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What we know about Legend of Zelda Wii prior to E3 2010

I don't think disappointment is a possibility. It is inevitable.

It's not that it's necessarily the fact that, as a Zelda game, no matter how it turns out, people will be disappointed. That's part of the equation, but not all of it.

Let's lay out a few scenarios.

1. It is heavily stylized/It looks realistic. People will be disappointed in either direction. In either this Zelda thread or the last one, there were people saying they absolutely hated Wind Waker's flat world and the character design moreso. They still dislike that it is employed today and have never liked that style. They like the way TP looked and the problems the game had were technical, not artistic. Meanwhile, there are people who firmly believe to be ALttP translated to 3D, love the cartoony style, and think Nintendo should give it a full console stab again.

Likelihood of people being disappointed: It's likely this game will look like Twilight Princess in terms of style, so people expecting a huge visual risk are going to be disappointed. Then again, maybe the coin flips the other way and it is heavily stylized. The same people that bitched very recently about Mario Galaxy 2 being overly cute and saccharine will be out in full force.

2. It heavily depends on motion controls/it relegates them to button switches. Either way, people are going to be pissed. If you have to swing the sword, people will be pissed. If you don't have to swing the sword, people will be pissed. If you use the wiimote for anything other than IR aiming, people will be pissed. If it's not motion+ mandatory, people will be pissed. Different groups want different things from this game in terms of controls, some want the game fundamentally changed to take advantage of those controls. Others don't want the controls influencing the game design at all.

Likelihood of people being disappointed: Extremely, extremely high. Controls are important to Zelda. Zelda is extremely important to some people. Controls are extremely important to people and Zelda. We don't know what Nintendo is thinking right now. They could see Zelda as the chance to prove Motion+ is good, that developers should use it, that gamers should embrace it, that they weren't wrong when they said the Wii could change the way we play games. A lot of people will not like this. There is a not-small number of people that would prefer it completely take off MH Tri and use the classic controller. To them, Zelda is not about possibilities with control, it is about overworlds, or dungeons, or bosses, or fighting a Stalfos and jumping back to shoot it in the head with an arrow which is a quick process with buttons and tiring with motions. People will be disappointed no matter what side of the board this falls on.

3. It's on the Wii!/It's on the Wii. So, this game is probably going to look kind of crappy by modern technology standards! I mean, as a Wii game, it will probably look fantastic. Galaxy 2 looked fantastic. But that simplistic artstyle, and taking advantage of it, is much easier with Mario than it is with Zelda. A lot of people will think that the ten year old GPU and the sub-HD resolutions are holding the game back - not just visually, but in terms of gameplay.

Likelihood people will be disappointed: Possibly not that high! I mean, obviously, the people who dislike Wii graphics will dislike this. People who dislike the Wii's hardware holding back games will dislike what the Wii is doing to this game, even if it's at best imaginary. I think, artstyle aside, most people have decided where they will fall on the graphics already. Aonuma and Miyamoto have mentioned that Monster Hunter Tri is their goal for graphics and people don't think that looks nearly good enough. Assuming Zelda surpasses it, the degree to which might be too subtle, then it probably still won't be enough for many people.

Of course there's the other things, like voice acting and all that. But, I mean, that's been hashed out enough already.

I think disappointment for about 30% of GAFers is more or less guaranteed. As those that approve start going "OH MY GOD NINTENDO JUST WON ZELDA IS GOTY" then the side that is disappointed may very well grow. When faced with opposition, a meek position becomes more entrenched.

I expect at least three "The new Zelda looks kind of dumb..." threads on announcement day.


People get disappointed because internet has caused hype and anticipation beyond normal levels. It will ways be like this from now on.


darkwings said:
People get disappointed because GAF has caused hype and anticipation beyond normal levels. It will ways be like this from now on.
Everytime I see those HYPE HYPE HYPE threads my head spins. Then when the game comes out and doesn't live to their expectations they call it "shit".

Such was the case of The Crystal Bearers. A good game ruined by too much expectation.

