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What are those games so hard on Normal Mode that grown men justify turning down the difficulty to Easy?


"Time constraints". Playing on Easy completely trivializes 99% of most games mechanics. At that point, why even play the game if you aren't going to engage with its systems? I said this in the other thread as well, but this also goes to the other extreme with super difficult modes that basically require you to make very specific builds/ignore many mechanics to even survive. Neither are fun or interesting and both defeat the entire purpose of playing video games.

You brought up W3 earlier in an example. I've beaten that game several times, a few on easy and a few on normal. I used oils, signs, and mutagens and all that jaz even on the easy difficulty. You still have to dodge and time attacks. The only difference between the two difficulties is that Easy is more forgiving towards the number of hits you can take, IE, how lazy you can be with the dodging.

Also "just youtube it bro" is silly. There is an interactivity with games that books and movies do not offer.

Don't know why you (or others) care so much what other people do or enjoy anyway.


Gold Member
I mean at that point, doesn't it have the adverse effect? Easy Mode doesn't even require you to engage the game mechanics in any meaningful way anymore. Do you just set it to Easy right away? Or do you give Normal a go and turn it down if it's too annoying?
What adverse effect? Would you agree that playing video games is entertainment? If someone has spent their money and time, I have no reason to question the value of entertainment they receive playing the game the way they choose to play it. Adverse effect? LOL.

Are we really going back to the old "hardcore gamer" arguments? That stuff got old 20 years ago. I play some games on hard, some on normal and some on easy. It really depends on what game it is and what I want out of it. If I am playing a Souls-like game, I am expecting, and wanting, a challenge. If I play an RPG that has repetitive battles, I am expecting story and world building.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
I played Assassin's Creed Odyssey on Easy, not because it was hard on Normal, but because combat felt incredibly tedious on Normal.
Sitting through this game is an achievement in and of itself. I was enjoying it for like 2 hours, then it devolved into the same tedious Ubisoft bloated bullshit.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I would have turned Elden Ring down to easy for the final boss, if such an option existed.

But it didn't, so I did what I do every single time any game hands me my arse - rage quit, uninstall, never go back.


You gave up at the final boss on a game where he isnt even the hardest boss ? You beat harder shit to get to that point…..

Also, why not co op it if you want easy mode or switch to magic build ? Like… uninstalling then makes no sense .
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
What adverse effect?
Not discovering the possibilities and depths of the mechanics. You can often stick to the same tactic and/or weapons over and over with easy mode because you don't need anything else. Normal Mode at least generally tries to make an effort to steer the player towards trying various things (and even then, not always). For instance, playing the OG Bioshock on Easy (hell, even Normal) requires nothing other than the Electro Bolt and wrench/shotgun. The game becomes tedious mighty quickly and unless the player willingly experiments, he'll breeze through the whole game missing out on all the possibilities.

And we're talking Normal and Easy Mode. I don't even know why you bring up the hardcore gamer meme.
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Gotta laugh at people who's biggest problems are about video games. Or their self-worth is aligned with how good they think they are at gaming. One of the many reasons I hate trophies and achievements when others use them as weapons against players.


Sitting through this game is an achievement in and of itself. I was enjoying it for like 2 hours, then it devolved into the same tedious Ubisoft bloated bullshit.
The problem is that there's a really good game underneath all of the dumb decisions they made. I really did enjoy the game despite the developers/publishers really trying to make me hate it.


I only ever had to do this in Guitar Hero.

Though i did got good enough eventually, its still the only game i had to start from easy.


that only works as an argument if you are reaaaaaly shit at modern games. and I think that's the whole point of this thread... which games are actually in any way challenging on normal? I personally can't name you one.

normal mode in thr vast majority of modern games basically has no challenge, it's already on the level of what Spider-Man on PS1 called Kid Mode... in fact, Spiderman on PS4 is easier on hard than Spiderman on PS1 was in kid mode imo


Gold Member
And we're talking Normal and Easy Mode. I don't even know why you bring up the hardcore gamer meme.
We've all seen this excuse.

...because you opened with this. You opened the thread by implying someone playing on easy is less of a gamer. I have no idea why "a grown man" would care how someone else is enjoying their game time.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
...because you opened with this. You opened the thread by implying someone playing on easy is less of a gamer. I have no idea why you or anyone else would care how someone else is enjoying their game time.
Nah, I'm saying the "time constraint" is a bullshit excuse because playing modern games on Normal Mode will barely offer a modicum of challenge. You're not any less of a gamer. You're just making up bullshit excuses for playing on Easy Mode.


