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Westworld - Live in Your World, Play in Ours - Sundays on HBO

The Maeve storyline has completely killed this show for me. Last week was great and all, but I cannot stand how horribly average the writing is. It's like they have this top tier quality with the Bernard reveal, then something like the Maeve storyline...


lili simmons? she's not listed for westworld.

From the credits:



omg finally a tag team is going to be sent to deal with maeve. hours after the sun's down. whaaaaaaaaaaat is going on with this episode >___<

I think the implication is supposed to be that the machine isnt working smoothly with the loss of theresa and political maneuvering, QA isnt quite as on top of things as they should be. There were references to this but it definitely could have been spelled out a little better.

From the credits:

It is very sloppy and has annoyed me from the start and I wish they'd throw her in the incinerator already. I said this last week as well, whenever Maeve is with those butchers, every sense of logic flies through the window.

Hallways are empty, everyone is out to lunch. Security not watching cameras, IT not watching the network. Behaviour not giving a shit, Butchers just playing brain dead, how the hell would they remove the explosives from her cortex. Even if they would deactivate it, would it ring major alarm bells?

Also, watch Maeve get out of this one next week as well.

okay, episode is done now.... ugahhhh the writing ; __ ; whyyy... so inconsistent >__<

i think thandie newton's a great actress, but the plot they are giving her is .... uh, like you said, brain dead. all of her arc's plausibility hinges on contrivances that either calls for Ford being involved or Delos' security system to be absolutely shit. Either of these options are not particularly attractive to me because the first will create a universe in which everything is about Ford, and whilst Hopkins is a delight to watch, if indeed his hand is in everything, every plot, every arc of every other characters in the series, then I can say, I have found 2016 ultimate Mary Sue character in Ford :< And I dont want thaaaattt noooo

On the other hand, if they are saying her arc is possible because Delos' security system is sometimes-up-sometimes-down, then it's just really, really bad writing, and i dont want that either >:O

tl;dr, basically i agree with you, and yes, i think you're right. she'd continue on just 'somehow getting away' with things into the foreseeable future because ~robatz uprisingu~

I think the implication is supposed to be that the machine isnt working smoothly with the loss of theresa and political maneuvering, QA isnt quite as on top of things as they should be. There were references to this but it definitely could have been spelled out a little better.

omg squiders. come now. HOURS of shenanigans in Sweetwater and QA is only sent at night time? no. squiders, no, not like this. not you. not my mogwai ; __ ;

that was bad writing all over that episode, squiders. dont do this to yourself ; __ ;

That's enough YesNOnoNOYes, no need to get yourself worked up.

Bring yourself back online.



good morning :>
I know the movie kinda already covers this, but I really wish they made the park feel like a park. As the show goes on, we get a narrower and narrower perspective on what it's like to be a guest that just participates in the action that the park has to offer. MiB is kinda following it, but he's more interested in breaking the game. William's story has shifted to being Dolores' story. I dunno, it just feels less like a park after the pilot as guests fade back into the background. What happened to those asian cowboys?

Also Logan looks and acts like a black haired Jaime Lannister.
Would've much rather liked it if they went the Theresa is now a robot route. Weird episode but we're getting to the end so let's see where it goes.
I know the movie kinda already covers this, but I really wish they made the park feel like a park. As the show goes on, we get a narrower and narrower perspective on what it's like to be a guest that just participates in the action that the park has to offer. MiB is kinda following it, but he's more interested in breaking the game. William's story has shifted to being Dolores' story. I dunno, it just feels less like a park after the pilot as guests fade back into the background. What happened to those asian cowboys?

Also Logan looks and acts like a black haired Jaime Lannister.

Totally agreed with this and it's something that I've thought about the past few weeks. Beyond the first episode or two, they really stopped focusing on it being a park. It make it feel...smaller in scope maybe? I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's weird

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
So I just started it this weekend (finally), and am all caught up.

The Maze....is The Dark Tower right?
Totally agreed with this and it's something that I've thought about the past few weeks. Beyond the first episode or two, they really stopped focusing on it being a park. It make it feel...smaller in scope maybe? I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's weird

Even something as simple as having people in the control room monitor whats going on in the park events would help. But they're supposed to turn a blind eye to MiB except when he wants to call in an airstrike. And they can't monitor and comment on Williams events as hes in the past.


