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What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources

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While I definitely wouldn't rule out the possibility of Nintendo using an existing OS as a base, I'm still somewhat leaning towards them going full custom again. I don't really have a concrete justification for that, I just feel like it's a pretty likely outcome.

That said, if they use a base, it's totally going to be BSD.


Man this secretive Nintendo Ninja Disclosure Agreement is both awesome and infuriating.

Can't be long now, they're preparing for launch, so it should be in the coming fiscal year.

For whatever reason this comes up under search but when i view the actual profile this is gone. But before you get too excited...

If it helps that text is still present on the profile (when I click through).

There's also this profile. Note that the game mentioned has yet to be announced yet.



God knows if it's logistically possible for a company such as Nintendo to release both platforms at the same time or on an extremely small window between them (1-3 months apart from each other) and successfully cover the demand if they're a hit.
I doubt it :/ And I think it could lead to confusion too if they launch a handheld NX and stationary NX at the same time, unless they name them completely different with no "NX" similarities and have great and informative ads.


I blame Starbuck.

Original Starbuck or reboot Starbuck?
You could well be right, I hadn't considered Starbuck

Definitely. eMMC in 2016 are not what they were in 2011 - the speeds today are at about 250MB/s for eMMC 5.

Higher than that, actually. The eMMC flash in Apple's latest phones and tablets all exceed 400MB/s in sequential reads. They're not all that far off SATA3 SSDs at this point. Not that I expect Nintendo to push things up that far, but they've got a fair bit of room to improve over what was used in the Wii U (again not even considering UFS or PCIe based solutions).

Probably just codecs. I'm pretty sure Nintendo tends to use non-standard audio/video formats in their games.

Yes, but they're usually developed by NERD in France. It's probably as simple as writing APIs to give third party apps access to hardware h.264/h.265/MP3 decoders.

Rösti;194736296 said:
I was thinking
, but yeah, could be

I think writing in your resume you are working on NX is fine, but mentioning "multimedia drivers" could be risky.

Or they're really trying to emulate
and are building the NX OS on
I don't think there was ever doubt about Nintendo releasing a new system this year (or their next FY for that matter)

Many people want them to replace Wii U asap but it seems like the handheld variant of NX will be the first in line.

God knows if it's logistically possible for a company such as Nintendo to release both platforms at the same time or on an extremely small window between them (1-3 months apart from each other) and successfully cover the demand if they're a hit.

They managed a 6 month gap with Game Boy Advance and Gamecube both in the same year, and back then they were doing crazy shit like launching two Metroid games on the same day. Could do Sept & March unless they prefer to cover launch acoss two FYs.
No problem! I enjoy trying to imagine what they may do with their new handheld!

I didn't think about it before, but I think another consideration (based on the sources and their prior practice) is that they keep talking about platforms. They say they are limited to two now, but they don't want to be limited anymore to just two if they don't want to. (They'll let the market dictate that.) There's all sorts of directions you can go with that, but I think when you think about how they differentiate products, they make their consoles about "community" experience (making the living room a game room) and their handhelds more personal/private. I think that the handheld and console will interact somehow (hopefully in some neat way...likely AR-related), but the handhelds kind of have a "gimmick" to themselves that is neat on a personal level. Two screens is better in private than huddled together, for instance. I've been trying to think of what sort of private, handheld gimmick they could do with the handheld. The freeform display could definitely be cool to look at, but I haven't figured what sort of personal incentive they can tie to the new handheld that isn't two screens or 3D. (It could be either/both again, who knows.) I'm curious if they'll try something new or if they'll stick with the old tried and true.

I think if they try something new, that it'd be related to primarily the interaction the person has with their games (not HOW they play them necessarily, as in control) or in how the game is actually viewed/perceived. I actually think the handheld and console will have some sort of control parity, with possibly some "neat" little functionality using one form of control or the other, but I think they will be essentially near identical. (I actually think the console controller will have more buttons though, the handheld using touch more.) As far as the interaction, this could be lifestyle-ish, trying to "gamify life" to make it more fun. You'd still have ordinary games, but the handheld would track and quantify out a bunch of different measures that could then earn you in-game items, those Nintendo Account coins, etc. Basically, tons of lifestyle things that make you want to keep it on you in this age where people are always carrying a cellphone. As far as how games are viewed/perceived, this is trickier, and I am clueless about any novelty in this area. I've thought about if they could have two "screens" in the same display area; the first would be more like a HUD (like Google Glass), the second behind it a traditional screen. This way you could provide more depth, creating a pseudo-3D that everyone could see properly. (This would never work I'm sure.) Maybe you could slide the HUD part over the traditional game screen to enable extra effects instead, sort of like those phones that can flip and rotate 360?
I was actually thinking myself much of the same regarding other potential devices within the NX platform. The Outward Facing Linear Image Sensor Patent features what appears to be a square shaped tablet device. A square shape is also mentioned in the Free Form patent we have been discussing. Likewise, playing on a handheld with an elliptical screen would be quite different than playing on a rectangular television. I think we may be getting too wrapped up in the "unified platform" idea. It's possible that Nintendo makes only some core tenants for the entire NX ecosystem regarding controls while giving each device its own unique features. Many assume a standard control scheme across devices, but Nintendo offered a variety of different controllers for Wii and to great success. I do think the initial handheld and home console will have similar input methods, but they needn't be exactly the same.

