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What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources

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There's no doubt that VR will suck up a huge amount of the hype this holiday. But it's going to be far more expensive, and what choice does Nintendo have?

2016: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to VR
2017: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to 2nd gen VR and new PS4/XB1 slim
2018: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to hype building for PS5 reveal / falling between generations
2019: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to PS5 / XB2 launch
2020: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to them being bankrupt due to sitting on the pot for 5 years. RIP Nintendo

...and so on and so on. There's never going to be a good time to launch when you're the underdog in a competitive market, you've just got to do it as best you can and get it over with. They can't ride 3DS and Wii U for another entire year.

Hey....are you an analyst? :p

This post sums it up perfectly. This year is at least as good a time as any to launch a console and/or handheld.
There's no doubt that VR will suck up a huge amount of the hype this holiday. But it's going to be far more expensive, and what choice does Nintendo have?

2016: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to VR
2017: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to 2nd gen VR and new PS4/XB1 slim
2018: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to hype building for PS5 reveal / falling between generations
2019: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to PS5 / XB2 launch
2020: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to them being bankrupt due to sitting on the pot for 5 years. RIP Nintendo

...and so on and so on. There's never going to be a good time to launch when you're the underdog in a competitive market, you've just got to do it as best you can and get it over with. They can't ride 3DS and Wii U for another entire year.

I think they launch a reasonable prices system with great games and convenient setup they can do just fine


The DS took around a year before it took off, launching in time for christmas won't do it any harm as long as it has a good supply of games.

Agreed. And the detrimental effects of not launching a product during the holiday season are more significant.

Utopian wish for NX: Virtual console with the games already released on the Wii U and 3DS available, and free if you own them there.

Given what Nintendo has said about folding current VC into future systems, I don't think it's at all an unrealistic expectation. Better to say "we have a shitton of VC available from day one" than to start the drip feed up for the fourth time (Wii, Wii U, 3DS, NX).

I think the same. 2-3 NX games, at least one new IP. They need to get Splatoon, MK and Smash ASAP IMO either upgraded ports or barebones NX versions they expand with DLC later. Mario Maker can basically come over as is, as can things like Wii Fit and Karaoke.

Then I really really really hope they got for broke with the VC. Get a ton of games on there, offer an all you can eat £5.99/mo subscription maybe with a free indie/eShop game each month as well as the normal pricing model. GC/N64 and above they can sell as eShop games.

Then they just need a couple of third party releases that don't make the console look awful.

Hardware I have no idea about. I like the idea of linking boxes together locally for more power and having a remote play type situation with the handheld. I could see the shared library going one way and the home console playing everything but the handheld only getting a subset.

One idea I did have was for the universal games to be set at a standard just above that which is required for N64 emulation. Then third party hardware could be certified "NX compatible". These devices (phones, set top boxes, etc.) and maybe an approved Nintendo controller, could then access your Nintendo subscription and play NES/SNES/N64 games as well as indie and handheld games at this spec and maybe also stream NX Home games if you own one. It's giving up a successful handheld hardware section, but to maybe expand your potential massively and you still make money from the subscription and approved controllers/hardware licensing.

Mario Maker can only come over as is if the console has a screen. I mean, it can come to a handheld for sure (presuming touchscreen capabilities, but I'd be astonished if they weren't in). I suppose shoulder scrolling would make it doable sans touchscreen on a console, as others have said above.

I like the VC subscription model idea. Sorta. As long as there's other incentives to the program, because the problems with it being VC only is that some months I won't play any VC games. So there need to be other benefits to continued subscription. Since Nintendo is already rolling out Nintendo Account and MyNintendo, though, and NNIDs seem potentially here to stay on the console front...I'm a bit concerned with any more accounts they might fracture or confuse their account services front a bit. Like if they add a NNID Premium. Then you have four Nintendo accounts to understand as a consumer and that's a lot.

As to your last idea, if I understand it correctly it essentially would allow for previously released games (of prior gens) to be made available on third party devices. Based on everything Nintendo has said about software for proprietary devices vs. that for mobile, I would be very surprised if they allowed, say, SMW to be played on non-Nintendo devices.
Agreed. And the detrimental effects of not launching a product during the holiday season are more significant.

Given what Nintendo has said about folding current VC into future systems, I don't think it's at all an unrealistic expectation. Better to say "we have a shitton of VC available from day one" than to start the drip feed up for the fourth time (Wii, Wii U, 3DS, NX).

