What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources

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If it's a freeform display it may not even be a standard resolution so saying it's whatever p might be pointless.

Edit: dang you graphics horse


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
This wait is making me mentally unstable. I just bought a $2M porsche with my career-long savings. What have I done?!
RR3 true story


If it's a freeform display it may not even be a standard resolution so saying it's whatever p might be pointless.

Edit: dang you graphics horse



Solving this will help determine how many p
the NX handheld freeform display will be.


I definitely understand the reasons they dialed back the screen, but I also think it's one of the things that shows its age the most for the Wii U. Largely due to art-style 720p doesn't look too bad for most games on a big screen, but 480p, even with the caveat that it's streaming, and the input lag is low, etc, still looks pretty bad; especially in a world where many of us are looking at screens with hugely higher resolutions and pixel density throughout the day (albeit, not always for gaming purposes).

I really don't think it would be wise for Nintendo to do that again unless the screen is really nice for a say, 540p screen.

It catches me as an engineering decision, because it seems to me that Nintendo really valued near-zero local streaming more than resolution, and if one was doing to be scarified it was going to be the latter.

I would say that if that bridge had to be crossed again, you would see the same choice made... but by this point I would see 720p easier on the wifi than 1080p/2k/4k ,etc.
Yes. I was giving a negative example - I know nintendo would hardly do that. They're not that kind of company.
Oh I get it, but as you said... they don't remotely operate like that.

Precisely. The writing is on the wall. If they can unify their game as well as system divisions, they'd be at a net gain. The only reason nintendo would go x86 on the home end, Zen non-withstanding, is IFF the cost of Puma hw was so cheap that it outweighed the cost of supporting two different architectures at the OS level. The thing is, I cannot imagine AMD offering nintendo so much better prices on Puma APUs vs A57/A72 APUs.

Yeah, but that goes against the grain to just about every CPU decision that Nintendo has made thus far. They are a very RISC-heavy shop, and they have been like that for years now (likely dating as far back as the NES)... there would be quite a bit of tools that they would have to refactor moving into x86 (and don't mention Mac OS 10, turns out that a switch of that magnitude was planed for well in advance). And it would also ignore ARM (which they have experience with) being the "hotness" at the moment with many fabs (AMD/GlobalFoundries being just one of many) to shop around with.
There is as much business around this as it is technical, and again... Nintendo has a history about it's bottom line.

Every platform holder is ; ) Nintendo are just selling to a bit different demographics than sony/ms.
You're right. It won't be the NX. They've never used a codename as a final name before and I think NX is a bit too much of a generic-sounding acronym for a product, for those not heavily into gaming as we are. I am really curious what it will be, though, and if there will be a shared naming convention across both systems.
True, but this is the same company that when building a "Revolution" called it the Wii.
I kind of expect something out there at this point. With Reggie pulling the ye ol'marketing spin on it.

I will be honest, I doubt we are getting a name come E3. If they talk about the system(s) at all.


How many halos would it take for you to get some NX info?
9.999.999, i'll need them to protect myself from the ninjas cause they'll come for me after i spill the beans.

This wait is making me mentally unstable. I just bought a $2M porsche with my career-long savings. What have I done?!
RR3 true story
We'll get nothing aside from a lot of miitomo talk and "NX reveal at E3", you know it. At least you'll have your Porsche after all of this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
true-ish story


True, but this is the same company that when building a "Revolution" called it the Wii.
I kind of expect something out there at this point. With Reggie pulling the ye ol'marketing spin on it.

I will be honest, I doubt we are getting a name come E3. If they talk about the system(s) at all.

Wii ended up being a great name, though. Very consuner-friendly and people immediately knew what you were talking about, whereas Revolution could have many other contextual meanings. Regardless, I'm surprised you don't expect a name at E3. Does that mean you don't expect any NX system to release this year?

I'd say Nintendo's worst system names were Wii U, GameCube and 3DS. All did not go through enough testing I think. Especially the first two.

DS was Nitro and DS.

