James Scott
Yeah. And it's not worth much if the games need or he designed around the limitations of 3DEh, if the extra power is mostly used by games to handle processing the 3D then it's not really that much of an advantage tbh.
Yeah. And it's not worth much if the games need or he designed around the limitations of 3DEh, if the extra power is mostly used by games to handle processing the 3D then it's not really that much of an advantage tbh.
However, I don't expect the NX home console to play 3DS games for the same reason I don't expect it to play Wii U games; I don't believe it's going to have a screen in the controller. If Nintendo is truly trying to set up NX as a long-term hardware-independent ecosystem, then putting a screen in the controller means every future home NX has to have a screen in the controller, which is something they may end up regretting in the future.
Besides, if they want to offer dual-screen gameplay on the home NX, they can just use the handheld for that purpose. As they're both being designed by the same team, they can use the same low-latency point-to-point streaming technology they designed for the Wii U gamepad and leave it there as an option for games to use without pushing up the home console price or forcing every future Nintendo console to have a screen in the controller.
So, 3 pieces of their hardware have 2 screens in them now, one of them being a home console. I think it's safe to assume that they are making this a standard part of their design philosophy.
And your solution is to segment Virtual Console offerings for those 3 pieces of hardware to being handheld only, because reasons? Yes, let's put an arbitrary $200+ on the VC library, that will go over SO WELL. /s
Assuming, of course, that you think they'll not abandon the 2nd screen on the handheld side of things, as well, which really kills basically ANY VC options for those 3 devices.
I mean, they already have that hiccup to deal with thanks to a good chunk of the Wii library, so what's a few more logs on that fire, amirite? /s
I'm sorry, but they're already taking a lot of heat for segmenting the Virtual Console library as it is, why would they want to make that worse and limit their options for how to utilize their back catalog even MORE?
Never mind that this basically destroys the purpose of united architecture right from the outset, which is to standardize the development environment across multiple SKUs. Differing input methods don't really facilitate that.
So sorry, Gamepad haters. A screen in the controller is here to stay.
"BubububububuBUT EXPENSIVE" as an argument against it doesn't fly anymore. Wii U was released prior to point-to-point 802.11 streaming really being a thing that existed in the consumer market. Miracast wasn't even a thing yet when Wii U was released. Now it's everywhere. And with proliferation comes a decrease in cost for the parts to facilitate it. We didn't see that with Wii U because they're only just now getting through their initial production stock, so no kidding the costs didn't fall.
And there's nothing that says that the screen in a controller has to be the massive thing that Wii U had. Use the same 2nd screen as what would be in the handheld, and you've cut a significant cost right from the outset by unifying a component across both hardware SKUs.
The NX home console is fully expected to use an ARM CPU anyway, as there aren't really any suitable Power ISA cores anymore, and modern ARM cores (i.e. A72) are very competitively in performance with the likes of the Jaguar cores used in PS4/XBO. In addition, it would simplify cross-platform development, which is something Nintendo have talked about.
However, I don't expect the NX home console to play 3DS games for the same reason I don't expect it to play Wii U games; I don't believe it's going to have a screen in the controller. If Nintendo is truly trying to set up NX as a long-term hardware-independent ecosystem, then putting a screen in the controller means every future home NX has to have a screen in the controller, which is something they may end up regretting in the future.
Besides, if they want to offer dual-screen gameplay on the home NX, they can just use the handheld for that purpose. As they're both being designed by the same team, they can use the same low-latency point-to-point streaming technology they designed for the Wii U gamepad and leave it there as an option for games to use without pushing up the home console price or forcing every future Nintendo console to have a screen in the controller.
Q: With regards to the financial performance, I believe you said that the fiscal year ending in March 2016 has been about balancing revenue and expenses, while the next fiscal year (ending in March 2017) will be a step towards aiming for Nintendo-like profits. Have these priorities changed at all? It seems like a lot of new endeavors, such as smart device business and amiibo sales, will need to go smoothly in order to realize Nintendo-like profits. If you had to provide one example of an area where you can be sure to achieve Nintendo-like profits, what would that be?
A: The previous and current fiscal years have been a period of preparation to launch a number of new endeavors, such as NX development, development for smart devices and business using our character IP, in addition to driving our Wii U and Nintendo 3DS businesses. At the same time, it has been our priority to take a close look at areas of our existing business where the revenue and expenses had become unbalanced, and to make sure that we corrected this balance. As I have said before, we will be launching many of our new business activities as we move from this fiscal year into the next.
When you start any new business, it is important to make the public aware of what you will be doing. In the next fiscal year, we will have to make preparations and investments to achieve these goals, and that comes with certain costs.
The question was to pick one area with which we will be able to achieve Nintendo-like profits, but I would like to suggest two areas. One area is our NX business, and another is our business for smart devices. I believe that keeping these two endeavors on track will be key to achieving Nintendo-like profits. I don't have any further details to share about the next fiscal year at this time, but we will explain about our plan and when we will aim to achieve Nintendo-like profits at a future date.
Q: In the next fiscal year, I understand that some up-front costs will be incurred, particularly in the first half of the fiscal year, as you will invest in new businesses before their actual execution. Could we estimate that the new businesses will contribute to the overall profits for the full fiscal year? If that is the case, should we expect that new businesses will drive results in the next fiscal year? On the other hand, I believe that you will have results from the holiday season and you are able to see the pipeline for the next fiscal year. Do you expect that the existing Nintendo 3DS and Wii U businesses will continue to contribute to profits, for example through sales of current titles? Please share whatever you can about where you expect to see profits over the next fiscal year.
A: First, I'll address Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. As I described in the presentation today, Nintendo 3DS has sold over 20 million hardware units in Japan and over 54 million units globally. This presents an excellent chance to increase revenue through software sales in the Nintendo 3DS business. We presented a number of titles today that show what kind of software can drive our business. We have not yet announced all of the Nintendo 3DS software for the next fiscal year, but we are proceeding with development, including major titles. The Nintendo 3DS will continue to be a major pillar of our business in the coming fiscal year.
As for the Wii U, we have just passed 10 million units worldwide, so it is not quite on the level of the Nintendo 3DS. However, we have received a great response for titles such as Splatoon and Super Mario Maker, and we would like to continue to release titles we expect to be received positively in the next fiscal year.
As for new businesses, we will present further information when we go into details about our forecasts for the next fiscal year. We do not plan to speak about NX today. We continue development and planning efforts for NX in preparation for launch, so it will require additional investment.
Our expansion into smart device applications will depend on what kind of response we get from consumers.
We will also be licensing our IP to partners for other business opportunities. We believe these endeavors are important to spreading awareness of our IP among consumers, but we do not expect that they will drive a major share of our business immediately.
That's all I can share about the next fiscal year at this time.
Kimishima said:The previous and current fiscal years have been a period of preparation to launch a number of new endeavors, such as NX development
As I have said before, we will be launching many of our new business activities as we move from this fiscal year into the next.
The question was to pick one area with which we will be able to achieve Nintendo-like profits, but I would like to suggest two areas. One area is our NX business
So, we can infer this is basically a confirmation NX will be launched before march 2017, right?
I don't think there was ever doubt about Nintendo releasing a new system this year (or their next FY for that matter)https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/160203qa/index.html
So, we can infer this is basically a confirmation NX will be launched before march 2017, right?
"BubububububuBUT EXPENSIVE" as an argument against it doesn't fly anymore. Wii U was released prior to point-to-point 802.11 streaming really being a thing that existed in the consumer market. Miracast wasn't even a thing yet when Wii U was released. Now it's everywhere. And with proliferation comes a decrease in cost for the parts to facilitate it. We didn't see that with Wii U because they're only just now getting through their initial production stock, so no kidding the costs didn't fall.
https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/140508qa/index.htmlIwata said:With respect to the impact of Wii U hardware sales on profit and loss, in order to sell 3.60 million units, we have to produce some more hardware units on top of our current hardware inventory. However, since the loss arising due to the hardware production costs being higher than our trade price was taken into account in the previous fiscal year, you could assume that there will be almost no loss this fiscal year for the sales of the 3.60 million hardware units.
I'm starting to think that Nintendo won't provide any information about NX until they are 100% sure it will be possible to launch it this year.
Considering the issues they had with Wii U, with so many games badly ported, or first-party games delayed, shamefully slow operative system running in ultra-fast SSD, and so on, better not to take any risks. Some rumours even say Starfox will be delayed again.
Better not to announce anything for holiday, and then get another problematic console again. I'm thirsty of the NX announcement, but also scared of things getting horribly bad again for Nintendo, developers, and costumers.
Yeah, you can only launch 1 time so better it be a smooth launch in March than a poor one in November.I'm starting to think that Nintendo won't provide any information about NX until they are 100% sure it will be possible to launch it this year.
Considering the issues they had with Wii U, with so many games badly ported, or first-party games delayed, shamefully slow operative system running in ultra-fast SSD, and so on, better not to take any risks. Some rumours even say Starfox will be delayed again.
Better not to announce anything for holiday, and then get another problematic console again. I'm thirsty of the NX announcement, but also scared of things getting horribly bad again for Nintendo, developers, and costumers.
For whatever reason this comes up under search but when i view the actual profile this is gone. But before you get too excited...
Funny thing is it started life as a 60MB/s read / 20MB/s write part, but its specs were later downgraded to 44MB/s read / 14MB/s write (on an 8bit bus). I wonder if nintendo knew that when they were picking the part.Wii U's internal memory is actually a fairly slow eMMC afaik.
I can see the profile full and clear, and that part is still in.![]()
For whatever reason this comes up under search but when i view the actual profile this is gone. But before you get too excited...
Hence why a bunch of us speculated that holiday 2016 was a lock. They don't really have a choice since they promised Nintendo like profits for April 2017 and Wii U and 3DS 2016 support is missing mainline first party titles with the developers of those games going silent.Thinking about it, maybe it's a confirmation it's actually coming in 2016 (civil year).
I mean, if Nintendo expect the NX business to significantly increase their profits, surely they would be better exploiting Holiday sales, especially in the West...
Funny thing is it started life as a 60MB/s read / 20MB/s write part, but its specs were later downgraded to 44MB/s read / 14MB/s write (on an 8bit bus). I wonder if nintendo knew that when they were picking the part.
Yep, now at least on paper the only thing that remains to be seen is what kind of strategy they have planned regarding home and handheld launch timing... assuming, as I do, that they still want to keep both to more effectively target the japanese and the western markets.Hence why a bunch of us speculated that holiday 2016 was a lock.
If twenty million units are supposed to be manufactured between October 2015-October 2016 according to that Foxconn rumor it's most likely both SKU's that are going to be priced competitively with a compelling gimmick. Or at least Nintendo is banking on it being compelling.Yep, now at least on paper the only thing that remains to be seen is what kind of strategy they have planned regarding home and handheld launch timing... assuming, as I do, that they still want to keep both to more effectively target the japanese and the western markets.
If twenty million units are supposed to be manufactured between October 2015-October 2016 according to that Foxconn rumor it's most likely both SKU's that are going to be priced competitively with a compelling gimmick. Or at least Nintendo is banking on it being compelling.
I know he hasn't been popular around here for awhile, but Sonic's anniversary is coming up and well, I'm not sure if Nintendo will get a port of the game.
SEGA seemingly blamed Wii u for the poor sales of Boom and Lost World despite their reception being mixed at best. 3DS has Sonic Boom 2, maybe as SEGA's attempt to appease the fanbase on Nintendo consoles.
So do you guys think any Nintendo platform will get a port?
With Wii U, the system missed the anniversary year and SEGA didn't want to port it late and speculation keeps pointing at the console NX not coming out this year. Maybe, in the mean time, SEGA could make a unique version like they did with Sonic Unleashed which is basically the same game but downported to Wii and PS2.
So Sonic Adventure 3 (?) for PS4/X1/PC and the Nintendo version for NX portable/Wii U?
I remember Iwata mentioning that NX will absorb Wii U's architecture, in a sense, so maybe bringing over the Wii U version would be doable.
SEGA did make a Sonic Generations for 3DS as well and I'd imagine they would like to be there at launch.
Of course, this is assuming the NX console doesn't come out this year and if SEGA would really decide against making a Wii U version.
You'd think that, but it wouldn't be the first time.Sonic will be there on Nintendo platforms. He always sells there best. Didn't Colors on Wii sell close to Generations on 360/PS3 combined? I know Unleashed sold best on Wii.
Yeah, pretty sure Colors sold even more than Generations PS3/360 combined. I don't think they'll skip Nintendo platforms, even if they have to do some work to port it. There's going to be a pick push behind the anniversary game.Sonic will be there on Nintendo platforms. He always sells there best. Didn't Colors on Wii sell close to Generations on 360/PS3 combined? I know Unleashed sold best on Wii.
I know he hasn't been popular around here for awhile, but Sonic's anniversary is coming up and well, I'm not sure if Nintendo will get a port of the game.
SEGA seemingly blamed Wii u for the poor sales of Boom and Lost World despite their reception being mixed at best. 3DS has Sonic Boom 2, maybe as SEGA's attempt to appease the fanbase on Nintendo consoles.
So do you guys think any Nintendo platform will get a port?
With Wii U, the system missed the anniversary year and SEGA didn't want to port it late and speculation keeps pointing at the console NX not coming out this year. Maybe, in the mean time, SEGA could make a unique version like they did with Sonic Unleashed which is basically the same game but downported to Wii and PS2.
So Sonic Adventure 3 (?) for PS4/X1/PC and the Nintendo version for NX portable/Wii U?
I remember Iwata mentioning that NX will absorb Wii U's architecture, in a sense, so maybe bringing over the Wii U version would be doable.
SEGA did make a Sonic Generations for 3DS as well and I'd imagine they would like to be there at launch.
Of course, this is assuming the NX console doesn't come out this year and if SEGA would really decide against making a Wii U version.
I thought you guys were talking about RAM for a second (yes I should have realised)
How fast is 3DS storage compared to Wii U?
Rösti;194694701 said:I can see the profile full and clear, and that part is still in.
Ok then either I am blind of it's because I'm not an upgraded member.
Yeah, I'm hoping. Would be nice if it's at least NX Handheld+Wii U. I wonder if any titles will try that out for the time being until the console comes outBut don't forget that Sonic Racing Transformed sold best on Wii U (I think...; it at least sold well). I think Sega knows there's potential on Nintendo systems for Sonic games with proper timing and critical reception. I'm pretty sure Lost World hasn't done very well on Steam either (another "I think..."), so I don't think Sega would only blame Nintendo for that game's limited success.
I blame Starbuck.I also don't necessarily think that the eMMC is the main culprit for the long bootup time. I'd expect that the network features (i.e. loading the full details of 100 or so random Mii during bootup) are probably the main bottleneck.
Definitely. eMMC in 2016 are not what they were in 2011 - the speeds today are at about 250MB/s for eMMC 5.If they do decide that lightning-fast bootup times are one of their priorities on the NX, though, then eMMC is available with up to 300MB/s read speeds these days, never even minding higher-bandwidth solutions.
There's another indie hoping to release for NX.
Probably nothing, but someone named Steven Chith works on Nintendo as Associate Software Development Engineer.
The description is quite funny. Not even Nintendo employees know what's NX : P
There are also many software engineers developing the "next generation gaming device".
It seems Nintendo hired most of them on January of this year.
As i said, it's nothing, so please be gentle.
Seems there are independent developers on LinkedIn working on NX titles. This NDA must be tight as hell.
Associate Software Engineer Contractor
February 2015 - Present
Nintendo Technology Development via vendor Aerotek
Working on next-gen console, NX.
Part of a 6-dev team coding multimedia drivers.
It's a console confirmed! Multimedia drivers? Discs confirmed!Hmm, this is mildly interesting. http://www.stevenchith.com/resume/
What could "multimedia drivers" mean? Blu-ray stuff or... ?Associate Software Engineer Contractor
February 2015 - Present
Nintendo Technology Development via vendor Aerotek
Working on next-gen console, NX.
Part of a 6-dev team coding multimedia drivers.
Part of a 6-dev team coding multimedia drivers.
I was thinkingThe influx of assistant/consulting devs can mean only one thing:.linux
On a second thought, could beas well.bsd
What could "multimedia drivers" mean? Blu-ray stuff or... ?
What could "multimedia drivers" mean? Blu-ray stuff or... ?
why are you guys spoilering a foreign language