Gold Member
Nah, I'm saying the "time constraint" is a bullshit excuse because playing modern games on Normal Mode will barely offer a modicum of challenge. You're not any less of a gamer. You're just making up bullshit excuses for playing on Easy Mode.
Why does there have to be an excuse? Why would you, I assume a grown man, care how another grown man plays a video game? There is no "excuse" needed.


We've all seen this excuse. It tends to go a little something like this; I'm a 40-year-old man with a full time job of 80 hours a week and 12 kids. I don't have much time to game so I prefer avoiding frustration and as such, I play on Easy Mode.

My question is, what game is so hard on Normal Mode that you cannot just breeze through it? Most games in Normal Mode are braindead easy so what are those challenging games that excuse a grown man playing on Easy? Games like Dark Souls and Nioh don't have difficulty levels (unless you mod them), exactly to weed out those who don't wanna bother learning and improving. God of War? In the default mode, it's fairly forgiving. It does become quite challenging on Give Me God of War, but that's the highest difficulty level and you probably shouldn't pick it as a noob. Even Ninja Gaiden Black/II, which are considered quit difficult, are only really hard games when you reach the higher difficulty levels. Ninja mode is incredibly forgiving compared to Dark Souls. Master Ninja is a different ballgame, but why would you choose that if you don't enjoy a challenge? Same for Bayonetta and Devil May Cry.

If this were the 90s, I might agree. Games like Final Fight or TMNT even on Normal could prove quite challenging but modern games on Normal Mode are almost an insult. Horizon, Uncharted, GTA (no difficulty level), Halo, DOOM, the Ori games, modern platformers, etc. None of those games are even challenging unless you up the difficulty (and even then, most still aren't).

So what are those games with a Normal Mode so challenging that they frustrate you to the point you gotta turn them down to easy?
That's the beauty of time, it comes for us all and it's coming for you too...

Dr. Claus


You brought up W3 earlier in an example. I've beaten that game several times, a few on easy and a few on normal. I used oils, signs, and mutagens and all that jaz even on the easy difficulty. You still have to dodge and time attacks. The only difference between the two difficulties is that Easy is more forgiving towards the number of hits you can take, IE, how lazy you can be with the dodging.
I have also played W3 on Easy and you can literally spam the attack button 99.9% of the time and never have to do anythign else and you win the vast majority of fights.
Oils, Signs, Mutagens - you can ignore them all on easy.

Also "just youtube it bro" is silly. There is an interactivity with games that books and movies do not offer.
And I would agree... on normal modes and higher. Easy mode offers so little interactivity given you can ignore the vast majority of mechanics for modern games. At that point, why play the game at all?

Don't know why you (or others) care so much what other people do or enjoy anyway.
I don't really care one way or the other. However, if you use excuses that make no sense, people will call them out. "Saving time" "because its hard as you grow older" is all utter nonsense. I will turn this around and ask you, why do you care so much to that you need to defend the way you play games? If it wasn't an issue, you would just ignore threads like these. (Note, I am using royal you, not specifically signaling you out).


Gold Member
The irony of this thread. Feeling like a grown man with a prepubescent opinion. Being good at video games doesn't make you a man either. Some people want to breeze through games. There are so many to choose from these days especially if you have sub to Game Pass or Plus. Why do you feel the need to judge how others play games? Do you even lift, bro? If you don't, I won't call you a pussy, don't worry. That would be as dumb as this thread.


I derive no pleasure purely from completing games. I enjoy playing games. Easy and normal modes in today's games require little more than pressing forward and mashing attach for x hours to "beat". I'd rather just watch a video summary than play a game at a difficulty lacking any real challenge.

I'd rather spend weeks of my limited free time trying to progress past a tricky part of a game than beat a dozen easy mode games in the same time.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
The irony of this thread. Feeling like a grown man with a prepubescent opinion. Being good at video games doesn't make you a man either. Some people want to breeze through games. There are so many to choose from these days especially if you have sub to Game Pass or Plus. Why do you feel the need to judge how others play games? Do you even lift, bro? If you don't, I won't call you a pussy, don't worry. That would be as dumb as this thread.
Is that you in real life in your avy? You wouldn't stand a chance against me with those puny arms. Ask Eddie Hall. Get yourself some muscles and then come talk to me.