Mario Maker can only come over as is if the console has a screen. I mean, it can come to a handheld for sure (presuming touchscreen capabilities, but I'd be astonished if they weren't in). I suppose shoulder scrolling would make it doable sans touchscreen on a console, as others have said above.

I like the VC subscription model idea. Sorta. As long as there's other incentives to the program, because the problems with it being VC only is that some months I won't play any VC games. So there need to be other benefits to continued subscription. Since Nintendo is already rolling out Nintendo Account and MyNintendo, though, and NNIDs seem potentially here to stay on the console front...I'm a bit concerned with any more accounts they might fracture or confuse their account services front a bit. Like if they add a NNID Premium. Then you have four Nintendo accounts to understand as a consumer and that's a lot.

As to your last idea, if I understand it correctly it essentially would allow for previously released games (of prior gens) to be made available on third party devices. Based on everything Nintendo has said about software for proprietary devices vs. that for mobile, I would be very surprised if they allowed, say, SMW to be played on non-Nintendo devices.

Or they just offer support for

- WiiU Tablet
- Smartphones
- Handheld
- 3DS

To connect to the system and allow Control. Not to mention you could use a Cursor to build levels.


There's no doubt that VR will suck up a huge amount of the hype this holiday. But it's going to be far more expensive, and what choice does Nintendo have?

2016: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to VR
2017: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to 2nd gen VR and new PS4/XB1 slim
2018: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to hype building for PS5 reveal / falling between generations
2019: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to PS5 / XB2 launch
2020: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to them being bankrupt due to sitting on the pot for 5 years. RIP Nintendo

...and so on and so on. There's never going to be a good time to launch when you're the underdog in a competitive market, you've just got to do it as best you can and get it over with. They can't ride 3DS and Wii U for another entire year.

Great analysis! :)

Honestly I dont think VR is going to get mainstream with the first generation of devices.

I think the importance of launching not to far into the PS4 and Xbox one lifecycle dwarfs the threat of being outcompeted by VR. Just focus on making the NX affordable and appealing.


Or they just offer support for

- WiiU Tablet
- Smartphones
- Handheld
- 3DS

To connect to the system and allow Control. Not to mention you could use a Cursor to build levels.

Using the Wii U tablet or 3DS I guess I could see, if firmware update(s) could allow for it. Hmm. Handheld being a control method seems like a near-certainty to me, for sure. As to the smartglass-type functionality of a smartphone...I could see it but I still think Nintendo will stick to proprietary control schemes they can curate to offer the best possible control experience.

And a touchpad (preferably a bit larger than the DS4's) would be another option.

For Mario Maker? Yeah, I could see that. I was wondering about that. Is it intuitive to "tell" where on the screen you're pressing, though?

Mr Swine

I think PSVR is going to take out a big bite of the NX hype, I guess that is why they haven't announced any launch date yet. They really don't want Nintendo to have a hit on their hands and rather it be like Wii U.


...2016 is too soon to see a new console launch from Nintendo and if it does it's because they want it out early so chances are any quality launch support is going to be thrown out the window....

Nawwww ..... They have clearly moved sizeable chunks of resources to NX development early on.

People said the same thing when the Wii U was launching, and what did we get? Nintendoland and SMBWU.

And sticking in my 2 cents worth: as I have been saying since Iwata first mentioned NX almost a year ago, if the Wii U doesn't get 5yrs then Nintendo get no more of my money. And literally everybody I personally know who has a Wii U has similar feelings (to give full disclosure, this is only 2 people, but it is still 100%).
I think PSVR is going to take out a big bite of the NX hype, I guess that is why they haven't announced any launch date yet. They really don't want Nintendo to have a hit on their hands and rather it be like Wii U.

They can both co-exist and VR will be the 3D of gaming (imo). And in the end it all depends on the games and how much you pay the journalists to make your product the main poduct of their stories. ;)
VR is a wildcard

I dont imagine the general public will cling to it but maybe it will be the hot flash in the pan product this fall

I have no idea... I feel like the the investment is too high for it to affect the target market Nintendo is aiming for


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Ok, we have another mid-ranger 14LPP SoC upon us (Q1 2016). Chances for NX hh @ 14nm cautiously rising ; )
For Mario Maker? Yeah, I could see that. I was wondering about that. Is it intuitive to "tell" where on the screen you're pressing, though?

