You're attempting to apply reason to the unreasonable. It's not worth it.

You're attempting to apply reason to the unreasonable. It's not worth it.
If you think this is butch back in the day, then the Intergalactic character must be King Butch of the Universe.It’s not about not liking the character. I can see why it’s controversial
It’s when you start jumping to conclusions that it’s some sort of massively conspiratorial agenda and that you’re going to boycott the game entirely regardless of the quality of the end product just because some surface level demographic of the MC you find to be some sort of political assault
Good lord, how did we ever manage to not get offended over Perfect Dark back in the day? I didn’t care that it featured a rather butch female as James Bond. I just loved a spy thriller set in a cyberpunk dystopian world
Simpler times
We should really count how many times the race card will be pulled as an strawman argument in this threads. Apparently ugliness and baldness have a high correlation with racism.
Spider man 2 is the first 1st party game I don't own. Borrowed from a buddy, finished in 25 hours and never looked back.I think only 30% of "Ill buy" for a ND game is pretty low ...I think that the same poll previous to TLOU2 would show a very different result ...
u really need to read the comments, that has nothing to do with that i said.We can comment and form opinions on what we've been shown so far.
I find Japan to be one of the most fascinating countries. Such a unique history, especially in relation to games. But, if you thought there were race issues in the west, it is much worse in Japan. Depiction of minorities in Japan, specifically referring to black people, is abhorrent. There is a reason why they are becoming the oldest country in the world with rapidly declining birthrates. It is not a welcoming country to outsiders
And as much as I agree that a game like AC Shadows deserves criticism, much of it is levied by Japanese gamers who are disgusted at the idea of playing as a black samurai
Universally means everyone. The poll on Neogaf says otherwise. Most will get it or wait to learn more about gameplaythis game is cooked, universally hated.
Only era members and the most hardcore Sony/ND simps will play it
I'm not sure the people who have "ugly women" in their games are the one with a fetish or fetishising anything. "Nerdy women in development" are not even ugly to be stereotyping like this. They are just not going with the stereotypical CG created "hot chick" anymore in games. It's all based on actual people and actors now and you get more normal looking people. Look at Joanna Dark for example. Her CG models previously vs her today are night and day.I honestly don’t understand the fetishization of ugly women. Is it because most ‘nerdy’ women in development look average and they don’t want to make them feel bad? How is it virtuous to normalize ugly women in media when most people want to look at attractive characters.
I like that they can articulate that strong women do not need to be like men. Women are strong and feminine at the same time.
Imagine have a beautiful protagonist and also confident and caring and kind yet willing to fight for what was right.
Nah.....the reception isn't good, but it isn't "universally hated". The reveal trailer had almost as many likes as dislikes. Now that isn't a good thing overall as you would want a reveal trailer to be damn near universally liked, but no need to be hyperbolic about it.
Of course they wont. They know the gamer base there would laugh at it. I didnt think Japanese gamers care much for shooters, but they even got Apex, OW2 and Fortnite videos there. So even those are worth uploading over Intergalactic.I find it funny that Sony doesn't even bother to promote their AAA game on the Playstation Japan official channel lmao
They knowOf course they wont. They know the gamer base there would laugh at it. I didnt think Japanese gamers care much for shooters, but they even got Apex, OW2 and Fortnite videos there. So even those are worth uploading over Intergalactic.
I don't wanna come off like "Hmmm acktuaaaallly" to you, but looking at the ratio on the IGN, ND and Playstation channel. it's looking like 30/70 on the like to dislike ratio. So definitely not around 50/50.
I don’t care if she is gay or none-bindery or whatever, devs are free push any “agenda” they want with their own game….none of this culture war nonsense matters to me.
I simply don’t like design or direction they are going with this game…..Im big fan of both Cowboy Bebop and Akira and I got none of that in this trailer, it felt like much more similar to Marvel movies.
If you enjoy Marvel then you might enjoy it but I fucking HATE Marvel crap with passion and I hate the fact it infecting most entertainment media.
Do I think it sell well and get good reviews, sure and also think most people who liked ND recent works will I also enjoy this…..but for me personally I’m done, I liked their Uncharted and I even liked original Last of Us….but this shit is not for me.
That comment about this being changed if the planning stage were happening now is right on the money. This character was conceived pre-concord/outlaws/the Musk-Trump axis proving that people hate wokery more than felons and Bond villains. Too late to change it now I guess, but it could be a shitshow.
Not that I'm a fan of XQC, but I watched a clip of him recently, and he described the situation perfectly. He described the MC of Intergalactic as having NPC-Syndrome. She looks like a space pirate or some sort of enemy you'd kill in a game like this, or a random NPC you walk by in a city.
You may want to expand your concept of what is possible!
Yeah it's just weird, it's clear they're tuning into the same curated narratives as Americans.It's definitely strange, but mostly because it comes from a niche following being influenced by a bunch of Western grifters. It's a loud minority at the end of the day, and categorizing or conflating them as 'Japanese gamers' AS A WHOLE is very misleading, literally as relevant as Metacritic review bombers.
They just revealed a new game. They aren't showing anything down gamers throats.What is secret about showing us their brand new IP and focusing on a character that they knew would receive backlash since they did not allow comments on their video?
They shoved a character down gamers throats that they knew people wouldn’t like
We have no idea about anything you brought up, you guys can fight over those speculations all you want
My man is always kind to others but harsh on me making memes.James Sawyer Ford I know where your conversational path leads and I just want to give you a heads up before everyone starts to upset you too much: It's all not worth having your name crossed out at the end of the road.