That's why I NEVER believe hype. And I've learned the best way to enjoy a game is to be purposefully LTTP.
sfried said:
Everytime I see those HYPE HYPE HYPE threads my head spins. Then when the game comes out and doesn't live to their expectations they call it "shit".

Such was the case of The Crystal Bearers. A good game ruined by too much expectation.

That's why I NEVER believe hype. And I've learned the best way to enjoy a game is to be purposefully LTTP.
Ehhhh. I'd say that was Square-Enix's fault. They were very coy about what the game was.
All I expect out of the next Zelda is a faster stepping-down-ladder animation. I seriously don't think they've changed the animation from OOT. It just takes forever to go down a ladder. He should just grab the sides and slide down.
sfried said:
Everytime I see those HYPE HYPE HYPE threads my head spins. Then when the game comes out and doesn't live to their expectations they call it "shit".

Such was the case of The Crystal Bearers. A good game ruined by too much expectation.

That's why I NEVER believe hype. And I've learned the best way to enjoy a game is to be purposefully LTTP.
Media blackouts. That's what I'm doing as of E3's first trailer and initial info.

No blowouts, no screenshots, no info about anything beyond the first ten minutes of the game.

It's what I'm doing with Galaxy 2 and NSMBW (I'm not buying them until I've cleared a bigger portion of my backlog). I still don't read text about those games and I scroll over any screenshots or GIFs when I see them.

Wish me luck.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Media blackouts. That's what I'm doing as of E3's first trailer and initial info.

No blowouts, no screenshots, no info about anything beyond the first ten minutes of the game.

Wish me luck.
You might as well skip the internet for a week or two. Forums can get VICIOUS after E3.


sfried said:
You might as well skip the internet for a week or two. Forums can get VICIOUS after E3.
especially with the best of e3 awards.

if they say like uncharted 2 gets gamestop's best of show, or ign considers the best to be splinter cell, nobody panics. because it's all part of the plan. but when eurogamer gives nsmbw its one best in show award... then everybody loses their minds.


SlipperySlope said:
All I expect out of the next Zelda is a faster stepping-down-ladder animation. I seriously don't think they've changed the animation from OOT. It just takes forever to go down a ladder. He should just grab the sides and slide down.
Just let go of the ladder yourself and drop down.
ShockingAlberto said:
I expect at least three "The new Zelda looks kind of dumb..." threads on announcement day.

Zelda thread titles:
'Anybody else disappointed in the new Zelda?'
'Well I guess it's time to sell my Wii...'
'For the first time ever, I am not excited about a console Zelda game'

etc. etc.


Pikelet said:
dont Japanese people in general hate first person games? I highly doubt it will end up being like that.
That is a general misnomer. There's quite a lot who like Team Fortress 2.
timetokill said:
Zelda thread titles:
'Anybody else disappointed in the new Zelda?'
'Well I guess it's time to sell my Wii...'
'For the first time ever, I am not excited about a console Zelda game'

etc. etc.
"Is Nintendo shooting for irrelevancy?"

"I still don't think Zelda will come out this year"

"Do you think Nintendo will go the MH3 route and allow the classic controller for Zelda?"

"Why, Nintendo, why? (Zelda related)"

"Nintendo should release Old Play Control: Zelda Wii"

"How soon until Zelda gets delayed?"

"Nintendo should just hand the Zelda series over to Capcom"

"Does anyone else think Zelda Wii will be a Wii HD launch title?"


That is a general misnomer. There's quite a lot who like Team Fortress 2.

But clearly first person games don't sell as well there. Maybe thats just a result of all the guns, but who knows.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
"Is Nintendo shooting for irrelevancy?"

"I still don't think Zelda will come out this year"

"Do you think Nintendo will go the MH3 route and allow the classic controller for Zelda?"

"Why, Nintendo, why? (Zelda related)"

"Nintendo should release Old Play Control: Zelda Wii"

"How soon until Zelda gets delayed?"