Giving Maeve the tablet definitely was the last straw at suspending by disbelief. Nothing but clear windows everywhere and that looks shady as fuck. One glance or security cam away from ruining the entire robot uprising with no explanation how this is ok. No one standing guard. No one giving a shit

Asian guy motivation is also weak.

Using Dolores father as the carrier also.... too coincidental man come on. Plus everyone has been staring at this guy anyway since we know he recently went off the rails. How the hell are you gonna sneak that guy out? Why would you choose him? At least explain it by saying that since he was recently decommissioned, his brain is still in a state that allows uploads... SOMETHING

Bernard killing Elise = whaaaaaaa? If only ford knows he's a host, and ford built him after arnolds time (so no dormant Arnold code), then Whaaaaaa?

Still loving the show. But man, the plot points are not adding up IMO
The Maeve storyline has to be the most contrived nonsense in any TV show I've ever seen and it's really dragging the overall quality of the show down. What absolute trash.


I'm in love with Thandie Newton and her acting, but there's only so much smug Maeve I can take week in and week out. So I hope the finale brings closure to her storyline one way or the other. It's one thing for Ford to be smug. He's earned it and he's Anthony fucking Hopkins. But Maev's story involves the 2 idiots being barely smarter than plants and they are killing my vibe.

Oh, and pour one out for Elsie. Was hoping the no body no dead thing would be true for her, and it might still be cause we still never saw her die die, but I'd say it's about 99.9% confirmed she's dead. Maybe we'll get a robot replacement.


Bit sloppy.

Though I'm still enjoying the ride.

Further proof that there's three Dolores timelines going on, as well as William = MIB.

At certain points in this episode I thought we'd get confirmation of both....maybe next week.


Lol have you guys never had jobs? Whenever someone's been fired from a team I've been on, they don't even get to pack their desk, security gives them a chance to grab their keys and then ships them their shit.

Deactivate the dude's badge and axe his credentials wtf. He was fired for gross negligence.


Maeve's storyline is fucking horrible. Its literally wasting minutes of episodes with trash tier writing. Its dragging the entire goddamn show down.

Good fucking lord...
- I'm disappointed that the William/MIB thing is pretty much confirmed. I didn't want it to be true :/

Was hoping William and Dolores would make it through. But no, MIB is a total sociopath.

- The Maeve storyline just took a total turn into the bad and absurd. Like... it's just so... dumb. They gave her God mode AND NO ONE NOTICED UNTIL SHE MURDERED SOMEONE IN THE WORLD.


As stupid as it is at least Maeve is showing straight forward progression. Delores has been feeling like she's living in a dream for the whole season without it having gone anywhere.

And Maeve's timeline and Mib's can't be the same at the moment because of that same host being both the new prostitute in the saloon and Teddy's traitor, right?


And Maeve's timeline and Mib's can't be the same at the moment because of that same host being both the new prostitute in the saloon and Teddy's traitor, right?

.....no? The new prostitute is a new host. We haven't seen her before. Teddy's traitor is the host who was the greeter in William's time.


At least the flashbacks aren't for flashbacks sake. With this episode confirming that when a host has a memory, it feels like it is happening right now due to perfect memory. That forgives the confusing time jumps if only because to Dolores, time isn't really jumping at all. She's experiencing all of this now.


The only way left to salvage the Maeve subplot is to have Ford be the mastermind behind it. My guess is that he's letting her go off the rails in order to fully bring out the Arnold programming he's seen poking out of some of his hosts. The butcher Felix is either a host programmed with high loyalty to Maeve or an employee explicitly directed by Ford to follow along with Maeve's instructions. I find it difficult to think anyone would put themselves in such danger so I'm going with the host theory. Sylvester, always the contrarian, only exists to sell the illusion to Maeve that she's breaking out of WestWorld.

But still the Maeve subplot is frustrating to watch. To an irritating extent the butchers are unrealistic in their actions and motivations (evidence they're hosts?), and Maeve's smug attitude and threatening persona has become repetitive and one-dimensional. Tune in next episode as she once again threatens to kill someone and demands more uber hacks and upgrades. Regardless of the reasons and whatever happens to explain it all in the end, I can't say I enjoyed watching it play out.

Regarding the MiB/William connection I wonder if maybe nothing specifically catastrophic happens to William himself to turn him into MiB. Delores gets reset, after dying or x amount of time has elapsed, and in their next encounter she can't remember him. He becomes exasperated and tries to make her remember, freaking her out and drawing the attention of other hosts coming to aid her... or a new guest, who she latches onto and goes on an adventure that's remarkably similar to the one they just had. The illusion of realism is shattered for William and leaves a lasting hollowness inside him and a disdain for the park's fakeness.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm digging the Maeve storyline more than any of the others right now because, even though it's dumb, it's at least straight forward - and is at least moving forward.

The writers are dragging their feet with the William/Delores story, delaying an painfully obvious twist just for the sake of delaying it, and I honestly couldn't care less about The Board and their nefariously vague machinations. Ford and MiB are cool, but can only make up for so much.

Also, are the rows of naked people in the basement real actors or are they realistic looking mannequins? Or maybe a mix? Cause some of them look like real people and others look really fake.


Y'all gotta stop misspelling Dolores. Like. Her name is a word and it means "sadness".

Can't miss out on this deep-cutting theme.


I feel like I say this every week but I can't fathom what TV shows you guys are used to watching that makes Westworld so torturous for you. To get so worked up about it is pretty ridiculous. Use your imagination. Any issues with Maeve's storyline are minuscule in comparison to how amazing the show is as a whole. It reminds me of all those people who shat on Fury Road's story cause they drive from A to B to A.

Now that that's off my chest: Bernard whispered something to Abernathy in the first episode didn't he?


I think I know what Maeve's plan is.

She wants them to lobotomize her so she gets sent to the basement. Either she convinces Bernard to fake it, or she convinces the butchers to fake it. (She already saw them do this to Clementine, so she may even have figured out how to "protect" herself from the damage.)

And in the basement there's the horde of blank slate hosts waiting to be reprogrammed.

Bonus crazy theories:

-The horde is mostly made up of the old hosts from the original Sweetwater/town where the hosts were being trained to dance and stuff. They went insane and killed each other, and likely killed Arnold as well. (This is the critical failure 30 years ago.)

-Wyatt's "army" is actually Maeve's army of the blank slates that she freed.

-There may not even be a Wyatt. Wyatt is (less likely) Maeve or (more likely) Bernard. I also just read a theory that current present Dolores is Wyatt. This is very likely. Didn't Ford ask her if she wanted to be the villain?


This show exists purely for me to talk about it on GAF every week.

Also that ringer review was pretty scathing haha

I feel like I say this every week but I can't fathom what TV shows you guys are used to watching that makes Westworld so torturous for you. To get so worked up about it is pretty ridiculous. Use your imagination.

OJ: Made in America
I think I know what Maeve's plan is.

She wants them to lobotomize her so she gets sent to the basement. Either she convinces Bernard to fake it, or she convinces the butchers to fake it. (She already saw them do this to Clementine, so she may even have figured out how to "protect" herself from the damage.)

And in the basement there's the horde of blank slate hosts waiting to be reprogrammed.
This guy gets it.


This show exists purely for me to talk about it on GAF every week.

Also that ringer review was pretty scathing haha

OJ: Made in America

I'm not familiar with Transparent but the other two couldn't be less similar in scope or concept, right?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Monday night is my Westworld night, replacing Game of Thrones (given we're in between seasons) as my buddy TV session. And I love it.

Maeve's story is the only one that really bothers me and it's less about the themes at play and more the execution. The body shop workers are atrociously written and the arc is filled with outrageously stupid contrivances. There's good stuff in there but they've fucked around with it in the dumbest ways. With so much talk of control and monitoring and a strict pecking order with staff and access, hers just leans way, way too heavily on disbelief. I get what they're trying to do, but the way they've done it doesn't work at all.