TLOU2 sold less than the first game...yet in their previous franchise Uncharted 2 sold more than Uncharted 1....I wonder what changed to cause fans to not want to continue the story of such beloved characters like they did in Uncharted....And ND is free to make the game they want to make.
Whatever “agenda” Neil has, it certainly hasn’t hindered his success with TLOU2 or the HBO TV show. Y’all are just old man yelling at clouds at this point. Over a mixed race actress with a shaved head. Lmfao
Checked concord's reveal/cgi trailer, its currently at 7k likes/39k dislikes on official playstation channelAh...really? Must have shifted a bit since I last looked. Fair enough. Still, 30% is enough, imo, to say that dislike is not "universal".
TLOU2 sold less than the first game...yet in their previous franchise Uncharted 2 sold more than Uncharted 1....I wonder what changed to cause fans to not want to continue the story of such beloved characters like they did in Uncharted....
The reason TLOU2 was even able to do such high numbers despite not reaching the sales of the original is because ND duped their fanbase into buying the game,there were barely any scenes with Abby in the trailers previous to the launch.They masked it all,to the point they delibrrately created scenes that WERENT even in the game to dupe the consumers.
So people bought the game expecting to continue Joel and Ellie's story,they didn't buy it to play strong female character nr 1000 for 60% of the game. So if with that veil of marketing completely hiding that aspect of the game it wasn't able to do that well compared to the first game just how well do you think this game will do when the cards are all on the table and the reception has never been worse for a Naughty Dog game because of it???
To the point they release trailers with comments disabled.
Sometimes when you are serious, you're joking, and sometimes when you're joking, you are serious.My man is always kind to others but harsh on me making memes.
TLOU2 sold less than the first game...yet in their previous franchise Uncharted 2 sold more than Uncharted 1....I wonder what changed to cause fans to not want to continue the story of such beloved characters like they did in Uncharted....
The reason TLOU2 was even able to do such high numbers despite not reaching the sales of the original is because ND duped their fanbase into buying the game,there were barely any scenes with Abby in the trailers previous to the launch.They masked it all,to the point they delibrrately created scenes that WERENT even in the game to dupe the consumers.
So people bought the game expecting to continue Joel and Ellie's story,they didn't buy it to play strong female character nr 1000 for 60% of the game. So if with that veil of marketing completely hiding that aspect of the game it wasn't able to do that well compared to the first game just how well do you think this game will do when the cards are all on the table and the reception has never been worse for a Naughty Dog game because of it???
To the point they release trailers with comments disabled.
He hates woke shit as much as everyone else. He just can't stand that Naughty Dog is in the crosshairs.James would probably tell me I've been brainwashed by the white man because I don't want to play as this bald headed mannish looking woman.
He hates woke shit as much as everyone else. He just can't stand that Naughty Dog is in the crosshairs.
TLOU2 sold less than the first game...yet in their previous franchise Uncharted 2 sold more than Uncharted 1....I wonder what changed to cause fans to not want to continue the story of such beloved characters like they did in Uncharted....
Yup.He hates woke shit as much as everyone else. He just can't stand that Naughty Dog is in the crosshairs.
Ok...so why aren't the people that bought TLOU1 buying TLOU2 to continue the story?People keep bringing this up but TLOU1 has been out for much longer and had a major remaster at a time when ps4 had no games.
It’s not like tlou2 sold like shit, it sold a ton of copies any publisher would be happy to have
HBO’s tv series was also an enormous success. It had an entire episode dedicated to a gay man. So whatever agenda they seemingly have doesn’t seem to be an issue for commercial success
People have been dropping left and right last few daysOh these threads have been glorious lmao.
TLOU2 was the start of ND going full DEI with their messaging,I think it applies plenty to Intergalactic.Partially because TLOU 2 has a divisive story, but also because the whole game was leaked prior to release. A lot of folks did not like that they would not be playing as Joel.
Not sure how any of that applies to Intergalactic though.
People take these things too personal.People have been dropping left and right last few days
It's been deadly. People have a hard time having fun on a message board giving their views without getting into personal insults or going ape shit.People have been dropping left and right last few days
When you have to resort to insults, you've already lost the point you were trying to make. Disengage if you can't handle the banter.It's been deadly. People have a hard time having fun on a message board giving their views without getting into personal insults or going ape shit.
He hates woke shit as much as everyone else. He just can't stand that Naughty Dog is in the crosshairs.
TLOU2 was the start of ND going full DEI with their messaging,I think it applies plenty to Intergalactic.
Comment sections on the largest video site in the world are probably a good indicator of how the reception of the game is at large. It's not like it's a comment section from an opinion piece video or anything. Those are the comments on the main reveal trailerAh, the cherry-picked YouTube comments section. Where all the most wise and enlightened go for validation of their prejudices against a game based on a few minutes of non-gameplay footage that reveals almost nothing for a game releasing in two years.
He hates woke shit as much as everyone else. He just can't stand that Naughty Dog is in the crosshairs.
I don't have that kind of blind loyalty to anything. Not even family.
Hey look, I love James but I just couldn't help but asking:
Ah, the cherry-picked YouTube comments section. Where all the most wise and enlightened go for validation of their prejudices against a game based on a few minutes of non-gameplay footage that reveals almost nothing for a game releasing in two years.
Hey look, I love James but I just couldn't help but asking: