I don't think disappointment is a possibility. It is inevitable.
It's not that it's necessarily the fact that, as a Zelda game, no matter how it turns out, people will be disappointed. That's part of the equation, but not all of it.
Let's lay out a few scenarios.
1. It is heavily stylized/It looks realistic. People will be disappointed in either direction. In either this Zelda thread or the last one, there were people saying they absolutely hated Wind Waker's flat world and the character design moreso. They still dislike that it is employed today and have never liked that style. They like the way TP looked and the problems the game had were technical, not artistic. Meanwhile, there are people who firmly believe to be ALttP translated to 3D, love the cartoony style, and think Nintendo should give it a full console stab again.
Likelihood of people being disappointed: It's likely this game will look like Twilight Princess in terms of style, so people expecting a huge visual risk are going to be disappointed. Then again, maybe the coin flips the other way and it is heavily stylized. The same people that bitched very recently about Mario Galaxy 2 being overly cute and saccharine will be out in full force.
2. It heavily depends on motion controls/it relegates them to button switches. Either way, people are going to be pissed. If you have to swing the sword, people will be pissed. If you don't have to swing the sword, people will be pissed. If you use the wiimote for anything other than IR aiming, people will be pissed. If it's not motion+ mandatory, people will be pissed. Different groups want different things from this game in terms of controls, some want the game fundamentally changed to take advantage of those controls. Others don't want the controls influencing the game design at all.
Likelihood of people being disappointed: Extremely, extremely high. Controls are important to Zelda. Zelda is extremely important to some people. Controls are extremely important to people and Zelda. We don't know what Nintendo is thinking right now. They could see Zelda as the chance to prove Motion+ is good, that developers should use it, that gamers should embrace it, that they weren't wrong when they said the Wii could change the way we play games. A lot of people will not like this. There is a not-small number of people that would prefer it completely take off MH Tri and use the classic controller. To them, Zelda is not about possibilities with control, it is about overworlds, or dungeons, or bosses, or fighting a Stalfos and jumping back to shoot it in the head with an arrow which is a quick process with buttons and tiring with motions. People will be disappointed no matter what side of the board this falls on.
3. It's on the Wii!/It's on the Wii. So, this game is probably going to look kind of crappy by modern technology standards! I mean, as a Wii game, it will probably look fantastic. Galaxy 2 looked fantastic. But that simplistic artstyle, and taking advantage of it, is much easier with Mario than it is with Zelda. A lot of people will think that the ten year old GPU and the sub-HD resolutions are holding the game back - not just visually, but in terms of gameplay.
Likelihood people will be disappointed: Possibly not that high! I mean, obviously, the people who dislike Wii graphics will dislike this. People who dislike the Wii's hardware holding back games will dislike what the Wii is doing to this game, even if it's at best imaginary. I think, artstyle aside, most people have decided where they will fall on the graphics already. Aonuma and Miyamoto have mentioned that Monster Hunter Tri is their goal for graphics and people don't think that looks nearly good enough. Assuming Zelda surpasses it, the degree to which might be too subtle, then it probably still won't be enough for many people.
Of course there's the other things, like voice acting and all that. But, I mean, that's been hashed out enough already.
I think disappointment for about 30% of GAFers is more or less guaranteed. As those that approve start going "OH MY GOD NINTENDO JUST WON ZELDA IS GOTY" then the side that is disappointed may very well grow. When faced with opposition, a meek position becomes more entrenched.
I expect at least three "The new Zelda looks kind of dumb..." threads on announcement day.
It's not that it's necessarily the fact that, as a Zelda game, no matter how it turns out, people will be disappointed. That's part of the equation, but not all of it.
Let's lay out a few scenarios.
1. It is heavily stylized/It looks realistic. People will be disappointed in either direction. In either this Zelda thread or the last one, there were people saying they absolutely hated Wind Waker's flat world and the character design moreso. They still dislike that it is employed today and have never liked that style. They like the way TP looked and the problems the game had were technical, not artistic. Meanwhile, there are people who firmly believe to be ALttP translated to 3D, love the cartoony style, and think Nintendo should give it a full console stab again.
Likelihood of people being disappointed: It's likely this game will look like Twilight Princess in terms of style, so people expecting a huge visual risk are going to be disappointed. Then again, maybe the coin flips the other way and it is heavily stylized. The same people that bitched very recently about Mario Galaxy 2 being overly cute and saccharine will be out in full force.
2. It heavily depends on motion controls/it relegates them to button switches. Either way, people are going to be pissed. If you have to swing the sword, people will be pissed. If you don't have to swing the sword, people will be pissed. If you use the wiimote for anything other than IR aiming, people will be pissed. If it's not motion+ mandatory, people will be pissed. Different groups want different things from this game in terms of controls, some want the game fundamentally changed to take advantage of those controls. Others don't want the controls influencing the game design at all.
Likelihood of people being disappointed: Extremely, extremely high. Controls are important to Zelda. Zelda is extremely important to some people. Controls are extremely important to people and Zelda. We don't know what Nintendo is thinking right now. They could see Zelda as the chance to prove Motion+ is good, that developers should use it, that gamers should embrace it, that they weren't wrong when they said the Wii could change the way we play games. A lot of people will not like this. There is a not-small number of people that would prefer it completely take off MH Tri and use the classic controller. To them, Zelda is not about possibilities with control, it is about overworlds, or dungeons, or bosses, or fighting a Stalfos and jumping back to shoot it in the head with an arrow which is a quick process with buttons and tiring with motions. People will be disappointed no matter what side of the board this falls on.
3. It's on the Wii!/It's on the Wii. So, this game is probably going to look kind of crappy by modern technology standards! I mean, as a Wii game, it will probably look fantastic. Galaxy 2 looked fantastic. But that simplistic artstyle, and taking advantage of it, is much easier with Mario than it is with Zelda. A lot of people will think that the ten year old GPU and the sub-HD resolutions are holding the game back - not just visually, but in terms of gameplay.
Likelihood people will be disappointed: Possibly not that high! I mean, obviously, the people who dislike Wii graphics will dislike this. People who dislike the Wii's hardware holding back games will dislike what the Wii is doing to this game, even if it's at best imaginary. I think, artstyle aside, most people have decided where they will fall on the graphics already. Aonuma and Miyamoto have mentioned that Monster Hunter Tri is their goal for graphics and people don't think that looks nearly good enough. Assuming Zelda surpasses it, the degree to which might be too subtle, then it probably still won't be enough for many people.
Of course there's the other things, like voice acting and all that. But, I mean, that's been hashed out enough already.
I think disappointment for about 30% of GAFers is more or less guaranteed. As those that approve start going "OH MY GOD NINTENDO JUST WON ZELDA IS GOTY" then the side that is disappointed may very well grow. When faced with opposition, a meek position becomes more entrenched.
I expect at least three "The new Zelda looks kind of dumb..." threads on announcement day.