"Nintendo should just hand the Zelda series over to Capcom"

"Does anyone else think Zelda Wii will be a Wii HD launch title?"
"Why oh why is Nintendo anti-HD (Zelda related)"
Skiesofwonder said:
Yeah because Nintendo had actual running demos of Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess in First Person just for the fucking fun of it.

Don't think they haven't seriously thought about it before and don't act like it's not a possibility. It is.

Never. Unless it's some Western-exclusive title developed by Retro or something.
A first person Zelda isn't impossible. They've toyed with it in tech demos and previous games - people forget that manual aiming for some weapons had a first person view.

An entirely first person Zelda...gets iffier. Nintendo likes bankable characters. Retro's first swipe at the morphball, after the perspective change, was to keep it first person. The camera didn't roll, but it would be like you were looking out a windshield. Miyamoto insisted that it should be third person. I can't see a Zelda game being entirely first person, even if some things work better from that perspective.

The point and click Zelda game is still a terrible idea.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
ShockingAlberto said:
It heavily depends on motion controls/it relegates them to button switches. Either way, people are going to be pissed. If you have to swing the sword, people will be pissed. If you don't have to swing the sword, people will be pissed. If you use the wiimote for anything other than IR aiming, people will be pissed. If it's not motion+ mandatory, people will be pissed. Different groups want different things from this game in terms of controls, some want the game fundamentally changed to take advantage of those controls. Others don't want the controls influencing the game design at all.

Well put me in the camp of being pissed if you don't swing your sword. Because if that happened, come June 15th, you would witness the very first meltdown on NeoGAF for a game not having motion control. Staring yours truly.
We've only seen one little piece of artwork and our imaginations are all a flutter. That's pat of the fun of Nintendo being so tight lipped about everything. If it's the last thing shown at their media briefing (or worse yet, if they show it afterwards a la Smash Bros.) someone might even have a panic attack.

I'm not nearly as hyped for E3 as I was last year but it's still fairly exciting.


I'm going to pretend I was here for the entire thread and say:

VA in Zelda is a bad idea.

1st person Zelda is a bad idea.

I hope that the motion control isn't too...motion control-y. I really, really prefer buttons. Like, by a whole lot.

Majora's Mask is wonderful.

Also, I didn't know it's supposed to come out this year? Is that likely?
Great post regarding disappointment, ShockingAlberto. The chances for massive amounts of whining is immense, and that's because Zelda is different things to different people. This should be required reading for all those going into the Zelda reveal :lol
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Also, I could see how Four Swords Adventures might've had people pronouncing the death knell for the series.

Those people were stupid, 4 Swords was a fantastic multiplayer experience. I would be overjoyed if Nintendo announced they were making a new one.
TSA said:
Zelda was also on a popularity decline and was being "milked" by Nintendo. 2000-2004 saw Majora's Mask, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, A Link to the Past/Four Swords, The Wind Waker, and Four Swords Adventures. In the span of just over four years, more games came out than in the previous 14 years.
How dare they release so many good games in such a short time span! X(


The thing is I can't give less of a shit about if people get disappointed or not. I don't want to be disappointed and I doubt it, even if it turned out with First Person View.


The Zelda series is the very favorite video game series of all time to me. Yet I am completly open to anything new (even first person and stuff) in total comparision to pre Twilight Princess. But playing Twilight Princess it felt oh so familiar as if I had already played the game. So I am hoping for some fresh new wind in the new Zelda and some good motion+ controls (Bow like Wii Sports+ and Boomerang like if you would really throw it yourself etc...)
Anybody who knows me knows I'm a long time fan of the series and cherish it very deeply. Hell, when I was younger I even had a necklace made of the triforce in real gold, to remind me of the pillars of strength, wisdom, and courage. Now THAT is a nerd alert right there! :lol However, Twilight Princess and to a lesser degree Wind Waker were a huge let down for me for one key reason - it lost the intensity through having no challenge to speak of.

In the last year or so Demon's Souls has taken that spot in my mind. A lot of you GAFers have played it, and if you are a Zelda fan and have not thus far, go seek it out ASAP. It's the closest I remember to the original Legend of Zelda on NES and somewhat of A Link to the Past. Of course, Demon's Souls is not really that close thematically or visually, but in feeling it actually gets closer to the original Zelda feeling than modern Zeldas do themselves. We all remember that feeling of seeing even a simple enemy in the pits of a dungeon and thinking we may not make it out alive, or saving up rupees for a greatly needed potion, or fighting enemies that could hit you just as easily as you could hit them. In modern Zeldas, this was all but forfeit, leaving enemies be laughable chumps. We no longer fear the enemies or traps in the dungeons, we simply swing as fast as we can and they topple over - often leaving a couple hearts in their wake to heal what tiny scars you might have taken on.

The Zelda team, in my eyes, is still the most technically capable team in the world. Their developers and designers are seriously incredible and make some of the most highly polished works on the planet. It's high time they get an iron-strong game design to really see their technical, and even skills in designing game mechanics, shine through. To bring the intensity back to Zelda you need to have a reason to fear a dungeon or enemy and to feel complete reward when you finally find your treasure and get to explore towns and more. Taking this into consideration and coupling it with some other ideas, here is what I come up with in terms of Wii Zelda features:
  • Difficulty returns to the series. This is the only one they absolutely need to address in order to bring the spark back to Zelda. Cannot be stressed enough.
  • Open world structure throwback to the original Zelda games and Link to the Past. Walk into most areas but may get destroyed by difficult enemies.
  • Perhaps will be co-op multiplayer since the game is on the Wii and it just lends itself so well to that.
  • Might have some sort of overhaul on game camera that makes it closer to Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Newcomers to the series can understand this view a lot more than a 3D behind-the-shoulder camera.
  • Item mechanics overhaul. They could make items more "global use" with physics and such. It would also make them more playful, which is something they constantly strive for in other franchises.

All this being said, I'm fully prepared for the Zelda series to do none of the above :lol Honestly, I think Nintendo has financial motives to keep the game very low in difficulty. They always said their testing showed the game was just too difficult for a lot of players and have been trying so hard to lure new players in. The only thing that gives me hope is New Super Mario Bros. Wii which was every bit as challenging as an old-school Mario we all knew. If they were brave enough to do it for Mario, there's still hope that they're ready to take that step for Zelda too. And if not, well, we can always hope for Demon's Souls 2 I guess!


Anybody who knows me knows I'm a long time fan of the series and cherish it very deeply. Hell, when I was younger I even had a necklace made of the triforce in real gold, to remind me of the pillars of strength, wisdom, and courage. Now THAT is a nerd alert right there! However, Twilight Princess and to a lesser degree Wind Waker were a huge let down for me for one key reason - it lost the intensity through having no challenge to speak of.

In the last year or so Demon's Souls has taken that spot in my mind. A lot of you GAFers have played it, and if you are a Zelda fan and have not thus far, go seek it out ASAP. It's the closest I remember to the original Legend of Zelda on NES and somewhat of A Link to the Past. Of course, Demon's Souls is not really that close thematically or visually, but in feeling it actually gets closer to the original Zelda feeling than modern Zeldas do themselves. We all remember that feeling of seeing even a simple enemy in the pits of a dungeon and thinking we may not make it out alive, or saving up rupees for a greatly needed potion, or fighting enemies that could hit you just as easily as you could hit them. In modern Zeldas, this was all but forfeit, leaving enemies be laughable chumps. We no longer fear the enemies or traps in the dungeons, we simply swing as fast as we can and they topple over - often leaving a couple hearts in their wake to heal what tiny scars you might have taken on.