Oh. Then I suppose there's not much of a rule at all. My mistake, then. Thanks for the info. (Even still, I don't think NX will be the name.)


Yeah, both DS and 3DS were codenames, or at the very least temporary names that weren't initially purposed to become the final titles.

Don't think the NX will be the name, no. Who knows, maybe it will, but it doesn't really work for me. I always see the N standing for "Nintendo" so unless they'd just call it "NX" (which I don't really like) and not Nintendo NX which feels super weird, I just don't see it making much sense.
I don't think nitro or citrus(?) were ever public facing names, they announced ds and 3ds as codenames/tentative names I believe. NX is fine or some other random pair of letters, worked ok for DS.

bad random pairs of letters:
WU or anything ending in S or beginning with D


GameCube is a great name with a great logo.

Amazing logo. But I don't think the generic words kind of name helped it nor the helped to dissociate it from the kidfy image Nintendo was becoming more maligned for--despite GCN offering some very critically acclaimed M-rated games.
Amazing logo. But I don't think the generic words kind of name helped it nor the helped to dissociate it from the kidfy image Nintendo was becoming more maligned for--despite GCN offering some very critically acclaimed M-rated games.

I still like the idea of them just call it "The Nintendo," but if this is going to be a multi-console thing, that idea doesn't really play.
I still like the idea of them just call it "The Nintendo," but if this is going to be a multi-console thing, that idea doesn't really play.

The handheld is the Nin

The console is the Tendo

The US version will be soldered together so will omit the second N and just be the Ni-tendo, which conveniently matches the pronunciation of the entire population of the central US
Wii ended up being a great name, though. Very consuner-friendly and people immediately knew what you were talking about, whereas Revolution could have many other contextual meanings. Regardless, I'm surprised you don't expect a name at E3. Does that mean you don't expect any NX system to release this year?

I'd say Nintendo's worst system names were Wii U, GameCube and 3DS. All did not go through enough testing I think. Especially the first two.

Oh. Then I suppose there's not much of a rule at all. My mistake, then. Thanks for the info. (Even still, I don't think NX will be the name.)

2DS is definitely up there with the worst. Why the hell would anyone want to buy something called the "2DS" when the "3DS" is right there next to it? Not to mention it somehow got confused with the original DS family.


Ok, gaf, I've come to the slow realization that desperate times need desperate measures.

We need a single gaffer to marry a nintendo employee. Sort of Mitnick-style.
There's some cute ones in the treehouse I'd marry.

I'd kill to see them name it the GameCube for the handheld and the GameCube Advance for the console.
I forget the 2DS even exists. I know it's not supposed to be a separate piece of hardware exactly, and I'm sure it does exactly what it's supposed to, but it's going to be the only piece of Nintendo hardware I forget exists more consistently than the Virtual Boy


Amazing logo. But I don't think the generic words kind of name helped it nor the helped to dissociate it from the kidfy image Nintendo was becoming more maligned for--despite GCN offering some very critically acclaimed M-rated games.

Gameboy? Playstation? Both of those were very successful despite having names that convey meanings very similar to Gamecube. I don't think the Gamecube's name was an issue.

Wii U was just too similar to Wii without communicating clearly that it was a sequel (like Wii 2 would have done). Wii had the uDraw tablet too so there realy was potential for confusion. XBox One is kind of daft as well but it'll probably do better than the Wii U in the end. In the final analysis, the name probably won't make or break a console but every little edge helps.


The Nintendo Doug(console) and Doug Jr.(handheld). Doug is a little character(maybe a box with eyes and spring-loaded shoes) that acts as a virtual tour guide and lives within the NX ecosystem. Sorta like that talking paper clip in Microsoft Word.

Hearing the name of the system is perhaps the thing I'm most excited about. Well, maybe not the most but it's up there. And of course, there's no way we'll hear it tomorrow.

Also, I highly doubt it will be NX. Unless maybe it's pronounced "N-X" as in "Nintendo cross," as in cross-platform gaming. Though it scathes me to pronounce an X as "cross," I think there's a certain amount of cleverness to it.
Makes sense, but would be a horrible idea. Imagine the influx of images of Mario on a crucifix.
Gamecube was strange because I think Nintendo was trying to emphasize that it's a box that plays games and not a DVD player.

The problem is everyone wanted boxes that play games and other things then.


You're right. It won't be the NX. They've never used a codename as a final name before and I think NX is a bit too much of a generic-sounding acronym for a product, for those not heavily into gaming as we are. I am really curious what it will be, though, and if there will be a shared naming convention across both systems.

Naming it NX would just cause confusion between it and the Xbox among the general public, not a very sensible thing to do. I would expect some kind of shared naming, although I'm not sure how it would work in practice (keeping in mind future hardware would probably have to stick within the same naming scheme).

I actually don't know what CTR was supposed to stand for.

I always read it as Crash Team Racing.

I always assumed it was related to the NTR code used for the DS, but I have no idea how. And yeah, Crash Team Racing always springs to mind.

Amazing logo. But I don't think the generic words kind of name helped it nor the helped to dissociate it from the kidfy image Nintendo was becoming more maligned for--despite GCN offering some very critically acclaimed M-rated games.

They were competing in a market where the top device was called the Playstation. If Sony never entered the video games market and somebody asked me today what a play-station is I'd assume it's some kind of toy set for toddlers.


Probably a topic for another thread, which probably have been done about a million times on gaf, but if gamecube had a dvd player, would it have been successful?

1. It would play dvds, which was a big deal at the time. My ps2 was almost as much a movie machine as a gaming machine.

2. Make it less of a hurdle for third parties to port big games
You seem intent on managing everybody's expectations lol.

Managing your expectations would be the proper move for a financial call.

The US version will be soldered together so will omit the second N and just be the Ni-tendo, which conveniently matches the pronunciation of the entire population of the central US

As someone from the central United States, I'm going to rebuff that statement!


Yes because I've seen the burnout happen too many times from irrational overhype.^^

NX is ten PS4s!? And with their shit CPUs replaced with good CPUs?! And it has thirty Titan Xs SLI'd!? And all of that is fit within a 2mm thin, 6" diagonal handheld!?

My god!

...Oh but it only has a 10 hour battery life? No buy.


Regardless, I'm surprised you don't expect a name at E3. Does that mean you don't expect any NX system to release this year?
I honestly don't expect the NX to be on shelves by the end of this year, it is more likely to be on shelves by the end of the fiscal year (about March 2017) or hit for that November sweet spot that Nintendo loves so much for 2017. I can't say that I expect a public showing of the system, not so soon... and the least I expect is specs. The last thing that Nintendo wants is to be dragged into a spec race/comparison, despite the fact that it WILL happen wether or not Nintendo wants such, so I expect that to be under lock and key.

I expect them to talk about NX, start porting Nintendo Account to the Wii U, more talk about the Mobile Initiative with Miitomo taking up most of that. But I can't say that I expect anything solid on NX. Hell, I almost expect Nintendo to outright skip GDC.


I don't think Nintendo can go another year without a new console. The Wii U maybe but the 3DS is pretty long in the tooth.

3DS has a lineup of major titles announced for pretty much the entire year and into next year potentially. I mean NX Handheld could be backward compatible but seems like some of those titles would have been better for NX directly than end of gen handheld


Junior Member
What if they just call it, The Nintendo 7, since it's there 7th console.
But what about the handheld?

3DS has a lineup of major titles announced for pretty much the entire year and into next year potentially. I mean NX Handheld could be backward compatible but seems like some of those titles would have been better for NX directly than end of gen handheld
Most of those titles are either late localizations, lower-budget games, or third party games.


What about Nintendo On? (Like that VR helmet mockup pre-Wii)

Console: Nintendo ON Entertainment Station, pronounced (NOES)
Handheld: Nintendo ON Handheld (NOH)

Marketing: Game ON the couch, ON the toilet (it streams like Wii U), ON your bed, fucking go outside and keep ON playing ON the fucking handheld, come back home and your game is still ON the fucking console.

This is ON the players. Greatness can keep ON waiting.
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