or on a wednesday I get a bowl of chicken katsu-don (lightly fried chicken with rice and an egg) from the japanese place next door. Dinner is usually a meat product and a salad. If I snack it;s usually a banana or an apple. Non training days are similar but with a little less protein. I have been having one "cheat" day a week where the wife and I may go to the fish shop and get say BBQ baby octopus with chips and a salad.

I started doing all this a month ago. Up to last week I had lost 3 kilos (starting from 97kg, 177cm) but when I weighed myself this morning (expecting 1 or 2 kilos loss considering just how brutal this week's training has been) I found I put on a kilo.

I know, I know, water-weight, other mitigating factors, etc. It's still annoying. I certainly look a little thinner (clothes are looser and some of my shorts are literally falling off me) and people have commented that I look thinner/stronger.

Am I doing the right thing? Should I not really pay attention to the scales? I would like to hit 75kg but with muscle gain I really don't know what factor to shoot for.

Help me, GAF!


GAF, I need your help.

Please tell me if what I'm doing is right.


3 x a week Krav Maga classes

Two out of the three 1 hour sessions are regular classes with the third a specific striking class.

Typically a normal class starts up with stretches then a variety of push ups, sit ups and squats repeated a number of times as well as moving around the room/running hard on the spot. The bulk of the class is usually self defence drills or striking drlls (punches, kicks, elbows, knees against a partner with a kick shield) or a mix or both. We normally finish up with a pretty intense drill. By the end of the class (hell, within the first five minutes) I'm drenched in sweat and have used up every ounce of strength that I have.

On the days I'm not training I usually do three sets of push-ups/sit-ups at night with Saturday being my rest day where I do nothing at all.


I've chanched by diet pretty dramatically. On days that I have Krav I usually have bacon 'n' eggs in the morning (two eggs and five small pieces of bacon with the fat removed). For lunch I typically have something simple with a decent amount of protein, sometimes it's a couople of sandwhich crackers with lettuce and tuna/thin-sliced roast beef or on a wednesday I get a bowl of chicken katsu-don (lightly fried chicken with rice and an egg) from the japanese place next door. Dinner is usually a meat product and a salad. If I snack it;s usually a banana or an apple. Non training days are similar but with a little less protein. I have been having one "cheat" day a week where the wife and I may go to the fish shop and get say BBQ baby octopus with chips and a salad.

I started doing all this a month ago. Up to last week I had lost 3 kilos (starting from 97kg, 177cm) but when I weighed myself this morning (expecting 1 or 2 kilos loss considering just how brutal this week's training has been) I found I put on a kilo.

I know, I know, water-weight, other mitigating factors, etc. It's still annoying. I certainly look a little thinner (clothes are looser and some of my shorts are literally falling off me) and people have commented that I look thinner/stronger.

Am I doing the right thing? Should I not really pay attention to the scales? I would like to hit 75kg but with muscle gain I really don't know what factor to shoot for.

Help me, GAF!

If this is the case, don't even worry about the scale, your probably just losing fat and gaining muscle. The number on the scale on really not that important, as long as you look better.

The routine sounds good and if your enjoying it, I say stick with it. Although maybe you could add a little weight training. (Im not an expert on this though.) As for the diet, It looks fine, but don't be afraid of fat, it won't slow down your weight loss, and really isn't bad for you. So, enjoy your full-fat bacon and eggs.


I wish I had a shirtless pic of me before my weight loss but so far since December I've lost 16kg/32lbs. I'm down a shirt size, 3 sizes in pants and 2 in jeans. I've almost, for the first time in longer than I can remember about to hit double digits. :)


I have some ricotta that needs to be used... Any ideas how I can use this on keto? Mostly everything on Google is saying it's good with pasta, but that's obviously not an option.


I know, I know, water-weight, other mitigating factors, etc. It's still annoying. I certainly look a little thinner (clothes are looser and some of my shorts are literally falling off me) and people have commented that I look thinner/stronger.

Am I doing the right thing? Should I not really pay attention to the scales? I would like to hit 75kg but with muscle gain I really don't know what factor to shoot for.

Help me, GAF!

You can get an electric scale that calculates your body fat %. I think that's more of what you're looking for.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Have to go buy new jeans, again, and some summer shorts today. Losing weight is expensive. :p

Down about 30 pounds and 4 (almost 5) pant sizes since last year at this time.


I look too skinny? I wish i felt that way hahaha.

I have maybe 3 or 4 pounds in my midsection to get rid of, and I am actually weight training and bulking up. Im rather excited to be building again (i gots to find me a new man)

Nice job on the fat loss, but yes, too skinny. I admit I'm not too in-the-know about what gay dudes typically look for, but I doubt its the frail-teenager look. Its good that you're weight training.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
If this is the case, don't even worry about the scale, your probably just losing fat and gaining muscle. The number on the scale on really not that important, as long as you look better.

The routine sounds good and if your enjoying it, I say stick with it. Although maybe you could add a little weight training. (Im not an expert on this though.) As for the diet, It looks fine, but don't be afraid of fat, it won't slow down your weight loss, and really isn't bad for you. So, enjoy your full-fat bacon and eggs.

Whelp, I weighed myself again this morning and I lost 1kg overnight which means I'm back to last weeks weight. I think you guys are right; I'm going to for the most part ignore the scales and just concentrate on my training.

In regards to adding a little bit of weight training, what should I do to compliment my push ups/sit ups? Keep in mind I can't install a pull-up bar.

Thanks for the advice so far, guys.


Have to go buy new jeans, again, and some summer shorts today. Losing weight is expensive. :p

Down about 30 pounds and 4 (almost 5) pant sizes since last year at this time.

Love it!!! Thats what I call a "good problem" I had to go buy new jeans last week... Down to a 48 from 50 and I'm expecting 46 to be coming up really soon (based on the way the 48's are fitting) told my self as a reward, when I get to a 36-38 I'm going to buy a sick pair of jeans, a pair of those $300 jeans... I wouldn't even care about the money I spent... I would be too happy that I'm wearing "normal" jean sizes.


Whelp, I weighed myself again this morning and I lost 1kg overnight which means I'm back to last weeks weight. I think you guys are right; I'm going to for the most part ignore the scales and just concentrate on my training.

In regards to adding a little bit of weight training, what should I do to compliment my push ups/sit ups? Keep in mind I can't install a pull-up bar.

Thanks for the advice so far, guys.

Well I know for my self a pair of 25lb dumb bells is good for a lot of exercises I'm doing. -shoulder presses, bicep curls, back rows (using a chair), weighted lunges, holding the weights in hand and walking up and down flights of stairs, tons of different moves you can do with them... And the best part is they don't take up alot of space (I keep them in front of the couch and knock out some sets whenever a commercial comes on, or whenever I feel the need to move some weight)


I laughed. The sad part is the reasoning behind is pretty similar to what you see with most raw food diets. Change the photos a bit and remove some of the really obviously sarcastic bits (Like looking for food under rotting logs). Cross-post it to another website and presto, the next fad diet.
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