I agree with yourself, blu, and the recent analyst who say that AR will be thrust into the limelight on NX. This is going to be the year of virtual reality for many people, so NX needs to have some type of answer to that. The Free Form Display may be one part of that. I was rereading parts of the patent last night and I found this section quite interesting.
For example, the elliptical form or approximately elliptical form of the display panel 14 is the same or approximately the same as a form that visual filed ranges of both eyes are composed with each other. Therefore, in a case where the player holds the information processing apparatus 10 with a predetermined distance (30 cm, for example) from the own eye, for example, the effective visual field including a discriminable visual filed agrees or approximately agrees with a center portion of the game screen 100, and a stable field of fixation covers an entire range of the game screen 100(whole of the display area of the display panel 14).

In addition, the discriminable visual filed means a high-density information processing range (less than about 5 degrees in the center) that is excellent in visual performance such as eyesight. Furthermore, the effective visual field means a range that an eye-gaze can be moved in an instant and information acceptance is possible in high efficiency (level: ±15 degrees, upper: 8 degrees, lower: 12 degrees). Then, the stable field of fixation means a range that information acceptance is possible by movement of an eyeball and a head reasonably (level: ±30 degrees-45 degrees, upper: 20 degrees-30 degrees, lower: 25 degrees-30 degrees).

Since the game screen 100 is displayed within a range that is thus covered by not only the effective visual field but the stable field of fixation, it is possible to display an image such as the player character 102 to be noted within the effective visual field, and an image around the image to be noted outside the effective visual field. Therefore, it is possible to enhance a feeling of immersion into the virtual space (game).

One wonders how the folks over at Nintendo can be concerned with such information regarding the human visual field and how fast one can glance in so many degrees while also releasing Star Fox this year.

As for what other features they might include: we've been getting some clues, but when it come down to it, Nintendo are simply unpredictable. I racked my brain trying to guess the QoL "non-wearable" gimmick and the closest I got was an alarm clock. I never would have thought of a sleep sensor. Likewise with Wii U, even after hearing about the controller screen, I tried to imagine it attached to a Wii Remote of sorts. Discarding such an iconic design seemed positively absurd, but they did it.

That being said, I see alot of potential in the linear image sensor patent which I linked to. It combines functions of the shoulder scroll wheel, the vitality sensor, and the pointer function of the Wii Remote (within a defined field). If they can get it to work reliably, it could be a great inclusion. And the patent mentions that the sensors could be composed a multiple optical sensors, which we know PixArt are in the business of making. Of course, mouse scroll wheels can also use optical sensors, so it's really a toss up. If it's an elliptical-shaped controller, I would really like an IR array along the entire perimeter in order to provide a VR control experience similar to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, both of which use such a setup (really a reverse Wii setup, where the camera is in front of the tv rather than on the controller, which Nintendo already expressed interest in a while back. Wii U's solution works well, but I feel it really misses that absolute position detection which IR brings to the table.

Those are really good points about the scroll wheel in a handheld. I've tried to toy around with putting the wheel recessed into the trigger (so you actually have to press the trigger to then use the wheel, kind of like holding the Z button to then do another action). Another idea was that it's not really a "wheel," but the triggers have movement horizontally (with grips on top) so that you can either depress them in like normal or tug/push them (to scroll left/right) and they will then "virtually" scroll through whatever is in game.
Right, the patent talks about the scroll wheels perhaps having some limit in either direction, so they could do more of a "wheel nub" that scrolls without actually spinning a wheel 360 degrees. Personally, I think a capacitive or optical touch solution would be more in line with current trends. They could also mount some low profile buttons/triggers on the rear of the device. Even something like the back paddles of the Steam Controller. Just no ridiculous Gamepad "shelf" for crying out loud! How hideous it is! :p

Great points regarding the slider! I've always been Team Slider, but if we're talking about hiding inputs, it does reveal everything.