The Zelda team, in my eyes, is still the most technically capable team in the world. Their developers and designers are seriously incredible and make some of the most highly polished works on the planet. It's high time they get an iron-strong game design to really see their technical, and even skills in designing game mechanics, shine through. To bring the intensity back to Zelda you need to have a reason to fear a dungeon or enemy and to feel complete reward when you finally find your treasure and get to explore towns and more. Taking this into consideration and coupling it with some other ideas, here is what I come up with in terms of Wii Zelda features:
Difficulty returns to the series. This is the only one they absolutely need to address in order to bring the spark back to Zelda. Cannot be stressed enough.
Open world structure throwback to the original Zelda games and Link to the Past. Walk into most areas but may get destroyed by difficult enemies.
Perhaps will be co-op multiplayer since the game is on the Wii and it just lends itself so well to that.
Might have some sort of overhaul on game camera that makes it closer to Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Newcomers to the series can understand this view a lot more than a 3D behind-the-shoulder camera.
Item mechanics overhaul. They could make items more "global use" with physics and such. It would also make them more playful, which is something they constantly strive for in other franchises.

All this being said, I'm fully prepared for the Zelda series to do none of the above Honestly, I think Nintendo has financial motives to keep the game very low in difficulty. They always said their testing showed the game was just too difficult for a lot of players and have been trying so hard to lure new players in. The only thing that gives me hope is New Super Mario Bros. Wii which was every bit as challenging as an old-school Mario we all knew. If they were brave enough to do it for Mario, there's still hope that they're ready to take that step for Zelda too. And if not, well, we can always hope for Demon's Souls 2 I guess!

This is why we need a hard mode! It is such an incredibly simple and elegant solution that Nintendo generally never allows the option for.
Pikelet said:
This is why we need a hard mode! It is such an incredibly simple and elegant solution that Nintendo generally never allows the option for.

Nintendo has never done a hard mode for Zelda and I just don't see them starting now. In fact, difficulty modes in general just don't seem to be their style (save for games such as Mario Kart)....though I agree with you completely. Just make the game difficult by default and enable an easy mode that unlocks for those who died 10 times in a row on the first dungeon.


Yeah, apart from sports games, Nintendo's philosophy for so many years has seemed to be minimizing (almost to zero) the number of options a player has when playing a game. They want one control style and one difficulty curve to suit the most number of people possible, and they will thoroughly test that.
BowieZ said:
Yeah, apart from sports games, Nintendo's philosophy for so many years has seemed to be minimizing (almost to zero) the number of options a player has when playing a game. They want one control style and one difficulty curve to suit the most number of people possible, and they will thoroughly test that.

That's the right way to go about things when you're trying to program a normal difficulty curve, it still doesn't preclude Nintendo from including the option to ratchet things up a notch.
JasoNsider said:
Anybody who knows me knows I'm a long time fan of the series and cherish it very deeply. Hell, when I was younger I even had a necklace made of the triforce in real gold, to remind me of the pillars of strength, wisdom, and courage. Now THAT is a nerd alert right there! :lol However, Twilight Princess and to a lesser degree Wind Waker were a huge let down for me for one key reason - it lost the intensity through having no challenge to speak of.

In the last year or so Demon's Souls has taken that spot in my mind. A lot of you GAFers have played it, and if you are a Zelda fan and have not thus far, go seek it out ASAP. It's the closest I remember to the original Legend of Zelda on NES and somewhat of A Link to the Past. Of course, Demon's Souls is not really that close thematically or visually, but in feeling it actually gets closer to the original Zelda feeling than modern Zeldas do themselves. We all remember that feeling of seeing even a simple enemy in the pits of a dungeon and thinking we may not make it out alive, or saving up rupees for a greatly needed potion, or fighting enemies that could hit you just as easily as you could hit them. In modern Zeldas, this was all but forfeit, leaving enemies be laughable chumps. We no longer fear the enemies or traps in the dungeons, we simply swing as fast as we can and they topple over - often leaving a couple hearts in their wake to heal what tiny scars you might have taken on.