You just need a cursor (like mario maker already supports)

As long as you can click the pad down or use some other way of determining position seperate from input it should be fine.
At worst you could use a trigger button for clicking but I doubt they'd do that.
In regard to #6 on the front page,

It seems Cloud save/user data is a confirmed thing now.

The Nintendo Account website as this page if you want to delete your account. It references that the user will lose all save/user data if they do so. Well it says Apps, but i would imagine that encompasses game save data.



Everything we know about nx, jump in thread, see a bunch of talk on vr...

I know nintendo wont be doing vr, or a normal system, so im super interested to see what new innovation they have cooked up.
Yeah i saw it referenced in a couple of other threads, thought it be good to bring it across :)

Probably the first piece of OP worthy info

I mean it isnt much but we are getting a clear picture of the new account system and features

We are looking at OS feature parity with current gen competitors it seems... Now we just need the rest of the info


Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sure about the business of this company in relation to Nintendo and NX, but I think it can still be of interest to bring up (mainly because a better translation than the one I can provide is needed). Anyway, Yashima Denki Co., Ltd. today announced that it will split its Electronic Device / Component Business into a separate company, tentatively called Yashima Electronic Components Co., Ltd. Yashima's listed major customer for this segment is Nintendo. Exactly what they provide Nintendo for the current systems I don't know, but Hitachi Display sold the TFT liquid crystal display module for DS Lite to Nintendo through Yashima Denki.

For Yashima's 71st term financial results (last fiscal year), this is what was said:

3 Information on major customers

Customer's name: Nintendo
Sales (Millions of Yen): 9,177
Segment: Electronic Devices / Components
Source: http://www.yashimadenki.co.jp/_data/library_Fin/平成27年3月期決算短信(全文)_201505151103.pdf

In the company split notice, there's a mention of Nintendo:

Source: http://www.yashimadenki.co.jp/_data/library_Timely/20160217_会社分割(簡易分割)による子会社設立に関するお知らせ.pdf

I'm not fluent enough in Japanese to provide a sensible translation of this, but it deals with trade agreements with Nintendo for this newly established business (Yashima Electronic Components Co., Ltd.). A Google Translate provides this Engrish:

(6) Rights and obligations that the new company is to succeed Newly established company, we will shall be inherited assets, liabilities and contracts as well as to the rights and obligations associated with these relates to an electronic device components business from the Company.
However, trade agreements, etc. related to Nintendo Co., Ltd., except those otherwise provided by the newly established division plan.

A better translation of this would be greatly appreciated. Whether anything can be taken away from this in terms of NX depends on this.
There's no doubt that VR will suck up a huge amount of the hype this holiday. But it's going to be far more expensive, and what choice does Nintendo have?

2016: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to VR
2017: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to 2nd gen VR and new PS4/XB1 slim
2018: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to hype building for PS5 reveal / falling between generations
2019: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to PS5 / XB2 launch
2020: Nintendo shouldn't launch due to them being bankrupt due to sitting on the pot for 5 years. RIP Nintendo

...and so on and so on. There's never going to be a good time to launch when you're the underdog in a competitive market, you've just got to do it as best you can and get it over with. They can't ride 3DS and Wii U for another entire year.
Launching too late is as dangerous as launching too early in a lot of cases.
N64 lost a ton of market share due to this.
Wii U arguably launched both too late and too early.
March 2017 is probably the latest they should go and November 2017 sounds way too late.
And from GAF in general, in terms of getting their own threads. If Forbes opinions are shamed, no reason for analysts' not to be.
Probably best not to ask for anything to get banned on a thread that's on thin enough ice as is :p


Rösti;195616892 said:
I'm not sure about the business of this company in relation to Nintendo and NX, but I think it can still be of interest to bring up (mainly because a better translation than the one I can provide is needed). Anyway, Yashima Denki Co., Ltd. today announced that it will split its Electronic Device / Component Business into a separate company, tentatively called Yashima Electronic Components Co., Ltd. Yashima's listed major customer for this segment is Nintendo. Exactly what they provide Nintendo for the current systems I don't know, but Hitachi Display sold the TFT liquid crystal display module for DS Lite to Nintendo through Yashima Denki.

In the company split notice, there's a mention of Nintendo:

Source: http://www.yashimadenki.co.jp/_data/library_Timely/20160217_会社分割(簡易分割)による子会社設立に関するお知らせ.pdf

I'm not fluent enough in Japanese to provide a sensible translation of this, but it deals with trade agreements with Nintendo for this newly established business (Yashima Electronic Components Co., Ltd.). A Google Translate provides this Engrish:

A better translation of this would be greatly appreciated. Whether anything can be taken away from this in terms of NX depends on this.

It says agreements with Nintendo will be unaffected by the split unless specified otherwise in the new company's plan.

Besides, they say the new company will be a wholly owned subsidiary so there shouldn't be reason to assume changes for Nintendo here.


Unconfirmed Member
It says agreements with Nintendo will be unaffected by the split unless specified otherwise in the new company's plan.

Besides, they say the new company will be a wholly owned subsidiary so there shouldn't be reason to assume changes for Nintendo here.
Alright. Well, then I think we can only assume their Nintendo related business will continue. Again, I don't know exactly what they are supplying Nintendo.
Lol @ analysts thinking VR will impact NX launch

VR is pricey and has a specific appeal and market

Not to mention that there are already several competitors

But who knows

Yeah I really don't see how VR would diminish sales potential for Nintendo.

Seems like a Pachter thing to say.
I think it's fair to look at the presence of VR as an attention-grabbing new platform as a potential threat to NX. I don't know that it'll so much be a matter of VR stealing market share that otherwise would have gone to Nintendo, but NX will definitely be competing with VR for media coverage, mindshare, hype, and consumer attention.

Remember that even though Wii launched to a largely new market, it still did so alongside relatively small Xbox 360 and PS3 sales. And Wii was definitely capturing a lot of media coverage, mindshare, hype, consumer attention simply by virtue of being so weird and groundbreaking. NX will need to duplicate that effect, or at least prove to be just as attention-worthy as VR, to make a splash in the market.
I think it's fair to look at the presence of VR as an attention-grabbing new platform as a potential threat to NX. I don't know that it'll so much be a matter of VR stealing market share that otherwise would have gone to Nintendo, but NX will definitely be competing with VR for media coverage, mindshare, hype, and consumer attention.

Remember that even though Wii launched to a largely new market, it still did so alongside relatively small Xbox 360 and PS3 sales. And Wii was definitely capturing a lot of media coverage, mindshare, hype, consumer attention simply by virtue of being so weird and groundbreaking. NX will need to duplicate that effect, or at least prove to be just as attention-worthy as VR, to make a splash in the market.

Awww ok

Yeah from a Marketing noise standpoint I can see the connection sure


Does anyone else think that VR is going to flounder once it becomes available to the public? It just seems too expensive to be worth it IMO.


NX will need to duplicate that effect, or at least prove to be just as attention-worthy as VR, to make a splash in the market.

It definitely doesn't need to do that. It's possible to have a successful business without being seen as a paradigm shift like the VR.
Does anyone else think that VR is going to flounder once it becomes available to the public? It just seems too expensive to be worth it IMO.

Depends on their market expectations

They have to know the risks, costs, and necessary adoption rate to be viable right?

Niche products can exist(and be profitable) if it serves the intended customers at the right volume.

It doesnt need to be the next Wii craze to be something thats a persistent and viable product
It definitely doesn't need to do that. It's possible to have a successful business without being seen as a paradigm shift like the VR.

I don't think it's possible for a company whose software catalog has diminished in relevance and popularity and whose leverage of third-party software has ranged from poor to entirely redundant to make it simply by following the status quo.

They're either going to need to reform their internal software pipeline (to attract people who aren't playing their games right now) or make hardware (i.e. a user experience w/ accompanying software library) that appeals to consumers that haven't been served by the existing paradigm.


In terms of the VR debate, I don't think there are that many people who would be deciding between VR and NX this holiday. I think most people buying VR will either be a) Not interested in NX to begin with, or b) able to afford both NX and VR if they wanted. I don't think an expensive PS4 add on is really competing with Nintendo right now. I expect it to sell pretty well, just not at the Nintendo's expense.

Launching later would also bring them close to PS5/Nextbox which is more relevant imo.

Ok, we have another mid-ranger 14LPP SoC upon us (Q1 2016). Chances for NX hh @ 14nm cautiously rising ; )



Too much VR talk in my NX thread. Two different markets.

And if anything it's Nintendo holding back its details on pricing and launch date in fear of Sony and its VR plans, not the other way around.

Interesting. For cross platform PS4-NX ports the console will need to be more efficient and a tad more powerful than the competition, otherwise those games will require too much tinkering for developers to make a port that would still not look quite as good as PS4, making it another Wii U situation.