How about this...It's clamshell like the DS. However, it is fully hinged. The top portion has a touch area (not a screen), but it also has some extra input features. When playing a game, you flip it all around so the top portion is now facing down. You'll view your game screen (the entire bottom portion covered by screen, the Circle Pad, and two buttons, A and B), but now you have access to two "Z" triggers underneath it for two more buttons, and a bottom touch area to interact with the game using touch on the front AND back. You're now able to do pinch, rub, and move while tapping motions that you're not able to do on just one touch screen. The clamshell design will also protect wheels and allow the protrusions needed for the two Z triggers to work right, since they'll be underneath where your middle fingers are and allow you to also grip the system better. I also don't think this design necessarily needs to be rectangular either. It could be oval, and now that you have the grips/triggers/something to hold onto, they could actually face inwards towards each other for better grip on an oval shape.

I definitely think they'll want you to be able to customize it! I also fully agree about the number of inputs they actually need. Especially having a touch screen and all, they just need good ol' A and B. I also don't really think they need a Start and Select button, as far as other things they can eliminate.

That would be a novel approach, but I do seem them moving away from the clamshell design. We have cases for protection now and I'm firmly of the belief that Nintendo want NX to look like the modern devices kids and adults enjoy today.

One thing I have been considering more over the last day or so is a return to the symmetry of the DS. The DS line and Wii were friendly towards left-handed players. That consideration seems not to have been so much a focus in their successors, but perhaps, in order to expand the base, we will see a return. In the Free Form patent:
In addition, a position that displays the button image 110 may be set arbitrarily by the player. For example, if the button image 110 is displayed in a range near the first operation stick 18a and the left thumb reaches, it is also possible to make it button arrangement that is easy to operate for the player of a left-handed player who operates a push button with the left thumb.
So maybe 4 face buttons? Two on each side beneath the sticks? Again, Oculus seems to be on to something.
But don't forget that Sonic Racing Transformed sold best on Wii U (I think...; it at least sold well). I think Sega knows there's potential on Nintendo systems for Sonic games with proper timing and critical reception. I'm pretty sure Lost World hasn't done very well on Steam either (another "I think..."), so I don't think Sega would only blame Nintendo for that game's limited success.

Try under 30k on Steam worldwide.


Complete wasted effort. I think Lost World did 700k on both Wii U and 3DS in a few months and Boom did 600k on both in the same period, and Rise of Lyric is one of, if not THE worst Sonic game of all time.

Not a chance in a million years would it have done anywhere near that on PS4, XBO, Vita, etc.

I'm still in the mindset the IP should just be Nintendo-exclusive forever. Why drag this any longer honestly?

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
Try under 30k on Steam worldwide.


Complete wasted effort. I think Lost World did 700k on both Wii U and 3DS in a few months and Boom did 600k on both in the same period, and Rise of Lyric is one of, if not THE worst Sonic game of all time.

Not a chance in a million years would it have done anywhere near that on PS4, XBO, Vita, etc.

I'm still in the mindset the IP should just be Nintendo-exclusive forever. Why drag this any longer honestly?

Thanks for the numbers. I'm still kind of sad that the Sonic exclusivity deal resulted in what it did. Whatever is up next for Sonic, I sure hope that he ends up on NX.

Since it seems like the next Sonic game will be unveiled in March, I wonder if they would make mention of a Nintendo system, say "other platforms," or if it would be silence and waiting until Nintendo talks about their next system if it is indeed coming to NX.
Good point that linear sensors could be an alternative to capacitivity on a button, hadn't thought of it like that. perhaps easier to place over curved button too, but I wouldn't know.
I've been thinking more about the elliptical screen and I dunno, it seems a bit too weird, I think a rounded rectangle would be more suitable, something like the 2ds form but stretched to 16:9 size, all screen apart from a 1/2 inch strip along the bottom, and whatever frame it needs to be durable.
A 7 inch screen with pokey sticks is doable in a smaller unit than the Vita especially if a bit wider than 16:9. 1024x480 wouldn't surprise me.
Thanks for the numbers. I'm still kind of sad that the Sonic exclusivity deal resulted in what it did. Whatever is up next for Sonic, I sure hope that he ends up on NX.