The Zelda team, in my eyes, is still the most technically capable team in the world. Their developers and designers are seriously incredible and make some of the most highly polished works on the planet. It's high time they get an iron-strong game design to really see their technical, and even skills in designing game mechanics, shine through. To bring the intensity back to Zelda you need to have a reason to fear a dungeon or enemy and to feel complete reward when you finally find your treasure and get to explore towns and more. Taking this into consideration and coupling it with some other ideas, here is what I come up with in terms of Wii Zelda features:
  • Difficulty returns to the series. This is the only one they absolutely need to address in order to bring the spark back to Zelda. Cannot be stressed enough.
  • Open world structure throwback to the original Zelda games and Link to the Past. Walk into most areas but may get destroyed by difficult enemies.
  • Perhaps will be co-op multiplayer since the game is on the Wii and it just lends itself so well to that.
  • Might have some sort of overhaul on game camera that makes it closer to Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Newcomers to the series can understand this view a lot more than a 3D behind-the-shoulder camera.
  • Item mechanics overhaul. They could make items more "global use" with physics and such. It would also make them more playful, which is something they constantly strive for in other franchises.

All this being said, I'm fully prepared for the Zelda series to do none of the above :lol Honestly, I think Nintendo has financial motives to keep the game very low in difficulty. They always said their testing showed the game was just too difficult for a lot of players and have been trying so hard to lure new players in. The only thing that gives me hope is New Super Mario Bros. Wii which was every bit as challenging as an old-school Mario we all knew. If they were brave enough to do it for Mario, there's still hope that they're ready to take that step for Zelda too. And if not, well, we can always hope for Demon's Souls 2 I guess!

Enough already. I agree 100% that Zelda needs a difficulty boost--preferably a HUGE one. But enough about Demon's Souls. It's my favorite game so far this gen but IT IS NOT ZELDA. It's not a substitute or stand-in for Zelda. It doesn't look, play, or feel like Zelda. It's not structured remotely like Zelda. It's not presented like Zelda. It has a superficial resemblence because of the weaponry, that's about it.
JasoNsider said:
Nintendo has never done a hard mode for Zelda and I just don't see them starting now. In fact, difficulty modes in general just don't seem to be their style (save for games such as Mario Kart)....though I agree with you completely. Just make the game difficult by default and enable an easy mode that unlocks for those who died 10 times in a row on the first dungeon.

They did release the Master Quest for OoT which could technically count as that. ;p
I'm still hoping out for a MM2(ish) game, termina is back in trouble and someone is taking on the same role as the original green tunic wearing hero who stopped the moon from crashing into clock town...

Maybe an evil figure has captured the deity mask and is causing havoc. The swamps, canyons, mountains and ocean are in trouble and this new hero will save the day, the giants are dead and their power needs to be restored or the earth will crumble and the souls of the dead forced to wander the land for eternity...

one can dream can't he? ._.
Pikelet said:
This is why we need a hard mode! It is such an incredibly simple and elegant solution that Nintendo generally never allows the option for.

I'm not sure Hard Mode is a good solution, given how lazily such a thing tends to be implemented. Rather than having more aware, capable, faster, or more aggressive enemies (or all of the above), Hard Mode tends to be just a really cheap version of normal mode where you deal less damage but take more. That's about as poor of a solution as the occassionally proposed "just play the whole game with 3 hears" cop-out.

If they really put the work into it, I guess it could work. But I'd feel much better about a game intimately designed to be more difficult.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
viciouskillersquirrel said:
The background on the fandom at the TP announcement is very interesting, TSA. I only got back into gaming circa 2006, so I wasn't aware that when TP was announced, people were fully expecting Wind Waker 2. Did people really hate the WW artstyle that much that TP's first trailer had them frothing at the mouth?

Have you never seen the reaction video?

It was like that, everywhere.
Leondexter said:
Enough already. I agree 100% that Zelda needs a difficulty boost--preferably a HUGE one. But enough about Demon's Souls. It's my favorite game so far this gen but IT IS NOT ZELDA. It's not a substitute or stand-in for Zelda. It doesn't look, play, or feel like Zelda. It's not structured remotely like Zelda. It's not presented like Zelda. It has a superficial resemblence because of the weaponry, that's about it.

I disagree, sir :p Played the original Zelda and Zelda II not too long after Demon's Souls and the similarity is striking. Hell, even the director themselves say that was a major inspiration! Just because it looks like gothic/medieval and has RPG-like tendencies doesn't mean it doesn't bare resemblance in other ways. It feels like a dark Zelda 1 on steroids in some ways.


