Akai said:
So basically the same premise as every other Zelda game? :lol
No. Let me explain better.
In Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time, Link was underrated everywhere he went. Not considered as Hero. Not considered as someone who could make something, if not from very few key characters.
In Twilight Princess, Link did not have really to prove himself. Sometimes in an implicit way, sometimes more explicitly, Link was already the "hero", the "chosen". Everything was so damned predictable. Not only in the sense of gameplay, but also progressing throughout the storyline.
Do you remember what though Darunia of Link the first time they met? And How Kokiri's felt toward Link?
Zelda is also a strong will, impersonated by that fairy boy, who has to prove to the entire fictional world what in the same world seemed impossible.
Twig said:
Maybe he means this Link should be the FIRST Link, instead of the Nth Link? As in, there's been no previous "hero" sorta fing.
That's also a component. But it's only part of the story. In the Wind Waker, the "descendant of the Hero" was put in a way, that Link was not taken seriously anyway. Even the King doubt him somehow till the triforce of courage was recomposed.
In Twilight Princess, pathetic how the first time they met, Zelda already considered Link as a hero.
It was due mostly because Link already had the triforce in its possession. A great mistake. A BIG mistake, because it was THE sign that he already had the power to do anything.