For those reasons I see a modestly powerful NX able to handle straight PS4 ports with ease and some extra performance due to the current advances in technology and all the updates from AMD in the last 2 years. Not to mention now also with Vulkan. It's very nice seeing a forward thinking Nintendo when it comes to API, they will help pioneer Vulkan on consoles which is a far cry from anything they did on Wii U, which was just basically them joining too late and using older tech at the same time.

I know Nintendo wants porting from it's own NX Platforms across to be easy to do and Vulkan will definitely help it be much easier than say 3DS to Wii U.


Interesting. For cross platform PS4-NX ports the console will need to be more efficient and a tad more powerful than the competition, otherwise those games will require too much tinkering for developers to make a port that would still not look quite as good as PS4, making it another Wii U situation.

For those reasons I see a modestly powerful NX able to handle straight PS4 ports with ease and some extra performance due to the current advances in technology and all the updates from AMD in the last 2 years. Not to mention now also with Vulkan. It's very nice seeing a forward thinking Nintendo when it comes to API, they will help pioneer Vulkan on consoles which is a far cry from anything they did on Wii U, which was just basically them joining too late and using older tech at the same time.

I know Nintendo wants porting from it's own NX Platforms across to be easy to do and Vulkan will definitely help it be much easier than say 3DS to Wii U.
Interesting. It's kind of like Nintendo has to choice but to go more powerful than PS4 if they want PS4 ports to be as effortless as possible.

Also, you never did explain what your reasons were for your optimistic view on NX's potential third party support.


Utopian wish for NX: Virtual console with the games already released on the Wii U and 3DS available, and free if you own them there.

My bet is only one of the two, so that Nintendo doesn't have to do extra work on porting engines over. Probably 3DS in that case, since the higher likelihood of ARM architecture means that anything that runs on 3DS should be easily portable (so also the DS/GBA games on Wii U, but maybe not Wii games, say.) But the syncing of NNID with the MyNintendo means that whichever platform is supported, you won't have to buy anything again because they'll remember now, at long last.
Interesting. It's kind of like Nintendo has to choice but to go more powerful than PS4 if they want PS4 ports to be as effortless as possible.

Also, you never did explain what your reasons were for your optimistic view on NX's potential third party support.

All I will say is that developer interest is far higher in NX than Wii U was at this stage,


In terms of the VR debate, I don't think there are that many people who would be deciding between VR and NX this holiday. I think most people buying VR will either be a) Not interested in NX to begin with, or b) able to afford both NX and VR if they wanted. I don't think an expensive PS4 add on is really competing with Nintendo right now. I expect it to sell pretty well, just not at the Nintendo's expense.

Launching later would also bring them close to PS5/Nextbox which is more relevant imo.


A VR launch can compete in a couple of ways

- people spend money on VR,mleaning less to be spent on NX hardware. Whether you think there is an overlap on the type of consumer that will buy each, there will be less money to go round if some of it is being spent on PSVR

- noise. If there is lots of noise around VR, then that makes it harder for Nintendo to be heard. They could spend lots on marketing to try and overcome that to some extent

- technology. VR will be pushed as the 'futur' of gaming. If Nintendo come out with a relatively conservative console, they could be seen as behind the times or inferior, which could damage their sales.


All I will say is that developer interest is far higher in NX than Wii U was at this stage,


Sounds encouraging, but developer support looked pretty good early on for Wii U as well and, well, we know how big of a collapse that ended up being. Hopefully, whatever it is about NX that is enticing to developers at this current point in time will sustain and carry on well past launch.



Sounds encouraging, but developer support looked pretty good early on for Wii U as well and, well, we know how big of a collapse that ended up being. Hopefully, whatever it is about NX that is enticing to developers at this current point in time will sustain and carry on well past launch.

Well, if we're pretty sure the console's coming out this year, then we're in a better timeline for those rumored sentiments to be more meaningful: Wii U's period of hype was around and after E3 2011, at least for third parties. It was in the runup to E3 2012 that the bad juju started fluttering around. It's harder for third parties to do a 180 in the same calendar year that the device is releasing.

Though they can always prove me wrong :-(


Even if we get some big profile 3rd party games I'm not sure it will all end in a happy marriage. Even people into their NX might still think that a Nintendo console is not the place for them to purchase the next big Ubisoft game.
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