It's almost 4 years since the last console Zelda was released, all we can hope is that it was worth the wait.
And we're only one week away from the first trailer, amazing:D :D


wait wait, what the shit is all this Demon's Souls zelda talk? get the fuck outta here with that.
Zelda 2 was like the last one i can think of that stood out to me as nearly "brutal". 1 was hard on 2nd quest but quite doable; LTTP nor anything past the water temple of OoT stand out in my head as difficult. Majora's Mask is about the only counter-example i can think of, and 90% of that for me was the time limit.

i get the people who play zelda for the dungeons, the bosses, the overworld, the exploration, etc. but for challenge? jesus, fucka hard mode; just beat the game getting minimal heart containers if you've something to prove. ShockingAlberto's dead-on; way too many weirdos expecting fringe shit from the next Zelda. you people want a realistically-rendered cel-shaded game with FF XIII-hating towns, 10 vehicles, waggle/analog options and co-op dungeons big enough to get lost in and have to call a help line. oh, right, and voice acting, except when you dont want that.

for real, i can get Okami, some Darksiders etc comparisons, but at no fucking point playing Demon's Souls do i say "this is so much like the original Zelda!"


Jealous Bastard
if this looks good it may make me consider rebuying my wii. i sold it back when my girlfriend kicked me out of our one room apartment and i needed money for taco bell


timetokill said:
Zelda thread titles:
'Anybody else disappointed in the new Zelda?'
'Well I guess it's time to sell my Wii...'
'For the first time ever, I am not excited about a console Zelda game'

etc. etc.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
"Is Nintendo shooting for irrelevancy?"

"I still don't think Zelda will come out this year"

"Do you think Nintendo will go the MH3 route and allow the classic controller for Zelda?"

"Why, Nintendo, why? (Zelda related)"

"Nintendo should release Old Play Control: Zelda Wii"

"How soon until Zelda gets delayed?"

"Nintendo should just hand the Zelda series over to Capcom"

"Does anyone else think Zelda Wii will be a Wii HD launch title?"

ShockingAlberto said:
"Why oh why is Nintendo anti-HD (Zelda related)"
Checklist ready.
IrishNinja said:
wait wait, what the shit is all this Demon's Souls zelda talk? get the fuck outta here with that.
Zelda 2 was like the last one i can think of that stood out to me as nearly "brutal". 1 was hard on 2nd quest but quite doable; LTTP nor anything past the water temple of OoT stand out in my head as difficult. Majora's Mask is about the only counter-example i can think of, and 90% of that for me was the time limit.

i get the people who play zelda for the dungeons, the bosses, the overworld, the exploration, etc. but for challenge? jesus, fucka hard mode; just beat the game getting minimal heart containers if you've something to prove. ShockingAlberto's dead-on; way too many weirdos expecting fringe shit from the next Zelda. you people want a realistically-rendered cel-shaded game with FF XIII-hating towns, 10 vehicles, waggle/analog options and co-op dungeons big enough to get lost in and have to call a help line. oh, right, and voice acting, except when you dont want that.

for real, i can get Okami, some Darksiders etc comparisons, but at no fucking point playing Demon's Souls do i say "this is so much like the original Zelda!"

Again I disagree, and especially take exception with that bolded part. Sure Zelda:LttP wasn't brutal, but it sure was no cake walk that is for DAMN sure. If you don't understand that then get your ass back to your SNES and review. How you go about lumping "upping the challenge level" with "fringe shit" is beyond me.

ShockingAlberto is right though, there is no way to please everybody on this one. Just get off my back about the Demon's Souls comparisons. I'm not the only one who found it to be at least a small throw-back to some old school Zelda design. Again, the development team themselves even reference it.

In any case, to summarize, Zelda needs a bit of a bump in challenge level and I think there is a large majority of players would agree with that sentiment. This isn't some "fringe shit", this is gameplay design 101.


It doesn't need to be brutally hard or anything but it'd be nice to actually die during the game some unlike TP and WW.
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