That being said the other themes surrounding her character; awaking, having trouble distinguishing between subjective realities, fragmented memories, impulsive violence, and much of this linked to Arnold's old code adds to the mystery. I love this part, and I thought this episode in particularly did a fantastic job of integrating Maeve more deeply into the core themes following other characters without having to fully sit on her on arc as a this weird, silly isolated (for all the wrong reasons) sequence of events.

Beyond that I love almost everything about the show. I love the mystery, I love the predictions coming true (which just gives them weight in believably, in my opinion), following the Man in Black, the fragmented time lines of Dolores, the deeper meanings of consciousness and separation from artificial intelligence, what drives both the Man in Black and Ford. Yes it can sometimes be hammy, but overall I feel many of the monologues and exchanges, and the themes they explore, to be built on strengths quintessential to science fiction. There's a standard action drama everything is rooted in, but the modus operandi for most of the characters go beyond.

I'm not going to pretend like the show isn't without issues; aforementioned Maeve arc, acting inconsistencies, murky rules of the park itself and how it's run and monitored, kitschy sequences, etc. But as a whole I'm totally in love. A part of me is deeply worried it's going to fall into Lost territory of unbearable dumb fucking shit, mysteries answered with more mysteries until we've built a shit mountain of mysteries the end desperately tries to sculpt into a sculpture of shit. But whenever I have these worries, that the show is running too far ahead of itself without the elegance and grace to explore its established mysteries, we get monologues from Hopkins and Harris that bring me back in and give me hope the writing team, flaws and all, do have a coherent vision for their project.

I guess we'll have to wait and see, but yeah. Chalk me up in the group that adores Westworld and looks forward to the new episode each and every week.


This show might do better as a Netflix Original where you don't have time to think between episodes.

The Maeve storyline has completely killed this show for me. Last week was great and all, but I cannot stand how horribly average the writing is. It's like they have this top tier quality with the Bernard reveal, then something like the Maeve storyline...
Agreed with both.

Maeve story line is entirely stupid at this point. Absolutely avoidable from the moment it begins, or any time she is in the park. It's getting beyond stupid. The writing here is trash as well. If she actually gets anything accomplished of meaning it will ruin the season for me. By far the most infuriating arc in the show, a real low point.

At least the rest has been mostly decent but overall the show is starting to wear a little thin for me at this point though. Really hoping something more happens next week.



Maeve = Maze.

yeah its pretty obvious. The scene where they need to calm maeve down with a song it shows her brain storage being fragmented and it looks very similar to the maze symbol. Why the MiB wants to meet with Maeve is still a mystery.

Giving Maeve the tablet definitely was the last straw at suspending by disbelief. Nothing but clear windows everywhere and that looks shady as fuck. One glance or security cam away from ruining the entire robot uprising with no explanation how this is ok. No one standing guard. No one giving a shit

Asian guy motivation is also weak.

Using Dolores father as the carrier also.... too coincidental man come on. Plus everyone has been staring at this guy anyway since we know he recently went off the rails. How the hell are you gonna sneak that guy out? Why would you choose him? At least explain it by saying that since he was recently decommissioned, his brain is still in a state that allows uploads... SOMETHING

There's never many people around in the maintenance department. Theres not really any reason to have guards since its routine work and the hosts are in dumb mode. Handing Maeve the tablet could easily be missed on camera depending but they should have been a little more secretive... but you know suspension of disbelief.

Asian guy and his friend are scared because a host is acting on its own free will. Asian guy is more willing to follow orders and after Maeve cuts the dudes throat he says "you promised not to hurt anyone" or something like that so there's clearly more going on off screen. Sloppy yes, but stretch that imagination.

Not sure how many people knew of doritos dad being messed up. It seemed like they were trying to keep the malfunctioning hosts hush hush. If im wrong I could see them choosing him because they can walk him upstairs and simply say they need to run further tests due to similar problems with other hosts.

I think I know what Maeve's plan is.

She wants them to lobotomize her so she gets sent to the basement. Either she convinces Bernard to fake it, or she convinces the butchers to fake it. (She already saw them do this to Clementine, so she may even have figured out how to "protect" herself from the damage.)

And in the basement there's the horde of blank slate hosts waiting to be reprogrammed.

ding ding ding. wouldn't be surprised to see this season end with Maeve being put into storage and then blinking or some shit.
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