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What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources

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I'll take what I can get in that case. Didn't Nintendo's stocks take another nose dive since the last one? Maybe the investors will show up with flaming pitchforks demanding reciprocity.

The "leak" from that GfK survey got blasted over the Internet so much that I'm sure investors saw it and Japanese articles were made about it.


What do the more technical people think about Nintendo using GDDR5X for system memory? It sits somewhere between GDDR5 and HBM, but since the spec's just been finalized, I guess it's a bit too late?


Any reason to think this'll be any less vague than previous investor's meetings?

It shouldnt be less vague, the past meetings they said wait til 2016, now its 2016 they need to tell the investors something good.

I expect them to announce their announcement date for NX at this meeting

Mr Swine

Any reason for Nintendo not to choose Mediatek as a CPU provider for the NX portable? They would save "a lot" of money instead of investing on a expensive arm CPU.


Any reason for Nintendo not to choose Mediatek as a CPU provider for the NX portable? They would save "a lot" of money instead of investing on a expensive arm CPU.

1) they always worked with ARM
2) ARM CPUs aren't that expensive
3) They can use ARM cores on any new console and form factor (handheld, tablet, home, etc)
4) big.LITTLE
5) Legacy architecture
6) Mediatek uses ARM too


Any reason for Nintendo not to choose Mediatek as a CPU provider for the NX portable? They would save "a lot" of money instead of investing on a expensive arm CPU.

MT employs regular ARM cores(off the shelf). I hope Nintendo takes a page out of Apples book and use some form of custom cores. The A9 chips in the lates iPhones are flying.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Any reason for Nintendo not to choose Mediatek as a CPU provider for the NX portable? They would save "a lot" of money instead of investing on a expensive arm CPU.
1. A SoC provider - that would be what nintendo need for their hh.
2. MediaTek are a major ARM SoC provider. And their ARMv8 SoCs are entirely A53 & A72-based. So nintendo would be investing either in an 'inexpensive' A53, or an 'expensive' A72. Either way, they can get those from a bunch of other vendors. So MediaTek is an option, but there's nothing special about them.

MT employs regular ARM cores(off the shelf). I hope Nintendo takes a page out of Apples book and use some form of custom cores. The A9 chips in the lates iPhones are flying.
Nintendo have a third option - take an off-the-shelf core and significantly improve upon it, AMD A1100-style - 3rd level cache, (LP)DDR4, etc.


Rösti;193355768 said:
It's the first earnings release briefing of 2016, the year Nintendo has multiple times stated they would wait until to start releasing NX information. It also would likely anger certain investors if no details on NX came from this upcoming meeting; at least something about when to expect information on the mysterious system would be appropriate.

Bureaucracy. Still waiting though. I can tell however that my actions lead to something positive.

Isn't it an earnings release for fiscal Q3 not calendar? Because if that's the case, you'll get diddly squat for NX news.


It shouldnt be less vague, the past meetings they said wait til 2016, now its 2016 they need to tell the investors something good.

I expect them to announce their announcement date for NX at this meeting
They never said when in 2016. They could've meant their next fiscal year which starts April 1st. Wouldn't that be a kick to the balls?
Any reason for Nintendo not to choose Mediatek as a CPU provider for the NX portable? They would save "a lot" of money instead of investing on a expensive arm CPU.
I'm very convinced AMD is providing the SoC with their announced "deal to manufacture SoC for unannounced platform". Might be the Puma APU for the console or something custom for the handheld.
When they finally start talking about NX I think GAF is gonna blow up
Yup. Can't wait.

I just noticed that Koei Tecmo Guy, Reggie, and Tanabe have referred to the NX as a console. The Koei Tecmo Guy even said "home console" in response to a question asked about the stagnating home console market in Japan and how he believes the NX can help.

Maybe the console will come first or my theory is the handheld launched in Japan holiday 2016 and the west gets the console. Then we each get the other in spring 2017.


I would argue the software line-up for both systems are already better than last years output, and we are still in the first month of the year! Also, Paper Mario for WiiU was just leaked, plus Pikimin 4 is rumored alongside a Next-Level developed game for WiiU this year. If true, WiiU is getting an uncharacteristic amount of first-party support for a console that is supposedly being replaced this year. Though I agree that both lineups are currently front-loaded, and the 3DS first party support is drying up, so that's something!

As for the profit angle, The projected increase could solely be referring to the new apps, amiibo, software, and television/theme parks/merchandise contracts that nintendo has planned. I personally wouldn't put much stock (no pun intended) in PR investor lingo when it comes to projecting a date for new hardware.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not fully buying a 2016 launch yet. It concerns me that Kimishima has double-downed on us receiving NX information this year in the 2016 plans, instead of just coming outright and saying NX will be revealed and launched this year. And at this point in the WiiU thread, substantial leaks were ramping up with 10 months to go before launch. We have heard zip about the NX in comparison, with rumors that major developers are still waiting for dev kits. But somehow this thing is gonna launch this year? Either Nintendo is somehow grown more daft since the WiiU launch, or we are (sadly) looking a year+ wait.

Apps may generate significant income by the end of the year, but doubtfully anything on the level of new HW. No parks or worldwide TV or films will release this year, except maybe anime in Japan. Amiibos--see apps above. software, kinda the same thing. It needs new HW as a platform. Zelda U will sell meh in JP and probably sub-MK8-ish in the West. I don't think this is mere investor lingo in re: next fiscal year's profits, but something we hopefully can rely on with Wii U and 3DS sales mostly languishing as they have.

Same. And my reason is because we already saw what this two consoles are capable of. They have already great games and we already saw them with it's true potential. There's nothing else left they can do with them so it's time to move on. (Except Zelda U of course. But I still don't believe the game will look as good as what we saw at E3 2014. It'll probably be downgraded loads but doesn't matter. Zelda games are all about gameplay and not graphics.)

I wouldn't expect any significant downgrade with what we've seen so far. Expect 720/30 on Wii U and 900/30 on NX console. What we've seen is remarkable but not impossible for Wii U.


(Ah, double post again--sorry about that! 😅)

Any reason to think this'll be any less vague than previous investor's meetings?

Rösti;193355768 said:
It's the first earnings release briefing of 2016, the year Nintendo has multiple times stated they would wait until to start releasing NX information. It also would likely anger certain investors if no details on NX came from this upcoming meeting; at least something about when to expect information on the mysterious system would be appropriate.

Bureaucracy. Still waiting though. I can tell however that my actions lead to something positive.

Thanks as always for your keen investigative sensibilities and hard work, Rösti! I know a certain yellow Pokémon who would be glad to team up with you and is newly renowned for their detective skills, and it's not Electabuzz!

Announce that it's being bundled with the console version of Miitomo and watch the stock skyrocket!!!

They're keeping apps away from dedicated gaming devices, but that doesn't mean NX won't be bundled with New Metroid Prime X, where you finally get to play as a Metroid. Who can crawl.

I wonder if ninjas read neogaf for identifying possible targets.

Yes, absolutely. Not all of them, but some.

I'll take what I can get in that case. Didn't Nintendo's stocks take another nose dive since the last one? Maybe the investors will show up with flaming pitchforks demanding reciprocity.

They didn't nosedive for long, FWIW. They went down and have gone back up. Anticipation for BX and mobile apps and such is starting to build, hence Serkan "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore" Toto's investor speculative briefing last week. 😂

The "leak" from that GfK survey got blasted over the Internet so much that I'm sure investors saw it and Japanese articles were made about it.

I agree. Unfortunately that kind of FUD as well as Toto's analysis may lead to fake disappointment based on unrealistic expectations. We shall see though. Hopefully Nintendo blows the proverbial lid off (with Cap'n Cuttlefish's help) and everyone will leave the FUD in the past where it belongs.

It shouldnt be less vague, the past meetings they said wait til 2016, now its 2016 they need to tell the investors something good.

I expect them to announce their announcement date for NX at this meeting


Isn't it an earnings release for fiscal Q3 not calendar? Because if that's the case, you'll get diddly squat for NX news.

As mentioned above, Nintendo always speaks to future plans at these briefings.

Ah, man. I want to be a fly(ing Pikmkn) on the wall at that briefing.


Unfortunately they won't survive that way.

It depends on what you mean by survive. If you mean not die, then I think you're wrong. Nintendo can focus themselves like they have when they realised Wii U was a PoS and not selling. They then came back and became profitable but cutting costs, releasing great software and making partnerships with those that made sense (read: Japanese devs).

I can fully see a world where Nintendo makes some cheap console that plays Nintendo games, expands into mobile, pushes Amiibo more, licenses IP out more and then continues to make profits. A lot of us are too myopic and we think that success means third parties and great tech.

Would Nintendo prefer to sell 20 million high end consoles to core gamers or 30,40,70 million cheap consoles to anyone they can? It's rhetorical of course - the more consoles means the more people buying your games = more profits in the long run.


I wonder if people would be ok with NX games at 900p60 if they had a lot more detail than the PS4 versions at 1080p30?

Not because the hardware is weaker than the PS4, but because Nintendo prefers higher framerates and they could push more visual effects on screen like AF, Shadows, textures and AA.


I wonder if people would be ok with NX games at 900p60 if they had a lot more detail than the PS4 versions at 1080p30?

Not because the hardware is weaker than the PS4, but because Nintendo prefers higher framerates and they could push more visual effects on screen like AF, Shadows, textures and AA.

The problem though is that (a) the people who care about this stuff does not comprise most current Nintendo do fans and (b) these kinds of equivocal differences where the numbers sound worse but are equally good in reality is not the kind of thing that will sway PS/X gamers.


I wonder if people would be ok with NX games at 900p60 if they had a lot more detail than the PS4 versions at 1080p30?

Not because the hardware is weaker than the PS4, but because Nintendo prefers higher framerates and they could push more visual effects on screen like AF, Shadows, textures and AA.

Given the same fidelity, 900p/60fps is already more demanding than 1080/30. If games had a lot more detail too, it would mean that the console would be considerably more powerful than the PS4.
I wonder if people would be ok with NX games at 900p60 if they had a lot more detail than the PS4 versions at 1080p30?

Not because the hardware is weaker than the PS4, but because Nintendo prefers higher framerates and they could push more visual effects on screen like AF, Shadows, textures and AA.

I would be, I'm fine with 720p games.

When I put in Smash, it looks great but I don't notice a huge difference.


Kinda maybe NX related (more of a "future Nintendo in general" thing), but, Emily Rogers says Nintendo's old developer relations manager has apparently left the company.

He worked for them since 1991 and was in charge of 3rd party relations for... GameCube, Wii, and Wii U.


So uh, that sounds like it could be a bit of a shakeup.
A true megaton. How he still had a job after the third party debacles of the N64, GameCube, Wii and Wii U is beyond me.
A true megaton. How he still had a job after the third party debacles of the N64, GameCube, Wii and Wii U is beyond me.

Interesting for sure, but we shouldn't make this one person into a scapegoat. There were many (frequently discussed) factors in play when it came to third party support.
Kinda maybe NX related (more of a "future Nintendo in general" thing), but, Emily Rogers says Nintendo's old developer relations manager has apparently left the company.

He worked for them since 1991 and was in charge of 3rd party relations for... GameCube, Wii, and Wii U.


So uh, that sounds like it could be a bit of a shakeup.

He needed to the leave the company because they cut the job completly. Don't need it anyway.


Junior Member
Kinda maybe NX related (more of a "future Nintendo in general" thing), but, Emily Rogers says Nintendo's old developer relations manager has apparently left the company.

He worked for them since 1991 and was in charge of 3rd party relations for... GameCube, Wii, and Wii U.


So uh, that sounds like it could be a bit of a shakeup.

I was wondering about that myself. As Fourth Storm says, it's not as if he's the sole reason Nintendo's third-party situation has been what it was for the past couple decades, but it's still pretty huge and a talking point of its own. Emily even mentions in a couple of tweets that it's big news to anyone who's been following Nintendo closely enough.

I might PM a mod just to be sure.
Kinda maybe NX related (more of a "future Nintendo in general" thing), but, Emily Rogers says Nintendo's old developer relations manager has apparently left the company.

He worked for them since 1991 and was in charge of 3rd party relations for... GameCube, Wii, and Wii U.


So uh, that sounds like it could be a bit of a shakeup.

This is huge.


If he worked for NA, this would mean he worked with the western third parties primarily I would think.

However, I am skeptical that his leaving means much. I doubt decisions about whether to moneyhat or make strong ties with third parties were left up to someone at NOA. Most likely NCL directed the bigger company-effecting decisions and he carried them out. This is just speculation based on what I have read about NCL and NOA, though.


formerly sane
Given the same fidelity, 900p/60fps is already more demanding than 1080/30. If games had a lot more detail too, it would mean that the console would be considerably more powerful than the PS4.

Hadn't thought of it like that. Hopefully it's easy to get that power and use it. Nintendo tends to make better architectures then gimp with the power in them so this is good news.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
I'm kind of worried by the fact that he's leaving WHILE there's a new console on the way...

I think it mostly depends on whether he was liked or not, and whether the new person is liked or not. Also, if this change was known about for a while, it's possible the replacement (especially if it'll be someone getting promoted) was working alongside him ever since it was decided to learn the ropes and establish relationships. If I'm going to be optimistic, there's a chance all NX relations have involved the new person in some way.


I'm kind of worried by the fact that he's leaving WHILE there's a new console on the way...

I wouldn't worry about it. There's a degree of inside Nintendo we're just not privy to, and this is part of it. We have no reason to worry and no reason to not worry, you know? For all we know the most capable person ever is taking over, or perhaps he's not actually leaving but this is part of an elaborate ARG designed to hype NX, or perhaps the new third party relations manager is detective Pikachu, having solved the quantum riddle of how to become real. @_@

We could go down this Nabbit hole all day.

This could end up dooming them.

I spit out granola at this. Just a little. But still.



Membero Americo
I'm just imagining Reggie walking in the EA CEO office and going:

"Huh, we'd like you to support our new syste..."
"Go fuck yourself."


Kinda maybe NX related (more of a "future Nintendo in general" thing), but, Emily Rogers says Nintendo's old developer relations manager has apparently left the company.

He worked for them since 1991 and was in charge of 3rd party relations for... GameCube, Wii, and Wii U.


So uh, that sounds like it could be a bit of a shakeup.

Sounds like good news lol


That guy leaving his position as Nintendo's old developer relations manager doesn't really mean much to me. Nintendo has to build a console that their relations managers could easily promote to 3rd parties, and the wii / wii u were not that. Hopefully the NX is
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