There is no logic in protecting a powerful console with a super NDA. Leaks would only produce hype, not hurt. Super NDA makes sense for a special feature or an averagely powered console that they want to control the way it's marketed. Or it can be just typical Nintendo secrecy. Anyway, super NDA=> powerful is not a good logical conclusion.
The NDA has nothing to do with power itself, it's the tech/gimmick behind it that's kept a secret.
But that's just it, Nintendo probably can't go for that price with the x86 twins likely to see some kind of price drop this coming holiday season. And while sure, I would love for Nintendo to make a powerful console, I've learned my lesson about getting my expectations too high so many times in the past. As stated before, I wouldn't be shocked if the NX Handheld ends up being the flagship NX device, while the NX Console just tags along for the ride. It's not just about power, but also price. Given Nintendo's situation in the console market, charging more than $300 for the NX Console may not go over well with the general public (likewise for going over $200 for the NX Handheld).
And again, we also thought that Nintendo learned their lesson with the Wii going into the Wii U, or with the 3DS's launch going into the Wii U, & boy were we wrong about both.
Why go lower though if you're having a newer tech that outputs better results than both PS4/Xbone? Kids will go to the store, see the PS4 and Xbone for $300-350, then see the NX advertised everywhere, say for $400-500. The salesman will sell that as the better and the latest system that plays the same games better and includes such and such gimmick the kids would love. There, sold. I'm not saying this will happen, but this is a scenario that can surely happen. Kids always want the newest. This is obviously a scenario based on Nintendo having a breakthrough ready for the world to be shaken.
Remember the WiiU when first started work on it was supposed to be a breakthrough as well. I remember Miyamoto mentioning this, but by the time it released, 3-4 years later, the controller went from being a breakthrough to an expensive liability as the smart phones ate up the market. I think he did mention them learning from this.
We thought they learnt from Wii, but where did they say they learnt? In fact they saw nothing wrong with it. It sold a 100 million plus! We didn't like it because it wasn't the machine we wanted and deemed it a failure, even though it clearly wasn't sales-wise. It was a colossal success, and because of that they kept the Wii brand going, but failed with the WiiU because of the reasons I already mentioned Miyamato saying. Also the fact the WiiU was released 6-7 years after the PS360 with similar power. Both controller concept and power failed. The Wii at least had the gimmick concept succeed. Add to that Kimishima or Iwata saying they're steering clear from the Wii brand and they actually learnt from that experience. That's why I believe this time is really different.
Btw, I'm no tech wizard, but with whatever chip breakthroughs we have now, shouldn't it be easily feasible to have a console out by the end of the year with hardware that's built on efficiency that is just powerful enough (doesn't mean super powerful) to surpass the PS4/Xbone? Wouldn't Vulkan help with that somehow?
On another note, my reasons to buy multiplat games on NX (which 'might' also encourage other to do the same):
- Actual rewards instead of silly trophies.
- Better performance (1080p/60fps)
- Having an iOS/Android-like account that allows me to play the same game on as many Nintendo devices and not needing to pay for the game again on another device. Future proof too.