Golden Boy
I play most games on normal or hard if it feels too easy.
Some people want that challenge and raise it even further, others want to enjoy the story and lower it to easy.
To each their own.


School Wtf GIF by roc friese poort


Tales of arise towards the end was just tedious on normal, so it got dumped to easy. I played like 75% of the game on normal.

I did the same with persona 5 near the end. I was fucking sick of it and desperate for it to be over, so being able to switch it to a visual novel level difficulty at least meant I could see it through with minimal effort.


Dead Island 2 has no difficulty setting, I struggled a couple times but the final boss fight was bullshit! I must of tried like 30-40+ times to beat the boss to finish it.


Gold Member
Honestly, who gives a fuck? Games are meant to be accessible, like to all.

Great for you if you wanna swing your big dick and play on ultra hard for e-peen points. Great for granny to combat that arthritis and play on just the story.

I play on normal mostly, but will happily flick it down a notch if I’m not having fun / getting frustrated. Not a single fuck given 😂


Neo Member
We've all seen this excuse. It tends to go a little something like this; I'm a 40-year-old man with a full time job of 80 hours a week and 12 kids. I don't have much time to game so I prefer avoiding frustration and as such, I play on Easy Mode.

My question is, what game is so hard on Normal Mode that you cannot just breeze through it? Most games in Normal Mode are braindead easy so what are those challenging games that excuse a grown man playing on Easy? Games like Dark Souls and Nioh don't have difficulty levels (unless you mod them), exactly to weed out those who don't wanna bother learning and improving. God of War? In the default mode, it's fairly forgiving. It does become quite challenging on Give Me God of War, but that's the highest difficulty level and you probably shouldn't pick it as a noob. Even Ninja Gaiden Black/II, which are considered quit difficult, are only really hard games when you reach the higher difficulty levels. Ninja mode is incredibly forgiving compared to Dark Souls. Master Ninja is a different ballgame, but why would you choose that if you don't enjoy a challenge? Same for Bayonetta and Devil May Cry.

If this were the 90s, I might agree. Games like Final Fight or TMNT even on Normal could prove quite challenging but modern games on Normal Mode are almost an insult. Horizon, Uncharted, GTA (no difficulty level), Halo, DOOM, the Ori games, modern platformers, etc. None of those games are even challenging unless you up the difficulty (and even then, most still aren't).

So what are those games with a Normal Mode so challenging that they frustrate you to the point you gotta turn them down to easy?
Bruh it's a video game it's not that deep, people will do what they enjoy. If you enjoy harder difficulty power to you, if you don't, you have the option.


Have it ever dawn on you that some people are not looking for challenge in a video game? Or that video gaming has the lowest priority on their life yet it's still worth going in from time to time because it's one of the cheapest form of entertainment?

You know what's actually challenging?
Being the only bread winner in the family with a full time job of 80 hours a week, keeping multiple kids and his wife happy and still want some form of entertainment in their life.

Most game are braindead easy on normal but I understand some people might want it easier than braindead so they can sit down and experience an interactive movie of sort.

Also, you know people can have multiple hobbies right?


always chasing the next thrill
I finished elder ring with mods.. it was piss easy.. if felt good one shotting bosses

Who is the bitch now game 🤣👍


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Is that you in real life in your avy? You wouldn't stand a chance against me with those puny arms. Ask Eddie Hall. Get yourself some muscles and then come talk to me.

I had my doubts on page one, but this confirms it. This is a troll thread and for the most part it was successful.

However, you went too far with the above shit-post and gave the game away. Shame.
I turned on easy mode for Ghosts n' Goblins (though it still kicked my ass) and to complete the impossible Relic Time Races in the new Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled game. Also, I did the easier boss battles for plane sections in Cuphead as I hate them. Also turn it on for old fighting games with cheap AI.
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King Snowflake
I start on normal and turn it down if it gets to be bullshit. Usually I don't have to but when some shit boss takes well over ten minutes because it requires 100 hits each phase and can cheap shot you or requires perfect timing to dodge or you are dead. I can't remember the last game I did it for, but I should make a list of shame because if a game makes me do that , some asshole made a shitty design decision.
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