Since it seems like the next Sonic game will be unveiled in March, I wonder if they would make mention of a Nintendo system, say "other platforms," or if it would be silence and waiting until Nintendo talks about their next system if it is indeed coming to NX.

ASRT was unveiled initially only on PS360 with no "other platforms" mention IIRC and Wii U was known at the time. It only got fully confirmed at E3 2012.

And I HIGHLY second the sadness about the result of the deal. :'( That's what happens when Sega are left to themselves and without Nintendo's CLOSE supervision and co-operation. Basically Nintendo needed to do what they did with Bayonetta 2 with all games (well they likely did with Sochi but still),


Try under 30k on Steam worldwide.


Complete wasted effort. I think Lost World did 700k on both Wii U and 3DS in a few months and Boom did 600k on both in the same period, and Rise of Lyric is one of, if not THE worst Sonic game of all time.

Not a chance in a million years would it have done anywhere near that on PS4, XBO, Vita, etc.

I'm still in the mindset the IP should just be Nintendo-exclusive forever. Why drag this any longer honestly?
At some point, Sega is going to look at the opportunity cost of developing Sonic games for the Xbox and PlayStation platforms and realize the cost of porting it and the money they make from it just isn't worth it. Every Sonic not on Nintendo has bombed with the exception of Generations, which still only did about 1.85M before the steam port, and that includes the 3DS.

They'll probably stick to Nintendo systems and delayed PC ports.



Yeah, the PS4 completely crashed out of the gate with no backwards compatibility whatsoever, didn't it?

Oh, wait.

You realize how disingenuous it is to compare no backwards compatibility to offering it on a "unified" platform and then breaking up a part of that platform into hardware-specific pieces, right?

I mean, especially considering everyone's favourite talking points about the Wii U and 3DS failures were how unclear their marketing message was to the reality of the product, right?

I just want to be sure you're aware that you've compared apples to a slice of moldy bread.

I haven't ever come across any evidence whatsoever that backwards compatibility sells consoles. Even if backwards compatibility did sell consoles, it could only do so in proportion to the sales of the preceding console, which in the case of the Wii U is an incredibly low base. As Sony learnt after launching the PS3 and applied to the PS4, it's not something to throw money after, and in the case of a touchscreen in the controller (no matter how small the screen), it's a nontrivial expense, which could go to either improving performance or reducing the price (two things which do sell consoles).

I think you need a refresher on just how much money Virtual Console has made Nintendo with its first-party titles alone. Sony might not want to throw money after it, but Nintendo sure as hell would, because they've made more money out of it than Sony could hope to achieve, they know the value of it, so long as it's done right.

And this is without discussing the negative aspects of their likely-intended marketing message, something Nintendo seriously can't afford to screw up again, or at least not as blatantly or intentionally as what you're proposing would.

Besides, Nintendo has attempted and failed to sell people on the idea of a controller with a screen in it.

No, they attempted and failed to sell people on a controller with a screen in it being a marquee feature of a console with last-gen graphics for $350. There's a bit of a difference, that burden doesn't fall to the Gamepad alone.

They even largely abandoned heavy use of it in their own games after about a year on the market.

They don't use it for all that much more on the DS and 3DS either, but that didn't stop them. So.............

If you're starting a video game platform from scratch (which it seems they're doing with the NX), then it doesn't make any sense to permanently lumber it with an input technique which has proven commercially successful and largely ignored even by their own internal studios.

See the above example.

Even the one function of it which has had by far the most use in games (off-screen play) is entirely negated by releasing a handheld that plays exactly the same library.

Except, y'know, I don't want to ALWAYS play on a screen that isn't my TV. Nor do I wish to buy a $200+ device just for that function alone. And neither will anyone else.

So yes, I think it's safe enough just giving the small subset of owners who want to play Wii U games (who, incidentally, would likely heavily overlap with owners who also own the handheld anyway) the option to play Wii U games through the handheld.

Actually, that overlap is minimal to non-existent. GAF is not an indicator of the larger market. Most 3DS owners don't own a home Nintendo console. Just need that clarified.

Furthermore, I don't think the handheld should stick with dual-screens either. Again, for the sake of starting the NX off on the blankest slate possible, I think the most straightforward approach of a single screen is the way to go. It gives them by far the broadest variety of options in terms of form-factors down the line, and as you say it simplifies cross-development if both pieces of hardware have the same number of screens ;) Besides, as I pointed out in my earlier post, Nintendo have shown that they're more than capable of making dual-screen games playable on a single screen.

Where's the touch screen you'd need to play those DS games if both screens are on the TV? So now you're going to have them say "yes, we have backwards compatibility for our most successful game hardware ever!.... except you can't play on your home console, and I hope you like to squint on your handheld!"

Yeah, sorry, I've seen people advocate this before, but I think it's a steaming load and adds more limitations than it solves.

And on a last point, I'm far from a gamepad hater. I think Nintendoland is genuinely one of the best multiplayer games I've ever played, and I think it's a shame that the potential of the controller hasn't been more thoroughly explored. But whether I like the gamepad or not has no bearing on the commercial viability of Nintendo continuing with controller screens with the NX.

Whether or not something is commercially viable depends greatly on its messaging, which is completely thrown into jeopardy by your proposal advocating against it.

Not true. Iwata confirmed they were still manufacturing new units in May of 2014. https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/140508qa/index.html

At some point, I clearly remember that they stopped, not too far outside of its first year, because they had a surplus of inventory that wasn't moving fast enough. And those units being made in May of 2014 were likely still part of their initial production planning, seeing as how that was a year and some change from the original launch date.

But the primary point I was trying to make was that they haven't continued making new units into 2016 in the volume they'd need to get price breaks on the hardware components, since depreciation of value only makes up a portion of component cost reductions, except in the case of the GameCube, because WOW, component costs on that sank like a stone somehow.


Membero Americo
It doesn't really tell us anything anyway.

They could just be hoping to bring it to NX ASSUMING it can run it.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't really tell us anything anyway.

They could just be hoping to bring it to NX ASSUMING it can run it.

That's what I think. I'll feel much better about these reports that various indies are planning to release their games on NX once we have actual confirmation that indie developers have dev kits and know the specs.


Junior Member
I noticed something about the wording in the recent report on Nintendo moving more towards fresh blood in their software division. They mention NX & Mobile in the place of the Wii U & the 3DS. Granted, this could mean that the NX Platform (as speculated) will offer devices that succeed both the Wii U & the 3DS. But what if Mobile is actually Nintendo using it to fill their handheld void? Granted, I'm more of the belief of the former being the likely scenario, but it's just a thought that came to mind.


I noticed something about the wording in the recent report on Nintendo moving more towards fresh blood in their software division. They mention NX & Mobile in the place of the Wii U & the 3DS. Granted, this could mean that the NX Platform (as speculated) will offer devices that succeed both the Wii U & the 3DS. But what if Mobile is actually Nintendo using it to fill their handheld void? Granted, I'm more of the belief of the former being the likely scenario, but it's just a thought that came to mind.
Well I could entertain that idea. This is me really reaching:

Mobile will be their handheld replacement. They might sell some wireless Bluetooth controller to connect to smartphones for more complex mobile games.

NX is really just a home console with a higher fidelity and build quality gamepad that also plays those mobile games and carries saves over (hence Nintendo's strategy to use mobile as a means to tease their games and get people to try the full experience on NX.

Maybe the gamepad has extended range and if it's hooked up to wifi anywhere in the world and your NX is on standby mode you can stream your games to it.

After all, Matt said the screen was 540p but he didn't specify if he was talking about a handheld screen or controller screen :p

NX is getting a handheld for sure


Matt said it was 540p or said it was bigger/smaller than what people expected/hoped? I don't know if there was an update or not.
I mean it's the only 16:9 resolution between 480p and 720p that people were talking about. Knowing Nintendo it'll be some dumb 648p monster lol.
Well I was always half expecting something unconventional and that patent design surpassed my expectations. If matt has good info this must have been locked down a long time ago, when did he first say that?
edit: found the quote, it has just celebrated its first birthday :3


Well I could entertain that idea. This is me really reaching:

Mobile will be their handheld replacement. They might sell some wireless Bluetooth controller to connect to smartphones for more complex mobile games.

NX is really just a home console with a higher fidelity and build quality gamepad that also plays those mobile games and carries saves over (hence Nintendo's strategy to use mobile as a means to tease their games and get people to try the full experience on NX.

Maybe the gamepad has extended range and if it's hooked up to wifi anywhere in the world and your NX is on standby mode you can stream your games to it.

After all, Matt said the screen was 540p but he didn't specify if he was talking about a handheld screen or controller screen :p

NX is getting a handheld for sure

Nintendo would no way throw their handheld away and replace it with mobile, maybe their own mobile, yes. Their handhelds have been their best selling hardware since the game and watch.


Junior Member
Nintendo would no way throw their handheld away and replace it with mobile, maybe their own mobile, yes. Their handhelds have been their best selling hardware since the game and watch.
Which is why I'm of the shared platform belief. It's just an interpretation that I thought some could go with.


A 720p handheld sounds quite un-Nintendo to me. Just don't see that as a likely thing they'd go with (or even need to).


Remember, Matt said "higher than you'd expect, lower than you'd hope" when we were talking about 480p & 720p.
We were talking about 480p and 720p mostly, but many people wanted 1080p because reasons, so who knows. 540p still makes more sense, especially if they want Wii U-like graphics for the portable (720p Wii U-like graphics would require a lot more power, which generates more heat and needs a bigger battery, etc).

Wasn't the general consensus 540p, also because of this resolution being the exact half of 1080?
It's 1/4, but yes, the general consensus is 540p for that reason and because it falls in line with Matt's post. Although if they went with a free form display they could be using some weird resolution we didn't consider for obvious reasons.

A 720p handheld sounds quite un-Nintendo to me. Just don't see that as a likely thing they'd go with (or even need to).
Nintendo games on "retina" (and possibly AMOLED) display would look glorious, but i don't know if it's worth the trade off.
It's 1/4, but yes, the general consensus is 540p for that reason and because it falls in line with Matt's post. Although if they went with a free form display they could be using some weird resolution we didn't consider for obvious reasons.
I see, thanks for clarification ... that resolution stuff isn't for me, and it's better that way. ^^
Remember, Matt said "higher than you'd expect, lower than you'd hope" when we were talking about 480p & 720p.

People were talking about everything between 480p and 1080p, one joker even expected 360p.

I think it will be closer to 540p than 720p too, but people mentioned like every resolution in that thread.


Unconfirmed Member
Update/Disclaimer: This report is with great certainty nothing of interest.

This is from a report, published Feb. 09, by TechNavio on the Global Connected Devices Market for 2016-2020. It concerns IoT devices and Nintendo is mentioned in the report. I first thought of amiibo but I don't know if they through NFC would qualify as IoT devices. Or this is related to QOL (the sleep monitor). Anyway, here's the overview (from Business Wire):

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/g89mkm/global_connected) has announced the addition of the "Global Connected Devices Market 2016-2020" report to their offering.

The global connected devices market to grow at a CAGR of 5.34% during the period 2016-2020.

The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global connected devices market for 2016-2020. The report also presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the top vendors operating in the market, as well as a segmentation of the market based on geography. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.

Embedded processing is at the heart of the IoT. Local processing capability is provided by microcontroller units (MCUs), hybrid microcontrollers/microprocessors (MCUs/MPUs) or integrated MCU devices, which can provide the real-time embedded processing required for most IoT applications. In the future, many IoT devices will be equipped with powerful embedded processors for advanced computing processes. These connected devices will be able to handle processing equivalent to today's laptops and smartphones.

According to the report, organizations, industries, and technologists are adopting the IoT concept due to its vast possibilities and numerous advantages. These advantages are also prompting consumers to buy more devices that can connect to each other in a network and share information.

Further, the report states that security is a prime concern of consumers when considering buying connected devices.

Key vendors


Other prominent vendors

Recon Instruments
Nest Labs
Schneider Electric
For more information visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/g89mkm/global_connected

These vendors produce many different products of varying kinds, so there's no easy way to know exactly what is referred to here in terms of Nintendo, without buying the report (it's €2290).

I thought of the Supplemental Computing Devices (the patent for that is potentially facing rejection by the way, as I have reported on earlier (reply from Nintendo should hopefully come in early March)). An SCD may include a microprocessor/microcontroller, it can communicate with other SCDs (and a game console), it fits with the description in the report:

These devices can communicate with one another and with the external environment when required, using the Internet as a medium.

Also, if we look at the table of contents, we can see that both "gaming consoles" and "computing devices" are mentioned but no category QOL would qualify under. I believe that would be "medical devices"; though I guess technically it could be under "computing devices" as well, but to me QOL doesn't seem like such in the traditional sense.

PART 14: Summary of key vendors
- Computing devices
- Smart STBs
- Smart TVs
- Gaming consoles
- Wireless printers
- Smart meters
- Smartwatches
- Smart bands
- Smart glasses
- Smart clothing
- Smart cameras
- Smart appliances
- Smart locks
- Connected bulbs
- Smart thermostats
Again, I don't have the report in full so I can only speculate on its contents. It may be nothing in terms of NX.
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