What the.
Perhaps you can take solace in the fact that the money you're making can go toward all the cool stuff they announce?Jangaroo said:So I have work in like 6 hours and I wont' be able to see the conference. WHHHYYYY?!!! The universe hates me![]()
Bizzyb said:Dual release For Wii and "Next Wii" a la Twilight Princess...I hope
I booted up my save file and just screwed around with the broken Spinner for, I think, 2 hours. I went everywhere and only stopped when I crashed the game.IrishNinja said:...anybody else finally playing through TP in excitement?
man, next zelda better not take like 3 hours to get moving along. fuckagoat-herding, and fuck unchangeable inverted controls!
Haha, yes I suppose you're right. Getting home to see the conference will be the greatest thing ever. Hopefully.Why would you do that? said:Perhaps you can take solace in the fact that the money you're making can go toward all the cool stuff they announce?
In my case, if I skip stuff to see the E3 conference live, I'll be out $150... but that's $150 that'll help buy me a 3DS!
Edit: It's so cool that Twitter can send your phone SMS messages. Unfortunately, I have to pay 10 cents per incoming SMSOtherwise, I'd just get incoming messages from Nintendo's or someone else's Twitter.
It's in 6 hours 40 minutes.Kozak said:Whens this Nintendo conference?
upandaway said:It's in 6 hours 40 minutes.
Kozak said:...damn :|
I've really fallen out of the loop..
It's been 4 years man.Rez said:it's been a year. soon.
upandaway said:It's been 4 years man.
klier said:I have to work this afternoon (EU) so I can't see the conference live![]()
Damn, the Nintendo conference at E3 has been a highlight for me for many, many years...
Oh well, at least when I get home, I get to see everything!
klier said:I have to work this afternoon (EU) so I can't see the conference live![]()
Damn, the Nintendo conference at E3 has been a highlight for me for many, many years...
Oh well, at least when I get home, I get to see everything!
klier said:I have to work this afternoon (EU) so I can't see the conference live![]()
Anymore awesome fan art like this around?UltimateIke said:I saw a few posts about changing avatars to something Zelda related, and I was all "that sounds like a great idea!" for a few minutes.
And then I remembered where my avatar of the past year came from... :lol
We need the Song of Double Time from Majora's Mask! Please let the next few hours pass quickly!
The Link's Awakening logo looks the same as this one and yes it's easily the best one.LegendofJoe said:I wonder if Nintendo will unveil the name and logo of the game at the show. If they do I hope they take inspiration from the logo in LttP, of all the logos they've done for Zelda it is easily my favorite. Anyone else have a favorite logo?
Dude I was like phew. You kinda scared me.SalsaShark said:Im skipping a job opportunity/interview to see this live.
I actually managed to rearrenge it for next week, wasnt easy but worth it. said:What are you using to watch the repetition of the conference? I can't think of any site I can watch without spoiling stuff.
upandaway said:Dude I was like phew. You kinda scared me.
Even if you can't watch it live there's that spoiler free thread that Evilore allowed in the end.
LegendofJoe said:. Anyone else have a favorite logo?
Bentendo said:Great job at choosing a badly made picture.
Wind Waker is a beautiful game. It's just unfortunate that this rumor isn't true because of the artwork Nintendo releasedThen again, maybe they found that swinging the remote using Motion Plus worked, or at least felt more fluid, with a different art style.
(remember: Wind Waker art good, Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass art bad)
Andrex said:Everything you love about Zelda boils down to pressing A to attack? *confused*
I'm sure they'll get the basics right, and beyond that it's really about level design/story if you're a weirdo like me.
one_kill said:Man... it feels so long. I should release some excitement somehow lol
Amir0x said:No, Zelda is not about combat. Which is why all this motion plus combat focused distraction with all these potential problems is an issue, because it's making sword fighting this big thing... and it's doing it at a risky proposition in the first place with the way motion plus works. So the fact that there seems to be this big push to fundamentally change the way combat works (and as a result, emphasize its importance), while potentially introducing a fuckton of new annoyances that were never in the old Zelda game...
I'm not sure if that kind of comparison would please Amir0x.thefro said:Action-wise, original game's pacing is much closer to No More Heroes than Ocarina of Time.
Hence, there probably should be a ton more focus on combat.
I see where your are coming from, but why couldn't it be both? I mean, great leveldesign/dungeons/puzzles/bosses etc and good motion plus combat. When I read your posts, it seems to me that you think Nintendo will drop the "great leveldesign/dungeons/puzzles/bosses" more to the background in favour of motion plus combat. Do you have any reason to believe that they will actually do this?Amir0x said:Again, it might be ok if we were merely talking about a traditional controller implementation, but we're talking about swinging the wiimote around wildly like a sword for every encounter we get into. Any focus that is too centered on combat will ruin any appeal Zelda has for me personally.
For me, Zelda is about great level design and great dungeons/puzzles/bosses. Nothing more nothing less. I believe, actually, that motion/motion plus has great applications in Zelda puzzles: imagine the way Zack & Wiki handled many of its puzzles, but imagine that applied with Zelda teams intermittent brilliance. I just don't believe motion/motionplus focused combat Zelda is at all appealing to me. It has too many problems and is a significant downgrade from traditional controls.
For a good long while in the beginning Zelda was far more about combat than it was about puzzles, and it's missing from the 3D games. Fighting enemies in games like LttP enhanced the experience more than the puzzles in them.Amir0x said:No, Zelda is not about combat. Which is why all this motion plus combat focused distraction with all these potential problems is an issue, because it's making sword fighting this big thing...
upandaway said: