Re: gimmicks in Nintendo games. ElTorro, I understand you disliked the touchscreen and microphone uses in Spirit Tracks and 3DW, but those were super minor utilisations in those games, so I hope you enjoyed the rest of what was on offer.
Re: Star Fox Zero. It looks and has looked like a remake of SF64. Snakeyes, you'll be glad to know the Arwing does transform into a robot. But it doesn't look that exciting. Aostia, I agree with you that I can see the controls being an extra non-inuitive cognitive level formany, myself included, and I suspect even if turning them off is an option the dual screen play is going to surely be the focus of advertising because otherwise it looks like a SF64 HD remake for the most if that's clunky or at the least has a high learning curve as I suspect it will, that's going to be a tough hurdle in selling what was always going to be a niche game to begin with. Alberto, I'm surprised Platinum is only helping with graphics--I thought in interviews it was said they were working on the campaign? Not that I doubt you. Just wondering if their role changed or if the interviews indicating this were had translation issues.